Vowels long or short a i e u o 1 Syllables I Do What are syllables? Tap a syllable. 2 Syllables We Do What are syllables? Tap a syllable. More examples of words with beats, or syllables. Say and tap. 3 Syllables You Do What are syllables? Tap a syllable. More examples of words with beats, or syllables. Say and tap. Partner share…one word sports words. Group share. 4 I Do Every syllable has ONE and only ONE vowel sound. How many syllables in a word? Look for the VOWEL SPOT! 5 Identify Vowel Spots I Do napkin napkin nap kin read read Letter Tiles 6 Identify Vowel Spots and Syllables in Words We Do basket basket bas ket pen pen Letter Tiles 7 Identify Vowel Spots and Syllables in Words We Do tennis tennis ten nis Letter Tiles 8 Identify Vowel Spots and Syllables in Words We Do tennis tennis ten nis 9 Letter Tiles You Do Flip Chart 30 magnet catnip zigzag fantastic fun rabbit This word has _____ syllables. I can tell that this word has _____ syllables because it has ___ vowel ______. 10 Model, then partners Assess We Do Each syllable has only one _____ spot. You can determine the number of syllables by finding the number of vowel ______. Knowing about syllables is useful because …. 11