I. Air Rage Conception

Unit Eight
Difficult Situations
Part 1 Reading
Part 2 Dialogues
Part 3 Role Play
Part 4 Supplementary Materials
Part 1
Step 1
Basic information about difficult situations
Step 2
New words and useful expressions
Group discussion
Step 1 Difficult Situations
I. Air Rage
The general term to disruptive
and/or violent behavior perpetrated
by passengers and crew of aircraft,
typically during flight.
Excessive alcohol consumption,
smoking bans, crowding, long flights,
or psychological feelings of a loss of
I. Air Rage
a. Passenger Mr. Misiak put his hands around
the throat of a flight attendant and threatened
her because she spilled a drink on him.
b. A passenger named Ms. Pennix grabbed a
flight attendant's finger and bent it backward.
Pennix explained to authorities that she didn't
like the way the flight attendant told her to
put her tray and seat in an upright position
before landing.
I. Air Rage
c. A group of drunken Irish tourists were
apparently so unruly over the Atlantic that the
crew enlisted the help of a wrestling team to
restrain them.
d. Passenger Mrs. Levy grabbed a flight
attendant by the arms and twisted her wrists.
Levy was traveling with three children and
explains that she lost her temper because her
20-month-old was crying, had wet pants, and
there was no way to get to the bathroom.
I. Air Rage
Main categories of unruly behavior:
1. Passenger complies after receiving a
warning from CA’s about their unruly
2. Passenger continues with unruly
behavior such as continual verbal
abuse or continuing to refuse to
comply with regulations (such as
failure to fasten their seatbelts when
the sign is illuminated).
I. Air Rage
Main categories of unruly behavior:
3. Passenger disregards the warning and
continues with his behavior which results in
the following consequence:
(a) Crewmember’s duties are disrupted due
to continuing interference;
(b) Passenger or crewmember is injured or
subjected to threats of injury;
(c) An unscheduled landing is made and
restraints such as handcuffs are used;
(d) Serious effects are caused after the
passenger receives the written notification.
I. Air Rage
CA’s corresponding measures:
1. If passenger stops the unruly behavior
after receiving the warning, no further action
is required to take by the cabin attendant.
(Such an incident need not to be reported to
the Captain.)
2. After attempting to defuse the situation,
the Captain and the cabin attendant will
issue the unruly passenger with an Airline
Passenger In-flight Disturbance Report. The
cabin attendant completes the report and
issues a written notification to the passenger.
I. Air Rage
CA’s corresponding measures:
3. Cabin attendant advises the Captain,
identifies the passenger, and then it’s the
Captain’s responsibility to determine what
action should be taken. In most cases this
will result in a law enforcement officer to
meet the aircraft upon its arrival.
II. Hijacking
Aircraft hijacking/ skyjacking is
the take-over of an aircraft, by a
person or group, usually armed.
Corresponding measures:
Try to remain calm, make
attempts at calming the passengers
and above all don’t be a hero.
III. Pregnancy and Emergency Labor
Most airlines allow pregnant women to fly up to
and including the 36th week (Domestic flight) or
32nd week (International flight), provided the
pregnancy has been straightforward. Sometimes,
pregnant women are allowed to fly in the 36th
week to the 38th week if the flying time does not
exceed four hours.
For pregnant women, seat belts should be
fastened low across the thighs, not over the
abdomen, to prevent injury to the baby. Part of a
stewardesses training will be how to deal with a
pregnant passenger who goes into labour.
Step 2 Words and Expressions
air rage 飞行焦虑症
deputy general manager 副总经理
pre-mature delivery 早产
refrain from 限制
restraint device 限制自由装置
self-defense 自卫
unruly behavior 不规矩的行为
unscheduled landing 非计划着陆
violent behavior 粗暴行为
disturbance 骚乱
intimidate 恐吓
miscarriage 流产
Step3 Group Discussion
Students are required to read the
text quickly and discuss with group
mates to find the correct answers to the
following questions.
The performance of the group
members will be credited.
What is air rage?
How does a CA deal with a disruptive
Can a pregnant woman travel by air?
What can a CA do when he/she encounters
What’s the most important thing to bear in
mind when handling difficult situations?
Part 2
Situation 1
Helping Passenger Cope with Discomfort
Situation 2
Dealing with Unruly Passenger
Situation 3
Serving a Pregnant Woman
Situation 1
Helping Passenger Cope with Discomfort
You feel pains in your ears because of a change
in air pressure. You can relieve the earache by
chewing a gum.
If you hold your nose and blow or just open and
shut your mouth, it’ll help.
Situation 2
Dealing with Unruly Passenger
Sir, we will be landing shortly. would you please
return to your seat immediately?
I’m sorry to tell you that we’ll be landing in
about 5 minutes. For your own safety you must
return to your seat at once.
Sir, you must come out now or I will unlock the
door and the steward will pull you out.
If you continue with this abusive behavior, we
will have no option other than to restrain you,
Situation 2
Going through Customs
Just a moment, sir. Please empty the contents
of your luggage on the desk, sir.
Well, I’m sorry, sir, but I’ll have to confiscate
800 cigarettes and 2 litres of spirits.
We have reason to believe you are attempting
to smuggle drugs into the country. Please
accompany me to the interview room.
I’m afraid I’ll have to arrest you, sir, for
possession and trafficking of illegal substances.
Situation 3
Serving a Pregnant Woman
OK, madam. If there is anything I can do for
you then just press the call button.
Don’t worry, everything will be all right. We
have been trained to deal with situations like
Questions about dialogues
What will the flight attendant do if a
passenger’s ears feel uncomfortable?
What will the flight attendant do if the
passenger refuses to leave the toilet
before landing?
If the customs office finds someone
suspicious, what will he do?
Part 3
Role Play
Group work:
Students are required to divided into
small groups and perform the role-play
based on the following topics.
Credits will be granted according to
the performance of each group.
Part 3
Role Play
1. Air rage
2. Abusive behavior
3. Drunken behavior
4. Emergencies
Part 4 Supplementary Materials
I 乘客在飞机未停稳时拿行李架上的行李时:
 Don’t worry about it. You’ll have enough time
to collect your belongings. Please remain in
your seat with your seat belt fastened until you
have been given permission to disembark.
 Please remain seated until the plane has come
to a complete stop.
II 主动告诉乘客准备下飞机:
 Now the plane has come to a complete
standstill, you can collect all of your belongings
and prepare to disembark.
Part 4 Supplementary Materials
III 提醒乘客可以下飞机了:
 The ramp has just been put in its position. Now
you can get your belongings and disembark.
IV 有乘客急于挤向机舱门时:
 Wait a moment here, please. You’ll have to wait
until the air bridge is put in its position.
V 提醒行动不便者脚下留神:
 Please watch your step, madam. It’s raining and
very slippery outside.
Part 4 Supplementary Materials
VI 见行动不便的乘客时:
 Excuse me, sir. Would you please let this old
man/granny go first?
 There is a pregnant woman here. Would you
please let her go off first?
VII 提醒乘客走登机桥:
 Please exit off from the front, and go over the
air bridge one by one.