Advanced Search
We now will use Advanced Search
Builder option. Access to Advanced
is from the initial PubMed page or
the Search Results page.
In the Advanced Search Builder, we have
opened the All Fields drop down menu. You
can add terms in all or specific fields using
the AND, OR, NOT Boolean operators.
We have added the Text Words tuberculosis
and drug resistance to the Builder search
boxes. We have used the AND Boolean
operator. When entered, these search terms
are displayed in the box above the Builder.
Note that you can display or hide
the Index list. We have displayed
the initial list of index terms for
tuberculosis. You can enter any of
these terms into the search box.
We now will click on the MeSH
Terms option in the Builder drop
down menu and insert the term
developing countries into the search
box. We will run the Search.
The results of the tuberculosis AND drug resistance
AND developing countries search are 130 citations.
To return to Advanced Search, click on the hypertext
link below the PubMed Search box.
Note, in the Filter your results list, that there are 32
Free Full Text and 51 HINARI citations.
We have returned to the Advanced Search Builder
page. Note that the Search History has been
activated and lists the recently completed search
as #1. You can return to the Summary display of
the search results by clicking on the Items Found #.
For further information and training on Advanced
Search, go to the PubMed Search Clinic: Building
a PubMed Search
From this page, you can view a 30 minute clinic
recording. It also contains several frequently
asked Questions and Answers. Note that this
Clinic is for general PubMed not HINARI/PubMed.
We now will review accessing
full-text articles using
HINARI/PubMed. Enter the
search hypertension AND
developing countries.
The results for this search are
displayed in the Summary format
with a total of 1632 citations.
We will change the Format
Display Settings to Abstract
and Items per page to 50
and click on Apply.
From the Abstract display, links to full text
publishers resources are shown at the bottom of
the record. In most cases, either icon will work.
When you arrive at the article on the publishers’ site, you
can confirm access via the address or url search box of
the web browser. If properly authenticated, you will see a
URL that begins with:
In this example, you would click on Full Text (PDF) - to
save a copy of the article.
This is the link to the full text
PDF of this specific article.
Linking to full text 4
Full-text Article Access Problems
HINARI/PubMed access to the full-text articles is
based on PubMed’s ‘Link Out’ software. These
links are noted with the publishers' or HINARI icons
–at the bottom of each record. In some cases, the
link does not give you access to the full-text article
and you must ‘trouble-shoot.’
Another option for accessing the full-text article is
to use the PubMed ID #. In HINARI/PubMed,
enter the ID number in the search box. The
abstract version will be displayed. If this article is
a free full text or HINARI article, the icon/link will
be in the top right corner of the page.
Access problems can be caused by:
1) failure to properly LOGIN with the institution's User Name/Password
2) technical problems at the Publisher's website
3) or problems with local systems (configuration of user institution’s
firewall, configuration of browser)
4) Titles not included in publishers’ offer
Consequently, you may see a message on the Publisher‘ denying
access and requesting LOGIN or payment for the specific article.
Note: Your HINARI institutional ‘User Name/Password’ will NOT work.
To confirm that you have used the institutional User Name and
Password correctly, check that you have the ‘Logged in from’
This also is confirmed in the address or URL search box of the
web browser. If properly ‘authenticated’, you will see a URL that
begins with: url
Institutional Firewall Problems
In this situation, a proxy server is blocked by the
institution’s firewall. Please check with your
computer department to make sure the
institution’s firewall does not block proxy servers.
The computer system must be able to access
HINARI’s proxy server. Insure that you are
permitted access to the IP
through your institution’s firewall. Otherwise, you
will not be able to login properly and access
HINARI’s full-text articles.
NOTE: If you have problems when you are accessing a full-text
journal from HINARI/PubMed (not via the links from the principal
HINARI page), there is one other step to check.
If you are unable to access an article from a journal via the ‘Link
Out’ icons in HINARI/PubMed, double check this by going to the
title in the Journals collection A-Z list and also verify the years of
volumes available.
When viewing any page of the Journals collection A-Z list, the green box
notes if your institution has access to the contents of the journal. The ! notes
the titles not included in the publishers’ offer to your institution.
If you are denied access to a full-text article despite the green box, follow
the instructions in the next slide. Note that the ‘years of volumes’ available
are listed after the journal title.
This is the example of the screen capture that was
attached to the email message for
For the JEM article, it noted that This item requires a
subscription. The publisher requested that the user
Sign in (User Name and Password for individual
subscription) or Purchase Short-Term Access.
Note: this screen capture includes the URL of the
journal. This information is invaluable to the HINARI
staff who will try to resolve the access problem.
You can create a screen capture by clicking on the
Print Screen key while viewing the webpage of the
journal. Then paste (edit/paste or control/v) the
material into a word processing document and send
as an attachment.
Double check that you have completed the HINARI
LOGIN. If this is not the problem, notify HINARI staff
( so that they can communicate with the
Publisher and resolve the problem. This example is an
email received from a HINARI user in Uganda.
Note: make sure you include your institutional User Name,
the name of the journal(s) and other details. Also include a
screen capture that contains the URL (Internet address) of
the journal (seen next slide).
This additional screen capture notes that the journal is listed
on the J page of the Journals collection A-Z list, that the
requested journal issue is available and that, by the green
box, the institution should have access to the journal.
If the HINARI authentication system had worked properly,
the user would have had access to the journal article.
This is the end of Module 4 Part 3. Updated 2014 01