Stage 25 Derivatives

Stage 25 Derivatives
• Accident, accidental
• aperio, aperire, aperui, apertus - to uncover,
• aperture - an opening, hole: When operating
a camera manually, one must know that a
higher f-stop means that the aperture of the
camera is
• smaller; in fact, the square of an f-stop is
inversely proportional to the amount of light
admitted. Also: apertural, apertured.
• Captive, captivate, captivation
• castra, castrorum, n. pl. - camp
• castellated - 1) built like a castle, with turrets
and battlements: One of the new milliondollar homes just east of town is not only
huge but even
• castellated. 2) having many castles.
[castellum, castelli, n. - castle, fortress]
• cogo, cogere, coegi, coactus - to collect; to
• cogent - compelling, convincing: The speaker
gave cogent reasons why everyone in the
community should use less water. Also:
cogency (the quality
• or state of being cogent).
• depose - 1) to remove from a position of
authority: During the French Revolution, King
Louis XVI was deposed and executed. 2) to
testify under oath.
• Also: deposable, deposer, deposition (a removal
from office; a testimony given under oath),
depositional. Deposit, depository, depot,
depositer [depono, deponere, deposui,
depositus • to put down; to entrust; to be done with]
• desist
• dignus, digna, dignum - worthy
• deign - to think fit; to condescend to do something considered
below one’s dignity: The popular prince deigned to walk among
the common people
• and to hear their concerns. [dignatio, dignationis, f. - esteem,
dignity; dignitas, dignitatis, f. - worth, merit; digno, dignare - to
consider worthy;
• dignor, dignari, dignatus sum - to consider worthy]
• disdain - (v.) to look down on, to regard as beneath one's dignity;
(n.) the feeling or act of disdaining. Fatuously aloof, she disdained
• coworkers, and acquaintances; not surprisingly, she had no friends.
Also: disdainful, disdainfulness. [dignor, dignari, dignatus sum - to
• worthy; to deign]
• Diligent, diligence
• explicate - to clarify, to explain fully: As part of her master's exam,
she had to explicate a poem by Goethe and a short story by Kafka.
• explicable (able to be explained), explication, explicative (that
explains), explicator, explicatory (explicative), explication de texte
• interpretation of a literary work). [explico, explicare, explicavi,
explicatus - to spread out; to disentangle; explicatio, explicationis, f.
- unfolding;
• explanation]
• explicit - clearly stated, leaving nothing implied, definite, precise,
unambiguous: Her explicit instructions that she not be interrupted
during the
• meeting having been disregarded, she had little choice but to
reprimand her secretary. Also: explicitness. [explico, cf. explicate]
• immemorial - extending back into the past
beyond the bounds of memory; ancient: Each
day nature works its immemorial magic on
the minds of
• men. [memorialis, memoriale - pertaining to
• immortality, mortality (condition of being
mortal; death rate). [mortalis, mortale mortal; mortalitas, mortalitatis, f. - the
condition of being subject
• to death; immortalis, immortale - immortal;
immortalitas, immortalitatis, f. – immortality]
• lateo, latere, latui - to be concealed, escape
• latent - present or potential, but not
apparent or realized: Aren’t all mothers
convinced that their children possess latent
talents that will manifest
• themselves in due time? Also: latency.
[latebra, latebrae, f. - a hiding place; retreat]
nescio, nescire, nescivi, nescitum - not know
nescience - ignorance: In legal matters,
voluntary nescience is inexcusable. Also:
nescient (not knowing; ignorant).
• nescio, nescire, nescivi, nescitum - not know
• nescience - ignorance: In legal matters,
voluntary nescience is inexcusable. Also:
nescient (not knowing; ignorant).
denomination - name of a class of things, e.g., coins, religious groups: Please separate the coins
according to denomination, and place them in the appropriate holders. Also: denominate (to give a
specific name to), denominational (having to do with religious denominations), denominationalism (a
sectarian spirit), renominate, nominator, denominationalist, nondenominational, undenominational.
[nominatio, nominationis, f. – nomination; nomino, nominare, nominavi, nominatus - to gave a name to]
denominative - word, usually a verb, formed from a noun or adjective: People who are disturbed by
recent denominatives like "to access" may scarcely notice older ones like "to eye" or "to center." [nomino,
cf. denomination]
ignominy - 1) loss of reputation; disgrace: Having plunged from the pinnacle of respectability to the
depths of ignominy, he resigned his office and went into seclusion. 2) shameful action. Also: ignominious
(disgraceful; contemptible), ignominiousness. [ignominia, ignominiae, f. – disgrace, dishonor;
ignominiosus, ignominiosa, ignominiosum - disgraced; disgraceful]
misnomer - a name that describes someone or something incorrectly: "'Green River' is a misnomer if
ever I've heard one," she said; "this water is brown.” nomenclature - set of names used in a specific
discipline: Unfamiliarity with the nomenclature precludes success in a course like biology. [nomenclator,
nomenclatoris, m. - one who announces names]
nominal - 1) in name only: Frank is the nominal head of the society, but his sister Katie is the person
everyone looks to for leadership. 2) having to do with a name or names; 3) having to do with a noun or
nouns. Also: nominalism (the philosophical doctrine that universal and abstract words do not represent
anything real), nominalist, nominalistic, nominative, name, namely, namesake, rename.
• inexorable - not influenced, persuaded, or
moved by prayers or entreaties; unyielding:
As he awaited the results of the biopsy, he
was sure that the inexorable hand of death
was resting on his shoulder.
• Also: inexorableness, inexorability.
[inexorabilis, inexorabile - not able to be
moved by entreaty] oral, orifice, usher,
• impunity - exemption from punishment, injury, or loss: No
young person should be allowed to violate school and
domestic rules with impunity. [punio, punire, punivi,
punitus - to punish; impunitas, impunitatis, f. - impunity]
• Penal, penalize, penalty, penance, penitence, penitentiary
- of, relating to, or constituting punishment: The
defendant has been convicted of violating the laws of this
state and must be sentenced according to the statutes of
the penal code. [poenalis, poenale - penal]
• Punitive, punish, punishment - concerned with or
inflicting punishment: Opponents of capital punishment
argue that the death penalty is purely punitive and does
not deter violent crime more effectively than imprisonment.
Also: punitiveness, punitory. [punio, cf. impunity]
State, station, stationary, stately - dignified; imposing: He reminded everyone of Lincoln: tall, bearded, stately,
irreproachable. Also: stateliness.
statesmanship - skill in managing public (especially national and international) affairs: Mr. Carter now enjoys more of a
reputation for
statesmanship than he did when he was president. Also: statesman, statesmanlike.
Statue, statutory, statute, stature - 1) the height of a person; 2) physical, mental, or moral level of attainment: Popular
perception of the moral stature of celebrities may have
less to do with reality than with appearance. [statura, staturae, f. - stature, height]
status quo, statistics - the way things are at the present time: In general, the poor want things to change societally and
economically, while the wealthy tend to be satisfied with the status quo.
Substance, substantial - 1) real, not imaginary; 2) strong; 3) large, ample: The aging industrialist confided to the mayor
that he intended to leave a substantial
part of his fortune to the city. Also: insubstantial (not real; flimsy), insubstantiality, substantiality, substantialness,
unsubstantial (insubstantial).
substantiate - 1) to give substance to; 2) to show to be true by giving evidence; confirm: The commander had been unable
to substantiate the report that the enemy was prepared to surrender. Also: substantiatable, substantiation (a
substantiating or being substantiated), substantiative (serving to substantiate), substantiator, unsubstantiated.
[substantia, substantiae, f. - substance; property; wealth; substo, substare - to stand firm]
substantive - (adj.) 1) of considerable amount or substance: Her report was praised as substantive and insightful. 2) real;
actual; (n.) a noun or any
word or words functioning as a noun. Also: substantival (having to do with a substantive or substantives).
transubstantiation - 1) the changing of one substance into another; 2) in the Roman Catholic Eucharist, the changing of
bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ: The doctrine of transubstantiation was defined by the Council of Trent in
the 16th Century. Also: transubstantiate,
transubstantial. [trans (prep. w/ acc.) - across; substantia, cf. substantiate]
• suavis, suave - sweet, delightful, pleasant, agreeable
• assuage - 1) to make milder, relieve (pain, sorrow):
Time assuages grief. 2) to satisfy, relieve (hunger,
thirst); 3) to calm (passion, fear). Also:
• assuager, assuagement. [suavitas, suavitatis, f. sweetness, pleasantness]
• suave - smooth, agreeable, polite: Trying to be suave,
the poor fellow managed only to evoke the ridicule of
his friends. Also: suaveness, suavity.
• [suavitas, suavitatis, f. - sweetness, pleasantness,
agreeableness; suavitudo, suavitudinis, f. - sweetness,
• Latin roots are at the core of our health
vocabulary, including the Latin word testes.
This third declension Latin noun means
witnesses. The word testes is without doubt
related to the words testicle, testicular, testify
and testimony, test, pre-test, post-test,
retestify, testament, protest, protestant,
protestation, retest, testimonial, tester,