From Princeton Review’s Hit Parade SAT VOCAB Week 1: 1.Intuitive Knowing or perceiving quickly and readily 2. Paramount Of chief concern or importance 3. Urbane Notably polite and elegant in manner; suave 4. Epiphany A sudden burst of understanding or discovery 5. Trenchant Keen, incisive 6. Whimsical Subject to erratic behavior; unpredictable 7.Emulate To try to equal or excel, especially through imitiation 8. Nascent Coming into existence; emerging 9. Novice A beginner 10. Laudatory Expressing great praise Week 3 1. Incumbent Imposed as a duty; obligatory 2. Indigenous Originating and living in a particular area 3. Innate Possessed at birth; inborn 5. Parochial Narrow in scope 6. Pervasive Having the quality or tendency to be everywhere at the same time 7. Penitent Expressing remorse for one’s misdeeds 8. Vindicated Freed from blame 9. Jurisprudence The philosophy or science of law 10. Biased Prejudiced Week 4 1. Immutable Not able to be changed 2. Mundane Commonplace; ordinary 3. Prosaic Unimaginative; dull 4. Prudent Exercising good judgement 5. Tenent A principle held as being true by a person or an organization 6. Stoic Indifferent to pleasure or pain; impassive 7. Austere Somber; stern 8. Genre Describing a category of artistic endeavor 9. Staid Characterized by a strait-laced sense of seriousness 10. Archaic Characteristic of an earlier, more primitive period; old-fashioned