Key terms Language Language is a form of writing or spoken language utterance Utterance is a block of one person talking dialect Dialect is people in certain area the way they speak. Words said in one area that is different in a different area sosiolect Sosiolect is the way you speak depending on education and prestige or there standing in society idiolect Idiolect is the words you personally use often accent Accent is the words that you say that are pronounced different in different area Standard British language (sbe) Sbe is a certain rule e.g. I where going ,they was out it should be I was going, they where out Non standard British language (non sbe) Non sbe is what you speak with your friends e.g. slang, dialect words and change of gframmer fillers Fillers help the brain to catch up e.g. erm, er and um Tag question Tag questions are questions that end like init and yes to get feed back False start False start- start a sentence and then start again so they can say it simpler or reword it