Dialectology Prepared by : Domantas Jasmontas AistÄ— TaraškutÄ— Dialectology is the scientific study of linguistic accent and dialect, a sub-field of sociolinguistics. It studies variations in language based primarily on geographic distribution and their associated features. More information can be found at. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dialectology • A dialect is usually spoken by people who live in a certain region of a country. Those people speak their mother tongue in their own individual way. • An accent usually describes the way people pronounce words of a language that is different from their mother tongue. • Here is an article how accent differs from dialect http://www.dailywritingtips.com/ac cent-and-dialect/ International Dialects of English Archive – was created in 1997 as a free, online archive of primary source dialect and accent recordings. Here you can find recordings on how people talk in their native languages. http://web.ku.edu/~idea/ind ex.htm In this website you can find information presented in charts, maps on how the English dialect and words changed from Anglo-Saxons times to this day. http://webspace.ship.edu/cgbo er/dialectsofenglish.html The speech accent archive - This website presents a large set of speech and transcription samples from a variety of language backgrounds. http://accent.gmu.edu/ This website collects data on how one word is pronounced in different accents and compares them in an easy to use website interface http://www.soundcomparis ons.com/ This video shows how one person can master various english accents. The person speaking in this video is Amy Frances Walker is an American actress, singer, and co-founder of the Connected Film project. www.youtu.be/3Ug pfSp2t6k All in all this presentation meant to show that today there are a lot data collected on dialects and accents and using IT helps to learn these even without any courses or teachers Thank you for your attention