Grammar for Grade 9 IV Clauses and Sentence


Grammar for Grade 9

Episode IV:

Clauses and Sentence Structure

Four Types of Sentences

• There are four types of sentences:

– Declarative sentences, or statements

– Interrogative sentences, or questions

– Imperative sentences, or commands

– Exclamatory sentences, or exclamations

Declarative Sentences

• End with a period, sometimes called a “full stop”

• State facts or opinions and can be long or short

• Most sentences are declarative. For example:

– I have never eaten kohlrabi.

– Although Thomas is older than Eileen, she is taller than he is.

– Going to the library is more fun than going to the beach.

Interrogative Sentences

• End with a question mark: ?

• Generally employ an interrogative word (who, what, when, etc) or verb inversion (“Are you going to sit?” instead of “You are going to sit.”

• Examples:

– Why don’t you sit down?

– What were you doing out so late?

– Did you think you were going to get away with this?

– Are you going to cry?

Imperative Sentences

• Make a command or request and end with a period.

– Brian, close the door.

• May not have an expressed subject. Since the speaker is commanding “you” to do something, the understood subject is “you”.

– Close the door.

• While the sentence doesn’t say who is supposed to do the closing, the subject is “you”: whoever the speaker is talking to.

Exclamatory Sentences

• Express strong emotion, or powerful feelings.

• End with an exclamation mark: !

• Never use more than one exclamation mark

(or a mixture of exclamation and question marks) in formal writing.

– I’m leaving!

– We beat the other team 24-7!

– Get out of here!

• Notice that this is also an imperative’s an order that is being expressed with strong emotion.

Fragments (Sentence Error)

Sentence fragments

– Are incomplete sentences that are punctuated as though they are complete.

– Can be missing a subject, verb, or complete thought.

– Examples:

• Ran quickly to the store.

• Bob and Louis in the ballpark at noon

• Even though I told them not to.

Run-On (Sentence Error)

• The most common sentence error, run-on sentences happen when more than one complete thought is punctuated as though it was only one sentence.

• Example:

– He ate lunch I didn’t.

Run-Ons (Continued)

• Comma splices are a special type of run-on. They happen when two sentences are joined together with just a comma.

• Example:

– It has been such a long time, I can’t tell you how glad I am to see you.

• Run-ons also happen if the comma before a coordinating conjunction that joins together two main clauses is left out.

• Example:

– Burkina Faso is its new name but many books still list it by its old name of Upper Volta.

Sentence Errors

• Professional writers sometimes use fragments and/or run-on sentences for effect. However, you should avoid them.

• Your teacher will likely assume that you didn’t notice them, and your grades might suffer.


• A clause is a group of words which has a subject and a verb.

• If the clause can stand on its own as a sentence (if it contains a complete thought), it is called an independent clause.

• Examples:

– I told you we’d win the game!

– Grammar really isn’t that hard.

Clauses II

• A clause which does not contain a complete thought is called a dependent clause.

• Dependent clauses usually have a subordinating conjunction to make them dependent.

• Examples:

– Although I told you we’d win the game

– Since grammar isn’t that hard

Clauses and Sentence Errors

• Students often put a period at the end of a dependent clause, which results in a fragment error. Don’t.

• Other times, they put two independent clauses together and create run-ons. Avoid this, too.

Sentence Structure

• There are four ways to put a sentence together. From least complicated to most complicated, they are

– Simple sentences

– Compound sentences

– Complex sentences

– Compound-complex sentences

Simple Sentences

• Simple sentences have one main clause.

• Examples:

– The dog bit the trainer.

– The dog and the cat bit the trainer.

• Simple sentence with compound subject

– The dog bit and scratched the trainer.

• Simple sentence with compound predicate

– The mangy dog and the scruffy, yowling cat viciously bit and scratched the cruel, underpaid trainer.

• Expanded simple sentence with compound subject, compound predicate and modifiers

Compound Sentences

• A compound sentence has two or more main clauses, joined by a coordinating conjunction or a semicolon.

• Examples:

– The dog bit, but the cat scratched.

– The dog bit; the cat scratched.

Complex Sentences

• A complex sentence has one main

(independent) clause, and a subordinate

(dependent) clause connected to it.

• These clauses must be connected correctly.

Follow the Isadora Duncan rule.

– Duncan, Isadora [If the dependent clause is first, use a comma between it and the independent clause.]

– Isadora Duncan [There is no comma between the clauses when the independent clause is first.]

Compound-Complex Sentences

• These are sentences which have both subordinate clauses AND more than one independent clause.

• Example:

– While I was pulling out to drive to the beach , I accidentally hit the recycling bin at the end of my driveway , but I didn’t do any damage to my car.

– Green: subordinate clause, blue: independent clause, red: second independent clause with coordinating conjunction.

Adjectival Clauses

• An adjectival (or adjective) clause modifies a noun or a pronoun, so the whole clause functions like an adjective.

• It normally follows the word it modifies.

• An essential, or restrictive clause is one that is necessary for the meaning of the sentence.

– The person who parked in the driveway should move the car immediately.

Adjectival Clauses II

• A nonessential, or nonrestrictive clause contains information that is not necessary for the meaning of the sentence.

• These adjective clauses are set off with commas.

– Katmandu, which is the capital of Nepal, is the home of many famous temples.

Adverbial Clauses

• Adverbial, or adverb clauses, modify verbs, adjectives or adverbs, and are introduced by subordinating conjunctions, such as since when although wherever because after before while whenever

• An adverb clause with some words left out is called elliptical. The omitted words can easily be filled in because they are implied.

– I have never heard a better pianist than she [is].

Noun Clauses

• Noun clauses can perform any function that nouns can perform.

Whoever can sing well may try out for the part.

• Subject

– She couldn’t decide which she liked best.

• Direct object

– The argument caused a misunderstanding about

when the lights should have been turned off.

• Object of a preposition

• Sometimes the relative pronoun used to introduce a noun clause is omitted.

– I believe [that] the wallet belongs to you.
