Present Progressive

PA Dutch 101
Video 19: Present Progressive.
Present Progressive
Present Progressive
• As we covered in Video 7, all verbs conjugate
in the present tense.
• However, similar to English, PD has two
present tense forms:
• Sarah plays the piano.
• Sarah is playing the piano.
Present Progressive
• In the first sentence, there is a sense of
repetition: Sarah plays the piano every Friday,
for example.
• In the second sentence, there is a sense of
present action: At this moment in time, Sarah
is playing the piano.
Present Progressive
Both forms can be used in PD:
Sarah schpielt die Glapperbax.
Sarah iss die Glapperbax am schpiele.
Notice that the two forms differ on many
levels in PD.
• The first example is what we discussed in
Video 7. The second is an example of the
Present Progressive.
Present Progressive
• To form the Present Progressive in PD use the
following equation:
• Subject – SEI – other stuff (singular) – AM – VERB.
• Subject – SEI – AM - other stuff (plural) – VERB.
• Die Sarah iss die Glapperbax am schpiele.
• Der Steve iss am Grummbiere esse.
• ‘Sis am reggere.
• Sie sin am Kaarde schpiele.
Iewing - Practice
• Translate the following sentences using both
normal conjugation and the Present Progressive:
• My uncle is singing (singe) a song (es Lied).
• Mei Onkel singt en Lied.
• Mei Onkel iss en Lied am singe.
• The dog (der Hund) is sleeping (schlofe).
• Der Hund schloft.
• Der Hund iss am schlofe.
Bis die naegschde Video,
Macht’s gut un schwetzt Deitsch!
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