CA. Saubhik Sarkar 1 Shall be in writing Written report encompasses reports issued: ◦ in hard copy format AND ◦ using electronic medium 2 Main Report – Auditor’s Opinion • SA 700, Forming an Opinion & Reporting on FS • SA 705, Modifications to the Opinion in the Independent Auditor’s Report • SA 706, Emphasis of Matter & Other Matter Paragraphs in Independent Auditor’s Reports Comparative Information • SA 710, Comparatives Other Information • SA 720, Other Information in Documents Containing Auditor’s Report 3 Unmodified (SA 700) Modified (SA 705) • Auditor concludes FS are prepared in all material respects as per applicable FRF • Based on audit evidence, auditor concludes FS as a whole are not free from material misstatements OR • Auditor unable to obtain SAAE that FS as a whole are free from material misstatements 4 Form an opinion • on FS based on evaluation of conclusions drawn from audit evidence Express clearly that opinion • through a written report that also describes the basis for opinion 5 Whether Financial Statements (FS) are prepared in all material respects in accordance with applicable Financial Reporting Framework (FRF) To form this opinion, auditor needs to conclude whether he/ she has obtained reasonable assurance that FS as a whole are free of material misstatements (fraud/ error) 6 If FS adequately disclose significant accntng policies Terminology used in FS is appropriate FS adequately describe or refer applicable FRF AUDIT OPINION Consistency & appropriateness of accntg policies with FRF Disclosures are adequate to enable users to understand effect of material transactions or events on info in FS FS prepared in all material respects in accordance with FRF Conclusion on reasonable assurance SAAE has been obtained (SA 330) Reasonableness of accntg estimates Relevance, reliability, comparability & understandability of info in FS Qualitative aspects of accntg practices & possible bias in mgt judgment Materiality of uncorrected misstatements individually or aggregate (SA 450) 7 Fair Presentation FRF – If FS do not achieve fair presentation: Discuss matter with mgt Determine need to modify opinion depending upon ◦ Requirements of FRF & ◦ How matter is resolved Compliance FRF No need to evaluate if FS achieve fair presentation If in rare circumstances, auditor concludes FS are misleading, determine whether & how to communicate in audit report after: ◦ Discuss with mgt ◦ How matter is resolved 8 Law/ Regulation/ Court Order may permit departure from the accepted Financial Reporting Framework ◦ Deemed to be compliance with FRF (modified to that extent) ◦ Does not require qualified audit opinion ◦ If impact is material, describe the matter in Emphasis of Matter paragraph Example: ◦ RBI directive on treatment of gratuity liability in Banks– charge staggered over five years - departure from AS 15 9 Title Addressee Management’s Responsibility Auditor’s Responsibility Auditor’s Opinion Other Reporting Responsibilities Auditor’s signature Date of signature Place of signature 10 Title – “Independent Auditor’s Report” ◦ Auditor’s assertion as to compliance with applicable ethical requirements Addressee ◦ Usually addressed to those for whom it is prepared 11 Preparation of financial statements that give true and fair view ◦ Design, implementation and maintenance of internal controls Specific agreement of management on its responsibilities needed ◦ Through engagement letter (SA 210) 12 Expression of opinion on financial statements Compliance with Standards on Auditing Description of audit procedures ◦ Audit evidence about amounts & disclosures in financial statements ◦ Assessment of risk of material misstatements ◦ Consideration of internal controls over financial reporting ◦ Evaluation of appropriateness of accounting policies Reasonableness of management’s accounting estimates Overall presentation of financial statements 13 Date informs the users that auditor has considered subsequent events upto that date ◦ Makes auditor responsible for consideration of events/ transactions upto that date Financial statements responsibility are management’s ◦ Do not sign on a date before financial statements are approved by management (Board of Directors) ◦ Can be signed on the same date 14 Evaluate at engagement acceptance stage itself whether: ◦ Users might misunderstand the assurance from audit; and if so ◦ Providing additional explanation in auditor’s report can mitigate such understanding If not, don’t accept such engagement If law requires auditor to accept the engagement, do not include reference to SAs in auditor’s report 15 Consider each framework separately If financial statements comply with each of the frameworks ◦ May issue two separate opinions If financial statements comply only with one of the frameworks ◦ Issue unmodified opinion for the framework which is complied with ◦ Issue modified opinion for the framework which is not complied with 16 Wherever possible bring the same in line with requirements of SA 700 to the extent possible ◦ Brings in consistency in reporting ◦ Enhances credibility Basic elements of auditor’s report as given in SA 700 must be present ◦ Order of appearance/ layout would not matter If auditor not free to bring in those elements ◦ Cannot state that accordance with SAs audit was carried out in 17 Presented but not required by FRF • Evaluate whether SI clearly differentiated from audited FS Integral part of FS due to its nature & how it is presented • Auditor to cover it in his audit opinion • If not, ask management to change presentation of unaudited SI • If mgt refuses, explain in Auditor’s Report that SI is unaudited 18 19 Four aspects of FRF: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Recognition Measurement Classification and presentation Disclosure Misstatement - difference between how each of these aspects is reported in FS vis a vis how it should be reported as per applicable FRF ◦ Appropriateness of selected accounting policies ◦ Application of selected accounting policies ◦ Appropriateness/ adequacy of disclosures So, material misstatements not restricted only to recognition & measurement 20 Auditor concludes FS as a whole are not free of material misstatements Auditor obtains audit evidence Appropriateness of selected accntg policies OR Appropriateness or adequacy of disclosures in FS Application of selected accntg policies Auditor unable to obtain SAAE Limitations imposed by Mgt Circumstances beyond entity’s control Circumstances relating to nature & timing of auditor’s work 21 Qualified Adverse Disclaimer Affecting Factors Nature of matter giving rise to modification Whether FS are materially misstated AND Auditor’s judgment re pervasiveness of effects/ possible effects of matter on FS Inability to obtain SAAE leading to possible material misstatement in FS 22 Nature of Matter Giving Rise to the Modification Auditor’s Judgment about the Pervasiveness of the Effects or Possible Effects on the FS Material but Not Pervasive Material and Pervasive FS are materially misstated Qualified opinion Adverse opinion Inability to obtain SAAE Qualified opinion Disclaimer of opinion 23 Describes effect on FS Misstatements Possible effects on FS of misstatements Undetected due to inability to obtain SAAE Auditor’s Judgment Not confined to specific elements, accounts or items of FS If confined, represents or could represent substantial portion of FS In relation to disclosures, are fundamental to user’s understanding of FS 24 Basis of Modification Para: In addition to other elements as per SA 700(R) Amend Auditor’s responsibility statement Description of matter giving rise to modification Placed immediately before Opinion Para Use heading “Basis for ……….. Opinion” 25 Use professional judgment ◦ Within the framework of relevant accounting & auditing standards ◦ In keeping with competencies expected from auditor’s training, knowledge & experience ◦ Follow the processes laid out in SQC 1 & SA 220 To be exercised through out the audit To be documented appropriately Professional judgment cannot support decisions not otherwise supported by facts & circumstances of engagements or sufficient appropriate audit evidence 26 Auditor accepts engagement Determine possibility of performing alternative procedures to obtain SAAE If auditor unable to obtain SAAE Qualify ? Mgt imposes scope limitation Communicate to TCWG Disclaimer ? Likely to result in qualification or disclaimer Mgt refuses Request Mgt to remove limitation Resign where practicable & not prohibited by law If not possible to resign, disclaim the opinion Communicate with TCWG 27 Audit report not to include unmodified opinion wrt same FRF on a single FS or one or more specific elements, accounts or items of FS ◦ Otherwise audit opinion is contradicted on FS as a whole 28 If modified opinion is expected, communicate with TCWG: Circumstances that led to expected modification Proposed wording of modification 29 Some Illustrations 30 Basis of Qualified Opinion The Company’s inventories are carried at cost in the Balance Sheet at Rs. YYY. Management has not stated the inventories at the lower of cost and net realisable value but has stated them solely at cost, which constitutes a departure from Accounting Standards referred to in section 211(3C) of the Companies Act 1956. The Company’s records indicate that had the management stated the inventories at the lower of cost and NRV, an amount of Rs. BBB would have been required to write down the inventories to NRV. Accordingly the cost of sales would have been increased by Rs. BBB, and net profit, income tax and shareholders’ funds would have been reduced by Rs. BBB, Rs. CCC and Rs. DDD, respectively. Qualified Opinion In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, except for the effects of the matter described in Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph, the financial statements give a true and fair view…………………….. 31 Basis for Adverse Opinion As explained in Note X, the Company has not consolidated the financial statements of a subsidiary company, ABC Ltd., it had acquired during 20XX because it has not yet been able to ascertain the fair values of certain of the subsidiary’s material assets and liabilities at the acquisition date. The acquisition is therefore accounted as an investment. Under the accounting principles generally accepted in India, the subsidiary should have been consolidated because it is controlled by the Company. Had ABC Ltd been consolidated, many elements in the accompanying financial statements would have been materially affected. The effects on the financial statements of the failure to consolidate have not been determined. Adverse opinion In our opinion, because of the significance of the matter discussed in the Basis for Adverse Opinion paragraph, the consolidated financial statements do not give a true & fair view…………. 32 Basis for Qualified Opinion ABC Ltd.’s investment in XYZ Co, a foreign associate acquired during the year and accounted for by the equity method is carried at Rs. XXX in the balance sheet as at 31st March 20XX and ABC’s share of income for the year then ended. We were unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence about the carrying amount of the Company’s investment in XYZ Co as at March 31, 20XX and the Companty’ share of XYZ Company’s net income for the year because we were denied access to financial information, management and auditors of XYZ Company. Consequently, we were unable to determine whether any adjustments to these amounts were necessary. 33 Basis for Disclaimer of Opinion The Company’s investment in its joint venture XYZ Co is carried at Rs. XXX in the Company’s balance sheet representing over 90% of the Company’s net assets as at 31st March 20XX. We were not allowed access to the management and the auditors of XYZ Company. As a result we were unable to determine whether any adjustments were necessary in respect of the Company’s proportional share of XYZ Company’s income & expenditure for the year, and the elements making up the Cash Flow Statement. Disclaimer of Opinion Because of the significance of the matter described in the Basis for Disclaimer of Opinion paragraph, we have not been able to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to provide a basis for an audit opinion. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the financial statements. 34 35 Para included in Audit report Matter appropriately presented/ disclosed in FS as required by applicable FRF Matter in the auditor’s judgment is of importance Matter is fundamental to users’ understanding of FS EoM is not part of audit opinion EoM does not imply audit opinion is modified in respect of that matter 36 Matters fundamental to understanding of FS Widespread use of EoM reduces effectiveness of auditor’s communication of such matters • Auditor should have obtained SAAE that matter is not materially misstated in FS • More info in EoM than FS may imply matter not adequately presented disclosed in FS • EMP to refer only to info presented/ disclosed in FS • Thus, EoM limited to matter presented/ disclosed in FS EoM not a substitute for Modified Opinion 37 Placement - immediately after Opinion para Use heading “Emphasis of Matter” or other appropriate heading EMP to contain clear reference to: ◦ matter being emphasised ◦ where relevant, disclosure that fully describe the matter can be found in FS Indicate that audit opinion is not modified in respect of matter emphasised 38 Emphasis of Matter Without qualifying our opinion, we draw attention to Note X to the financial statements, regarding recognition of deferred tax assets. 39 Para included in AR Refers to matter other than those presented/ disclosed in FS In auditor’s judgment Is relevant to users’ understanding of audit, auditor’s responsibilities or auditor’s report 40 Include if not prohibited by L&R Use heading “Other Matter”/ other appropriate heading Placement: ◦ immediately after Opinion para & EoM or ◦ elsewhere if OMP is relevant to Other Reporting Responsibilities section 41 Clearly reflect that such other matter is not required to be presented and disclosed in FS. Not to include ◦ Info prohibited from inclusion by L&R, other standards, eg., Ethics relating to confidentiality of information. ◦ Info required to be provided by mgt Placement ◦ Depends upon communicated nature of info to be 42 Communicate: Expectation to include EMP/ OMP Proposed wordings of paras 43 Documents containing audited FS : ◦ Annual reports (or similar documents) ◦ Issued to owners (similar stakeholders) ◦ Containing audited FS and Audit Report SA 720 may be applied (adapted as necessary) to other documents containing audited FS. 44 Financial & non financial information Included by law/ regulation/ custom In documents containing audited FS and Audit Report 45 Other information that contradicts information contained in audited FS ◦ May raise doubt about: audit conclusions drawn from audit evidence obtained earlier Basis of audit opinion on FS What is “Misstatement of Fact” • Other information that is: – Unrelated to audited FS and – Incorrectly stated/ presented • May undermine credibility of FS 46 Reading Other Information to identify material inconsistencies vis a vis audited FS Make appropriate arrangements with management/ TCWG to get “other information’ before date of Audit Report ◦ Helps timely resolution of possible material inconsistency/ misstatement of facts ◦ Agreement with management as to time of availability of “other information” ◦ If not possible before, then get “other information”, as soon as practicable. 47 Material Inconsistency Identified Y Audited FS needs revision? N Other info needs revision Y Mgt refuses? Y Issue modified opinion Can seek legal advice N Prior to Date of Audit Report ? Mgt refuses ? Y • communicate to TCWG AND • emphasis of matter para OR • withdraw if legally permitted Y Audited FS needs revision? Mgt refuses ? Follow SA 560 Y N Carry out necessary procedures • notify TCWG • take any other action, including seeking legal advice 48 Auditor BECOMES AWARE of Material Misstatement of Facts Discuss with Management May not be possible to evaluate validity of: •Some disclosures in other info •Management’s responses Valid difference of opinion may exist Auditor considers APPARENT material misstatement of fact exists request mgt to consult qualified 3rd party Consider advice received Auditor concludes material misstatement of fact exists • Notify TCWG • Take further appropriate action 49 What the auditor has done to ensure independence Specific risks and focal points of attention in audit & reasons therefor Audit steps to address those points Materiality criteria used Entities/ items specifically excluded from audit/ subjected to limited direct work Steps taken to ensure high quality work if he uses work of other auditors 51 Specific reporting on Going Concern ◦ A conclusion regarding the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern assumption; and ◦ A statement regarding whether, based on the audit work performed, material uncertainties related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern have been identified. ◦ This would be supported by a description of the management’s responsibilities with respect to going concern. 52 Auditor Commentary The section on Auditor Commentary would contain those audit matters that in the auditor’ judgment, are likely to be most important to user’s understanding of the financial statements such as: Areas of significant management judgment (e.g., in relation to the entity’s accounting practices, including accounting policies, accounting estimates, and financial statement disclosures). Significant or unusual transactions (e.g., significant related party transactions or restatements). Matters of audit significance, including areas of significant auditor judgment in conducting the audit, for example: ◦ Difficult or contentious matters noted during the audit, or other audit matters that would typically be discussed with an engagement quality control reviewer or Those Charged with Governance ; and ◦ Other issues of significance related to the audit scope or strategy. Specific reporting on SA 720 53 THANK YOU 54