欢迎到中国石油大学(华东) Welcome to study at China University of Petroleum Staff Introduction Pei Xin Feng Li Lu Jin Guang Ri, Head of the Department 1. Registration and Fees first week 1. Registration and Fees ii) Fees All the students must pay the fees ( Include Insurance ), before registration. 所有学生 要在注册前完成交费,并购买保险! Without paying the fee •The university will stop to provide all the service •The students cannot get a renewed visa •The exam result cannot be recorded •The student can’t get the graduation and degree certificate. 不缴费的学生将无法得到新的签证和其他证明。 1. Registration and Fees 1. Registration and Fees iii) Overdue fine Weeks Overdue fine /¥ RMB 1-2 3-4 5-6 0 400 800 If more than 6 weeks, the students who have still not pay the tuition will receive drop-out treatment! 超过六周仍未缴费,将被退学。 1. Registration and Fees • This June a student in grade 4 has been expelled because of unpaid tuition. • 今年6月一个四年级的学生因为未缴学 费被开除。 2. Educational System and Program Duration i) Bachelor’s program Program duration is 4 years, and in some special cases, can be extended for another 2 years. ii) Master’s program Program duration is 2 or 3 years, and in some special cases, can be extended for another 2 years. iii) Doctoral program Program duration is 3 years, and in some special cases, can be extended for another 3 years. 学士、硕士学制分别为4年及2到3年,可延长2年;博士3年,可延长3年。 ※ During the extended period, pay 80% of the tuition fees. 延长学制期间,缴纳80%学费。 3. Primary Discipline in Study Students must attend all the teaching activities on time. 按时参加所有教学活动。 During the class, walking around, leaving the classroom, answering calls, chatting are forbidden. 上课期间不得离开教室、随意走动、接打电话及大声交谈。 Students must ask for leave in all cases that the students cannot attend the class (with the formal letter from CIE) , otherwise, will be recorded as absence. 请假需到学院开请假证明。 Students will fail a course directly if the absence is more than the limited number (determined by the teacher). 超过老师规定的旷课次数,成绩记零分。 3. Primary Discipline in Study Cheating in the exam is a major offence which the university takes seriously in all cases. 考试作弊是严重违纪行为! Students who cheat in the exam will fail the course directly, and a public warning In some cases, the students will be notice will be given. expelled from the university. 考试作弊科目直接记零分,处以书面警告,严重的将被开除! 4. Course Timetable and Exam Result Inquiry Students can get the course timetable and class card in the beginning of each semester at office 418. 新学期开始后,学生可在418领取课表及听课证。 Result can be inquired through academic management system. 成绩可在教务系统查询! http://jwxt.upc.edu.cn/jwxt/ 4. Course Timetable and Exam Result Inquiry 4. Course Timetable and Exam Result Inquiry 4. Course Timetable and Exam Result Inquiry 4. Course Timetable and Exam Result Inquiry 4. Course Timetable and Exam Result Inquiry 5. Course Restudy i) Criteria for passing the courses ① Programs in Chinese ,marks ≥40,pass. 中文班学生,成绩40分以上通过考试。 ① Programs in English,marks ≥60,pass. ii) Students who failed the courses should apply for Restudy in the Academic-System, and must attend the courses with a class card in the next semester. 未通过的考试要在教务系统申请重修。 5. Course Restudy 5. Course Restudy 5. Course Restudy apply cancel 5. Course Restudy Restudy times are unlimited, but students must follow the same application procedures every time. 重修次数不限,但每次都须提交申请。 The first restudy is free, but the from second time , must pay 40 Yuan for every credit. 第一次重修免费,此后每个学分交40元重修费! 6. Degrade and Dropout i) Students who failed to obtain 60 percent credits of each semester should degraded be . 所修学分不满本学期60%者,将被降级! • ii) Students who have one of the following cases should drop out: • 有下列行为者将被退学: Apply for dropout himself;自动申请退学 Can’t continue to study because of illness or disability; 因伤残无法继续学业 Violate school rules and Chinese law seriously; 严重违法违纪 Not pay the tuition fees;不交学费 Can’t satisfy the requirement for credits after degradation. 降级后仍达不到学分要求 7.Graduation • Students can get graduation certificate and degree certificate only when • 毕业条件 1) passed all the courses in the program,especially the compulsory courses . 完成培养计划课程,尤其是必修内容 2) passed HSK level 3 for English program and HSK level 6 for Chinese program. 汉语班学生要通过 HSK 六级考试 7.Graduation • Before-Graduation-Exam Before graduation, students have another chance to resit all the exams (except course design, experiment and practice) which the students failed in 4 years. 毕业前考试 可重修除“课程设计、实验、实习”之外的所有科目 • The cost is 100 Yuan for every course. • 每门课缴费100元 • The application should be submitted in March or September, the exam is in May or November. • 申请时间为3月、9月,考试时间为5月、11 月 7.Graduation 7.Graduation 7.Graduation 7.Graduation 7.Graduation 8. Completion of Study The students who can’t finish all the courses in the program in the due time have two choices i)Apply to extend learning (degrade) , for Bachelor and Master max. 2 years, for Doctor max. 3 years, and pay 80% fees. 无法正常毕业的学生可以申请延期 其中学士及硕士学位生,最长可以延长2年 博士学位生,最长可以延长3年 期间需缴纳80%学费 8. Completion of Study • ii) Apply to terminate study, and the student can leave the university, but should come back to resit the exam on time and pay for exam and the cost is 80 Yuan for every credit. • 申请结业,只需按时参加考试,及缴纳考试费用,每学分 80元。 • IMPORTANT NOTE: If the student can’t pass all the exam within one year, will be regarded as permanent completion, and cannot get the degree . for ever • 提示:如一年内没有通过所有考试,将被视为永久结业! 8. Completion of Study • Now we have total 21 students who can’t finish study on time and are in extension ! • 目前我们共有无法按时毕业的延期 生21人! 留学生教务学籍管理 Academic affairs Office Science & Art Building Office 418 Tel : 86983025 国际教育学院 College of International Education 金光日 (Jin Guang Ri) 裴新峰 (Pei Xin Feng) 李 璐 (Li Lu) 谢谢! Thanks!