NSLDS BASICS for Schools EASFAA May 2010 Allene Begley Curto Springfield College School of Human Services THE BASICS OF NSLDS What do we see on NSLDS? How is data sent and received? Loans Grants Enrollment Transfer Monitoring NSLDS Exit Counseling THE BASICS OF NSLDS Loans Aggregate limits Annual Limits Loan Periods Pending Disbursements Grants Pell ACG/Smart Iraq/Afghanistan Service Grant? THE BASICS OF NSLDS Enrollment Reporting Enrolled at other school Transfer Monitoring Adding records Reviewing Records NSLDS Exit Counseling Data Sources Schools US Department of Education Guarantee Agencies Lenders Loan Servicers Student Loan Clearinghouse NSLDS Logon NSLDS Logon User Access Verification Organization Contact Information It is important to keep your contacts up to date on the NSLDS Org Contact List Page NSLDS uses Contacts from this page for important notifications Annual Limits are NOT so Simple Loans at another school during the same award year Overlapping loan periods Concurrent enrollment What Loans Count in Annual Limit at My School? Loan period begin date for loan at other school less than 30 weeks before date loan period begins for loan at my school. Loan disbursement amount disbursed less any amount cancelled/refunded. Annual Limits and Issues NOT on NSLDS Cost of Attendance Changes in grade level Parent denied PLUS Loan Proration Perkins Limits Annual Limits $4000 UG/ $6000 GR Aggregate $8000 if student has completed < 2 years UG $20000 if student has completed 2 or more years UG and is pursuing bachelor’s degree. UG limit includes any amount borrowed as GR if later pursues 2nd bachelor’s $40000 if student is Graduate/Professional (includes UG Perkins amounts) Aggregate Limits – Not So Simple Either Consolidation Loans Increased eligibility Health professions Increased eligibility for Dependents when parent is denied PLUS Dependency changes Effect of exceeding undergraduate limits on Graduate eligibility Aggregate OBP Consolidation Loans and Stafford Aggregate Limits Only count Stafford Loans Only count amounts disbursed less any cancellations/refunds Subtotal Subsidized and Unsubsidized separately for Subsidized and Combined Limits Aggregate Limits – Be Wise! Know what counts toward aggregate limits in a consolidation loan Check the full and complete record in NSLDS when documenting! Ensure limits are routinely and consistently checked when awarding Aggregate Limits Document! Document! Document! Document when limit has been “extended” by unsubsidized to replace PLUS denial Document when a Consolidation loan clears “inadvertent overborrowing” Document that you have reviewed all CPS postscreening ISIRS Document that you have reviewed all Transfer Monitoring Alerts GRANTS Pell Two Pells in a Year ACG/SMART New Grants as they are born! Enrollment Reporting Who Reports? Institution - Registrar? Clearinghouse? Other? When is it Reported? Institution - Schedule NSLDS updated Enrollment Summary Page Enrollment Detail NSLDS Transfer Monitoring NSLDS Transfer Monitoring Process – who do you add? (answer should be everyone who is not a freshman who never attended before!) Who Reviews? Updated Wednesday night so check Thursday am! Help! There’s an Alert! Monitor the Pell and loan amounts Reduce the Pell or loan at your school if necessary Other school should be contacted if student disputes amount of Pell or loan received at other school NSLDS Exit Counseling NSLDS Newsletter # 26 Official/Current Record of ALL Federal loans Introduces student to the NSLDS site Repayment Calculators Links to loan Holders (where available) School can get Reports Automatic Compliance Updates NSLDS Postscreenings Aggregate Limits Overpayments Defaults Discharges Bankruptcies NSLDS Postscreenings Review all CPS generated ISIRs Review NSLDS record on postcreenings with a “negative” message Resolve the issue(s)! Default(s) added/cleared Satisfactory repayment added/removed Exceeded subsidized or combined aggregate/No longer exceeding Sanity Savers Check limits before awarding Monitor NSLDS postscreenings immediately! Review NSLDS Transfer Monitoring Alerts weekly Resolve! when annual or aggregate exceeds limits Document! Loans that are within limits but appear to exceed limits Keys to Success! Review of NSLDS data on ISIR NSLDS postscreening NSLDS transfer monitoring NSLDS Newsletters FSA Handbook Use your FAMS Monitor, monitor, monitor Document, document, document