
JANUARY 29, 2015
 AP stands for Advanced Placement.
 Governed and audited by the College Board, the
same body who administers the SAT.
 All AP courses are first-year college-level material,
but taught at the high school campus by highlyqualified instructors.
 All AP Courses have an optional end of year exam
which could earn the student college credit or
 Simply put, students in AP are taking a college
course at the high school without paying for the
college course.
 AP is not the same as Honors. Students
must qualify for the GATE program to take
Honors courses – AP has an open
enrollment policy.
 Each AP course has slightly different
requirements to ensure that students
enrolled will be successful – check the blue
paper for recommended prerequisite
courses and grades.
 By the time you are a Sophomore, Junior
and/or Senior, you could be ready for AP.
 Depending on what subjects you love, you
could take multiple AP courses by the time
you graduate from Alta Loma High School.
1) Better chance of getting into the college or
university you’ve got your eye on.
Colleges and universities want serious students.
Serious students are more likely to graduate and make
that college/university look good.
Successfully completing any AP course, especially
earning a 3, 4, or 5 on the test, shows colleges you are
up for the challenge that their coursework will present.
2) Better chance of GRADUATING from that
college or university you got accepted to.
Studies have shown that students who took at least
one AP course in high school had a 25% greater
chance of graduating college in four years.
If they took both the course AND the AP Exam for that
course, the student had a 40% greater chance of
graduating college in four years.
What does that mean to you?
Less time in college = less money you pay for
college and the sooner you will be employed!
3) Improve Your Skills
Students that successfully complete ANY AP
course improve their writing and problem
solving abilities. This means you’ll be more
prepared to think like a college student when
you get to college!
 4) Possible College Credits
Many colleges will award students who pass
the AP exam with college credits, reducing
the number of classes you have to take
while at the institution, helping you to
graduate sooner.
 ALHS Exceptional Graduate: Katie
Katie took 7 AP exams while at ALHS and passed all
seven exams. She earned six 4’s and one 5.
She began her freshman year at UC Santa Barbara
with 40 credits. This was only 5 credits shy of being
a sophomore!!
 College Placement
Colleges may not grant you any units (or credit) but
instead start you at a higher level course.
 Katie, Part 2
I was exempt from taking the university’s introductory
writing classes because of my 4s on the English tests.
My calculus AP test got me out of a math class, and I
ended up only having to take one year of math here, so
I’m done with math classes now. The rest of the tests
knocked out a lot of GE requirements, meaning I have
a lot more room in my schedule for classes of my
choosing. I intend on taking more English classes and
earning a minor in English.
 Only ones you are truly
interested in.
Each course comes with a
great deal of time
commitment. Minimum of
one hour of home study per
hour spent in class.
 Keep in mind that full-time
college students take 4
courses in a week, but you take
6 every day…plus cheer,
sports, band, clubs, etc.
 AP English – Language (Junior year)
 AP English - Literature (Senior year)
 AP Spanish – Language (a.k.a. Span IV)
 AP Spanish – Literature (a.k.a. Span V)
 AP United States History (Junior year)
 AP Government/Economics (Senior year)
 AP Biology
 AP Chemistry
 AP Environmental Science
 AP Computer Science
 AP Art History
 AP Studio Art (portfolio-based application)
 AP Calculus – AB or BC
 Now that you’re educated about the Who-
What-Where-When-and-Why of AP, it’s time
to make your move!
 First, let’s take a look at how to complete the
Application and the Statement of Student
Agreement and Parent Consent.
Complete once you’ve carefully read the reverse side.
Student Name (Please print) _________________________________________ Year of Graduation______
Desired AP Course(s): In order of preference*
Recommended Courses: _________________ Semester Grade: ______
Recommended Courses: _________________ Semester Grade: ______
Recommended Courses: _________________ Semester Grade: ______
Recommended Courses: _________________ Semester Grade: ______
*More than 4 courses require a counselor’s permission.
Statement of Student Agreement and Parent Consent:
The demands of an AP course exceed those of a college preparatory course and require a serious commitment.
The undersigned student agrees to the following with the consent of the undersigned parent.
On average, I will commit up to two hours of home study for each hour spent in an AP course per week.
I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to keep up with my assignments and ask for help when needed.
I intend to take the AP exam in May.
There is a fee for AP exams
• I am committing to the class(es) for the entire year. The demands of an AP course exceed those of a college
preparatory course and require a serious commitment. The undersigned student agrees to the following with
the consent of the undersigned parent.
• Academic dishonesty (cheating) is defined as the act or attempt to use the work of another person or source claimed as
your own OR the use of any dishonest, deceptive, fraudulent, or unauthorized means, including any form of technology in
order to receive undeserved credit. Students caught in an act of academic dishonesty may be subject to, but not limited
to, the following consequences: student/parent conference, student contract, class suspension, loss of course, and/or
removal from the AP program.
Creating the master schedule to accommodate Advanced Placement classes is an
essential piece of the master scheduling process. Many students at Alta Loma High
are accomplished students looking for rigorous academic challenges and Advance
Placement (AP) classes were created to fulfill that challenge. The staffing for AP
courses comes from the college preparatory classes, which results in the school
having fewer seats available in the preparatory classes. It is important to
understand when a student signs up for an AP class(es) and is granted the request,
he/she is committing to the class(es) for the entire year.
 STEP ONE: Talk to the AP Teachers about
their course to see if it is really a course you
can commit to for a full year.
 STEP TWO: Pick up an AP Application and fill
it out properly. Make sure both you and your
parents sign the agreement.
 STEP THREE: Turn in your SIGNED
application to Julie Thams in Guidance NO
LATER THAN February 2nd.
Thank you for
your time and
If you are a
Sophomore or
Junior, Teacher
sessions will begin at
If you are a
Freshman, Ms.
Owen will present
on AP World History
I will be here to
answer questions
throughout the
 AP is a college level course that you commit to for one full
 AP is TOUGH, but for those who work hard, it can help you
get into college, be successful once you get to college, and
save you money.
 Refer to the website: www.collegeboard.com/apcentral to
learn more.
 Applications are due to Mrs. Thams in Guidance ASAP!
By signing below, I am verifying that I have read and understand the obligations and
commitments to taking AP courses while in high school.
Student Signature: ________________ Parent Signature: ___________________