IU Health Bloomington Hospital EMPLOYEE APPLICATION FOR STUDENT PLACEMENT Name: Employee Number: Complete Address: Contact Email Address: Contact Phone Number: Type of Experience: __ SHADOWING __ INTERNSHIP __ CLINICAL School/University/Program (if applicable): Instructor Name and Email Address: Have you already coordinated this requested experience? __ YES __ NO If YES, please describe the agreement that you have made. Include contact name, department/unit, schedule, and number of observation hours: If CLINICAL STUDENT, indicate dept./unit and start and end date: If NO, specify department/unit, profession, or specific employee name for requested placement: If NO, please list dates and times you are available and requested number of observation hours: In an emergency, notify (Name/Relationship/Phone Number): Hold Harmless Agreement & Waiver The undersigned, being an adult, does herby agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless IU Health Bloomington Hospital, its employees, agents, and representatives from any and all damages of any nature whatsoever which the undersigned may suffer as a result of being a passenger in a IU Health Bloomington Hospital vehicle, including an EMTS emergency vehicle, owned or operated by IU Health Bloomington Hospital. The undersigned fully understands the risks involved in being a passenger in an IU Health Bloomington Hospital vehicle, including any emergency vehicle owned or operated by IU Health Bloomington Hospital, and assumes risk freely and voluntarily. This release indemnity and holds harmless is given by the undersigned in consideration of IU Health Bloomington Hospital granting permission to ride in a IU Health Bloomington Hospital vehicle, including any emergency vehicle, owned or operated by IU Health Bloomington Hospital for training, observation and evaluation purpose of benefit to the undersigned. Employees Who Shadow, Intern, or Participate in a Clinical Student Placement: HR POLICY 2-106 (SECTION 106.5) Employees who request to shadow, intern, or perform clinicals will not be paid. All assignments should take place on the employee’s own time, not during scheduled work time without Director approval. Employees who desire to shadow a position, in regards to considering a job transfer, should first contact the Human Resources Generalist responsible for the open position. Employees desiring to shadow, intern or complete a clinical rotation, in relation to continuing their education, should contact the Student Placement Coordinator to discuss paperwork requirements (as they are different for employee versus non-employee). Employees who participate in a student placement experience will not be required to have a health assessment or complete the requirements outlined in Human Resources Student Placement Policy 2-106, but will be required to submit this “Employee Application Form.” Signature: ___________________________________________________ (Typing your full name qualifies as an electronic signature.) Date: ________________________________________________________ HUMAN RESOURCES SECTION: ☐ Student Placement Name Badge Issued HR Staff Signature: Date: