How will the person be supported?

Sarah Stuart,
Support Planning and Brokerage Hub Manager
“Personalisation? I know this is happening when I am treated with warmth,
respect and honesty - when people listen to me, treat me as an equal, and
support me – and when I don’t have to fight all the time to get what I want to
help me recover and live my life the way I choose to”
Are your organisations ready to:
• Support customers/service users who want to
‘spend’ their Personal Budgets on your services
and activities?
• Support customer/service users to develop a
Support Plan?
Personal Budgets
Customers and carers still need to be eligible
The customer (or their representative) is informed
about a clear upfront allocation of council funding
The customer or their representative is able to
decide how they can use the money in ways and at
times of their choosing
There is an agreed support plan making clear what
is to be achieved with the money
Support exists to enable and empower the customer
to arrange their own support or to have a service
managed for them
Self-Directed Support:
Getting a Personal Budget Journey in Derby
Information, Advice, Advocacy and Support is available to everyone from both the
Support Planning and Brokerage Hub and the case manager
Determining the Indicative Personal Budget
is provided to
the customer
who is
supported to
complete the
If the customer is
assessed as
eligible for
support, the
information from
the assessment
is used to
calculate the
indicative budget
using the RAS
spread sheet
The customer is
informed of their
personal budget
and options for
support planning.
A starter
personal budget
is provided if
needed – either a
interim support
package or direct
The support plan
is completed
using the
planning work
book and any
other tools useful
for the customer.
There is a Derby
City Council
Agreeing the
Support Plan
The support
plan is
submitted to
the worker
completes a
Support Plan
Summary and
agreement is
subject to
service area
Sign-post to and maximise use of universal services
Build on and build up people’s social capital / wealth
The customer is
informed that the
plan is agreed.
The personal
budget is
provided to the
customer – the
worker arranges
for payments to
be made or
services to start.
Arranging the
or service
A Supported Assessment Approach
•Seeing customers and their carers as having
strengths and expertise that can help
•Viewing customers as resources with skills that can
make a difference to their lives
•Undertaking meaningful involvement and working
together in partnership with customers
•Developing open relationships involving trust,
honesty and mutual respect
Outcome Based Support
Assessment - OBSA
10 outcome domains in Derby
• Meeting personal care needs
• Keeping myself safe
• Eating and drinking
• Making decisions and organising life
• Being part of the community
• My role as a parent or carer
• Running and maintaining my home
• Having work and learning opportunities
• Managing my actions
• Family carer and informal support
Fair Access to Care Services
(FACS) Eligibility
• FACS looks at the level of risk for the customer’s needs in each
domain. Risks can be assessed as critical, substantial,
moderate, low or zero.
• In Derby City only needs which are critical or substantial are
eligible and therefore entitled to receive social care funding.
E.g. a need which might lead to serious illness or accident, or
might lead to a serious loss in quality of life, such as
isolation from family and friends.
Resource Allocation System
• Simply a way of deciding how
much money a person should get in
their personal budget
• A points based system that
enables the person to know how
much money is available to spend
on their support
What is a support plan?
• Brings together the customers aspirations,
goals and desired outcomes and how they
might be achieved
• Examines how a customer’s personal budget
might be used to assist with achieving these
• Directly responds to the OBSA by showing
how the customer would like their eligible
needs to be met
Support Brokerage
• The process of deciding how a customer would like
their personal outcomes to be met, arranging the
support and making it happen
• The key characteristics of the support plan is that
the customer has ownership of the plan
• The customer has sufficient time to complete the
support plan (up to 6 weeks under the empower and
enable model)
• Self-produced - the preferred option
• Self-produced with help from circles of
Circles of Support
A Circle of Support may
be set up to help the
customer plan their
support. This is a small
group of people who
know them well. It can
include friends, family,
neighbours, paid staff
who have helped the
customer in the past,
the social worker, etc.
• Self-produced with peer support
• Co-produced with a voluntary sector support
• Co-produced with a Council support planner
• Produced by a Council support planner –
where appropriate
Areas identified where it may be
appropriate for the council to continue to
provide support with support planning
are around:
People whose needs are jointly funded by health
High level of risk
Intense, variable and volatile needs
Presentation of the support plan
• The Support Plan should be as individual as
the person it is about
• The Support plan can be presented in any
format that the customer requires. For
example audio, written, pictorial format etc.
and other languages
7 key criteria to look for
within a support plan
What is important to the person?
What is it that the person wants to achieve?
How will the person be supported?
How will the person use their personal/individual budget?
How will the person’s support be managed?
How will the person stay in control of their life?
How will the plan happen?
The Support Planning
and Brokerage Hub
• Provide free information, advice and guidance for all
(customers, families, professionals) on Support
Planning & Brokerage
• Training and Development Opportunities, for
customers, circles of support and external providers
• Develop and maintain a register of peer support,
volunteers and paid support planner/brokers from a
variety of settings
• Monitor & quality assure Support Plans
• Monitor outcomes of PB holders
‘Empower and Enable’,
Groundswell Partnership, June 2012
“…need to enable people to believe that they can direct their
own support and this should involve developing their own
Support Plan…..Where people have limited capacity, the
focus should be on finding ways to engage people who
know and care for the person in planning and keeping the
process as close to the individual as possible. This may
inevitably require more professional input, but the key aim
should remain not to over-support people.”
Moving Forward
• Organisational development?
• Staff and volunteer training and
development needs?
• Staff, volunteers and service users
involvement in Support Planning?
• Planning Live Events?
• Your ideas…??
• Action Plan
“The key test of
Personalisation’s success
is the extent to which it
improves the lives of
service users and their
(Community Care)