FINANCIAL FREEDOM Your Business, Your Marketplace, Your Future Own an EMM Business Brokerage Office The nation’s first small and micro-business brokerage group. At EMM Business Brokerage Group, we know first-hand how important a healthy work-life balance is. When you become an owner of an EMM Business Brokerage Office, we help you find the right balance as you pursue your entrepreneurial aspirations and unique personal financial goals. The EMM Brokerage Group offers a diverse selection of dealer options, all backed by in-depth training, support, and the respect, and proprietary business offering made available only to our EMM office owners and brokers. EMM Business Brokerage offices as well as real estate and insurance firms…have used the same business model for over 100 years. EMM Business Brokerage Office advantages: 1/10 the Cost of a Real Estate Franchise offering Starting at just 15K Not a Franchise but a licensing/dealer Proprietary Training Workshop Exclusive Business offerings Larger market share verse a traditional Business Brokerage firm Hire, manage and develop a team of brokers Protected Territories Dealer Opportunities Exclusively offered by EMM Brokerage Group Priority to Veterans and special discounts on brokerage ownership.