Introduction to the Clearing

Technical and scientific cooperation
through the Clearing-House Mechanism
of the Convention on biological diversity
by: Han de Koeijer
Belgium national focal point CHM,
Royal Belgian Institut for Natural Sciences,
29 Rue Vautier, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Morocco training,
12-17 September2011, Rabat
Content of the presentation
• Introduction to the Clearing-House Mechanism
• Cooperation and the CHM
• Exhange of information and the national CHM
• Promote information networks
• The CHM web site
Marocco training,
12-17 September 2011, Rabat
Introduction to the Clearing-House Mechanism (CHM)
To contribute significantly to the implementation of
the Convention on Biological Diversity and its
Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, through
effective information services and other
appropriate means in order to promote and
facilitate scientific and technical cooperation,
knowledge sharing, and information exchange, and
to establish a fully operational network of Parties
and partners.
Marocco training,
12-17 September 2011, Rabat
Introduction to the Clearing-House Mechanism (CHM)
Goal 1:The central clearing-house mechanism provides
effective global information services to facilitate the
implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 20112020
1.3.Effective information exchange services are fully
Marocco training,
12-17 September 2011, Rabat
Introduction to the Clearing-House Mechanism (CHM)
1.4.The CBD Secretariat facilitates the development of a
network of experts and practitioners among Parties and
1.5.Guidance is available for Parties and partners to
exchange information through the clearing-house
mechanism network
Marocco training,
12-17 September 2011, Rabat
Introduction to the CHM
Goal 2:National clearing-house mechanisms provide
effective information services to facilitate the
implementation of the national biodiversity strategies and
action plans.
2.1.All Parties have the capacity to sustain effective national
clearing-house mechanisms.
2.2.High-quality national clearing-house mechanism
websites are available.
Marocco training,
12-17 September 2011, Rabat
Introduction to the CHM
2.3.National information is exchanged through the clearinghouse mechanism network.
2.4.Parties collaborate and share knowledge through the
clearing-house mechanism network.
2.5.Partners and the CBD Secretariat have contributed to
the development of national clearing-house mechanisms.
Marocco training,
12-17 September 2011, Rabat
Technical and scientific cooperation under the CBD
• Who are the people that you want to collaborate?
• How can you stimulate cooperation between them ?
• What type of information do they need to choose their
collaborators ?
• What type of information do you want to make public ?
Marocco training,
12-17 September 2011, Rabat
Exchange of information to promote
cooperation and public awareness on national level
• Information is available, but access to it is not always
possible or easy :
 laws, research, “best practices”, trans-boundary,
funding opportunities, who does what
• Identify information gaps
• Validate the information
• Decentralised versus centralised
• Intellectual property rights
Marocco training,
12-17 September 2011, Rabat
Exchange of information to promote
cooperation and public awareness on national level
• Improve public awareness on the Convention
 Country studies, redlists, relation between the
 target audiences: policy decision makers, youth,
teachers, general public
 Motivate the public by observation campaigns on
 Publish news and events on a regular basis on the
Marocco training,
12-17 September 2011, Rabat
Develop and assist Networks
• Thematic programs under the Convention
• NGOs
• Exchange and provision of information
• “Best practices”
• Contacts
• Forums and revision tools
Marocco training,
12-17 September 2011, Rabat
Cooperation between countries
Useful subjects
• “Best practices”
• Laws
• Experts
• Contact informations
• Transboundary Information
Marocco training,
12-17 September 2011, Rabat
Cooperation between countries
Exchange of Information by:
• Conferences and workshops
• Discussion groups by email/lists servers
• Web sites
Marocco training,
12-17 September 2011, Rabat
National CHM web sites
• One of the tools available for the CHM
• Information portals:
On the Convention
Implementation on national level of the CBD
Information on biodiversity
Other sources of information on the Internet
• Use available information
• Create only new information if not available
elsewhere on the Internet
Marocco training,
12-17 September 2011, Rabat
National CHM web sites
• Make information available that is difficult to
obtain in and outside the country
• Most visited pages on the CHMs:
 National reports
 Country studies
 National strategies and action plans on
 Actors
 Frequently asked questions about
Marocco training,
12-17 September 2011, Rabat
National training,
11 January 2008, Lusaka
National training,
11 – 15 May 2008, Accra
National training,
11 – 15 May 2008, Accra
Practical advice
• Make a survey of existing/available information
• Include actors who work in the field of biodiversity
from the start
• Workshop on the use of the CHM for them
• Stimulate a culture of information exchange
• Collaborate from the start with national networks
linked to the CDB such as:
Biosafety CH, Global Invasive Species Programme,
Global Biodiversity Information Forum and others
Morocco training,
12-17 September 2011, Rabat
Practical advise
• Share resources and human capacity
• Use web statistics on most visited pages to improve
the information that is most visited
• Raise awareness among decision makers on the role
and the functioning of the CHM
Morocco training,
12-17 September 2011, Rabat
National training,
11 – 15 May 2008, Accra
National training,
11 – 15 May 2008, Accra
National training,
11 – 15 May 2008, Accra
National training,
11 – 15 May 2008, Accra
Thanks for your attention
Marocco training,
12-17 September 2011, Rabat