Grammar practice

Run-ons, Comma Splices, and Fragments
#1 The son treats his mother with utmost respect and kindness, he
honors her in every way he can; even though that also means
suppressing his own feelings around her.
Possible corrections:
 The son treats his mother with utmost respect and
kindness; he honors her in every way he can, even
though that also means suppressing his own feelings
around her.
 The son treats his mother with utmost respect and
kindness. He honors her in every way he can, even
though that also means suppressing his own feelings
around her.
#2 When her friends came to visit Suzanne in the hospital she
believed that they were doing so out of obligation but they were
not because they really did care about her.
Possible corrections:
 When her friends came to visit Suzanne in the
hospital, she believed that they were doing so
out of obligation, but they were not because
they really did care about her.
 When her friends came to visit Suzanne in the
hospital, she believed that they were doing so
out of obligation. However, they were not. They
really did care about her.
#3 Amanda was shocked and upset by the news that her boyfriend was cheating
on her, but she did not let the news affect her daily life she acted as if nothing was
wrong and did not tell anyone what happened. She knows that she will get over
this disappointment and she is determined to move on with her life.
Possible corrections:
Amanda was shocked and upset by the news
that her boyfriend was cheating on her, but she
did not let the news affect her daily life. She
acted as if nothing were wrong and did not tell
anyone what happened. She knows that she
will get over this disappointment, and she is
determined to move on with her life.
#4 Tom’s retirement savings began to dwindle, but it was kept a
secret, he didn’t want his children to worry about his future.
Possible corrections:
 Tom’s retirement savings began to dwindle, but it was
kept a secret; he didn’t want his children to worry
about his future.
 Tom’s retirement savings began to dwindle, but it was
kept a secret because he didn’t want his children to
worry about his future.
 Tom’s retirement savings began to dwindle, but it was
kept a secret. He didn’t want his children to worry
about his future.
#5 There was no time to think before her actions; the job offer
was too good to be true, so she accepted it.
Possible corrections:
 There was no time to think before her actions; the
job offer was too good to be true, so she accepted
 Correct as is!
#6 Elinor’s family was not nearly as wealthy as Edward’s family,
this proposed a drastic problem between the two when it came
time for them to be married.
Possible corrections:
Elinor’s family was not nearly as wealthy as
Edward’s family. This proposed a drastic
problem between the two when it came time
for them to be married.
 Elinor’s family was not nearly as wealthy as
Edward’s family; this proposed a drastic
problem between the two when it came time
for them to be married.
#7 Michael’s demanding job kept him from visiting Christy,
Michael said that he would still come and see her if he could, but
he never did.
Possible corrections:
Michael’s demanding job kept him from visiting
Christy. Michael said that he would still come
and see her if he could, but he never did.
 Michael’s demanding job kept him from visiting
Christy; Michael said that he would still come
and see her if he could, but he never did.
#8 Casey is very emotional. For example, when she burst into
tears because of the love letter Blake sent her on Valentine’s day.
Possible corrections:
Casey is very emotional; for example, there
was the time when she burst into tears because
of the love letter Blake sent her on Valentine’s