Menyiapkan Pendidikan bidang Informatika dan Komputer di Abad 21 Fasli Jalal Wakil Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Sarasehan APTIKOM, 14 April 2011 1 1 Kebutuhan Skill Abad 21 kompetensi dasar abad 21 Matematika, IPA, Bahasa, dll. 3 st 21 Century Essential Skills Learning & Innovation “4Cs” Digital Literacy Career & Life Critical thinking & problem solving Information literacy Flexibility & adaptability Creativity & innovation Media literacy Initiative & self-direction Communication ICT literacy Social & cross-cultural interaction Collaboration Productivity & accountability Leadership & responsibility [Bernie & Charles, 2011] 4 Skills needed in the workplace of the Future (1/4) Digital Age Literacy Functional literacy Ability to decipher meaning and express ideas in a range of media; this includes the use of images, graphics, video, charts and graphs or visual literacy Scientific literacy Understanding of both the theoretical and applied aspects of science and mathematics Technological literacy Competence in the use of information and communication technologies Information literacy Ability to find, evaluate and make appropriate use of information, including via the use of ICTs Cultural literacy Appreciation of the diversity of cultures Global awareness Understanding of how nations, corporations, and communities all over the world are interrelated 5 Skills needed in the workplace of the Future (2/4) Inventive Thinking Adaptability Ability to adapt and manage in a complex, interdependent world Curiosity Desire to know Creativity Ability to use imagination to create new things Risk-taking Ability to take risks 6 Skills needed in the workplace of the Future (3/4) Higher-Order Thinking • Creative problem-solving and logical thinking that result in sound judgments 7 Skills needed in the workplace of the Future (4/4) Effective Communication Teaming Ability to work in a team Collaboration and interpersonal skills Ability to interact smoothly and work effectively with others Personal and social responsibility Be accountable for the way they use ICTs and to learn to use ICTs for the public good Interactive communication Competence in conveying, transmitting, accessing and understanding information High Productivity Ability to prioritize, plan, and manage programs and projects to achieve the desired results Ability to apply what they learn in the classroom to real-life contexts to create relevant, high-quality products 8 DEVELOPMENT OF ICT SECTOR IN INDONESIA 9 Perkembangan pasar telekomunikasi di Indonesia • Perkembangan pelanggan telekomunikasi hingga 2010 – Sambungan telp tetap kabel (fixed/PSTN) : 8.674.228 – Telepon tetap wireless: 21.703.843 – Mobile Cellular: 140.578.243 – Pengguna Internet: ~40.000.000 – Pengguna broadband: ~8.000.000 10 ICT indicators Source: International Data Center Halaman 15 ICT HUMAN RESOURCE - DEFINED 16 Types of ICT-HR ICT-HR Halaman 17 ICT Workers or ICT Professionals ICT-Enabled Workers or ICT Users PROFESSION-BASED INDIVIDUAL COMPETENCIES-BASED INDIVIDUAL Source: The United Nations ICT Worker Taxonomy Executives Managers Supervisors Assistant Managers Administrators Staffs - Coordinators Operators – Specialists Technicians - Clerks Halaman 18 10 professions 74 professions 33 professions 84 professions Source: Internet and Information Technology Position Descriptions HandiGuide, 2006 Edition ICT-Enabled Worker Taxonomy core competencies Network-Based Operating System Facilities Utilisation • • • • • Managing file Connecting device Trouble shooting Maintaining technology Operating features Personal Computer(s) and Digital Peripherals Operations • • • • Halaman 19 Personal computer PDA & Smart phones Input/output interface: Printers, scanners, LCD, etc Data storage (hardisk, flash disk, smart card, etc) ICT-Enabled Worker Special Skills Distributing Transfering Synthesising Accessing Selecting Organising Storing Gathering Information Management Halaman 20 Synchronus M-M (e.g. IRC) Synchronus M-1 (e.g. telereporting) Synchronus 1-M (e.g. teleconference) Synchronus 1-1 (e.g. chatting) Asynchronus M-M (e.g. mailing list) Asynchronus M-1 (e.g. website) Asynchronus 1-M (e.g. newsgroup) Asynchronus 1-1 (e.g. email) Communication Media Personal Assistance e-CRM Publication e-Telephony Internet Browser e-Broadcasting Application #6 Image Processor e-Public Relations Application #5 Database e-Journalism Application #4 Presentation e-Publication Application #3 Spreadsheet e-Advertisement Application #2 Word Processor e-Marketing Application #1 Productivity Tools Cyber Discourse Various Applications Application #N . . . ICT- Worker Professions No Category Sub category 1. Executives 2. Manager 3. Staff Chief Executive Off. Vice President Director Manager Supervisor, Assistant manager, Administrator, Coordinator, Operator Halaman 21 Nbr of professions 4 6 12 62 33 High demand, low supply 4 2 5 20 11 SUPPLY SIDE Higher Education Institutions 22 Growth of HEI Type of HEIs Academy Institute Polytechnics School of HL University Total Growth rate Halaman 23 2004 731 47 123 1,072 407 2,380 5% 2005 794 49 130 1,117 415 2,505 5% 2006 874 50 137 1,170 424 2,655 6% 2007 956 52 155 1,237 448 2,848 7% 2008 1,034 54 162 1,306 460 3,016 6% growth of student number Component Age 19 – 24 Year old Public HEIs Private HEIs Official Institutions Religious HEIs Open University TOTAL Gross Enrollment (%) Halaman 24 Year 2005 2006 25.347.200 805.479 2.243.761 48.493 508.545 262.081 3.868.359 25.349.300 824.693 2.567.879 51.318 518.901 322.854 4.285.645 15.26% 16.91% 2007 2008 2009 25.350.900 25.359.000 25.366.600 978.739 965.970 1.011.721 2.392.417 2.410.276 2.451.451 66.476 47.253 47.253 503.439 506.247 556.793 624.401 450.849 521.281 4.375.505 4.501.543 4.657.488 17.26% 17.75% 18.36% Number of IT institutions Higher Learning Institutions 725 Study Programs 1,431 Total Student Body 695,000 Annual Graduate Number ~100,000 Halaman 25 Sebaran Program Studi Bidang Komputer dan Informatika dan Jumlah Penduduk 4.486 12.985 2.633 5.543 4.846 3.550 1.685 4.393 1.035 3.089 2.202 760.855 4.393 3.626 7.446 1.713 2.266 1.038 7.596 8.033 9.588 2.231 2.851 1.531 32.380 10.644 43.021 37.476 3.891 3.452 4.496 4.679 1.415 273.348 Jumlah Program Studi Jumlah Penduduk 26 ISU STRATEGIS 27 Isu strategis dari sisi demand • Demand: – Perkembangan sains dan teknologi informatika dan telekomunikasi yang sangat pesat – Laju keusangan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan yang tinggi – Integrasi berbagai disiplin ilmu: komunikasi,informasi, multimedia, industri kreatif, animasi, akunting, bisnis, rekayasa, elektronika, dsb. – Munculnya sertifikasi oleh perusahaan software & hardware (Microsoft, cisco, ibm, dsb.) – Spektrum kebutuhan yang sangat beragam dari perusahaan multi nasional sampai UMKM Halaman 28 Isu strategis dari sisi suplai • Supply: – – – – – – Banyak sekali institusi pendidikan tinggi TIKOM Variasi nama program studi Quality gaps antar institusi Kurikulum non standar, kerangka kualifikasi belum baku Unreadable degree (kompetensi lulusan tidak baku) Struktur dan isi kurikulum kurang adaptif terhadap dinamika perubahan dan perkembangan teknologi yang cepat – Staff yang memenuhi kualifikasi berpusat di perguruan tinggi tertentu saja, terutama di Jawa – Lulusan belum siap untuk menjadi wirausaha Halaman 29 Apa yang harus dilakukan • Pengembangan kurikulum yang adaptif & fleksibel untuk menghadapi lingkungan, iptek yang dinamis – Landasan sains yang kuat – Kompetensi inti yang jelas dan mudah difahami publik – Mata kuliah pilihan yang relevan dengan tren dunia TIK dan dunia kerja • Student centered learning untuk menyiapkan life-long learners • ICT-enabled resource sharing antar institusi • Menyiapkan program-program retraining (bagi life-long learners) untuk beradaptasi dengan perubahan ipteks • Mendekatkan perguruan tinggi dengan dunia industri • Membangun jejaring yang kuat di antara institusi pendidikan tinggi dan antara IPT dan DUDI • Membangun sistem informasi yang baik bagi publik baik dari sisi demand (kebutuhan DUDI) maupun suplai (perguruan tinggi) 30 Terima Kasih 31