IntelWiki: Recommending Resources to Help Users Contribute to Wikipedia Mohammad Noor Nawaz and Andrea Bunt University of Manitoba 1 User Generated Content 2 Voluntary Contribution Image Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons 3 Typical Contribution Rates Creators (1%) Contributors (9%) Consumers (90%) Stuckman et al., WikiSym 2009 Nielsen 4 Increasing Contribution Rates Make it easier! Wilkinson, EC 2008 Hoffmann et al., CHI 2009 Nielsen 5 State of the Art 6 Our Contributions Novel approach to facilitating Wikipedia contributions to free-form text ─ resource recommendations Prototype illustrating approach Proof-of-concept empirical evaluation 7 Our Approach 8 IntelWiki Prototype: Framework Resource Fetcher Resource Ranker IntelWiki Resource Presenter 9 IntelWiki - Demo • For demonstration video see: 10 Evaluation Conditions 1. IntelWiki 2. Default 16 participants Within subjects 11 Tasks 12 Perceived Workload (NASA TLX) Mean Overall Workload 80 60 40 20 0 IntelWiki Default F1,14 = 11.653; p = 0.004 13 Word Count Mean Number of Words 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 IntelWiki Default F1,14 = 5.302; p = 0.037 14 Fact Count Mean Fact Count 20 16 12 8 4 0 IntelWiki Default F1,14 = 7.304; p = 0.017 15 Fact Count Mean Fact Count IntelWiki 20 Default 18 16 14 12 IntelWiki_First IntelWiki_Second 16 Preference # Participants 16 12 8 4 0 IntelWiki Default 17 Integrated Editing [I preferred IntelWiki] because it gives me everything in one window. 18 Easier Resource Inspection The keywords in the tooltip helped me understand which article will be more suitable for geography. [Keyword highlighting] was very helpful; didn't have to read the whole page, or even the paragraph, only the lines containing the highlighted words. 19 Replacing Manual Search [IntelWiki] eliminated any need for [additional searches] because, virtually anything that's needed I think was provided in the [recommended resources] 20 Lack of Trust I don't usually trust the highlight and these things. I prefer to study by myself. I preferred the [Default interface] because I can get more facts -- I don't really have to base my knowledge on a limited set of resources. It makes me more elaborate in my research. - P10 21 Summary Resource recommendations as an way to facilitate Wikipedia contributions IntelWiki prototype Improved editing quantity and quality, and cognitive load 22 Future Work 23 IntelWiki: Recommending Resources to Help Users Contribute to Wikipedia Mohammad Noor Nawaz and Andrea Bunt University of Manitoba 24