Robert E. Lee Anaconda Plan Eventual leader of the Union Armies in the Civil War. Captured Vicksburg and pursued Lee’s Army relentlessly in 1865 to end the war. Presidential statement that officially freed all slaves that are being held in enemy territory in the Civil War. Designed to give the war a higher purpose and to keep Britain from entering the war. Union General who led the march through the South in 1864 destroying several southern cities including Atlanta. “War is Hell” Emancipation Proclamation Gettysburg Address Ulysses S. Grant Type of farmer who rents land and supplies from the landowner. William Tecumseh Sherman Confederacy Became President when Lincoln was assassinated. Was first President to be impeached, but was not found guilty. Method of farming where the farmer has to give up so much of the crop as payment for the land and supplies they used to farm the land with. This system replaced the system of slavery in the south. Reconstruction agency formed to help war torn areas of the south and to help former slaves adjust to their new lives. Established many schools for former slaves. Andrew Johnson Tenant Farmer Sharecropping --- Bureau Freedman’s Amendment that defines citizenship and equal protection of the law. Amendment that gave voting rights to all men. A term given to a southerner who agreed with or sympathized with Northern views of Reconstruction. Northerners who came to the south to implement the policies of Reconstruction. Top Confederate General who often times took command of half of Lee’s army to outmaneuver the larger Union forces. Was killed accidentally at Chancellorsville. Assassinated Abraham Lincoln. Was a Confederate sympathizer. Amendment that banned slavery. 13th Amendment Turning point battle of the Civil War in July, 1863 in Pennsylvania. Lee was defeated by George Meade’s Union Army. John Wilkes Booth Plan of the Union leaders to cut the Confederacy into two parts and cut off all trade with other nations. Accomplished by a Union blockade and the fall of Vicksburg in 1863. Gettysburg Short speech by Abraham Lincoln to dedicate a battlefield cemetery in Nov. 1863. Talked about the will of the people to finish the great task remaining before us. Leader of the Confederate forces in the Civil War. Won several battles despite being outnumbered in every battle. Stonewall Jackson Name of the 11 southern states who seceded. Deal made so that Rutherford Hayes wins the electoral college, and the result was the removal of troops from the south, which ended Reconstruction. 14th Amendment 15th Amendment Scalawags Carpetbaggers Compromise of 1877 Laws passed during and after Reconstruction that officially segregated the races in the north and south. Name of the two railroads that completed the first transcontinental railroad in 1869? Indian battle in 1876 where George Custer and his men were defeated by The Sioux Indians led by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull. Indian leader of the Nez Perce Indians who avoided capture for several years by evading the army on a 1000 mile journey. Surrendered and said he would “fight no more forever.” Last of the Indian battles. Occurred in S.D. where 200 Sioux were massacred by the Army after a small altercation. Event spurred on by the emerging Ghost Dance movement. This was the process of taking cattle to the nearest railroad station in order to get them to Northern cities. Usually took several weeks. Abandoned mining town after a strike had gone bust. Stories of adventure and success read by many people across the nation. Led to the great myths surrounding much of the time period. Dime Novels Little Bighorn Chief Joseph Cattle Drive Ghost Town Union Pacific and Central Pacific Type of frontier house that would have been used by many of the first settlers on the Great Plains. Wounded Knee Sod House Jim Crow Laws Law that gave Indian families 160 acres of land. Tried to assimilate Indians into the mainstream culture by giving individual ownership of land. Dawes Act