Chapter 22 test review samples

As you complete the test review, be sure to keep a
running tally of how many you get right. At the end of
the test, you will be shown what your grade would be
had this been the real test. Good luck!
What was Lincoln’s three step
plan for winning the war
A. “the Emancipation
B. “the Copperhead Plan”
C. “the Anaconda Plan”
D. “1-2-3 Victory”
What was the first major goal of
President Abraham Lincoln’s
A. to destroy the institution of slavery
B. to maintain the unity of the country
C. to industrialize the economy
D. to expand the power of state
What did Robert E. Lee hope to achieve
with a victory at the Battle of Antietam?
A. To convince Delaware to join the
B. To convince Maryland to join the
C. To encourage European nations to
support the South.
D. Both B & C.
The Emancipation
Proclamation freed slaves
in all of the U.S.
in Union slave states.
in U.S. territories.
in Confederate states.
What is meant by “total war”?
A. that all citizens must contribute to the war
effort in some form.
B. that battles must be fought at sea as well
as on land.
C. war must be carried out on the enemy’s
will to fight and ability to support an army.
D. that every available resource that a nation
possesses must be used to support the war
After successfully taking
Vicksburg, Union forces
A. controlled all southern ports.
B. gained control of the Mississippi
C. immediately seized the
Confederate capital of Richmond.
D. Proved the value of ironclad ships.
Why is the 54th Massachusetts Infantry
Regiment significant?
A. They are the regiment responsible for
the victory at Gettysburg.
B. They were present at Appomattox
Courthouse when Lee surrendered to Grant,
ending the war.
C. They successfully captured Fort Wagner.
D. They proved that African American
soldiers could fight and contribute to the
Union war effort.
Which amendment to the
Constitution ended slavery in
the U.S.?
A. the Twelfth Amendment.
B. the Thirteenth Amendment
C. the Fourteenth Amendment
D. the Fifteenth Amendment
What is one reason that the Union strategy
for defeating the South included a naval
blockade of Southern ports?
A. To deprive the South of fishing and whaling
as a primary source for food.
B. To cut the South off from its supply lines in
the countries of Latin America.
C. To stop Southern attempts to establish
slave plantations in Cuba and Mexico.
D. To prevent Southern efforts to sell cotton to
Europe in exchange for war supplies.
Put the following events in the
order in which they occurred:
A. the Emancipation Proclamation
B. the secession of seven southern
C. the election of Abraham Lincoln as
D. the Gettysburg Address
Answer: C B A D
Put the following battles in the
order in which they occurred:
A. the siege of Vicksburg
B. the attack on Fort Sumter
C. the battle of Gettysburg
D. the battle of Bull Run
Answer: B D C A
All of the following were terms of
Lee’s surrender to Grant except
A. Confederate officers were allowed to
keep their swords and weapons.
B. Confederate troops could go home if they
promised to stop fighting.
C. Confederate troops could keep their
horses and mules.
D. Top Confederate military leaders had to
stand trial for treason against the U.S.
End of Test Review:
How Many Did You Get Right?
A+ = 12
A- = 11
B = 10
F = 0-7