Nationalism Triumphs in Europe

Nationalism Triumphs
in Europe
Building a German Nation
Strengthening Germany
Unifying Italy
Nationalism Threatens Old Empires
Russia: Reform and Reaction
Group Instruction/Presentations
• Chapter 10 – Each group will do
Outline their section
Identify Key Points
Create a Visual Aid
Create a worksheet for the class (provide Ms. Copp a key)
Make a presentation
Write 2-3 multiple choice questions & 1 short response question
• You will get today thru Tuesday 1/3 to do work
• Presentations begin on Wednesday 1/4
Groups – Period 2
• Section One
• Paul, Laura, JD, Conner, Austin, Ryley
• Section Two
• Charlie, Riley C, Samuel, Jennifer, Kenson, Brandon
• Section Three
• Ashley, Nathan, Kevin, Natalie, Megan
• Section Four
• Desi, John, Maria, Jandy, Matt
• Section Five
• Toby, Jamie, Tim, Kyle, Tabitha
Groups – Period 4
• Section One
• Brennan, Kadejah, Morgan
• Section Two
• Ray, Chase, Adam
• Section Three
• Orris, Shania, Kyle, Kortni
• Section Four
• Eric, Hunter S, Andrew
• Section Five
• Joel, Hunter R, Celia, Samantha
Building a German Nation
• Germany was many smaller states in early 1800’s
• Napoleon made some major changes when he conquered the region
Dissolved the “Holy Roman Empire”
Organized the states into the “Rhine Confederation”
Encouraged freeing the serf
Made trade easier,
Abolished laws against Jewish
Many did not like the changes and fought French rule
When Napoleon defeated, a loose confederation (under Austrian rule) created
Germany remained fragmented until Bismarck unified it (Prussia)
Prussia, led by Bismarck, moved to build up military
Bismarck then led Prussia in 3 wars, each increasing the strength of the country
and its military
• Wars with Denmark and Austria * Franco-Prussian War
– Annexed both territories
- Bismarck played up old rivalry between Prussia and France
– Divided up the “spoils”
- Prussian troops smashed French military; France had to
Control of “the Church” in the
Germany was made up of many
regional “states”
Prussia – a united Germany
The German Empire
• Kaiser William I (emperor) led the 2nd Reich (empire) of
• Kaiser William I set up government
• Bundesrat – appointed by rulers of German states (could veto Reichstag)
• Reichstag – elected by male voters
• Real power held by Kaiser William I and Chancellor Otto van
Kaiser William I
(aka wilhelm I)
Otto von
Strengthening Germany
• The German Industrial Giant
– Economic Progress
– Large iron and coal resources
– Educated and disciplined workforce
– Capital to invest
– Science, Government and Industry
– Germans first to see value in science working with industry
– German government encouraged economic development
(single currency)
– Banking system set up to support economic growth
Bismarck, the Iron Chancellor
• Bismarck pursued strong foreign policy goals
• Keep France perpetually weak and isolated
• Competed with Britain for colonies (land and resources)
• Bismarck’s campaign against the Church
• Distrusted Catholics (believed loyalty was to Rome not Germany)
• Laws passed to limit influence of Catholic church in schools, civil life
• Actions backfired, people stayed true to Church, Bismarck backed down
• Bismarck’s campaign against Socialists
• Marxists called for socialist reforms
• Feared workers would revolt
• Passed laws that dissolved socialist groups, shut down their newspapers, banned
• Repression, again, backfired. Workers revolted and Bismarck backed down
• Woed workers from socialists by passing laws protecting workers (health ins)
• Germany became leader in social reforms protecting workers, aged
Kaiser William II
• Believing his right to rule “came from God,” William II pressured Bismarck
to resign. “There can be only one master in the Reich”
• Bismarck’s educational system, the best in the world, taught loyalty to the
emperor as well as reading, writing and mathematics
• William II spend HUGE money on military, to keep Germany as the
dominant military in Europe
• Launched a program to build up Navy to challenge the British Empire around
the world for colonies/resources
Europe in the 1800’s
• Many “states”, ruled by regional/ethnic powers
• Monarchies: King/Queen, Emperor, etc
• Royal/Nobel class of the wealthy and the
peasants (who were property of the royals and
were very poor)
• Wars for control of land/power were common
• A strong feeling of pride in an devotion to one’s
• Factors in addition to the strength of Bismarck's
Realpolitik (political realism) led a collection of
early modern policies to reorganize political,
economic, military and diplomatic relationships
in the 19th century.
Germany – Quick Review
• Major Leaders
• Kaiser Wilhelm II
* Chancellor Otto von Bismarck
• How they became a “Major Power”
• Capital
• Autocratic Power
* Natural Resources
* Investments into science & industry
• Services provided to their people
• Social Welfare
• Public Schools
* Cheap Transportation & Electricity
* ‘Old Age’ Pensions
• Expanded Power of Germany/Prussia
• Military (Army & Navy) * Expand into neighboring states
Unifying Italy
Frequent warfare and foreign rule led to loyalty to region rather than
In response to Austria’s intervention in Northern Italy, local groups
formed secret societies to expel the Austrians
Mazzini’s “Young Italy”
Goal of secret society was to “constitute Italy, one, free, independent, republican nation.”
Mazzini was before his time. Italy not ready for unification yet
The Tide of Nationalism
Common language and culture as well as geography made a unified Italy a natural idea
Economic concerns also made a united Italy a good idea to many
The Struggle for Italy
• Cavour
– 1852 – once elected, Cavour moved to improve the economy, agriculture, had
railroads built and encouraged free trade economic changes
– His long-term goal was to push out Austria and annex Lombardy and Venetia
• Intrigue with France
– 1855- Cavour joined France and England in Crimean War against Russia
– Cavour gained favor with Napoleon. Cavour pushed war with Austria. France
helped and lands of Lombardy and Venetia awarded to him
• Garibaldi’s Red Shirts
– Southern Italy (Two Sicilies) ruled by Garibaldi who favored a unified Italy
– With aid from Cavour, Garibaldi expanded his territory
• Unity at last
Speed and power of Garibaldi’s advance scared Cavour
Cavour encouraged Victor Emmanuel to go against Garibaldi
Instead, Victor Emmanuel joined up with Garibaldi
Garibaldi turned his territory over to V Emmanuel who was declared King of Italy
In deal with Bismarck, territory granted to V Emmanuel
After war, France pulls troops out of Italy and Italy finally under one flag
Italy faces new challenges
• Italy had no history of unity so wasn’t sure which direction to take. Strong regional
rivalries left Italy unable to solve critical issues
• Divisions
– North & South – North richer than South, had more cities. Cities flourished
- Southern areas poorer, less successful
– Roman Catholic Church – Italy and the Pope struggled for power
- Rome granted “the Vatican”, urged Catholics to not work with Italian government
• Turmoil
– Struggles between King and constitutional government
– Unrest allowed radicals to gain some ground, government will grant suffrage, extend rights
– To distract from turmoil, Italy joins in on imperialistic trend
• Progress
Despite all this, Italy’s economy will flourish (did not have many natural resources)
Industrialization will bring economic strength, urbanization
Reformers pushed for changes in education and working conditions
Many will leave Italy looking for a better life in America, Canada and Latin America
Italy: Quick Review
• Forces that hindered Italian Unity
• Frequent warfare (regionalism)
• Nationalism
• Individual Leaders that forged Italy as a nation
• Cavour
• Garibaldi
• Victor Emmanuel
• Problems that faced Italy after 1861
• Divisions (North/South, The Roman Catholic Church)
• Turmoil between King and government
• Reformers pushed for change
Nationalism Threatens Old Empires
• Empires Declining
– Empires clamped down to try to stop/delay the demands for change in Europe
– Industrial Revolution brought new wealth, demands by workers
– Huge EMPIRES covered many ethnic groups. Nationalistic groups will rise up against what
they saw as foreign rule
– To keep their empires, some rulers agreed to democratic reforms (to give people a voice)
• The Dual Monarchy
– While leaders agreed to a dual monarchy, ethnic peoples did not agree, revolted
– Many pushed for rights, independence
• Balkan Nationalism (Ottoman Empire)
Ethnic groups within Ottoman Empire demanded autonomy (nationalism)
Ottoman Empire seen as “the sick man of Europe”
Several conflicts over many years, while ethnic groups make demands
Finally, the Ottoman Empire will fall (World War I), and ethnic groups will push for control
of their territories
Comparison Chart
(use p. 279-281)
• Create a comparison chart between the
Hapsburgs and the Ottoman Empire
(3 facts about each – threats and changes that led to their decline of power)
Ottoman Empire
* Upheld Power: “Rule & Change Nothing”
* Multi-Ethnic Empire
* Nationalism: tore apart empire
* War Weakens/splits up empire
* Did eventually begin to address econ. Problems
* People will revolt
* Will Split into Dual-Monarch
Ottoman Empire:
* Multi National Empire
* Nationalism: tore apart empire
* War Weakens/Splits up empire
* European powers waiting for collapse to “divvy up” lands
* People will revolt
* Lands will split off in independence: one by one
Russia: Create a Chart
Use your book (p.282-287) to fill in the chart
Important Facts About Russia and It’s Czars
Alexander I
Nicholas I
Alexander II
Alexander III
Nicholas II
Dates of Reign
Important Notes
About Reign
Russia: Reform and Reaction
• Conditions in Russia
Russia was constantly expanding (Peter, Catherine)
Became a multinational empire (in Europe and Asia)
Czars wanted to modernize but feared it would undermine their power
Russia will fall behind the European nations as they industrialized
Social structure (landowners, serfs) limited growth of country
• Russian “Absolutism”
Alexander I – open to changes (education, ending censorship)
Proposed freeing the serfs
Drew back from reforms for fear of losing support of the nobles
Nicholas I cracked down on all reform, dissent
150,000 exiled to Siberia
3 pillars of Russian Absolutism
• Orthodoxy
- Autocracy
- Nationalism
• Realized need to modernize but could not without giving up power
Changes in Russia
• Russia’s loss of the Crimean War showed a backwards country
behind the European powers
• Reforms of Alexander II: for Russia to survive and flourish,
changes had to be made
• Emancipation of Serfs: 1861 – while freed, land allotted was too small or
would not grow enough to support a family. Peasants remained VERY poor
and discontented
• Local Governments “zemstvos” responsible for local issues (first attempts at
• Trial by Jury, limited censorship, reform of the military
• Growth on industry in Russia was encouraged
Reaction to Changes in Russia
• Peasants: still poor/discontent
• Nobles: angry at shift in power
• Liberals: wanted more direct government
• Radicals: wanted more socialist (revolutionary) ideas
*** Revolutionaries tried to take their ideas to the peasants. The peasants either did not
understand or did not want radical changes
*** Government cracked down on radicals
*** Anger among radicals will see more severe attempts at change, including assassinating
the Czar
Alexander III will return to harsh practices of Nicholas I (in reaction to his fathers death)
* All forms of democracy stopped
* Strict censorship reintroduced
* Critics exiled to Siberia
* “russification” rejected any non-Russian people or ideas
* Persecution and Pogroms:
old laws placing limits on Jewish people
Pogroms: violent mob attacks on Jewish people encouraged by state
Large immigration of Jews out of Russia
Russia and the Industrial Age
• Under Czar Alexander III and Nicholas I, Russia would begin to
• Railroads built to connect rich resources with factories in cities
• Trans-Siberian Railroad will connect east and west Russia
• Nobles (the support base of the Czar) feared/fought industrialization
• New problems came with industrialization
(peasants flocked to cities to find jobs)
(slums, poverty, disease, discontent multiplied)
• Radicals sought to tap into this discontent (Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin)
Turning Point in Russia
• War between Japan and Russia ended badly for Russia
Discontent over war losses
Workers on strike (shorter hours and better wages)
Liberals called for reforms of government that was corrupt
A priest called for a march, believing the Czar just didn’t understand the
problems faced by his people. They marched past the Winter Palace and
brought a petition for justice and freedom.
• The Czar, fearing the people, left the Winter Palace and called in the soldiers.
The soldiers fired on the marching people, killing hundreds
“Bloody Sunday” marked the end of the people’s trust and faith in the Czar
• 1905 Revolution
Discontent exploded throughout Russia, Strikes multiplied
Workers took over factories, Peasants took over farms
Terrorists targeted officials
Czar Nicholas II will announce sweeping changes to try to quiet the mobs
“freedom of person, conscience, speech, assembly and union.
An elected body, the DUMA, created. No law would go into effect without
DUMA approval
• Results of the Revolution:
• Czar quickly dissolved the DUMA
• Arrests, pogroms and executions followed against
those who dared to challenge the Czar
• Despite some attempts at reform, Russia stayed
• Unrest was simmering, waiting for its chance
Overview of Chapter 10
As unification happened, the bigger countries meant
bigger power for the rulers – they ruled “autocratically”
* Increased wealth of the nation meant the ruler lived a more lavish lifestyle
* The ultra-wealthy lived like kings
* The workers lived in poverty
* The majority of people struggled to survive, began to demand better
The Industrial Revolution created conditions that opened
the way for people with different ideals
* Socialists
* “Radicals”
• Socialism:
any of various social or political theories or
movements in which the common welfare is to be achieved
through the establishment of a socialist economic system
• Socialist:
A person who advocate SOCIALISM as the
correct form of government
• Radical:
a person who advocates fundamental political,
economic, and social reforms by direct and often
uncompromising methods.
Essays: Chapter 10
• How did the unification within Germany and Italy
consolidate the power of the rulers of the day? What
type of rule did they practice? What reaction did this
cause in the people of these countries?
• How did the Industrial Revolution create an
environment in which “Socialists” and “Radicals”
began to emerge as possible options for the peoples
of this timeframe?
• In Russia, the people revolted against Czar Nicholas
II in 1905. Why did they revolt and what was the
outcome of that revolt?