Types of Conflict

Agenda: October 12 Day 4
• Bell Ringer:
• What is the difference between a protagonist and an antagonist?
• What is the difference between a static and dynamic character?
• Name one difference you noticed between the movie and story
“Lamb to the Slaughter”.
• Quiz
• Work on vocab chart (guess with context clues, definition,
synonym, antonym)
• Finish “Lamb to the Slaughter” movie
Agenda: October 12 Day 4 pd.
• Bell Ringer: Identify the following lines as direct
or indirect characterization.
• There was a slow smiling air about her, and about
everything she did.
• “Darling, shall I get your slippers?”
• She laid aside her sewing, stood up, and went forward to
kiss her husband as soon as he came in.
• Quiz
• Work on vocab chart (guess with context clues,
definition, synonym, antonym)
• Finish “Lamb to the Slaughter” movie
Agenda: October 13 Day 5
• Bell Ringer: Choose TWO of the
vocabulary practice questions to
• Go over vocabulary
• Types of Conflict and examples
• Definition: destructive
• Synonym: disastrous, tragic
• Antonym: comforting, fortunate
• Definition: constant, unending
• Synonym: continual
• Antonym: temporary, passing
• Definition: people holding high
positions or offices
• Definition: made up or created without
• Synonym: unrehearsed
• Antonym: practiced, prepared
• Definition: avoid
• Synonym: escape
• Antonym: facing, accepting
• Definition: scattered or driven away
• Synonym: dismissed
• Antonym: attract, invite
• Definition: to sharpen
• Synonym: improve
• Antonym: dull
• Definition: a system or rule of
• Examples: dictatorship, monarchy,
communism, capitalism
• Definition: careful, particular
• Synonym: meticulous, painstaking
• Antonym: careless
• Definition: extreme attention to detail
• Synonym: conscientious, meticulous,
• Antonym: careless, sloppy
• Definition: to feel fresh, young, or new
• Synonym: energize, renew, restore, freshen
• Antonyms: harm, hurt, injure
Types of Conflict
Review with your partner: What is the definition of a conflict?
External Conflict
• What is it? Someone or something is keeping the
protagonist from being happy
• Three Types:
1. Character vs. Character ex: Rikki Tikki-Tavi
2. Character vs. Nature ex: Hatchet
3. Character vs. Society ex: Hunger Games
Internal Conflict
What is it? A character is struggling
with his or her own mixed feelings or
The conflict is inside the character’s
One Type:
Character vs. Self
ex: “If I Stay”
Agenda: October 14 Day 6
Bell Ringer
Conflict Examples
“Amigo Brothers”
• Introduction
• Quick Write
• Read, answer questions, discuss
Bell Ringer:
Identify the conflict as Internal or External. Then the
type (character vs…..)
1. Sarah couldn't decide what to do that night. Should she
study or should she go out?
2. Carly struggled to walk through the hot, blowing sand.
3. Jim and Mac disagreed about where they should take the
dog they found.
4. All the way home, Jeffrey felt angry with himself. "Why
couldn't he open his mouth at a party? Why was he
always so shy?"
Agenda: October 14 Day 6
Pd. 9/10
Bell Ringer (next slide)
Conflict Examples
“Lather and Nothing Else”
• Introduction
• Quick Write
• Read with partner
Bell Ringer:
Identify the conflict as Internal or External. Then the
type (character vs…..)
1. Sarah couldn't decide what to do that night. Should she
study or should she go out?
2. Carly struggled to walk through the hot, blowing sand.
3. Jim and Mac disagreed about where they should take the
dog they found.
4. All the way home, Jeffrey felt angry with himself. "Why
couldn't he open his mouth at a party? Why was he
always so shy?"
1. What’s the conflict?
• You and your younger sibling argue
over who should get to play the next
song on Guitar Hero.
2. What’s the conflict?
• Carissa’s friend invites her to their parent’s
beach house for the weekend. She knows it
would be a blast and all her best friends will
be there, but she’s failing science and really
needs to work on her project that’s due
3. What’s the conflict?
• When the pilot on Brian’s plane has
a heart attack, the plane crashes and
Brian must learn to exist in the
4. What’s the conflict?
• Batman: The Joker threatens to kill
innocent people until Batman turns himself
in. Batman must decide whether to reveal
his true identity as Bruce Wayne or to
continue his existence as Batman.
5. What’s the conflict?
• Ally and Noah are two teenagers in love.
They want to continue dating when Ally
goes away to school, but Ally’s mother
thinks Noah is too poor for her and hides the
letters Noah writes Ally. Heartbroken, Ally
thinks Noah never wrote her.
6. What’s the conflict?
• The Notebook- Ally is forced to choose
between her first love Noah, and her
fiancé Lon. She loves them both, but
can’t decide who is her true soul mate.
7. What’s the conflict?
An ancient struggle re-erupts
on Earth between two
extraterrestrial clans, the
heroic Autobots and the evil
Decepticons, with a clue to
the ultimate power held by a
young teenager.
8. What’s the conflict?
• Your best friend tells you that lately she
has been skipping meals to loose weight
and makes you swear not to tell anyone.
You don’t want to betray your friends
trust, but you know she needs to get
9. What’s the conflict?
• Mumble has a terrible singing
voice, and later discovers he has
no heart song. Mumble’s parents
realize that without a Heartsong,
he may never find love.
Mumble’s talent for tapdancing
makes him too different for the
penguin world and Noah the Elder
casts him out of the community.
10. What’s the conflict?
Cast Away
11. What’s the conflict?
•I Have a Dream
• Golden Gloves Boxing
• What do you know about boxing? Rules? Moves?
Amigo Brothers
by Piri Thomas
“Amigo Brothers”
Quick Write
• What qualities do you look for in a friend? What is the nicest
thing a friend has ever done for you? What is the nicest thing
you have done for a friend?
• If you play sports, describe your proudest moment on the
court, field, rink, ect.
“Lather and Nothing Else”
Quick Write
• If you worked in a service profession, such as a
barber, a salesperson, or a waiter or waitress, and
discovered you were serving an enemy, how
might you behave? What choices would you
• If you had an opportunity to have dinner with an
important person in history, dead or alive, who
would it be? Why? What would you two talk
Pd. 3: Conflict
Scavenger Hunt
• Find an example of each type of conflict
(5) in a book. You may use your own SSR
books, or look through my shelf to find
your examples.
Agenda: October 19 Day 1
• Bell Ringer: In groups of 4, match the types of conflicts with
their examples (6 minutes).
• Put personal conflict writing on your desk (Thursday’s HW)
• Return Quizzes
• Option to share personal conflict examples
• Finish “Amigo Brothers”, pausing to answer questions
• Complete “Amigo Brothers” multiple choice questions with a
• Start homework: writing response
Agenda: October 19th Day 1 Pd. 9/10
• Bell Ringer: Determine if your conflict cards are internal or
external conflict. Then label them as character vs. Write your
answers in your bell ringer sections.
• Put personal conflict writing on your desk (Thursday’s HW)
• Return quizzes
• Option to share personal conflict examples
• “Lather and Nothing Else” Speed Dating Questions
• 2 minutes to answer question (first partner)
• 1 minute to discuss, add any new info (second partner)
• Class Discussion of “Lather and Nothing Else”
• Start HW: conflict and character examples
Agenda: October 20 Day 2
Bell Ringer
Go over “Amigo Brothers” multiple choice questions
Identify types of conflict in “Amigo Brothers” with partner
Quiz review
“Amigo Brothers”
• Devastating
• Perpetual
• Dignitary
• Improvise
• Evade
• Dispel
Agenda: October 20 Pd. 9/10
Bell Ringer:
Go over “Lather and Nothing Else” questions
Vocab review
Work on internal dialogue assignment, post on moodle
“Lather and Nothing Else”
• Honing
• Regime
• Conscientious
• Painstaking
• Rejuvenated
Internal Dialogue Assignment
Agenda: October 21 Day 3
Bell Ringer
Types of Conflict and Vocabulary Quiz
Work on point of view writing prompts
Point of View Notes and examples