Land of Rising Sun


Land of Rising Sun

Ross, Nicholas, Ally, Siavash,

Blake B., Cassie, Blake w

Rise of Japan

Ch. 12

Land of the Rising Sun -Siavash

Age of the Emperors -Blake W.

Development of Feudalism-Nicholas

Japan Under the Shoguns -Blake B.

Ch. 13

Japan’s Cultural Flowering -Cassie

Development of Japanese Buddhism -Nicholas

Japanese Society –Ally

Information And Pictures of Japan – Ross

All other information on Japan - Ross

Chapter 12 Section 1 Vocab

Proximity= closeness in space

Archipelago= chain of islands

Mainland= the main land area of a continent.

Chapter 12 section 2 Vocab

Kami= gods and spirits

Regent= someone who governs a country in the name of a ruler who is too young of otherwise unable to rule

Constitution= plan of government

Chapter 12 section 3 Vocab

Daimyo= local land-owning lords

Shogun= supreme military commander

Feudalism= a social system in which lords grant people land or other rewards in exchange for military service

Samurai= higher trained warriors

Chapter 12 section 4 Vocab

Bushido= a strict code of conduct that guided the behavior of samurai

Armada= large fleet of ships

Typhoon= violent tropical storm

Chapter 13 section 1 Vocab

Kano= a set of symbols that stand for sounds

Novel= a long fictional story, often with a complex plot and many chapters

Anthology= a book of works by different writers

Haiku= form of poetry with 17 syllables and three lines

Chapter 13 section 2 Vocab

Sutra= sculpture

Mantra= a sacred word, chant, or sound that is repeated over and over to increase one’s spiritual power

Meditation= means the emptying of the mind of thoughts in order to achieve spiritual development

Chapter 13 section 3 Vocab

Reincarnated= born anew on another body after death

Consensus= a general agreement among the members of a group or community

Rural= country

Materials= natural products that can be used to make things

Geography of Japan

 Japan is an archipelago

Archipelago – Chain of Islands

 Four Islands:





Current Day Japan

 (Info is on the paper Cassie is holding and will be read momentarily) (Please stand by for further notice)

Arrival of Buddhism

 552 A.D. Korean Buddhist priests came to


 During that time, Shinto was the major belief

 Buddhism immediately appealed to the


Development of Japanese Buddhism

 Buddhism spread throughout all of Japan mostly because the noble class helped spread the religion

 Tendai Sect- In 804 a Buddhist monk had brought new learning techniques to Japan.

Age of Emperors

 Yamato Clan won the struggle of power in

200-300 A.D.

 Prince Shotoku ruled in 593 A.D.

 Shotoku supported Buddhism

 Shotoku believed in Confucianism

 Japan adopted the Chinese Calendar

Development of Feudalism

 Minamoto Yoritomo created the new division of Shogun-Supreme military commander

 Daimyo gave land to people in exchange for their military services

Feudalism in Japan

Shoguns impact on Japan

Warrior’s code- Bushido

 Warriors must be loyal and honor their emperor

Mongol Invasions

 November 1274- 1st Mongol Invasion

 1281- 2 nd Invasion

Typhoon drowned most of the invading Mongols and Chinese

Japan’s Culture

 Elegant Dress and Manners were expected of all at court

 Reading and Writing were very important

 Women usually were not allowed to read and write

 During the Heian Period, The Japanese created their first written language

Rival Clan Battles

 All types of Clans in Japan were in constant warfare with each other for the honor of being the Emperor.

 Over the years many of the respect for the

Emperors have diminished. Eventually three

Shoguns arose to power.

The Three Strong Leaders

 Oda Nobunaga- A man that had a idea to bring Japan under one rule soon as he got older most of his plans succeeded.

 Toyotomi Hideyoshi- Brought peace within the rival clans however as soon as the

Leader died the clans continued to wage war on each other.

The End

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