POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY The study of politics and society THE STUDY OF POLITICS IN SOCIAL SCIENCES Political science (institutionalist approach) Political Psychology (individualist approach) Political Anthropology (minimalist approach) Political Sociology (social approach) POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY Main focus of the discipline has been on the political processes which take place within human societies Political processes such as democratization, ideological affiliation, revolution, political reforms, nationbuilding, citizenship, political identity formation and development POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY & POLITICAL SCIENCE The general approach of the discipline of political science towards politics has been a state-centric one (except the rising emphasis on the role and influence of social factors in most contemporary works), mostly ignoring the factor of society and social phenomenon in political processes POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY & POLITICAL SCIENCE Political science: dealing with states, interstate relations, foreign policy making and state institutions Political sociology: dealing with the relationship between state and society on the bases of mutual interaction (states shaped by the society and societies shaped by the state): A continuous mutual process of social and political change STATE-CENTRIC APPROACH Ancient monarchic and imperial regimes The Greek polis and Athenian democracy The Feudal era National monarchies The republican age and nation-states World divided by ideologies (World Wars and Cold War) Globalization STUDY OF POLITICS IN THE GLOBAL ERA The rebirth of identities in the political arena Globalizing economy The rise of NGO’s (civil society) International migration State policies and differing reactions from among the societies Increasing awareness on political issues due to technological advancements THE SOCIETY FACTOR Reactions of people to political events, phenomenon, political institutions and processes and the sociological basis of such differing political behavior is the forthcoming issue of political sociology in the contemporary academic world STATE & SOCIETY States founded by people whereas people politically shaped and oriented by states State policies Political traditions Political culture Political propaganda From social engineering towards political engineering Ideological state apparatus SOCIETY and POLITICAL BEHAVIOR Ethnic identities Social stratification and classes Gender Age groups Urban & Rural culture Traditionalism & Reformism THE MAIN ISSUE: POWER Power as the ultimate aim of all political processes Competition for power among different social groups as well as states Differing faces of power: political power, economic power, cultural dominance