Reading about Real People Biographies AND Autobiographies Anna J. Small Roseboro, NBCT WINNEMUCCA: Scout, Activist and Teacher by Natalie M. Rosinsky WINNEMUCCA: Scout, Activist and Teacher by Natalie M. Rosinsky In 1800’s, Sarah Winnemucca was a victim of Manifest Destiny. WINNEMUCCA: Scout, Activist and Teacher by Natalie M. Rosinsky A Native American and the state of Nevada’s bronze statue of her is on display in Washington, D.C. Image HIROHITO : Last Emperor of Japan by Karen Severns Image HIROHITO : Last Emperor of Japan by Karen Severns Called The Sun - Emperor Image Advised to reign, not rule. Why? HIROHITO : Last Emperor of Japan by Karen Severns Learn link of both to Hirohito. Image 1, Image 2 HUSSEIN: King of Jordan by Gregory Matusky and John P. Hayes Images HUSSEIN: King of Jordan by Gregory Matusky and John P. Hayes Images HUSSEIN: King of Jordan by Gregory Matusky and John P. Hayes Images JUAREZ: The Founder of Modern Mexico By Ronald Syme Image Illustrated by Richard Cuffari Born, a Zapotec, an indigenous race of Mexico JUAREZ: The Founder of Modern Mexico Discover how Juarez led resistance against French Emperor who came to rule Mexico Image JUAREZ: The Founder of Modern Mexico TEXAS STATE FLAG Why did Juarez have to flee north if he was Mexico’s President? Image JUAREZ: The Founder of Modern Mexico Image Learn how Juarez regained his Presidency, united and modernized Mexico ANWAR SADAT by Patricia Aufderheide Second President of Egypt ANWAR SADAT by Patricia Aufderheide Born into poor family Got an education Rose in government service Made military mistakes Risked Egypt’s reputation in Arab World ANWAR SADAT by Patricia Aufderheide . WORKED FOR PEACE Image Hope Solo: My Story by Hope Solo American soccer goalkeeper and a two-time Olympic gold medalist Hope Solo: My Story by Hope Solo Image Image Image Pelé – International Soccer Star by James Buckley, Jr. Born in Brazil Known around the world! Pelé – International Soccer Star by James Buckley, Jr. Learn why Pelé is waving flags for USA and Brazil! image Pelé – International Soccer Star by James Buckley, Jr. What are the connections? Image Charles and Emma The Darwin’s Leap of Faith by Deborah Heiligman A intriguing biography about Charles Darwin, the man identified most with the theory of evolution, and his wife, Emma, a lifelong Christian. Charles and Emma The Darwin’s Leap of Faith by Deborah Heiligman Note the images on the cover. They symbolize this love story about science and religion. Charles and Emma The Darwin’s Leap of Faith by Deborah Heiligman This AWARD WINNING biography is a great book to read with your parents or a trusted adult. Ben Carson – Brain Surgeon “As a kid, his knife was a weapon – now he uses it to save lives.” Written by Ben Carson with Cecil Murphey and Nathan Aaseng Ben Carson – Brain Surgeon In fifth grade, they called him “Dummy”, now they call him, “Doctor”. Written by Ben Carson with Cecil Murphey and Nathan Aaseng Ben Carson – Brain Surgeon He risks his reputation on risky cases and has unusual success. Read the biography, then view the movie, Gifted Hands Written by Ben Carson with Cecil Murphey and Nathan Aaseng