the Echo - Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies Inc

Official Newsletter of the Netherlands Society
Christchurch (Inc)
The Netherlands Society Christchurch Inc.
wishes all its members
a peaceful Christmas and a happy 2015.
Netherlands Society Christchurch
( Est. March 20th, 1965 )
Netherlands Society Christchurch
637 Marshlands Road
Christchurch 8083
Phone: (03) 323 8641
Postal address:
P O Box 1211, Christchurch 8083
Olga Verstappen
Phone: (03) 325 2724
Sharon Alabaster
Phone: (03) 357 1311
Treasurer and Advertising:
Angela Lewis
Phone: (03) 383 0477
Marina McGurk-Wijlaars
Phone: (03) 323 4465
Membership and Website:
Ron van Santen
Phone: 027 4898369
Affiliated Clubs Liaison:
Olga Verstappen
Phone: (03) 325 2724
Editor Echo:
Yoka Saris
4 Highbank Lane, Christchurch 8081
Phone: (03) 384 9570
A letter was sent last month to a committee member with
the request to bring back the events calendar in the
Echo. The reason for this was, the writer expressed, that
older members seemed to have problems with reading
the coming events as they have been announced the last
2 years.
Therefore as from February 2015 your Editor will
endeavour to publish the events not only as a report but
also in a calendar form.
December is a month were we are extremely busy with
our personal lives. Besides this the society takes up a lot
of your commitee’s’ daily duties as well. So I personally
would like to ask the members to give a thought to your
committee and ask yourselves if in the next year perhaps
there is a way you could assist with the running of your
Society. Some members have offered to help as
volunteers. This means that we can call on them at
certain times when we are short of ‘man power’.
We are very grateful for these offers.
President J F Kennedy once said: “Ask not what your
country can do for you, ask what YOU can do for your
country.” Perhaps a thought for this coming year?
And while you might think that I am on my high horse
again I still like to say this: Most of us are blessed with
close-knit families and friends to share the upcoming
festive season with.
So because we are so lucky why not spare a thought for
one of the many lonely Dutch women or men we might
know. And if you really have no time to spend some time
with such a person tell the Friendly Support Network
about it.
Ring Heleen, 359 5517 or Trudi, 383 1111.
During this miraculous time that Christmas is may you
see through the eyes of a child and experience the
wonder and love and truly enjoy all that the season has to
Yoka Saris
A very pleasant reception to welcome our new ambassador, his excellency, Mr Rob Zaagman and his
wife, Mrs Monique Zaagman, took place at the Everglades on Tuesday, 11 November.
Approximately 65 members attended this event. I was not there but I have been told that the couple
really enjoyed the event and chatted with most of the people. Mr Zaagman promished in his speech
that he hoped to visit Christchurch often.
Through circumstances a few members of the committee could not be there that night. It is
therefore so lovely to hear that two members of the Society jumped straight in and helped with
catering duties.
On behalf of all I like to thank Tirza Bongers and Maarten Loeffen for their assistance! And Traiteur of
Merivale who donated the lovely club-sandwiches!
Now we are looking forward to see you all at either the St Nicholas Picnic in Spencer Park, a festivity
special for the children or the Nicholas’ Birthday Celebration at the Everglades for the adults. I refer
tot the Entertainment column on page 4 for further information.
It leaves me now to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very healthy and happy New Year!
Olga Verstappen
His Excellency, Mr Zaagman with one of the younger members,
of the NSC, Rachel van der Plas, during the Welcome Reception.
(Photo kindly supplied by Michael Zon)
December 2014
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PO Box 19614 Christchurch
New Zealand.
Phone 03 3181191
Refer to
for news clips of
latest happenings in the
Dutch community in NZ.
For advertising
get in touch with
Angela Lewis
Phone (03) 383 0477
Saturday, 6 December, 1pm at the Everglades an afternoon of fun, singing, some
traditional sweets, presents and......a chance to meet St Nicholas in person. This
afternoon is especially for the adults.
If you haven’t already done so ring Jose, 337 6151, to see if there is still some room
And as a cherry on the cake there will be a Mystery Guest to entertain you all the
way from the Netherlands!
Sunday, 7 December, the annual Christchurch Santa Parade. This year with a
traditional Dutch float with many children in Dutch costumes. For information please
ring: Ron van der Lem at 027 4898369.
Tuesday, 23 December, 7pm at the St Mary’s Church, 329 Halswell Road,
Neerlandia Choir’s Annual Christmas Concert. Further information on page 10 of this
issue of the Echo.
On behalf of all the members of the Entertainment Team:
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December 2014
Zalig zijn zij.......
Friendly Support
Network (FSN)
We are a group of volunteers who give
help and support to people of Dutch
decent in situations of need or stress.
We visit sick people, walk with people,
and talk (Dutch or English) with people.
Help or support is generally of a moral
rather than of a financial nature.
If you want to help, or know of someone
we can help, please contact:
Heleen van den Brink
Trudi van Nobelen
Tel 359 5517
Tel 383 1111
Een schoonmaker heeft zich na het vinden van
ruim een ton (crimineel) in een openbaar toilet
met het geld gemeld op het politie bureau.
De schoonmaker maakte zoals iedere dag netjes
zijn ronde door het kantoorgebouw tot hij op de
toiletten op de begane grond een plastic tas met
biljetten van 100 en 200 euro zag staan.
“Het was te veel om te tellen.” lachte de
De verbijsterde werknemer belde direct zijn chef
die op zijn beurt de politie in schakelde.
Zalig zijn zij die mij aanvaarden
ook al ben ik dan bejaard
die mij in mijn daag’lijks leven
zorg en ongemak bespaart
zalig zijn zij die het beseffen
dat ik ze niet zo goed versta
en die het gewoon negeren
als ik een stommiteit bega.
Zalig zijn zij die mij vergeven
als ik niet hun naam meer ken
die mij heel goed laten merken
dat ik nog onmisbaar ben
zalig zijn zij die willen helpen
als ‘t mis gaat met mijn werk
die me gaarne vergezellen
om te bidden in de kerk.
Zalig zijn zij die niet gaan schelden
als ik ‘t tafelkleed verschroei,
die de andere kant opkijken
als ik met mijn koffie knoei.
Zalig zijn zij die niet steeds zeuren:
“Opa, loop een beetje recht.”
Me niet voor de voeten gooien:
“Hebt u dat niet al gezegd?”
Zalig zijn zij die voor me zorgen
ook al duurt ‘t jaren lang
Mij vertroetelen en troosten
als ik eenzaam ben en bang.
Zalig zijn zij die van me houden
ook al ben ik hen tot last
en die op me blijven passen
ook wanneer ‘t hen niet past.
Zalig zijn zij die met me samen
nog eens terug gaan in de tijd
en die met me blijven praten
al ben ik soms de draad eens kwijt
zalig zijn zij die mij als mens zien
met mijn vreugde en mijn pijn
die me heel goed laten voelen
dat ik niet eenzaam hoef te zijn.
Omdat na een half jaar niemand het geld was
komen ophalen kreeg de schoonmaker ruim
80,000 euro op zijn rekening gestort. De rest van
het geld gaat naar de staat.
December 2014
Page 5
Bettine Flesseman was born in 1943 in Amsterdam were she started painting after having
accomplished A levels and University French language and literature at the University of Amsterdam.
Her Grandfather was a painter by profession and her aunt Jacoba Surie was a famous painter of the
Amsterdam ‘Joffers’ School. Bettine got some private lessons and advice from her aunt but is in fact
an autodidact.
In 1969 she left Holland to live in Portugal with her husband and two daughters. She lived in Portugal
for twenty years, painting all the time and having yearly exhibitions in various galleries.
In 1981 she had a solo exhibition in the Pablo Foz in Lisbon. In 1983 she was elected to represent
Portugal at the exhibition “Europe 2000” in the Europe Parliament in Strasbourg. She is mentioned in
the great art dictionary “Portugese 20th Centuary Artists”.
In 1989 Bettine went back to live in the Netherlands, the city of Maastricht, where she has her own
gallery and teaches art: oils, water-colours, acrylics, etc.
Bettine specialises in portraits but can handle any subject, having been a professional for over forty
Hand etching the city of Maastricht (1991)
The Royal Couple: King Willem-Alexander
and Queen Maxima. (2014)
For further information and to see many more paintings of this talented woman refer to
Yoka Saris
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December 2014
Archaeologists have discovered a hoard of silver coins, bracelets and a brooch in a Roman pot
during road works in The Hague.
The pot was found during excavations for a new connection between Ypenburg and The
Hague’s ring road and close to the site where remains of a Roman village were found earlier.
Over the centuries, the treasure had solified into a single mass but experts were able to
separate it to reveal coins from the time of Nero, Marcus Aurelius and Otho - who reigned for
three months in AD 69.
The treasure is on show from this month on at the Hague’s town hall.
The Dutch central bank has secretly brought a large part of the national gold reserves being held in a
secure depot in New York back to Amsterdam.
In total, 120 tonnes of gold valued at 4 billion Euros has been brought back to the Netherlands by
ship, NOS television said.
The high security preparations for the move took months.
The central bank decided to bring some of its gold reserves back to the Netherlands to ensure better
spread, the bank said in a statement.
In addition, the bank hopes to boost consumer confidence by showing there is enough gold in the
Netherlands to take the country through a new economic crisis.
Now 31% of the Dutch gold reserves are in Amsterdam, the same percentage as in New York. The
rest is in Ottowa and London.
The Netherlands has 612 tonnes of gold - worth 19 billion Euros at current gold prices, NOS said.
December 2014
Page 7
I am a mighty Kiwi
New Zealand born and proud
I love my Kiwi accent
You can pick me in a crowd
Though I roam across distant seas
and cross nations through the skies
the thought of my New Zealand
can bring tears to my eyes.
I’ll watch the All Blacks Haka
proud chest and lump in my throat
Goosebumps surge across my skin
for our anthem, pride in each sweet note
In strange lands, towns or cities
unknown places, foreign shores
you may hear a familiar accent say
“I’am from the North, which town is yours?”
Although I don’t live back at home
how long I’ll be away or how long we’ll be apart
There’s one thing of which you can be sure
New Zealand, Aotearoa, is always in my heart!
Katrina Murray
Page 8
December 2014
Van Dam’s Shop & Cafe
Now at
Open from
355 Riccarton Road
Monday to Saturday
Opposite Lone Star
9 till 5
Lots of great specials in store, now selling at
prices which won’t be beaten by supermarkets!
Blue Biscotte $2.00
Yellow Biscotte $2.90
Coffee Waffles $3.00
Lange Vingers $2.00
Plus all the usual goodies like
Zoute Drop, Dutch Cheese and much more!
December 2014
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December 2014
De laatste maand van het jaar is al weer gearriveerd. December is de maand dat we over “Vrede
Op Aarde” zingen en het ieder toewensen. Maar de grote vraag blijft wanneer dit ooit werklijkheid
Uitslagen van 21 october j.l als volgt:
1) Arda Hogendoorn, 5,451 punten; 2) Theo van Vuuren, 5,022 punten; 3) Bep van Polanen, 4,899
Het tournement gedurende Labour Weekend verliep als klokwerk. Naar tevredenheid werden vijf
spelletjes gespeeld. Het bestuur had een Thai lunch georganiseerd en dat ging er in als koek bij
de koffie, dat er na werd geserveerd.
De uitslagen van het tournement waren als volgt:
1) Henk Ritsier, 8,498 punten; 2) Lydia Verstappen, 8,414 punten, 3) Bill Nunink, 8,198 punten.
De loterij werd gewonnen door:
1) Thea Beulink; 2) Olga Verstappen; 3) Gerard Kuppevelt.
Daarna nog een glaasje en toen ging iedereen voldaan naar huis.
4 november:
1) Jan van de Splinter, 5,383 punten; 2) Emmy Nederpelt, 5,052 punten; 3) Arie Middelkoop, 4,972
18 november:
1) Dita Dijst, 5,545 punten; 2) Thea Beulink; 5,416 punten; 3) Wim Slot, 5,267 punten.
Op 13 december vieren we onze ‘Break-Up’ met een lunch in het Sequoia Restaurant. Daarna
gaan we naar de Everglades voor een kop koffie en om nog een paar spelletjes Klaverjas te
spelen. En dan is het tijd voor de jaarlijkse prijs-uitreiking.
De laatste kaart bijeenkomst vindt plaats op Dinsdag, 16 december en dan beginnen we weer met
goede moed op 20 januari 2015.
Namens het bestuur van ‘Ons Genoegen’ wens ik jullie allen prettige Kerstdagen en een gezond
en gelukkig Nieuwjaar toe.
Heel veel plezier met het spel van het leven!
Luckily this year our weekly meeting falls on the 5th of December, who knows we might get a visit
of St Nicholas in person or he might leave us something nice! The YOY likes to keep this very
special tradition alive!
The good attendance of our Friday gatherings gives us the incentive to keep on going!
The last gathering will take place on 19 december and we hope to meet you all again on Friday,
23 January 2015.
On behalf of the organisers of the YOY I like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Healthy
and Happy New Year.
December 2014
Page 11
My Grandma taught me everything about Christmas. I was just a kid. I remember tearing across
town on my bike to visit her one day my big sister dropped the bomb:”There is no Father Christmas,”
jeered my sister “even dummies know that!”
My Grandma was not the gushy kind, never had been. I fled to her that day because I knew she
would be straight with me. I knew Grandma always told the truth and I knew that the truth always
went down a whole lot easier when swallowed with a slice of her famous fruit loaf.
Grandma was home and the loaf was still warm from the oven. Between bites I told her everything.
She was ready for me.
“No Father Christmas!” she snorted. “Ridiculous! Don’t believe it. That rumour has been going around
for years and it makes me mad, plain mad! Now put on your coat and let’s go.”
“Go? Go where, Grandma?” I asked. I hadn’t even finished my first slice of fruit loaf yet.
“Where” turned out to be McKenzie’s, the one store in town that had a little bit of just about
everything. As we walked through its doors Grandma handed me five pounds. That was a bundle in
those days.
“Take this money,” she said “and buy something for someone who needs it. I’ll wait in the car.” Then
she turned and walked out of the store.
I was only eight years old. I’d often gone shopping with my Mother, but never had I shopped for
anything all by myself. The store seemed big and crowded, full of people scrambling to finish their
Christmas shopping. For a few moments I just stood there, confused, clutching that five pound bill,
wondering what to buy and who on earth for. I thought of everybody I knew: My family, my friends, my
neighbours, the kids at school.
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December 2014
I was just about thought out when I suddenly thought of Bobby Decker. He was a kid with bad breath
and messy hair and he sat right behind me in class. Bobby Decker did not have a coat. I knew that
because he never went outside at recess during the winter. His Mother always wrote a note that he
had a cough. But all the kids knew that Bobby Decker didn’t have cough and he didn’t have a coat
I fingered the five-pound note with great excitement. I would buy Bobby a coat. I settled on a red
corduroy one that had a hood to it. It looked real warm and he would like that. I didn’t see a price tag
but five pound ought to buy anything. I put the note on the counter and pushed it towards the lady
behind it.
She looked at the coat, the money and me. “Is this a Christmas present for someone?” she asked
kindly. “Yes,” I replied shyly. “It’s...... for Bobby. He’s in my class and he doesn’t have a coat.” The
nice lady smiled at me. I didn’t get any change but she put the coat in a bag and wished me a Merry
That evening Grandma helped me wrap the coat in Christmas paper and ribbons and write: “To Bobby,
from Father Christmas” on it. Grandma said that Father Christmas always insisted on secrecy.
Then she drove me over to Bobby Decker’s house, explaining as we went that I was now and forever
officially one of Father Christmas’ helpers. Grandma parked the car down the street and she and I
crept noiselessly and hid in the bushes near his front gate.
Suddenly Grandma gave me a nudge. “All right, Father Christmas,” she whispered, “get going!”
I took a deep breath, dashed to his front door, threw the present down, pounded his doorbell twice
and flew back to the safety of the bushes and Grandma.
Together we waited breathlessly in the darkness for the front door to open. Finally it did and there
stood Bobby. He looked down, looked around, picked up his present, took it inside and closed the
Forty years haven’t dimmed the thrill of those moments spent shivering, beside my Grandma, in
Bobby Decker’s bushes.
That night I realised that those awful rumours about Father Christmas were just what Grandma said:
“They are riduculous!”
Father Christmas is alive and well.....AND WE WERE ON HIS TEAM!
(Goran Persson)
December 2014
Page 13
We have received great reactions to the Baby Quiz!
Even a poem by Gonda van Elk:
Wat was dat een schik
met Ra, Ra, Wie Ben Ik?
Wie is hij of zij
Daar in die rij?
Al die fotoos van meisjes en knapen
om aldoor naar te gapen
Als maar op dat blaadje turen.
Volgende dag maar weer eens gluren.
Het was een heel gedoe
Nu ben ik werkelijk moe.
Wat een goede mop,
toch geef ik het nu maar op
Misschien een twee of een zeven
zal het comite mij geven!
Herewith the results, (refer the October 2014 issue of the Echo):
1) Nettie de Groot;
2) Ron van der Lem;
3) Marina Wijlaars;
4) Annie van der Dussen;
5) Desiree Ellerly;
6) Angela Lewis;
7) Martin van Urk;
8) Olga Verstappen;
9) Wilma Junker;
10) Jose Nijstad;
11) Yoka Saris;
12) Ron van Santen;
13) Isabel van den Berg;
14) Sharon Alabaster
The winners are:
Hanneke Schoneveld and Rini van de Plas. A special prize goes to Gonda van
A voucher for lunch for two at the Garden Restaurant will be sent to these
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December 2014
New members welcome
Are you or a friend considering becoming a member of the Society?
For more information contact the membership secretary, ph: 027 4898369
Application form:
Postal Code:
Email Address: ________________________________________________________
Age Group: (Please add in the number applicable to each category)
0-16 yrs _____
17-29 yrs _____
30-49 yrs_____
50 yrs +_____
Please circle appropriate membership:
Family membership $36.00
(includes children up to 16yrs of age)
Post Application to:
Ron van Santen
PO Box 1211, Christchurch
December 2014
Single membership
Membership fees can be paid after receiving the
confirmation letter from the treasurer.
Subscription year starts 1st April
Page 15
Committee Members
Entertainment Manager
Property Manager
Editor Echo Newsletter
325 2724
Olga Verstappen
Sharon Alabaster
357 1311
Marina McGurk-Wijlaars
323 4465
Angela Lewis
383 0477
Ron van der Lem
Ron van Santen
Yoka Saris
384 9570
Committee members
Annie van der Dussen
383 1594
384 9570
Martin van Urk
Desiree Ellery
383 3600
Nettie de Groot
357 4455
337 6151
Jose Nijstad
Isabel van de Berg
337 1694
Ron van Santen
Wilma Junker
SharonAlabaster/Ron van Santen
Olga Verstappen
384 9570
Yoka Saris
Affiliated Clubs
Distributor Echo Newsletter
Affiliated and other clubs
Bridge club
Costume and Hall hire
Friendly Support Network
Handwerk Club
Klaverjas Club Ons Genoegen
Neerlandia Choir Christchurch
Petanque Club
Toenail Culture Ale
Tramping Club De Landlopers
Walking Club
Young Folk Dancers
Youth of Yesterday
Dutch School De Klomp Inc.
Radio With Pictures (Echo)
Carsten Ouwerkerk
Annie van der Dussen
Heleen van den Brink
Tini de Winter
Wim de Winter
323 9354
383 1594
359 5517
352 5317
352 5317
Yoka Saris
Pieter Wever
Annie van der Dussen
Joop Stokvis Not currently active
Not currently active
Tini de Winter
384 9570
022-650 7101
383 1594
322 8228
Theo Boekel
Federation Of Netherlands
Societies Inc.
“De Schakel”
352 5317
Echo Material for the next issue of the Echo has to be in by the 20th of each month.
Although handwritten material is acceptable if clearly readable,
the editor will be very happy with typewritten articles.
You would, however really make my day with your contributions as
an attachment to email or with an email.
Please send to: or
Yoka Saris, 4 Highbank Lane, Mt Pleasant, Christchurch 8081.
The views and opinions expressed within the Echo are those of the individual author or other information
source and do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the Netherlands Society or the Editor.
All contributions are proofread for style and grammar.
We reserve the right to reject, abridge or edit letters for linguistic, spelling, style and other literary errors.
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December 2014