october 2014 ra, ra, wie ben ik?????

Official Newsletter of the Netherlands Society
Christchurch (Inc)
Baby quiz op pagina’s 12 en 13.
(Baby quiz on pages 12 and 13)
Netherlands Society Christchurch
( Est. March 20th, 1965 )
Netherlands Society Christchurch
637 Marshlands Road
Christchurch 8083
Phone: (03) 323 8641
Postal address:
P O Box 1211, Christchurch 8083
Olga Verstappen
Phone: (03) 325 2724
Email: president.nsc@gmail.com
Sharon Alabaster
Phone: (03) 357 1311
Email: vice.president.nsc@gmail.com
The last six weeks have not been easy for your editor! I
don’t like to complain but: Boy, oh, boy, it has been hectic!
But I must confess that Martin and I still found time to
disappear for a few days down south to celebrate a very
important birthday. And now we are back on deck and at
your service!
Here is hoping you will attend the events, organised by the
committee; drama group and choir for instance and all
the other events, which are coming up during the last few
months of the year 2014!
The Committee is anticipating receiving many baby quiz
I also like to share with you the following letter, which is
addressed to you all:
Dear Readers,
Treasurer and Advertising:
Angela Lewis
Phone: (03) 383 0477
Email: nsc.treasurer.nsc@gmail.com
Marina McGurk-Wijlaars
Phone: (03) 323 4465
Email: secretary.nsc@gmail.com
Membership and Website:
Ron van Santen
Phone: 027 4898369
Email: membership.nsc@gmail.com
This is just to let you know that due to circumstances
beyond my control, I, Dick Smit, am unable to write
anymore ‘Echoings’ in the Society’s magazine each
I would like to take this op- portunity to thank the
Netherlands Society Christ- church and all those who
enjoyed my stories.
I am now residing at Parkwood Resthome, Linwood,
telephone 373 8433.
Goodluck and dont forget:
Keep your powder dry!
Affiliated Clubs Liaison:
Olga Verstappen
Phone: (03) 325 2724
Editor Echo:
Yoka Saris
4 Highbank Lane, Christchurch 8081
Phone: (03) 384 9570
Email: yokasaris@gmail.com
Dick Smit
And on behalf of all the Veterans and other members I like
to thank Dick for the many stories he has shared with the
readers of the Echo over the years and also his total
dedication with organising the annual Veterans Day in the
past. We wish Dick and his wife Linda all the very best!
Yoka Saris
The long awaited ‘Ex Committee Thanks Giving Luncheon’ took place on Sunday, 14 September.
According to many people who attended it was a great success. The catering provided by Le Traiteur
Of Merivale was excellent! It was fun to see past and present members of the NSC committee
together and chatting about the good and sometimes not so good times of being part of a committee.
But overall the ex-members told of memories of a time they looked after the interests of the
Netherlands Society Christchurch with lots of humour going by the loud laughter that emerged from
several tables at regular intervals. (Photographs of the event on pages 14 and 15)
After careful deliberating the Committee has decided that due to unforeseen circumstances the yearly
‘Veterans Day’ will have to be cancelled this year. But a smilar event together with the Veterans will
take place in May 2015 to commemorate the heroic services of the Veterans in name of their country
and also the celebration of the fact that World War II ended 70 years ago. (More information closer to
the due date.)
For those who are interested: The yearly ‘Lincoln Multicultural Festival’ will be held on 18 October.
This festival, which started in 2004 is well worth a visit with its arts-crafts-music-dance and food from
many different cultural groups, who have now settled in New Zealand. I have attended many times
over the years and I can really recommend this event. (No entry charge!)
Coming events:
Sunday, 19 October, 1.30pm start, video afternoon, continuing “Nederland Van Boven”
Sunday, 16 November, 1.30pm, video afternoon, further info in November issue of Echo.
St Nicholas Picnic, 30 November, 12pm at Spencer Park, Block D.
Games for children of all ages. The announcement of the prize winners for best colouring in pictures.
A visit of St Nicholas and his loyal companions.
What else happens during the picnic?
There is coffee brewed on the spot: “Le Van Coffee not only makes great coffee.....it will make your
day too!”
Oliebollen made to the original Dutch recipe from famous “Mamma Marten’s Kitchen”!
From “Maison & Boulangerie Le Lapin”: magnificent preserves and home made cakes!
Furthermore a variety of sales tables with arts, crafts and of course “Van Dam’s” representative
selling all kinds of Dutch delicacies!
Please note that the colouring-in pictures herewith enclosed have to be in
not later than Friday, 21st of November.
It is important to give the judges time to select the winners of this competition.
Therefore no pictures will be accepted after this date!
Send to: St Nicholas’ Office, 15 Victoria Park Road, Cashmere, Christchurch)
Christchurch Santa Parade, Sunday, 7 December. After many years a Netherlands float will partake
manned by a group of possible future NSC members!!! Follow the local media for further information!
October 2014
Page 3
PO Box 19614 Christchurch
New Zealand.
Phone 03 3181191
Refer to www.echo.org.nz
for news clips of
latest happenings in the
Dutch community in NZ.
For advertising
get in touch with
Angela Lewis
Phone (03) 383 0477
Is anyone interested in exchanging stamps from the Netherlands, New Zealand
or Australia?
Please contact John - Telephone 348 3138.
I also have many stamps to give away.
John van de Poll
Verontschuldig je nooit voor het tonen van je gevoelens
want dat is het zelfde als je verontschuldigen voor de waarheid!
Het is bekend dat geld niet gelukkig maakt
maar toch wil iedereen dat zelf uitmaken!
Page 4
October 2014
Friendly Support
Network (FSN)
We are a group of volunteers who give
help and support to people of Dutch
decent in situations of need or stress.
We visit sick people, walk with people,
and talk (Dutch or English) with people.
Help or support is generally of a moral
rather than of a financial nature.
If you want to help, or know of someone
we can help, please contact:
Heleen van den Brink
Trudi van Nobelen
Tel 359 5517
Tel 383 1111
Het was de rage van deze zomer in Nederland:
Loombands maken. Maar nu de kinderen weer
naar school zijn liggen de felgekleurde
rubberen bandjes her en der door het huis te
verpieteren. “Niet erg” aldus Mr Loom (Cheong
Choong Ng) die voor een flitsbezoek in
Nederland was, “Als het straks herfstvakantie is
loomt iedereen weer vlot door.”
Ineens was het daar deze zomer, de rubberen
loombandjes. Elke zichzelf respecterende
celebrity droeg zo’n zelfgewoven armbandje.
Van David Beckham tot Louis van Gaal, van
kroonprinses Amalia tot Kate, de hertogin van
Kent. Je had gee kind aan ze, achter in de auto
op weg naar de vakantie bestemming. En al die
regenachtige dagen in augustus kwamen ze
met verse zakjes rubberen bandjes en een
internetverbinding ook wel door!
Ja natuurlijk, hier in NZ ook. Heeft u er al een?
Ik wel dankzij mijn 9-jarige kleindochter: Mooi
roze met wit! Dank je wel, Rosie!!!
De tegenstanders van Zwarte Piet hebben van de rechter gelijk gekregen. Burgemeester Eberhard
van der Laan van Amsterdam moet bij de vergunning van de intocht van Sinterklaas nadrukkelijk
rekening houden met de belangen van de zwarte gemeenschap.
Volgens de rechtbank heeft Van der Laan onvoldoende rekening gehouden met de gevolgen van
een negatieve stereo-typering van de zwarte mens, veroorzaakt door de figuur van Zwarte Piet;
dikke lippen; dom en knecht.
De rechtbank baseert zich op een recente uitspraak van het College van Rechten voor de Mens
en op onderzoek van de gemeente zelf. Uit dat onderzoek bleek dat veel zwarte Amsterdammers
zich gediscrimineerd voelen door Zwarte Piet.
Daarmee maakt de intocht volgens de rechtbank inbreuk op het prive-leven van de zwarte mensen.
De bescherming van het prive-leven is een belang dat de burgemeester had moeten meewegen
toen hij vorig jaar de vergunning verleende.
De uitspraak is gedaan in een bodemprocedure die tegen de afgifte van de vergunning was
aangespannen door enkele tegenstanders van het fenomeen Zwarte Piet. Een van hen, Barryl
Biekman, van het Platform Landelijk Slavernijverleden, is dolblij met de uitspraak. “Ik heb 18 jaar
tegen de figuur van Zwarte Piet gestreden en nu zegt de rechtbank dat ik het gelijk aan mijn zijde
heb. Het is een feestdag!”
De woordvoerder van de burgemeester laat weten dat de gemeente de uitspraak uitvoerig zal
bestuderen en aan de hand daarvan zal bekijken hoe de vergunning in de toekomst moet worden
verleend. Ook hoger beroep wordt niet uitgesloten.
Bron Het Parool, juli 2014
October 2014
Page 5
On Sunday, 23 September, Neerlandia Choir Christchurch performed for an appreciative
audience of 120 people in the Hohepa Music Auditorium on Barrington. This venue is well
known for being one of the best in Christchurch qua ambience and acoustics.
The Choir under the inspirational choral direction of Mr Bruce Blanchard performed songs in
six different languages. Amongst many others one could enjoy the music of Johann
Sebastian Bach; George Frideric Handel; Johann Strauss; Ludwig van Beethoven and
Edvard Grieg.
The Choir was accompagnied on piano by Michael Zon.
The guest artists were six musicians of the Koyu kai Group, local musicians, who performed
traditional Japanese music on a variety of instruments such as the koto (13 and 17 stringed
zithers); 3-stringed lutes and a flute. The musicians were all dressed in authentic kimono,
which added to the magical atmosphere of the performance.
After the audience was held spellbound during the, at least 90 minute lasting, varied
musical programme it was time for afternoon tea where besides the obvious coffee, tea and
juice the delicious traditonal ‘krentenbrood’ was served and where everyone could spent
time to discuss a most entertaining afternoon.
Photographs taken and kindly supplied by
Rudi van de Brink
Page 6
October 2014
column van
Ik sprak iemand van wie de vriend Braziliaan was. Hij leerde Nederlands en verbaasde zich het allermeest over dit: hoe vaak Nederlanders het over ‘zitten’ hebben. En dat is inderdaad vaak, als je er
even over nadenkt. “Ik zit hier al een uur te wachten”, kun je zeggen, ook als je niet aan het
zitten bent. “Ik zit hier thuis”, idem dito. Je kunt namelijk best thuis zitten als je in werkelijkheid aan
het rondlopen bent.
De oorspronkelijk betekenis van zitten heeft iets te maken met het plaatsen van het achterste op
een horizontaal vlak. Maar er zijn heel veel gebruiken die daar in de verste verte niets mee te maken
hebben. Wat te denken van deze: “He, he, jongedame niet aan de knopjes van het fornuis zitten!”
‘Aanzitten’ wordt bijna altijd gebruikt in de kinderlijke sfeer. (Het was een heel leuk museum want we
mochten overal aanzitten.) Stel dat je als Braziliaan deze kinderlijke betekenis van ‘aanzitten’ hebt
geleerd, dan moet het heel verwarrend zijn dat er soms bij een diner ook aangezeten wordt - maar
dan is het juist weer iets sjieks waar geen kinderen aan te pas komen. Om nog maar te zwijgen over
deze zin: “Er zit kauwgum aan mijn broek.” Zeer vreemd!
Maar dat is nog niet alles, want we gebruiken ‘zitten’ ook voor kleding. “Deze trui zit het lekkerst.”
Dat geen Nederlander hierbij denkt aan een trui die op een stoeltje zit, lijkt me voor een buitenlander
moeilijk te begrijpen.
En omdat ‘zitten’ hiermee blijkbaar nog niet genoeg gebruikt wordt, zeggen we ook nog ‘die zit’ als
iemand een rake opmerking heeft geplaatst of anderzins gescoord heeft.
De vraag is natuurlijk: Waarom gebruiken we ‘zitten’ zo vaak? Of anders gezegd: Wat zien wij
zitten in zitten? Zegt het misschien iets in ons zittend bestaan? Zitten wij vast aan onze bankstellen
of bureau stoelen? En heeft het woord ‘zitten’ van hieruit onze taal veroverd? Zouden Brazilianen het
leven meer dansend bekijken? Het klinkt als een cliche, maar het lijkt me aan de andere kant ook
weer geen toeval dat juist een Braziliaan struikelt over dat zitten. Of probeer ik het allemaal weer te
cultureel te duiden en berust het allemaal maar op toeval?
Dat loop ik me nu al dagen af te vragen!
On Sunday, 27 September, the NSC organised a show with South Island woman Doetie Keyzer.
Four years ago Doetie visited the Christchurch Society with her ‘One Woman Show’ so the committee
thought it might be pleasant for the members to attend a repeat performance. No entree fee would
be charged to make it even more attractive (afternoon tea provided). What a disappointment to have
eighteen people attending in total of which there were six committee members! Do the membership
ever think what it is like to organise an event with such a poor result? Don’t blame your committee for
not trying! Because we do! If you have better ideas why not write a letter to the Editor with your wishes for entertainment events (if you have trouble facing us in person)! By the way those who were
there did enjoy themselves!!!!
October 2014
Page 7
Dear Members,
The Netherlands Society Christchurch Inc. now has a Facebook page called
“Netherlands Society Christchurch NZ” .
Please ‘like’ our new page and encourage friends, family, members and
non-members to also ‘like’ the page. The committee will use the Facebook
page as another means of keeping everyone up to date with news, events and
anything of interest to the Netherlands Society and the Dutch
community at large. As well as being a great source of information and
contacts for new migrants arriving in Christchurch who may wish to join the
Society or know more about what we do.
If you have any queries about the new page please feel free to phone me on
383 3600 or contact me via email desiree.ellery@gmail.com.
Best regards,
Desiree Ellery, Committee Member
Page 8
October 2014
Van Dam’s Shop & Cafe
Now at
Open from
355 Riccarton Road
Monday to Saturday
Opposite Lone Star
9 till 5
Lots of great specials in store, now selling at
prices which won’t be beaten by supermarkets!
Blue Biscotte $2.00
Yellow Biscotte $2.90
Coffee Waffles $3.00
Lange Vingers $2.00
Plus all the usual goodies like
Zoute Drop, Dutch Cheese and much more!
October 2014
Page 9
A man from Dordrecht has been told he will be jailed if he writes more than two letters of complaint to
the city council a month.
The council has gone to court urging action against the man, who sends officials dozens of complaint
letters and freedom information requests per month.
The man is angry that the council has put a ‘sequestration’ (seizure of property) order on some of his
properties because he is refraining to meet tougher new rules on rental properties.
The magistrate had earlier banned the man from sending more than 10 letters a month to the council
but he has refused to comply. So far this year he has sent the officials 440 letters, all of which have to
be dealt with.
Dordrecht’s city council says answering the mail is costing 500.000 euros a year and involves 2.5
fulltime officers to deal with the correspondence.
Vincent van Gogh, one of the world’s most renowned artists, will be celebrated on stage in a musical
next year. Vincent will open in autumn 2015 in Amsterdam, headlining the 125 Years of Inspiration
Casting for the role of Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) is ongoing and Dutch producer Albert Verlinde
will oversee proceedings.
Martine Willekens spokeswoman for the Vincent van Gogh Foundation, said the aim of the musical is
to “bring Vincent van Gogh’s works to life in a non-traditional way”.
The musical will portray the painter’s struggle with mental illness, including the notorious episode
which cultimated in him slicing off part of his ear.
Though Vincent van Gogh’s influence remains far-reaching he sold only one painting before his death
at the age of 37. The cause of death was a fatal gunshot wound but there is no conclusive proof that
he meant to take his own life.
“It is perhaps a little odd to celebrate his death,” said Amsterdam’s Vincent van Gogh Museum
director, Axel Ruegen, “but over the years the artist has become a global celebrity, a kind of rock
An exhibition of his paintings in Amsterdam will accompany the play.
The Telegraph
Graag nodigen wij u uit voor een bezoek aan onze nieuwe website.
U kunt op www.dutch.co.nz onderandere het volgende vinden:
• Nederlandse kranten;
• Online Shop met Nederlandse producten;
• Een overzicht van winkels met Nederlandse producten in uw buurt;
• Links met Nederlands georienteerde websites;
Neem gerust contact met ons op via het contact formulier voor suggesties en vragen.
Het Dutch ‘n’ Deli Team
Page 10
October 2014
De lente is in volle glorie gearriveerd: De kerseboom staat in bloei, zo ook de narcissen en er staat
zelfs een tulp ontzettend mooi te zijn in een vergeten hoek van de tuin! Wat is de natuur toch mooi!
De uitslagen voor de prijs kaart dagen waren als volgt:
Dinsdag, 26 augustus:
1) Emmy Nederpelt; 5749 punten; 2) Leni Nelis, 5188 punten; 3) Bep Bohm, 5080 punten.
Dinsdag, 9 september:
1) Bill Nunink, 5602 punten; 2) Anna Fekkes, 5541 punten; 3) Arie Middelkoop, 5204 punten.
De Spring Card Drive was zoals altijd weer een succes, 33 spelers, allemaal kampioenen,
probeerden een prijsje binnen te halen.
Het bestuur had deze dag zo ingedeeld dat er vier spelen inplaats van zes plaats zouden vinden. Er
was uitgerekend dat er niet later dan 4.00 uur gekaart zou worden. Maar dat kwam niet uit want om
3.00 uur was het gedaan en toen is er besloten om er nog maar een vijfde spel aan toe te voegen.
De winnaars van deze Card Drive waren:
1) Truus Nijssen, 8348 punten; 2) Thea Beulink en Greet Akkerman, 8218 punten; 3) Richard van
Lindt, 8078 punten.
De loterij werd gewonnen door:
1) Koos van Nieuwkerk; 2) Arda Hogendoorn; 3) Lenie Nelis.
Daarna nog een ‘glaasje’ en toen ging iedereen voldaan naar huis!
De volgende en laatste wedstrijd voor het jaar 2014 vindt plaats op zaterdag, 25 october (Labour
Dit was dan weer het klaverjas verslag voor deze maand. We hopen dat iedereen van een goede
gezondheid blijft genieten en verder veel plezier met het spel van het leven!
On BVN TV we watched a program about the Royal House of Orange and the recent celebration of
its reign of 200 years. This gave us an idea to celebrate this in a small way during the following Youth
of Yesterday gathering. Everyone present received an orange and a Dutch flag and a special delicacy
with the coffee. So you see, we use any excuse to have a celebration! It gives us a warm feeling to
see everyone appreciating this.
The weather is improving, surely this must be an incentive to join us on Friday mornings at the
Everglades! We can assure you that you won’t be sorry!
An American view on Friesians:
“A ‘Fries’ is a sort of spare-Dutch person, who lives in the north of the country in a province all
to themselves. They love frozen water, called Beerenburger - a form of euthanasia with alcohol.
A Fries likes to endlessly pointing out that other ‘Hollanders’ are NOT Fries!
The rest of the people in the Netherlands looks at this behaviour the same way one looks at an
obstinate child: Lovingly but hoping like hell that one day they will grow out of this!”
October 2014
Page 11
Ra, ra, wie ben ik?????
During our last committee meeting we discussed the pictures we published in
the September Echo of the NSC Committee members.
Some one, who we shall not mention here, came up with the bright idea to
have a quiz in the October issue of the Echo. The idea is the NSC members
will have to guess which baby/todler photo portrays which
committee member.
The first three winning entrees will receive a voucher for a luncheon at the
Garden Hotel & Restaurant for two.
As you can imagine finding photo’s of ourselves, especially the older ones
amongst us, was not so easy but we have come up with a lovely collection.
The names of the committee members are in alphabetic order below.
The photographs on page 13 are numbered from 1 to 14.
Please send your entry to email: yokasaris@gmail.com
post to: 4 Highbank Lane, Christchurch 8081 before 1 December.
A: Sharon Alabaster
B: Isabel van den Berg
D: Annie van der Dussen
E: Desiree Ellery
G: Nettie de Groot
J: Wilma Junker
L1: Ron van der Lem
L2: Angela Lewis
N: Jose Nijstad
S1: Ron van Santen
S2: Yoka Saris
U: Martin van Urk
V: Olga Verstappen
W: Marina Wijlaars
No points will be given for remarks
regarding our waning beauty!!!
Page 12
October 2014
Photoos on page
numbered as follows:
1; 2; 3;
4; 5; 6;
7; 8; 9;
10; 11; 12;
13; 14.
October 2014
Page 13
Page 14
October 2014
Photographs taken during the “Thanks Giving Luncheon for Past Committee Members”
by Peter McGurk.
On page 14: The NSC stalwarts from left to right, top row:
Margaret en Jan van Herpt; Wim and Tini de Winter.
Second row: Still love birds after so many years: Truus and Carsten Ouwerkerk.
Property Managers: Bert de Jong; Wim de Winter; Trudo Wijlaars; Marius Wunderink.
Bottom: All Entertainment members over the years!
Page 15 from left to right: Echo Editors: Bep Bohm; Margaret van Herpt; Jan van Herpt;
Desiree Ellery and Yoka Saris.
2nd photo: Entertainment managers:
Mimi Tabak; Leo van ‘t Veen; Maria de Jong; Annie van der Dussen; Ron van der Lem.
New members welcome
Are you or a friend considering becoming a member of the Society?
For more information contact the membership secretary, ph: 027 4898369
Application form:
Postal Code:
Email Address: ________________________________________________________
Age Group: (Please add in the number applicable to each category)
0-16 yrs _____
17-29 yrs _____
30-49 yrs_____
50 yrs +_____
Please circle appropriate membership:
Family membership $36.00
(includes children up to 16yrs of age)
Post Application to:
Ron van Santen
PO Box 1211, Christchurch
October 2014
Single membership
Membership fees can be paid after receiving the
confirmation letter from the treasurer.
Subscription year starts 1st April
Page 15
Committee Members
Entertainment Manager
Property Manager
Editor Echo Newsletter
Olga Verstappen
Sharon Alabaster
Marina McGurk-Wijlaars
Angela Lewis
Ron van der Lem
Ron van Santen
Yoka Saris
384 9570
Committee members
Annie van der Dussen
383 1594
384 9570
Martin van Urk
Desiree Ellery
383 3600
Nettie de Groot
357 4455
337 6151
Jose Nijstad
Isabel van de Berg
337 1694
Ron van Santen
Wilma Junker
SharonAlabaster/Ron van Santen
Olga Verstappen
384 9570
Yoka Saris
Affiliated Clubs
Distributor Echo Newsletter
325 2724
357 1311
323 4465
383 0477 3540459
Affiliated and other clubs
Bridge club
Costume and Hall hire
Friendly Support Network
Handwerk Club
Klaverjas Club Ons Genoegen
Neerlandia Choir Christchurch
Petanque Club
Toenail Culture Ale
Tramping Club De Landlopers
Walking Club
Young Folk Dancers
Youth of Yesterday
Dutch School De Klomp Inc.
Radio With Pictures (Echo)
Carsten Ouwerkerk
Annie van der Dussen
Heleen van den Brink
Tini de Winter
Wim de Winter
323 9354
383 1594
359 5517
352 5317
352 5317
Yoka Saris
Pieter Wever
Annie van der Dussen
Joop Stokvis Not currently active
Not currently active
Tini de Winter
384 9570
022 650 7101
383 1594
322 8228
Theo Boekel
Federation Of Netherlands
Societies Inc.
“De Schakel”
352 5317
Echo Material for the next issue of the Echo has to be in by the 20th of each month.
Although handwritten material is acceptable if clearly readable,
the editor will be very happy with typewritten articles.
You would, however really make my day with your contributions as
an attachment to email or with an email.
Please send to: yokasaris@gmail.com or
Yoka Saris, 4 Highbank Lane, Mt Pleasant, Christchurch 8081.
The views and opinions expressed within the Echo are those of the individual author or other information
source and do not
necessarily represent the opinion of the Netherlands Society or the Editor.
All contributions are proofread for style and grammar.
We reserve the right to reject, abridge or edit letters for linguistic, spelling, style and other literary errors.
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October 2014