Leicestershire Health and Wellbeing Board

A Health and Wellbeing
Board for Leicestershire
Cheryl Davenport
Programme Director
Why are we establishing a Health
and Wellbeing Board?
• Included in the NHS White Paper ‘Equity and
Excellence’ Liberating the NHS (July 2010)
• Health and Social Care Bill (January 2011)
makes the establishment of a Health and
Wellbeing Board mandatory for each upper tier
• Leicestershire is an early implementer
What will the Health and Wellbeing
Board do?
Primary purpose is to:• Promote integration and partnership working
between the NHS, Social Care, Public Health
and other local services; and
• Improve local democratic accountability.
How will the Board achieve its
• Identify needs and priorities across Leicestershire’s
population, and ensure commissioning and delivery
plans reflect the findings of our Joint Strategic
Needs Assessment
• Prepare and publish a Joint Health and Wellbeing
• Communicate and engage with local people about
how they can achieve the best possible quality of
• Have oversight of public sector resources, where
What does being an early
implementer mean?
• Working with other early implementer councils
nationally and the DH, sharing good practice
and ideas
• Have the Shadow Board in place by April 2011
• We see this as a priority so we can:
– Keep the focus of our collective attention on the task
of improving health and well being outcomes during
transition; and
– Maintain momentum on important developments
already in progress
What is the difference between the
Shadow and Statutory Boards?
• Shadow Board is an advisory body to the County
Council’s Cabinet, NHS LCR Trust Board and
GP Commissioning Consortia
• Statutory Board will be in place once legislation
is passed, expected to be April 2013, and will be
a Committee of the County Council with
executive powers
Who is on the Shadow Board?
• The Cabinet Lead Member for Health
• The Cabinet Lead Member for Adults and
• The Cabinet Lead Member for Children and
Young People’s Services
• At least one representative of each of the GP
Consortia within the local authority area
• The Director of Public Health
• The Director of Adults and Communities
• The Director of the Children and Young People’s
Who is on the Shadow Board?
• LINk representation - 2 places (to replace with Local
Health Watch representation, when established)
• The Chief Executive of NHS LCR (the local Primary Care
• Local Medical Committee representation – 1 place
• District Council representation – 2 places.**
*This place could be allocated to a representative of the National
Commissioning Board when this is established and their role is more defined.
This is for further consideration in due course.
** Representation to be sought from Districts, after local elections in May 2011
Why are some organisations not
• Membership essentially follows statutory
• Focus on small core group of commissioning
leaders and democratic accountability
• Structures beneath the board will ensure
engagement and influence from a wide range of
other organisations, such as providers,
(including voluntary and community sector),
professional advisors, and other stakeholders
What are the implications of the new
board for existing groups?
• The health and wellbeing board will be one of
the new commissioning hubs in the
Leicestershire Together partnership during its
Shadow period
• In 2013 it will become a statutory committee of
the Local Authority, which will mark a clear
change in its position within partnership
Diagram showing the Shadow Board and its position within the LT Partnership
The changes mean new forms of
governance within the partnership
• Moving from soft ‘direction of travel
partnerships’ to ‘hard’ decision making
• Small number of Boards
• Commissioners only on Boards
• Support groups to include stakeholders
• There will be overlaps
Leicestershire Together Structure
and Roles
How will stakeholders engage with the
Board, once it is in place?
• Key platform will be the Strategy and Monitoring
Groups beneath the Board which will inform
commissioning decisions and support and
deliver services.
• These groups will call upon users, providers,
commissioners, professional advisors
communities and other stakeholders to ensure
that the Board’s recommendations are wellinformed and that services are successfully
designed and delivered.
What is the process for establishing
the Board?
• One of six elements of work governed by the
Joint Change Programme Board operating
between the PCT, LCC and GP Consortia
• Sub group established to co-ordinate
implementation of the Health and Wellbeing
• Terms of Reference to be approved by Cabinet
(April 5) and PCT Trust Board (April 14)
• Board will meet in public, at least quarterly
How are stakeholders being
engaged in the process?
• Stakeholder mapping has taken place and we
have considered the implications for existing
groups and partnerships
• A comprehensive stakeholder engagement plan
is underway, (officers, staff, council members,
professional groups, partnership groups,
user/patient groups, NHS Trusts, LINks,
Voluntary Sector, other agencies
• Core products: presentation, briefing note,
frequently asked questions and media materials
How will the Board enhance local
progress to date?
• We are moving into a new phase of our
partnerships in Leicestershire
– Taking elements of joint commissioning into a more
systematic approach, with clinical leadership
– Using our strong foundation of partnership working
– Moving from transitional arrangements to shaping the
“end state” of the new system
– Taking our collective learning to scope new
opportunities (e.g. total place into community
How will the Board enhance local
progress to date? (cont)
• The Board should improve accountability,
governance, resource allocation and delivery
across partners in the new commissioning
system, with a focus on how we collectively
deliver outcomes for local people
• The commissioning partnership envisaged on
this Board will design a specific performance
and delivery framework to assure their work,
reflecting partnership changes affecting the
NHS, the local authority and other partners.
What are the Next Steps?
• Ongoing communication and engagement with
• Preparatory workshop for members of the Health
and Wellbeing Board, mid-April
• First meeting of the Board, late April
• Stakeholder workshop, mid- May
• Continue our work as part of the early
implementer programme, including sharing our
best practice with others
Contact Details
Cheryl Davenport
Programme Director
NHS Leicestershire County & Rutland/
Leicestershire County Council
0116 295 7546 (office)
07770 281 610 (mobile)