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XI Science Sample Test Questions - KIST College

Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
These Sample Test Questions have been specially prepared for KIST grade XI
The Sample Test Questions are based on the latest syllabi and question patterns of the
final examinations as guided by NEB. This test material will help students to get fully
acquainted with the types of questions they are likely to be asked. It will also serve as
highly effective practice material.
This booklet is only a useful collection of sample question papers which cannot
possibly cover the whole curricula/syllabi for reasons of space or selection. Hence,
students are advised to revise the whole curricula/syllabi and to read suggested
textbooks, class notes, and reference materials.
Despite all our care and effort and our best intentions, there might still be some
technical shortcomings for which we render our apologies.
KIST College & SS
April 2022
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
Test Preparation Guidelines
Procedure for Test Completion
1. Nepali
2. English
3. Mathematics
4. Physics
5. Chemistry
6. Biology
7. Computer Science
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
In order to achieve the best possible results in examinations, students generally have
 to develop proper study habits,
 to organize themselves well,
 to manage their time strictly, and
 to work on their own.
In particular, to prepare well for the coming Final Examination, students should
allocate adequate time each day so that
 course study should be unfailingly done, and
 all these model tests are invariably completed.
While preparing for the final examination exams, students need
 to identify which topics they require to focus on, and
 to prioritize their subject strengths and weaknesses.
Importantly, a positive attitude harvests scholastic success and at the same time
eliminates stress.
 Be prepared.
 Be confident.
Parents/Guardians ought to monitor their wards to ensure the completion of the given
model test questions after college hours at home and during the pre-exam preparatory
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
 Students are advised to answer these Sample Test Questions in all seriousness
treating them as mock exams.
 A schedule would have to be drawn up by the concerned student to complete
each test at a single sitting so that all the given tests are finished before the final
 The sample test questions must be completed silently without any disturbance
within the stipulated time without consulting books/notes/any other resource
materials or other students while actually doing these papers.
 Once each test is finished, the student herself/himself has to check & mark
her/his own answers on the same day itself.
 The purpose behind self-marking is to develop the sense and skill of proper selfevaluation tempered with honesty and to nurture exam-related skills yoked to
 After such self-appraisal, class notes, textbooks, and handouts should be
consulted to analyze whether the self-evaluation is accurate and to revise parts
of the syllabi covered thoroughly.
 Peer consultation which aids interactive learning is a vital component to clear
confusion and to aid better understanding.
 Consulting the subject teachers, finally, if there is any point needing
clarification or instruction is essential.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
ls:6 sn]h tyf df=lj=
sdnkf]v/L, sf7df8f}+
NEB gd'gf k|Zgkq
ljifoM g]kfnL – (NEP. 001_
k"0ff{Í M &%
;do M # 306f
sIff M !!
gf]6 M eflifs z'4tf, ;/;kmfO / df}lns pQ/nfO{ cª\s lbFbf ljz]if k|f]T;fxg lbOg] 5 .
!= lbOPsf] cg'R5]bsf /]vfª\lst j0f{x¿sf] pRrf/0f :yfg / k|f0fTj 5'6\ofO{ n]Vg'xf];\ M -#_
of]udfof n}ª\lus lje]bsf] klg s6\6/ lj/f]wL lyOg\ . pgL afnljjfxsf] ljkIfdf plelGyg\ t/
:j}lR5s ljwjf ljjfxsf] ;dy{g uly{g\ .
@= z'4 u/L k'gn]{vg ug'{xf];\ M
x]g'{;\ ab|LhL xfdLn] v]tdf /fzfolgs dn / ljifflbsf] k|of]u u¥of}F . jfnLsf] pmTkfbg a9fpg]
sfddf ;fyLx¿n] tkfO{F ;Fu ;Nnfx dfu]sf 5g\ .
#= cg'R5]bdf /]vfª\sg ul/Psf zAbsf] kbju{ klxrfg u/L n]Vg'xf];\ M
cfh pgn] dnfO{ w]/} s'/fx¿ ;f]w] . pgn] ;f]w]sf s'/fx¿dWo] vf;} w]/} a'lemgF . d}n] s]df
s'/f eof] eGg] klg /fd|/L a'lemgF . pgn] dnfO{ kmf]gaf6 afFsL s'/f ;'gfP .
$= lbOPsf k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-@±@ Ö $_
-s_ lbOPsf] cg'R5]baf6 b'O{ b'O{cf]6f tT;d / cfuGt's zAb klxrfg u/L n]Vg'xf];\ M
j|mdzM cUnf] x'Fb} uPsf] si6k|b, s7f]/, b'u{d kxf8sf] IfL0f kynfO{ gh/n] e]6];Dd x]bf{ dfG5]
kf] xf] ls eGg] e|d kfg]{ Pp6f wAaf h:tf] klg s]xL b]lvPg .
-v_ lbOPsf zAbx¿nfO{ zAbsf]zLo j|mddf ldnfO{ n]Vg'xf];\ M
Jojxf/, c+z, qf;, 1fg
%= lbOPsf] cg'R5]baf6 tLgcf]6f kfl/eflifs zAb klxrfg u/L jfSodf k|of]u ug'{xf];\ M -#_
lxhf]eGbf cfh x/]s ;ª\j|mfds /f]usf] pkrf/ vf]kåf/f ;Dej x'Fb} uPsf] 5 . b]zdf
s'kf]if0faf6 d[To' s'g] afnaflnsfx¿sf] tYofª\s ;fj{hlgs ul/Psf] clen]vaf6 yfxf kfpg
;lsG5 .
lbOPsf] cg'R5]baf6 Pp6f cg's/0ffTds zAb, Pp6f pvfg / Pp6f 6'Ssf klxrfg u/L ltgnfO{
jfSodf k|of]u ug'{xf];\ M
x'g] la?jfsf] lrNnf] kft eg] e}Fm ;a} ;fyLnfO{ d]v dfb}{ k/LIffdf k|fKt u/]sf] :jlKgnsf]
;kmntfaf6 p;sf cleefjs v';Ln] ub\ub eP . csa/L ;'gnfO{ s;L nufpg' kb}{g eGb}
d]wfjL ljBfyL{ :jlKgnn] ;a}sf] gfs /fv]sfdf cfk"mnfO{ w]/} v';L nfu]sf] s'/f ljBfnosf
k|wfgfWofksn] d';'d';' xfF:b} ;a}nfO{ atfP .
^= s'g} b'O{ k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-@x@ Ö$_
-s_ cg'R5]baf6 b'O{cf]6f pk;u{ / b'O{cf]6f k|Too Jo'TkGg zAb klxrfg u/L ltgsf] lgdf{0f k|lj|mof
b]vfpg'xf];\ M
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
k|d'v /fhgLlts bnx¿n] u}/lhDd]jf/ ag]/ d'n'snfO{ clg0f{osf] aGbL agfpg' x'Fb}g .
bnLo st{Jo / /fli6«o lhDd]jf/LnfO{ a'e]m/ ;s];Dd rfF8} g} lgsf; lbg] sfddf s]lGb|t x'g'
cfjZos 5 .
-v_ cg'R5]baf6 b'O{cf]6f ;d:t zAb klxrfg u/L lju|x ug'{xf];\ / b'O{cf]6f låTj zAb klxrfg
u/L bf]xf]l/Psf] c+z 5'6\ofpg'xf];\ M
b]zlxtdf nfu]sf kLtfDa/ / gLns07 cfcfˆgf] st{Jo k"/f ub}{ ufpFa:tLsf] pGgltdf
dgjrgsd{n] nfu]sf 5g\ . Pscsf{df ;/;xof]u / d/dbt ug]{ clg ;'vb'Mvdf ;fy lbg]
pgLx¿sf] cfgLafgLsf] 5/l5d]sdf d'Sts07n] k|z+;f x'g] u/]sf] 5 .
-u_ cg'R5]baf6 rf/cf]6f ;lGwo'St zAb klxrfg u/L ;lGw ljR5]b ug'{xf];\ M
xfd|f] b]zsf] lxdfnL ;f}Gbo{, k|fs[lts e"agf]6 k'/ftflTjs dxŒjsf j:t'x¿sf]
cjnf]sg ug{ ljb]zL ko{6sx¿ g]kfndf cfpF5g\ . pgLx¿ g]kfnLx¿sf] cfltYo ;Tsf/af6
xlif{t x'Fb xFl;nf] cg'xf/ nufO{ :jb]ztk{m kms{G5g\ .
&= lbOPsf k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-s_ lbOPsf] cg'R5]bnfO{ k'lnª\u eP :qLlnª\u / :qLlnª\u eP k'lnª\udf kl/jt{g u/L k'gn]{vg
ug'{xf];\ M
pgn] uB z}nLdf sljtf n]v] . To; sljtfnfO{ d]/L dfOh"n] dg k/fpg'eof] . sfsL / k'mk"n]
sljtf jfrg u/]/ ;'gfpg] OR5f ug'{eof] . d}n] klg pxfFx¿;Fu} sljtf jfrg u/]/ ;'gfPsL
lyPF .
-v_ lbOPsf] cg'R5]bnfO{ Psjrg eP ax'jrg / ax'jrg eP Psjrgdf kl/jt{g u/L
k'gn]{vg ug'{xf];\ M
d}n] ufpFdf k'/fgf] ;fyLnfO{ e]6]F . xfdLn] r/fx¿ / hnrnx¿sf af/]df w]/} a]/ s'/f u¥of}F .
;fyLn] cfˆgf] k|ultsf] syf ;'gfof] . p;sf s'/f ;'g]/ d]/f ;fyLx¿ bª\u k/] .
*= lbOPsf k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-s_ tnsf uBf+zaf6 b'O{cf]6f p2]Zo / ljw]o tyf b'O{cf]6f p2]Zo lj:tf/ / ljw]o lj:tf/ kb
klxrfg u/L n]Vg'xf];\ M
k|ltefzfnL /df lgoldt ljBfno hfG5] . k9fOsf ;fy} v]ns'bdf klg ?lr /fV5] . lxhf] u'?n]
k'/:sf/ klg lbg'eof] . ;fyLx¿n] klg p;sf] tfl/km u/] .
lbOPsf] cg'R5]bnfO{ ;ª\ult ldnfO{ k'gn]{vg ug'{xf];\ M
d]/f] cfdf kxf8df al:5g\ . pm c;n x'g'x'G5 . ToxfFaf6 cUnf] lxdfnx¿ x]g{ kfOG5
. ltdL klg lxdfn x]g{ cfPsf] 5 .
-v_ lbOPsf] jfSonfO{ s/0f eP cs/0f / cs/0f eP s/0fdf kl/jt{g u/L cg'R5]b k'gn]{vg
ug'{xf];\ M
pgLx¿ ;w}F k':ts k|bz{gLdf hfG5g\ . ;a}n] s]xL k':tsx¿ lsG5g\ . le8ef8df s]xL
klg vfFb}gg\ . pgLx¿nfO{ slQ ysfO nfUb}g .
lbOPsf jfSox¿nfO{ k|ToIf eP ck|ToIf / ck|ToIf eP k|ToIf sygdf kl/jt{g ug'{xf];\ M
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
-c_ dnfO{ b'O{ lbg a:g /fhgn] cfu|x u¥of] .
-cf_ ltdLn] dnfO{ eGof}, æxfdL klg hfcf}Fnf .Æ
-O_ ;fyLn] Toltv]/ s] sfd ug'{ 5 egL k|Zg u/] .
-O{_ xfdLn] eGof}F, æpgLx¿ rfF8} cfpF5g\ .Æ
(= b'j} k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-$±$ Ö *_
-s_ lbOPsf] cg'R5]b k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgsf] 5f]6f] pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ M
hnsf ljleGg :j¿k x'G5g\ . klUng], clUng] / p8\g ;Sg] Ifdtf kfgLdf x'G5 . lxpF klUnP/
gbL aGbf gbLsf] kfgL afkm aG5 / lxdfnsf yfKnfdf lxpF hD5 . 7f];, t/n, UofF; dfq xf]Og
kfgLdf cfuf] cf]sNg] pmhf{ x'G5 . ljB't\ kfgLaf6} lgsflnG5 . o:tf] dxŒjk"0f{ rdTsf/L kfgL
;b'kof]u u/] aGb5 ;'vL lhGbufgL, b'?kof]u eP b'Mvd} laT5 lhGbufgL . 7f];, t/n, UofF;, /fk,
tfk, t]h;Fu}sf] pmhf{n] ljZjdf cljsf;sf ;f/f :j¿knfO{ r'gf}tL lbO/x]sf] 5 . cfh xfdL
cfk}Fm;Fusf] lagf glrg]/ ef}Ftfl/O/x]sf] s:t'/L e}Fm ePsf 5f}F . hn;|f]tdf wgL /fi6« eP klg lbuf]
k"jf{wf/ ljsf;sf of]hgfsf cefjn] ubf{ xfdL ;|f]t / ;fwg eP klg cFWof/fdf a:g afWo 5f}F .
pj{/fe"ld eP/ klg l;FrfOsf cfw'lgs k|ljlw ckgfpg g;Sbf hUuf afFe}m 5g\, hgtf ef]sef]s}
5g\ . o'jfzlSt lab]l;g afWo 5g\ . ljsf; lgdf{0fn] ljZjnfO{ rlst kfg]{ l5d]sLnfO{ 6'n'6'n' x]/]/
ufF;, af;s} ;d:ofdf lk/f]lng afWo 5 xfd|f] ;dfh . of] cj:yfnfO{ abn]/ ljZj k|lt:kwf{df
xf]ldg ;Sg] agfpg] Ifdtf hn;|f]tdf dfq 5 . xfdL cd[t ;dfg lxdfnsf] s~rg kfgL af]tndf
a]r]/ ljZjsf dflg;sf] ltvf{ d]6fpg ;S5f}F . s0ff{nLdf hnljxf/, sf];L / tfdfsf];Ldf l;FrfOsf]
plrt Joj:yfkg u/]/ wtL{ pj{/f agfpg ;S5f}F .
-s_ kfgLnfO{ dxŒjk"0f{ rdTsf/L lsg elgPsf] xf] <
-v_ hn;|f]t / phf{sf If]qdf lbuf] ljsf; s;/L ug{ ;lsG5 <
-u_ wtL{nfO{ pj{/f agfpg] cfwf/x¿ s] s] x'g\ <
-3_ /fi6« lgdf{0fdf l;FrfOsf] s:tf] e"ldsf x'G5 xf]nf <
-v_ lbOPsf] cg'R5]b k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgsf] pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ M
d'n'sdf /x]sf] a]/f]huf/ Pjd\ cg'Tkfbs >d zlStnfO{ pgLx¿sf] of]Uotf, l;k tyf
bIftf cg'¿k cGo ljleGg d'n'sdf /f]huf/Lsf nflu k7fO{ pgLx¿dfk{mt\ j}b]lzs ljk|]if0f cfo,
l;k, k|ljlw / cg'ej :jb]zdf leq\ofOG5 . g]kfnsf] cy{Joj:yfdf j}b]lzs /f]huf/Lsf] of]ubfg
pNn]vgLo /x]sf] 5 . ljutsf] åGåsf] ;dodf cy{tGqsf cfGtl/s kIfx¿ s[lif, pBf]u, Jofkf/,
nufotsf If]qx¿df gsf/fTds c;/ k/]sf] cj:yfdf ;d]t j}b]lzs /f]huf/Ln] lg/Gt/ 6]jf
k'¥ofP tfklg bIf sfdbf/ !=% k|ltzt, @$ k|ltzt cw{bIf / &$=% k|ltzt cbIf hgzlSt
ljb]lzg] x'Fbf g]kfnn] o;af6 k"0f{ nfe lng ;ls/x]sf] 5}g . g]kfnL sfdbf/sf] d'Vo uGtJosf
¿kdf stf/, dn]l;of, ax/fOg, ;fpbL c/]ljof, ;+o'St c/a Old/]6\; / s'a]t /x]sf 5g\ .
j}b]lzs /f]huf/ ljsf;sf] bL3{sfnLg ;|f]t xf]Og . d'n'sleq} s[lif If]qsf] cfw'lgsLs/0f Pjd\
Joj;foLs/0f, pBf]u If]qsf] ljsf; / lj:tf/ tyf ljljw :j/f]huf/Lsf cj;/ l;h{gfdfk{mt\
afWofTds j}b]lzs /f]huf/Lsf] cGTo u/L bIf Pjd\ l;ko'St hgzlStnfO{ dfq j}b]lzs
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
/f]huf/Ldf kl/rfng ub}{ j}b]lzs /f]huf/LnfO{ ;'/lIft, dof{lbt / Jojl:yt u/]df g]kfnn] cfly{s
ljsf;df j}b]lzs /f]huf/Laf6 clwstd nfe lng ;S5 .
-s_ ljk|]if0f zAbsf] cy{ s'g xf] <
-c_ /]ld6\ofG;
-cf_ tna
-O_ /f]huf/L
-O{_ cfDbfgL
-v_ g]kfnsf] cy{tGqsf cfGtl/s kIfx¿ s] s] x'g\ <
-c_ Jofkf/ / h8La'6L -cf_ oftfoft / lzIff -O_ :jf:Yo / /f]huf/ -O{_ s[lif / pBf]u
-u_ ljsf;sf] bL3{sfnLg ;|f]t s] xf] <
-c_ j}b]lzs /f]huf/L
-cf_ ;'/lIft nufgL
-O_ s[lifsf] cfw'lgsLs/0f
-O{_ >d :jLs[lt
-3_ …g]kfnL sfdbf/sf] d'Vo uGtJosf ¿kdf stf/, dn]l;of, ax/fOg, ;fpbL c/]ljof,
;+o'St c/a Old/]6\; / s'a]t /x]sf 5g\ .Ú eGg] jfSodf …uGtJoÚ s:tf] zAb xf] <
-c_ pk;u{ Jo'TkGg
-cf_ k|Too Jo'TkGg -O_ ;d:t zAb
-O{_ låTj zAb
!)= cg'R5]baf6 rf/cf]6f a'Fbf l6kL Ps t[tLof+zdf ;f/f+z n]Vg'xf];\ M
-@±@ Ö $_
xfd|f] ;dfh d"t{ / cd"t{ ;+:s[ltsf] ld>0f xf] . xfd|f ufpF tyf ;x/df k|frLg ;Eotfsf
w/f]x/ oqtq 5g\ . ;fs]nf, rf;f]s, Rofa|'ª / wfg gfrdf /dfpg] dg x'8\s]nL, ;f]/7L /
df?gLdf TolQs} /dfpF5 . b]p8f / 3f6'n] ef}uf]lns ;Ldf gf3]/ af:gf 5/]sf 5g\ . rfGbL, 8fF8L,
xg'dfg\ / k~ra'4 g[Tox¿ xfd|f d'6'sf 9's9'sL ag]sf 5g\ . zf:qLo / nf]s g[To, uLt / jfbgdf
xfd|f cgGo ;Dkbf 5g\ . :ofa|f] / lthLn] ;lvof, ;Gyfn / ;/fo;Fu ldt]/L nfpF5g\ . e'cf],
v}Fh8L, afn'g, ;FlugL / nfv] kxf8L ;f}Gbo{ ag]sf 5g\ . afnL nfpFbf, leq\ofpFbf, bfOF ubf{ ufOg]
uLtx¿ k'ghL{jgsf] cf; ub}{ 5g\ . uGwj{, rof{, vfF8f] / ufyfx¿ s'gfsGb/fdf hLljt} 5g\ . oxfF
efiffsf] e08f/ 5 . ;+:sf/, /Lltl/jfh /k/Dk/fsf kf/vLx¿ xfd|f ufpFdf e'N5g\, ;x/df
/dfpF5g\ . vfgkfg / klx/gdf hftLo, If]qLo / ;fd'bflos ljljwtf 5g\ . dlGb/, ljxf/, dl:hb,
luhf{3/, u'?åf/, yfg / dfuf{:yfgx¿ xfd|f cf:yfsf s]Gb| x'g\ . xfdL efiff, wd{, ;+:s[lt /
k/Dk/fdf ax'n 5f}F t/ cfk;df ;lxi0f' 5f}F . of] g} ljZjdf xfd|f] cg'kd klxrfg xf] .
!!= s'g} Ps k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-s_ :yfgLo :jf:Yo s]Gb|n] ;j{;fwf/0f hgtfnfO{ sf]/f]gf efO/; lj?4sf] vf]k nufpg hf/L
ug]{ ;fj{hlgs ;"rgfsf] gd'gf tof/ kfg'{xf];\ .
-v_ s;}sf] z'e ljjfxsf cj;/df cfkmGthgx¿nfO{ cfdGq0f ug{ lbOg] lgdGq0ff kqsf]
gd'gf tof/ kfg'{xf];\ .
!@= s'g} Ps k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-s_ cfˆgf] ljBfnosf] jflif{sf]T;jsf] ;Gbe{df cfof]lht ljljw sfo{j|mdnfO{ ;d]6L !%)
zAb;Ddsf] k|ltj]bg n]Vg'xf];\ .
-v_ …/fi6«lgdf{0fdf gful/ssf] e"ldsfÚ ljifodf !%) zAb;Ddsf] jSt[tf tof/ kfg'{xf];\ .
!#= dlxnfdfly x'g] lx+;fnfO{ s;/L lgoGq0f ug{ ;lsPnf < !@% zAb;Dddf cfˆgf] k|ltlj|mof
n]Vg'xf];\ .
!$= s'g} b'O{ k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-$±$ Ö *_
-s_ lbOPsf] sljtf+z k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
s'g kxf8n] s'g vf]nfn] ltd|f] ult 5]s]Yof] /
jL/ k'vf{ Û s'g cfFwLn] ltd|f] ofqf /f]s]Yof] /
u?8sf] e}Fm j]u ltd|f] s'g cfsfzn] afFWg ;Sof]
kf}/vn] /Rof} g]kfn Û kxf8 t/fO{ h'6\g ;Sof] .
-c_ g]kfnLx¿sf] s:tf] kf}/vn] g]kfnsf] /rgf ePsf] xf] <
-cf_ xfd|f jL/k'vf{sf] uf}/j ufyfnfO{ sljtfsf cfwf/df j0f{g ug'{xf];\ .
-v_ lbOPsf] gf6\of+z k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgsf] 5f]6f] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
l7s eGg'ef] afaf . ;Gtfgsf] ;'v / lzIffsf nflu eGb} d /ftlbg vl6PF t/ d}n] d]/f]
5f]/fnfO{ ;do lbOgF . p;;Fu a;]/ p;sf] k9fOsf af/]df s'/f ul/gF . p;sf ;fyL sf] sf]
5g\ eg]/ slxNo} ;f]wvf]h ul/gF . pm sxfF uof], s] u¥of], s] vfof] eg]/ Vofn ul/gF . d t
vfln d]/f] Joj;fo, a}7s cflb eGb} bf}8w'k ul//x]F . p;n] dfu] hlt k};f lbO/x]F t/ pm t
w]/} klxn]b]lv b'Jo{;gsf] l;sf/ eO;s]sf] /x]5 / cfh d}n] of] lbg ef]Ug'k¥of] .
-c_ o; gf6\of+zdf jStfn] cfˆgf s] s:tf sdhf]/L /x]sf] l:jsf/]sf 5g\ <
-cf_ o; gf6\of+zdf JoSt ;d:of s;/L ;dfwfg ug{ ;lsPnf <
-u_ lbOPsf] lgaGwf+z k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
ljxª\ud b[li6n] ljrf/ ubf{ ;Dk"0f{ k[YjL Pp6f 3/ xf], u[x xf] . oxfF hn, :yn, jfo',
cfsfz / t]h -k|sfz_ oL kfFr tTj -k~rtTj_ sf lar hnr/, :ynr/, ger/ / ;a}
r/fr/ cfˆgf] hLjg latfpFb5g\ . k[YjLnfO{ 5f]8]/ cGo u|xdf hLjfTdfsf] cl:tTj e]l6Psf]
5}g . To;}n] xfdL ;a}n] oxLF afFRg'k5{, oxLF dg'{k5{ . of] l;jfo c¿ hfg] 7fpF 5}g . k[YjLsf]
kfl/l:ylts k|0ffnLnfO{ layf]lnlbof}F eg] xfd|} cl:tTj ;ª\s6df k5{ . xfnsf lbgdf hnjfo'
kl/jt{gsf ljifodf ljz]if u/]/ jfo'd08n k|b"if0fsf sf/0f k[YjL ;tx ck|Tofl;t 9ª\un]
tfTg] j|mdnfO{ lnP/ ljz]if lrGtf / rf;f] xfd|f] ;fd' t]l;{Psf] 5 .
-c_ k[YjL s;/L ;a}sf] ;femf 3/ x'g ;Sb5 <
-cf_ k[YjLsf] tfTg] j|mdnfO{ /f]Sg s] ug{ ;lsG5 <
!%= s'g} Ps k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-s_ ;Tolgi7f / ;dtfd"ns ;dfhsf] :yfkgfdf of]udfofn] lbPsf] of]ubfgsf] rrf{ ug'{xf];\ .
-v_ …ufpFsf] dfofÚ syfdf s:tf] ;dfhsf] lrq0f ul/Psf] 5, ;dLIffTds pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ .
!^= lbOPsf dWo] s'g} Ps zLif{sdf @%) zAb;Dddf g36fO{ lgaGw n]Vg'xf];\ M
-s_ g]kfndf hn;|f]tsf] ;Defjgf
-v_ o'jf / :j/f]huf/
-u_ d]/f] b]z M d]/f] sd{e"ld
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
ls:6 sn]h tyf df=lj=
sdnkf]v/L, sf7df8f}+
k"0ff{Í M &%
;do M # 306f
gd'gf k|Zgkq
ljifoM g]kfnL – (NEP. 001_
sIff M !!
;]6 ‘s’
gf]6 M eflifs z'4tf, ;/;kmfO / df}lns pQ/nfO{ cª\s lbFbf ljz]if k|f]T;fxg lbOg] 5 .
!= tn lbOPsf j0f{x¿nfO{ pRrf/0f :yfg / k|f0fTjsf cfwf/df juL{s/0f ug'{xf]; \ M
s, ;, w
@= z'4 u/L k'gn]{vg ug'{xf];\ M
;Dkbfn] egLg\, rnfv 5, s'/f] rfF8} l6K5 . lawfno k7fO lbg';\ eljio /fD/f] x'G5 .
#= tnsf] cg'R5]bdf /]vfª\sg ul/Psf zAbx¿sf] kbju{ klxrfg u/L n]Vg'xf];\ M
zf]efsfGt wgL dfG5] x'g\ . wgL eP/ klg pgL ul/ak|lt Tolt pbf/ b]lvFb}gg\ .
$= tnsf k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-@±@ Ö $_
-s_ tnsf] cg'R5]baf6 b'O{ b'O{cf]6f tT;d / cfuGt's zAb vf]hL n]Vg'xf];\ M
ko{6sLo ultljlwx¿ hn, :yn / cfsfzdf ;d]t ;~rfng x'g] ub{5g\ . g]kfndf klg
¥oflˆ6ª, kf/fUnfOl8ª / hlDkªh:tf ;fxl;s ko{6g nf]slk|o aGb} 5g\ .
-v_ tn lbOPsf zAbx¿nfO{ zAbsf]zLo j|mddf ldnfO{ n]Vg'xf];\ M
d"n, O{Zj/, 1fg, s+z
%= lbOPsf] cg'R5]baf6 tLgcf]6f kfl/eflifs zAb klxrfg u/L jfSodf k|of]u ug'{xf];\ M -#_
jt{dfg tYofª\sn] k|ltjif{ P3f/ nfv ko{6s g]kfn lelqg] u/]sf] b]vfpF5 . g]kfn ;/sf/n]
To;nfO{ cem j[l4 ug]{ nIo /fv]sf] 5 t/ ltgsf] pkl:yltn] xfd|f] jftfj/0fnfO{ k|lts"n c;/
kg{ / kfg{ lbg'x'Fb}g . kof{j/0f;Ddt lj|mofsnfksf cfwf/df ;DkGg x'g] ko{6g Joj;fonfO{ dfq}
kof{ko{6gsf] bfo/fleq JofVof ug{ ;lsG5 . kof{ko{6gn] cfly{s ljsf;df 6]jf k'¥ofpF5 / ul/aL
lgjf/0f u/L s'kf]if0fsf] j[l4b/ 36fpg ;xof]u k'¥ofpF5 .
lbOPsf] cg'R5]baf6 Pp6f cg's/0ffTds zAb, Pp6f pvfg / Pp6f 6'Ssf klxrfg u/L ltgnfO{
jfSodf k|of]u ug'{xf];\ M
vfg] d'vnfO{ h'Fufn] 5]Sb}g eg]e}Fm k|ltefzfnL ;'lgtfsf] k9fOnfO{ ul/aLn] 5]Sg ;s]g .
;fFemlaxfg 3/sf] sfd u/]/ klg p;n] kl95f8L . p;nfO{ xftd'v hf]8\g klg wf} wf} kYof]{ . pm
ljbfsf] ;dodf klg aflx/ sfd ug{ hfGyL t/ klg k'm;{bsf] ;dodf v'?v'? k9]/ pm k|yd eO{ .
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
p;sf] ;kmntf b]v]/ p;sf cfdfafaf klg d';'Ss d':s'/fpg' x'GYof] . x'g klg pm x'g] la?jfsf]
lrNnf] kft g} lyO{ .
^= s'g} b'O{ k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-@±@ Ö $_
s= tnsf] cg'R5]baf6 b'O{cf]6f pk;u{ / b'O{cf]6f k|Too Jo'TkGg zAb klxrfg u/L ltgsf] lgdf{0f
k|lj|mof b]vfpg'xf];\ M
k|d'v /fhg}lts bnx¿n] u}/lhDd]jf/ ag]/ b]znfO{ clg0f{osf] aGbL agfpg'x'Fb}g . bnLo
st{JonfO{ a'e]m/ ;s];Dd rfF8} g} lgsfz lbg] sfddf s]lGb|t x'g cfjZos 5 .
v= tnsf] cg'R5]baf6 b'O{cf]6f ;d:t zAb / b'O{cf]6f låTj zAb vf]hL ;d:t zAbsf] lju|x
ug'{xf];\ / låTj zAbsf] bf]xf]l/Psf] c+z 5'6\ofpg'xf];\ M
;QflnKt dfgl;stf ePsf / x/kn cfcfˆgf] ;'ljwf k|flKtsf dfq s'/f ug]{ clg l5gl5gdf s'/f
abNg] sfd;fd s]xL gug]{ tyfslyt hgg]tf egfpFbf oL b'O{ lha|] g]tf;]tfn] ukmufkmdf g}
hgtfnfO{ e'nfPsf 5g\ . oL sfdrf]/x¿ cfˆgf] ;'vk|flKtsf nflu a;La;L b]zlxtsf s'/f ug{
kl5 kb}{gg\ .
u= tnsf] cg'R5]baf6 rf/cf]6f ;lGwo'St Jo'TkGg zAb klxrfg u/L ltgsf] ;lGw ljR5]b ug'{xf]; \
g]kfnsf] k|fs[lts ;f}Gbo{sf] cjnf]sg ug{ ko{6s oxfF cfpF5g\ / g]kfnLx¿sf] :jfut, ;Tsf/ /
cfltYob]lv k|efljt eP/ v';L x'Fb} pgLx¿ xFl;nf] cg'xf/ nufO{ cTofjZos ;fdfg lsg]/ cfˆgf]
d'n's kms{G5g\ .
&= lbOPsf k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-@±@ Ö $_
s= tnsf] cg'R5]bsf jfSonfO{ k'lnª\u eP :qLlnª\u / :qLlnª\u eP k'lnª\udf kl/jt{g u/L
jfSo 9fFrf;d]t ldnfO{ k'gn]{vg ug'{xf];\ M
pm u'NdLdf a:5 . pm ljBfnodf k9fpFb} cfPsf] 5 . p;sL Pp6L dlxnf ;fyL 5] . pm a}+sdf
sfd ub}{ 5] .
v= jfSo 9fFrf;lxt Ps jrgnfO{ ax'jrgdf kl/jt{g ug'{xf];\ M
d sIff !! df k9\g] ljBfyL{ x'F . sn]hdf d]/f] Pshgf dgldNbf] ;fyL 5 . d lbgx'F af6fdf
p;nfO{ e]6\5' . pm klg ;w}F dnfO{ e]6\g] k|of; u5{ .
*= tnsf k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-@±@ Ö $_
s= tnsf uBf+zaf6 b'O{cf]6f p2]Zo / ljw]o tyf b'O{cf]6f p2]Zo lj:tf/ ljw]o lj:tf/ kb
klxrfg u/L n]Vg'xf];\ M
j}1flgsx¿ lgoldt ¿kdf cGj]if0fdf h'6]sf 5g\ . lgoldt cGj]if0faf6 pgLx¿n] k|ult klg
u/]sf 5g\ . cfzf u/f}F, pgLx¿n] cem ;lj|motf b]vfpg] 5g\ . lj1fghut\df cg]s k|ult x'g'k5{
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
lbOPsf] cg'R5]bnfO{ ;ª\ult ldnfO{ k'gn]{vg ug'{xf];\ M
tkfO{Fn] pkGof; k9]sf] 5 < d}n] t w]/}cf]6f k9\of] . :jfutn] klg k9]sf] 5 /] Û pgsf] alxgLn]
klg k9L /] .
v= lbOPsf jfSonfO{ s/0f eP cs/0f / cs/0f eP s/0fdf kl/jt{g ug'{xf];\ M
of] ;dfhdf sf]xL klg OdfGbf/ 5}g . ltdL cfk"mnfO{ slxn] klg ;Tosf] dfu{df cufl8
ga9fpm . ltdL c¿h:t} OdfGbf/ aGg] 5}gf} . of] ;do g}lts pkb]z ;'Gg] ;do xf] .
lbOPsf jfSox¿nfO{ k|ToIf eP ck|ToIf / ck|ToIf eP k|ToIf sygdf kl/jt{g ug'{xf];\ M
k|sfz – æof] b]zsf] cj:yf s] xf]nf <Æ
k|ljg – æO{Zj/n] xfdL ;a}sf] /Iff u¿g\ .Æ
;'bLIff – æof] b]z ca O{Zj/s} e/df rNg] eof] t <Æ
g[k]zn] ;fyLx¿nfO{ o:tf s'/f gug{ eGof] .
(= b'j} k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-$±$ Ö *_
s= lbOPsf] cg'R5]b k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgsf] 5f]6f] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
cfw'lgs ef}lts lj1fgn] ljZjdf Pp6f gofF j|mflGtsf] hGd lbPsf] 5 . ef}lts lj1fgsf k|0f]tf
Go'6gnfO{ dflgG5 . t/ Go'6g dfq geP/ Uoflnlnof], cfOG;6fOg oL tLg} hgf ef}lts lj1fgsf
k|0f]tf dflgG5g\ . Go'6gn] rfnsf] lgod, Uoflnlnof]n] vuf]n lj1fg / cfOG;6fOgn] ;fk]Iftf
-cfk"m :jtGq geP/ csf{l;t ;Da4 x'g] u'0f jf cj:yf_ sf] lgod kQf nufPsf x'g \ . ef}lts
lj1fgsf] cf/De k|frLg lu|saf6 ePsf] dflgG5 . o;n] zlSt / an;Fu ;DalGwt ;do /
:yfgaf6 rfn / kbfy{sf] cWoog ub{5 . cyf{t\ o;n] j:t'sf] rfn / To;df ansf] c;/sf
af/]df cWoog ub{5 . Toltdfq geP/ o;n] ljB't t/ª\u / To;sf] c;/sf] klg cWoog ub{5 .
ljB't t/ª\us} dfWodaf6 ;ft ;d'b| kfl/sf dflg;;Fu k|ToIf s'/fsfgL ug{ ;lsG5 . o;sf]
cWoogsf] If]q c;Lldt 5 . ef}lts lj1fgs} dfWodaf6 k|s[lt / hLjg hut\sf ljljw kIfsf]
cWoog ul/G5 . o; lj1fgn] :yfg, sfn, ult, ljB't, k|sfz, pmhf{, e"ue{, tyf vuf]n cflb
cg]s ljifosf] k|fdfl0fs cWoog ub{5 . ;du|df k|s[lt, hLjghut\ tyf a|Xdf08;d]tsf] a[xt\
If]qnfO{ o;n] cfˆgf] cWoogdf ;d]6]sf] 5 .
c= ef}lts lj1fgsf k|0f]tf sf] sf] x'g\ <
cf= ef}lts lj1fgsf cfwf/df zlSt / andf s] leGgtf 5 <
O= ef}lts lj1fgn] s;/L k|s[ltsf] Jofks If]qnfO{ ;d]6]sf] 5 <
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
O{= cfw'lgs dfgj ;Eotfsf] ljsf;df ef}lts lj1fgn] s:tf] of]ubfg lbPsf] 5 <
v= lbOPsf] cg'R5]b k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
k|fs[lts k|sf]k eGgfn] af9L, klx/f], jiff{, v8]/L, lxdkft, x'/Latf; h:tf s'/fx¿ kb{5g\ .
k|fs[lts k|sf]k dflg;x¿sf] jzdf x'Fb}g t/ dflg;n] rfx]df o;sf] Go"gLs/0f ug{ ;Sb5,
wghgsf] Ifltaf6 hf]lug ;Sb5 . k|fs[lts k|sf]ksf] Vofn gug]{ xf] eg] o;n] wghgsf] ljgfz
u/L dfgj hLjgnfO{ tx;gx; agfpFb5 .
g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{df k|fs[lts k|sf]kdf ;a}eGbf a9L hgdfg;nfO{ b'Mv lbg] af9Lklx/f] Ps xf] . jiff{
nfu]kl5 af9Lklx/f]sf sf/0f w]/} wghgsf] Iflt ePsf ;dfrf/ xfdL ;'Gb5f}F . o:tf]
af9Lklx/f]nfO{ Go"gLs/0f ug{ af9L cfpg] 7fpFdf j[Iff/f]k0f ug'{kb{5 . vf]nfsf lsgf/fdf t6aGw
afFWg'kb{5 . jghª\unsf] ;+/If0f ug'{kb{5 . vf]nf lsgf/faf6 cToflws afn'jf, lu6L lgsfNg'x'Fb}g .
klx/f] hfg] 7fpFdf kfgLsf] lgsfz 5f]8\g'x'Fb}g . klx/f] hfg] If]qdf jiff{sf] ;dodf v]tLkftL klg
ug'{x'Fb}g . v]tLkftLn] ubf{ df6f] sdnf] eO{ klx/f] hfg] emg\ ;Defjgf x'G5 .
cTolws hg;ª\Vof j[l4, jftfj/0fLo ;Gt'ngsf] cefjdf cTolws jiff{ tyf v8]/L kg{ ;S5 .
o; ljifodf xfdL dfgjn] ;hu / ;r]t eP/ ;f]Rg h?/L 5 . To:t} jftfj/0fLo ;Gt'ngsf]
cefjdf lxdkft x'g] / x'/Latf; cfpg] ub{5 . o:tf k|fs[lts k|sf]k / ;Defljt vt/faf6 aRg,
;'/lIft a;fOsf] Joj:yf ug{ h?/L 5 . olb a;fO ;'/lIft ePg eg] dfgjsf] hLjg / wgsf]
Iflt x'g ;S5 .
s= dflg;n] rfx]df k|fs[lts k|sf]knfO{ s] ug{ ;S5 <
c= jzdf /fVg
cf= Go"gLs/0f ug{
O= a]jf:tf ug{
O{= n]vfhf]vf ug{
v= t6aGw zAbsf] cy{ s] xf] <
c= vf]nf 5]Sg] sfd
cf= vf]nf lsgf/fdf j[Iff/f]k0f ug]{ sfd
O= vf]nf lsgf/fdf kvf{n nufpg] sfd
O{= vf]nfnfO{ csf]{lt/ kmsf{pg] sfd
u= cTolws jiff{ eg]sf] s] xf] <
c= cltj[li6
cf= cgfj[li6
O= v08j[li6
O{= cNkj[li6
3= …cTolws hg;ª\Vofsf] j[l4 / jftfj/0fLo ;Gt'ngsf] cefjdf cToflws jiff{ tyf v8]/L kg{
;S5 .Ú eGg] jfSodf …cTolwsÚ s:tf] zAb xf] <
c= pk;u{ Jo'TkGg
cf= k|Too Jo'TkGg
O= ;d:t zAb
O{= låTj zAb
!)= tnsf] cg'R5]baf6 rf/cf]6f a'Fbf l6kL Ps t[tLof+zdf ;f/f+z n]Vg'xf];\ M
-@±@ Ö $_
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
lzIffdf dlxnfx¿ kl5 kg'{df cfly{s tyf ;fdflhs sf/0fx¿ g} k|d'v eP tfklg b]zsf]
ef}uf]lns agfa6 tyf ljutdf /fhg}lts sf/0f klg /x]sf] lyof] . lzIffdf dlxnf ;xeflutf sd
x'g'sf cfly{s / ;fdflhs sf/0fx¿sf ¿kdf cfly{s ljkGgtf, z}lIfs r]tgfsf] sdL, k/Dk/fut
;fdflhs wf/0ff, cGwljZjf; tyf ?l9jfb, l56f] ljjfx, 3/fo;L sfddf dlxnfsf] a9L ;+nUgtf
cflbnfO{ lng ;lsG5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf dlxnf lzIffsf] pko'St ljsf;sf nflu plNnlvt
sf/0fx¿nfO{ Wofgdf /fv]/ of]hgf agfO{ sfo{j|mdx¿ ;~rfng ug'{kb{5 . vf; u/L dlxnf
lzIffk|lt /x]sf gsf/fTds wf/0ff, cGwljZjf;, ;fdflhs e]]befj x6fO{ z}lIfs r]tgfdf clej[l4
ug]{ vfnsf sfo{j|mdx¿ ;~rfng u/L ;a}n] k9\g kfpg] clwsf/sf] sb/ ug]{ / 5f]/Lx¿nfO{
:s'n k7fpg] sfo{df ;dfhnfO{ clek|]l/t ul/g' cfjZos 5 . To;} u/L ef}uf]lns b[li6n] ljs6 /
b'u{d If]qx¿df ljBfno tyf cGo lzIf0f ;+:yf vf]Ng] sfdnfO{ k|fyldstf lbg' / ljkGg ju{sf
nflu cfod"ns sfo{j|md tyf pko'St /f]huf/Lsf] cj;/ l;h{gf ul/g' cfjZos b]lvG5 .
!!= s'g} Ps k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
s= ljZjJofkL ¿kdf k}mlnPsf] sf]/f]gf efO/;n] kf/]sf] c;/sf] rrf{ ub}{ ufpFdf a:g] cfˆgL
cfdfnfO{ cfˆgf] :jf:Yosf] Vofn /fVg cfu|x u/L lr7L n]Vg'xf];\ .
v= cfˆgL lbbLsf] z'e ljjfxsf cj;/df cfˆgf cfdfafafsf] tk{maf6 Oi6ldqnfO{ cfdGq0f ug{
lbOg] lgdGq0ff kqsf] gd'gf tof/ kfg'{xf];\ .
!@= s'g} Ps k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
s= …g]kfnsf] /fhg}lts cl:y/tf M ;d:of / ;dfwfgÚ zLif{sdf !%) zAbdf g36fO{ l6Kk0fL
n]Vg'xf];\ .
v= ljBfnoåf/f cfof]hgf ul/Psf] jgef]h sfo{j|mddf cfˆgf] ;xeflutf hgfpFb} Ps lbgsf]
b}lgsL n]Vg'xf];\ .
!#= a9\bf] dxFuLnfO{ s;/L lgoGq0f ug{ ;lsPnf < sDtLdf !@% zAbdf g36fO{ cfˆgf] k|ltlj|mof
n]Vg'xf];\ .
!$= s'g} b'O{ k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-$±$ Ö *_
s= lbOPsf] sljtf+z k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
gfsf y'gL g]kfnnfO{ s;n] 5]Sg ;s]Yof] /
lxdfnsf] lxdgbL s;n] /f]Sg ;s]Yof] /
jL/ k'vf{ Û ltd|} /ut g]kfnLsf g;fel/
pxL uLt pxL uf}/j rGb|;"o{ Wjhfel/ .
c= g]kfnLx¿sf] jL/tf s;/L u'lGhPsf] 5 <
cf= rGb|;"o{ Wjhfdf s:tf] uf}/j cª\lst 5 <
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
v= lbOPsf] syf+z k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgx¿sf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
Tof] t[i0ff, Tof] cgGtsfnLg k|tLIff, Tof] lbgx'Fsf] cEo:t lg/fzfsf] wSsf To;sf] ;f;df
ldl;O;s]sf] lyof] . ToxL To;sf] hLjg lyof], ToxL To;sf] hLjgj|md . To;}nfO{ ;dft]/ Tof]
cfˆgf] hLjg u[x:yLsf] u[lx0fL lyO{, cfˆgL ;f;"sL a'xf/L / kf]OsL hf]O{ . t/ sbflrt\ s'g} x7ft\
clezfkn] ToxL l5GgleGg ul/lbPsf] cj:yfdf klg Tof] ;fgL rflxg] u[lx0fL, a'xf/L / nf]Ug]sL
:jf:gL eO/xg ;SnL < s'g Åboaf6 o:tf] cfzf ug]{ <
c= ;fgLsf] k|tLIffn] p;sf] s:tf] dgl:yltnfO{ b]vfPsf] 5 <
cf= ;fgLsf] hLjgdf s] s:tf ptf/r9fjx¿ b]lvG5g\ <
u= lbOPsf] lgaGwf+z k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgx¿sf] 5f]6f] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
ljxª\ud b[li6n] ljrf/ ubf{ ;Dk"0f{ k[YjL Pp6f 3/ xf], u|x xf] . oxfF hn, :yn, jfo', cfsfz /
t]h -k|sfz_ oL kfFr tŒj -k~rtŒj_ sf lar hnr/, :ynr/, ger/ / ;a} r/fr/ cfˆgf]
hLjg latfpFb5g\ . k[YjLnfO{ 5f]8]/ cGo u|xdf hLjfTdfsf] cl:tTj e]l6Psf] 5}g . To;}n] xfdL
a;}n] oxLF afFRg'k5{, oxLF dg'{k5{ . of] l;jfo c¿ hfg] 7fpF 5}g . k[YjLsf] kfl/l:ylts k|0ffnLnfO{
layf]lnlbof}F eg] xfd|} cl:tTj ;ª\s6df k5{ . xfnsf lbgdf hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf ljifodf ljz]if
u/]/ jfo'd08n k|b"if0fsf sf/0f k[YjL;tx ck|Tofl;t 9ª\un] tfTg] j|mdnfO{ lnP/ ljz]if lrGtf /
rf;f] xfd|f] ;fd' t]l;{Psf] 5 .
c= k[YjL g} ;a}sf] ;femf 3/ xf], s;/L <
cf= k[YjLsf] ;tx ck|Tofl;t 9ª\un] tfTg] j|mdnfO{ lnP/ lsg rf;f] / lrGtf a9]sf] 5 <
!%= s'g} Ps k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
s= g]kfnL ;dfhdf ljBdfg juL{o lje]bn] lgDTofPsf] ;d:ofnfO{ …ufpFsf] dfofÚ syfdf s;/L
lrq0f ul/Psf] 5 < ;dLIffTds pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ .
v= g]kfnL ;+:s[ltsf ;an / b'a{n kIfsf] rrf{ ub}{ ;+:s[ltsf] gofF ofqfdf ca xfdL s;/L
cufl8 a9\g'k5{ < ljj]rgfTds pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ .
!^= tn lbOPsfdWo] s'g} Ps zLif{sdf @%) zAbdf g36fO{ lgaGw n]Vg'xf];\ M
s= hGde"ldk|lt d]/f] st{Jo
v= /fi6«lgdf{0fdf o'jf ju{sf] e"ldsf
u= nf]stGq / dfgj clwsf/
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
ls:6 sn]h tyf df=lj=
sdnkf]v/L, sf7df8f}+
gd'gf k|Zgkq
k"0ff{Í M &%
;do M # 306f
sIff M !!
;]6 ‘v’
ljifoM g]kfnL – (NEP. 001_
gf]6 M eflifs z'4tf, ;/;kmfO / df}lns pQ/nfO{ cª\s lbFbf ljz]if k|f]T;fxg lbOg] 5 .
!= lbOPsf] cg'R5]bsf /]vfª\lst j0f{x¿sf] pRrf/0f k|oTg / 3f]ifTj 5'6\ofO{ n]Vg'xf];\ .
dnfO{ nfUof] k|Zg ug'{ cfnf]rgfTds x'g' xf] / k|Zgn] dflg;nfO{ ljj]sL agfpF5 / a'l4 lbG5 .
@= z'4 u/L k'gn]{vg ug'{xf];\ .
lblbn] eGg'eof] æg]kfnL e"uf]n ;;fgf emf/kft b]vL 7'nf7'nf t/ laljwtfdo jgikltn] el/k"0f{
#= /]vfª\lst zAbsf] kbju{ klxrfg u/L n]Vg'xf];\ .
cfxf Û slt /dfOnf] 7fpF /x]5 . oxfFsf] au}Frf t dnfO{ w]/} /fd|f] nfUof] .
$= lbOPsf k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ .
s= lbOPsf] cg'R5]baf6 b'O{ b'O{cf]6f tT;d / tb\ej zAb klxrfg u/L n]Vg'xf];\ M
b'w dflg;sf] z/L/sf nflu cfjZos k]o kbfy{ xf] . lgoldt ¿kdf o;sf] ;]jg ugf{n] dflg;
lg/f]uL x'G5 . xftel/ cf}ifwLsf emf]nf af]Sg' kb}{g . j[4fx¿sf] nflu t of] lgs} nfebfoL x'G5 .
v= tn lbOPsf zAbx¿nfO{ zAbsf]zLo j|mddf ldnfO{ n]Vg'xf];\ M
%= lbOPsf] cg'R5]baf6 tLgcf]6f kfl/eflifs zAb klxrfg u/L jfSodf k|of]u ug'{xf];\ M
s'g} klg ljBfyL{sf] ljlzi6 tl/sfn] d"Nofª\sg ug{ ;lsof] eg] dfq cAan ljBfyL{ klxrfg ug{
;lsG5 . To;sf nflu lglZrt sfo{ljlw agfO{ :jR5 jftfj/0fdf k/LIff lng] Joj:yf ug'{k5{ .
lbOPsf] cg'R5]baf6 Pp6f cg's/0ffTds zAb, Pp6f pvfg / Pp6f 6'Ssf klxrfg u/L ltgnfO{
jfSodf k|of]u ug'{xf];\ M
nfu'kbfy{sf] b'Jo{;gsf lj?4 Pshgf dfq ;'6'Ss cufl8 ;/]/ x'Fb}g . Ps y'sL ;'sL ;o y'sL
gbL eg]e}Fm ;a} ldn]/ hfu/0f Nofpg ;lsof] eg] kSs} klg xfd|f o'jfx¿sf] hLjgdf kl/jt{g
cfpg] 5 . t}F /fgL d} /fgL s;n] eg]{ s'jfsf] kfgL eg]e}Fm ;a}n] 6fpsf] n'sfpFb} hfg] xf] eg] xfdL
h:tfsf] To:t} l:yltd} ykSs al;/xg] cj:yf gcfpnf eGg ;lsGg .
^= s'g} b'O{ k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
s= tnsf] cg'R5]baf6 b'O{cf]6f pk;u{ / b'O{cf]6f k|Too Jo'TkGg zAb klxrfg u/L ltgsf] lgdf{0f
k|lj|mof b]vfpg'xf];\ M
clxn] g]kfnL o'jfx¿sf nflu j}b]lzs /f]huf/L cfzfsf] s]Gb|ljGb' ag]sf] 5 . b]zsf] /fhg}lts
cl:y/tf, zflGt ;'/Iffsf] cefj / a9\bf] a]/f]huf/Ln] o:tf] kl/l:ylt l;h{gfsf nflu pTk|]/ssf]
e"ldsf v]n]sf] b]lvG5 .
v= tnsf] cg'R5]baf6 b'O{cf]6f ;d:t zAb / b'O{cf]6f låTj zAb vf]hL ;d:t zAbsf] lju|x
ug'{xf];\ / låTj zAbsf] bf]xf]l/Psf] c+z 5'6\ofpg'xf];\ M
rf}af6f]df a;]/ ukmufkm u/]/} lbg s6fpg] / s;}sf] ;/;Nnfx g;'Gg] xfd|f g]tf;]tfn] ubf{ cfh
b]z / hgtfsf] cj:yf gfh's aGb} uO/x]sf] 5 . ltg} g]tfx¿ clxn] k]ml/ nf]stGqsf] d]?b08
eg]s} lgjf{rg xf] eGb} 3/3/sf b}nfb}nfdf k'u]/ ef]6 dfUb} 5g\ . b]zlxtdf gnfUg] ;QflnKt oL
g]tfnfO{ ca ufpF;x/ ;a}lt/af6 sfnf] df];f] bn]/ nv]6\g'k5{ .
u= tnsf] cg'R5]baf6 rf/cf]6f ;lGwo'qm Jo'TkGg zAb klxrfg u/L ltgsf] ;lGw ljR5]b ug'{xf]; \
g]kfnsf] lxdfnL ;f}Gbo{, kxf8af6 xfd kmfNg] gbLgfnf, k|fs[lts e"jgf]6 / k'/ftflTjs j:t' x¿sf]
cjnf]sg ug{ ljb]zL ko{6sx¿ oxfF cfpg] u5{g\ .
&= lbOPsf k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
s= tnsf] cg'R5]bsf jfSonfO{ ;fdfGo cfb/fyL{df kl/jt{g u/L k'gn]{vg ug'{xf];\ M
pm ld7fld7f uLtx¿ /R5 . pm cfk"mn] /r]sf uLtx¿ cfk}Fm ufpF5 . p;df uLt ufpg ;Sg]
cb\e"t Ifdtf 5 . pm cfˆgf uLtaf6 ;a}nfO{ dGqd'Uw agfOlbG5 .
v= tnsf] cg'R5]bnfO{ cfjZos kl/jt{g;lxt k|yd k'?ifdf kl/jt{g ug'{xf];\ M
ltdLx¿ lgs} af7f 5f} . ltdLx¿n] cfˆgf nflu ;x/df Pp6f lrl6Sssf] 3/ agfPsf 5f} .
ljBfyL{ x'Fbf klg ltdLx¿ v'a ldlxg]t uYof}{ . ltdLx¿ hLjgdf slxNo} ;d:ofdf k/]gf} .
*= tnsf k|Zgx¿sf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
s= tnsf] uBf+zaf6 b'O{cf]6f p2]Zo / ljw]o tyf b'O{cf]6f p2]Zo lj:tf/ / ljw]o lj:tf/ kb
klxrfg u/L n]Vg'xf];\ M
d]/f 7'nf bfh' cfh} ljb]zaf6 cfpg' eof] . ;fgL alxgL Hofb} v';L eO{ . of] b]v]/ cfdf kms]{/
cfpg'eof] . d 3/d} lyPF .
lbOPsf] cg'R5]bnfO{ ;ª\ult ldnfO{ k'gn]{vg ug'{xf];\ M
;x/df cUnf] 3/x¿ x'G5g\ . ToxfF k|b"if0f klg w]/} x'G5g\ . d]/]f a'af oxLF hGdg' ePsf] xf] . pgL
slxNo} cfˆgf] k'Vof}{nL ufpF hfg'ePg .
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
v= lbOPsf] jfSonfO{ s/0f eP cs/0f / cs/0f eP s/0fdf kl/jt{g u/L k'gn]{vg ug'{xf];\ M
d c;fWo} ;f]emf] 5' . dnfO{ h;n] klg e'mSofpg ;S5 . d ;a}n] eg]sf] s'/f ljZjf; u5'{ .
daf6 sf]xL 7luPsf 5}gg\ .
lbOPsf jfSox¿nfO{ k|ToIf eP ck|ToIf / ck|ToIf eP k|ToIf sygdf kl/jt{g ug'{xf];\ M
c= xl/n] cfk"m aflx/ hfg] s'/f atfof] .
cf= ;'hgn] eGof], ædnfO{ u[xsfo{ ug'{5 .Æ
O= Zofdn] eGof], æpgLx¿ /fd|/L k9\5g\ .Æ
O{= ca b]zljsf;df nfUg'kg]{ ljrf/ u'?n] JoSt ug'{eof] .
(= b'j} k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
s= tnsf] cg'R5]b k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgsf] 5f]6f] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
hLjlj1fgsf ljifodf ;j{k|yd cfˆgf ljrf/x¿ k|s6 ug]{ o'gfgL bfz{lgs c/:t' x'g\ . pgs}
kfnfb]lv hLjlj1fgsf] j|mda4 ¿kdf ljsf; ePsf] xf] . pgn] hLjhGt'sf ljleGg kIfsf
ljifodf cfˆgf ljrf/x¿ k|s6 u/]sf 5g\ . hLjlj1fgsf] Pp6f zfvf k|f0fLlj1fg jf k|f0fLzf:q
xf] . cª\u|]hLdf o;nfO{ h'nf]hL elgG5 . o;n] hLjnfO{ ;ª\s]t ub{5 . hLj klg k|f0fL / jg:klt
ljleGg lsl;dsf x'G5g\ . lj1fgsf] Ps zfvf h;n] k|f0fLx¿sf] ;"Id cWoog ub{5, Tof] g}
k|f0fLlj1fg xf] . o; cGtu{t ljleGg k|f0fLx¿sf af/]df cWoog / cg';Gwfg ul/G5 .
k|f0fLzf:qsf] cWoog ljleGg If]q;Fu ufFl;Psf] x'G5 . o;sf cWoog zfvf klg a[xt\ 5g\ . o;n]
lrlsT;f lj1fg, gl;{ª lj1fg, cfo'j]{b lj1fg, k|of]uzfnf lj1fg cflb ljleGg ljifosf] uxg
cWoog ub{5 . of] t xfd|f] b}lgs hLjg;Fu klg hf]l8P/ cfPsf] 5 . k|f0fLzf:qsf] cWoogn]
xfdLnfO{ k|s[lt;Fu glhs agfpF5 .
c= k|f0fLzf:qn] s'g s'g ljifosf] cWoog ub{5 <
cf= k|f0fLzf:qsf] cWoog s;/L xfd|f] b}lgs hLjg;Fu hf]l8Psf] x'G5 <
O= hLjlj1fgsf ljifodf ;j{k|yd cfˆgf wf/0ff /fVg] bfz{lgs sf] x'g\ <
O{= hLjlj1fgn] s'g s'g If]qnfO{ ;ª\s]t u5{ <
v= lbOPsf] cg'R5]b k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgsf] ;jf]{Qd ljsNk 5fg]/ pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
of]udfof 5'jf5't/lxt, zf]if0f/lxt / e|i6frf//lxt g]kfnL ;dfhsf] vf]hLdf nflug\ /
zf;sx¿sf lj?4 ljb|f]x ul/g\ . pgn] of]u;fwgf, Wofg, tk:of, k|jrg / ;fdflhs Jojxf/sf
dfWodaf6 ;tLk|yf, bf;k|yf, 5'jf5't h:tf s'/Lltaf6 d'St Gofok"0f{ ;dfh lgdf{0f ug]{ k|of;
ul/g\ . tTsfnLg ;fdGtL ;dfhsf cu'jfx¿n] o;nfO{ ;'g]gg\ . ;dfhdf ;r]t ljb|f]xsf ¿kdf
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
/x] klg k'/fgf ljrf/sf dfG5]x¿sf nflu pgsf ljrf/ ?lrs/ lyPgg\ . ;a}lt/af6 cfˆgf]
ljrf/nfO{ gl:jsfl/Pkl5 ;fd"lxs hn;dflwsf dfWodaf6 ljb|f]xsf] g]t[Tj lng] of]udfof ef}lts
¿kdf hn;dflws} ldltb]lv xfdL;fd' /lxgg\ . ;Tolgi7f / ;dtfd"ns ;dfhsf] ;kgfsf nflu
cgf}7f] j|mflGt ug]{ of]udfofsf] b]g dfgj ;Eotfsf] :d[ltdf cdL6 /x]sf] 5 . pgsf] :d[ltdf
…;jf{y{ of]ujf0fLÚ gfds s[lt;d]t k|sfzg ePsf] 5 . cd]l/sL k|fWofks af/a/f lgd|L clhh /
a]nfotL ljåfg dfOsn x6sf cg';GwfgfTds s[ltx¿dfk{mt\ pgsf] cbDo ;fx;sf] rrf{ g]kfnL
e"uf]n gf3]/ cd]l/sf / o'/f]k;Dd k}mlnPsf] 5 . pgsf hLjgLdf cfwfl/t …of]udfofÚ zLif{ssf]
pkGof; klg k|sflzt 5 . o;/L cf}krfl/s lzIff cfh{g ug]{ cj;/ gkfP klg of]u;fwgf,
tk:of, Wofg, lrGtg / k|jrgsf dfWodaf6 ;fdflhs r]tgf ljsf; ug]{ of]udfofsf] hLjg
cfbz{ / ;Eo ;dfhsf] lgdf{0fsf nflu clj:d/0fLo /x]sf] 5 .
s= …hn;dflwÚ zAbsf] cy{ s] xf] <
c= kfgLdf 8'Ag'
cf= kfgLdf 8'afOg'
O= kfgLdf ul/g] k|f0f Tofu
O{= kfgLdf 8'a]/ ul/g] k|f0f Tofu
v= of]udfofn] s:tf] ;dfh lgdf{0f ug]{ k|of; ul/g\ <
c= 5'jf5't/lxt
cf= e|i6frf//lxt
O= s'/Lltaf6 d'Qm
O{= 5'jf5't/lxt / e|i6frf//lxt
u= of]udfofn] lsg hn;dflw ug]{ lg0f{o ul/g\ <
c= ;a}lt/af6 cfˆgf] ljrf/nfO{ gl:jsfl/Pkl5
O= lzIff cfh{g ug]{ cj;/ gkfP/
cf= ;r]t ljb|f]x ug{
O{= ;dfhdf cgf}7f] j|mflGt ug{
3= …;a}lt/af6 cfˆgf] ljrf/nfO{ gl:jsfl/Pkl5 pgn] ;fd"lxs hn;dflwsf dfWodaf6 ljb|f]xsf]
g]t[Tj lng] lg0f{o ul/g\ .Ú eGg] jfSodf cfPsf] …;fd"lxsÚ s:tf] zAb xf] <
c= pk;u{ Jo'TkGg
cf= k|Too Jo'TkGg
O= ;d:t zAb
O{= låTj zAb
!)= lbOPsf] cg'R5]baf6 rf/cf]6f a'Fbf l6kL Ps t[tLof+zdf ;f/f+z n]Vg'xf];\ M
k|To]s dflg; z/L/, dg / cg'ejsf cfwf/df leGg leGg x'G5g\ t/ k|To]ssf rfxgf / efjgfx¿
k|foM Pp6} lsl;dsf x'G5g\ . dflg;x¿ ldn]/ kl/jf/ aGb5, h;df s]6fs]6Lx¿ hGdG5g\,
x's{G5g\ / s]xL s'/f l;S5g\ clg Psn] csf]{nfO{ d2t u5{g\ . kl/jf/ kl/jf/ ldn]/ ;d'bfo /
;dfhsf] lgdf{0f x'G5 . o:tf] ;dfhdf a:g] ;a}n] Pp6} jftfj/0fdf /xL ;d:ofx¿ ef]lu/x]sf
x'G5g\ . ;d'bfo jf ;dfh ldn]/ /fi6« aGb5 . ;femf efjgf ePsf] x'Fbf dflg;x¿ cg]stfdf klg
Pstfsf] ;"qdf afFlwP/ /xG5g\ . xfdLn] Ps csf{nfO{ glrg]sf xf}Fnf t/ k|To]ssf] hLjg:t/
psf:gdf ;3fp k'¥ofpg' xfd|f] lhDd]jf/L xf] . o;sf nflu xfdLn] cfk"mnfO{ / c¿nfO{ lrGg
;Sg'kb{5 . /fi6«x¿ ldn]/ ljZj aGb5 . of] xfdL ;a}sf] ;femf 3/ xf] . ha dflg;x¿ ;Fu}
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
a:b5g\, To;a]nf ltgLx¿lar ljleGg jfbljjfb x'g' :jfefljs g} dflgG5 . o:tf] ljjfb
slxn]sfxLF ;fyLx¿, kl/jf/ / ;d'bfolar x'g ;S5 .
!!= s'g} Ps k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
s= xfjfx'/Lsf sf/0f lau|]sf nfOg agfpg'kg]{ x'Fbf ljB't cfk"lt{ Ps xKtf;Dd aGb x'g] eGg]
ljifodf g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fn] k|sflzt ug]{ ;"rgfsf] gd'gf tof/ ug'{xf];\ .
v= s'g} ;dfh;]jL JolStsf] d[To'df JoSt ul/g] ;dj]bgf tyf >4f~hnLsf] gd'gf tof/ kfg'{xf];\
!@= s'g} Ps k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
s= efg'hoGtLsf] cj;/df cfˆgf] ljBfnodf cfof]lht sljtf k|ltof]lutfnfO{ ;d]6L !%)
zAb;Ddsf] k|ltj]bg n]Vg'xf];\ .
v= …cfhsf] cfjZostf M k|ljlwd}qL lzIffÚ ljifodf !%) zAb;Ddsf] jSt[tf tof/ kfg'{xf];\ .
!#= e|i6frf/d'St ;dfhsf] lgdf{0f s;/L ug{ ;lsPnf < !%) zAb;Dddf cfˆgf] k|ltlj|mof n]Vg'xf];\ .
s'g} b'O{ k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
s= lbOPsf] syf+z k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
æToxL s'/fsf] v';L 5Ù lxDdt lsg xfl/GYof] / Û c/], Ps ;fn eP g t csf]{ ;fn sxfF hfnf Û
ha pt/ uP /0f k] tf] lk5] x6gf Sof]F < t/ Pp6f s'/fsf] b'Mv 5 efO Û o:tf] a]nfdf, ls;'g
efO Û ltdL klg ufpFdf x'Fbf xf} t xfdLnfO{ w]/} cf8e/f];f ldNYof]Ù cflv/ xfdL t d"v{ / uFjf/ g
xf}F . ltdL n]vk9 u/]sf] dfG5] . ltdL eGof ufpFsf] cledfg xf}, xfd|f] OHht xf}, t/ ltdL klg
k/b]zL eOlbFbf ufpF dflnsx¿sf] Psnf}6L /hfOFdf k5{ .Æ
c= s[i0fnfO{ lsg ;a}n] ;Ddfg u/]sf x'g\ <
cf= k9]n]v]sf dfG5]n] ufpF 5f]8\of] eg] ufpFdf s:tf] c;/ k5{ <
v= lbOPsf] gf6\of+z k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgx¿sf] 5f]6f] pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ M
p M k]ml/ csf]{ cfkmGtsf] cfudg eof] . jfx Û b'lgofFdf s]jn b'O6} dfG5] /fd|f x'Fbf /x]5g\, Pp6f
d/]sf] dfG5], clg csf]{ hlGdFb} ghGd]sf] dfG5] . cl3;Dd d}n] Tof] dg]{ s]6fnfO{ cefuL x'g ;S5
eGg] ;f]r]sf] lyPF . t/ Tof] clxn] unt ;flat eof] . clxn] h;sf tLg tLg hgf t afp g}
lgl:s;s] . Pp6L l;ª\u} cfdf t k|s6 eO;lsg\ . s] yfxf, lbgel/df ce}m slt afpcfdfx¿
cfpg] x'g\ <
c= n3'gf6sdf cfkmGtx¿sf] cfudg eO/xg'sf] sf/0f s] xf] <
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
cf= ;8sdf d/]sf dfG5] e]l6g] ;d:ofnfO{ s;/L ;dfwfg ug{ ;lsPnf <
u= lbOPsf] l/kf]tf{hsf] c+z k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgx¿sf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
æpxfFn] of]u / Wofgsf ;a} ljlw l;sfpg'eof] / ug{ klg nufpg'eof] . cfo'j]{lbs cf}ifwL klg
lbg'eof] .Æ cldtn] eg] . ædgf]lrlsT;snfO{ klg ;f]lwof], pxfFn] Tof] klg Pp6f /fd|f] k4lt xf],
cf/fd klg x'G5 eGg] ;Nnfx lbg'eof] . geGb} la:tf/} dg zfGt x'g yfNof] . d}n] of]usf] ljifo
klg af]w ub}{ uPF . o;df od, lgod, cf;g, k|f0ffofd, k|Tofxf/, wf/0ff, Wofg x'Fb} ;dflw;Ddsf]
ofqf ul/G5 eGg] klg a'e]Fm . o; af]wn] t d]/f dgsf ljsf/ x6\b} uP / hLjgdf afFRg]
OR5fzlQm hfu[t eof] .Æ ;'Gb/n] eg] . æclg t d emg\ of]u / Wofg l;Sg yfn]F / k|lzIfs ag]F .
8fS6/ emf d]/f 8fS6/ dfq} geP/ u'? klg x'g'eof] .Æ
c= ;'Gb/ 5GTofndf s;/L afFRg] OR5fzlQm hfu[t eof] <
cf= of]u;fwgfn] dfgj :jf:Yodf kfg]{ k|efjx¿ s] s] x'g\ <
!%= s'g} Ps k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
s= …Tof] k]ml/ kms{nf <Ú syfn] s:tf] dgf]lj1fg k|:t't u/]sf] 5 < ;dLIff ug'{xf];\ .
v= ;Tolgi7f / ;dtfd"ns ;dfhsf] :yfkgfdf of]udfofn] lbPsf] of]ubfgsf] rrf{ ug'{xf];\ .
!^= tnsfdWo] s'g} Ps zLif{sdf @%) zAbdf g36fO{ lgaGw n]Vg'xf];\ .
s= g]kfnsf k|fs[lts ;Dkbfx¿
v= jftfj/0f k|b"if0f
u= d]/f] hLjgsf] nIo
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
ls:6 sn]h tyf df=lj=
sdnkf]v/L, sf7df8f}+
gd'gf k|Zgkq
ljifoM g]kfnL – (NEP. 001_
k"0ff{Í M &%
;do M # 306f
sIff M !!
;]6 ‘u’
gf]6 M eflifs z'4tf, ;/;kmfO / df}lns pQ/nfO{ cª\s lbFbf ljz]if k|f]T;fxg lbOg] 5 .
!= lbOPsf] cg'R5]bsf /]vfª\lst j0f{x¿sf] pRrf/0f :yfg / k|f0fTj 5'6\ofO{ n]Vg'xf];\ M -#_
k[YjL Pp6f hLjGt u|x xf] . o;sf] kfl/l:ylts k|0ffnLleq ljleGg pkk|0ffnLx¿ 5g\ . k[YjLsf]
e"uf]ndf oL k|0ffnLnfO{ ;~rfng ug]{ hnjfo'sf k|d'v rf/ sl6aGwx¿ 5g\ .
@= z'4 u/L k'gn]{vg ug'{xf];\ M
æxhf/f}F dfO{nsf] ofqf Pp6f ;fgf kfOnfaf6 ;'? x'G5 eGg] pvfgaf6 cfˆgf s'/f ;'? u/]sf
dnfO{ /dfOnf] nfUof] . pgsf cg';f/ To;sf] pbfx/0f o; dGrdf /xg' ePsf ;'Gb/ 5GTofn x'g'
x'G5 .Æ
#= cg'R5]bdf /]vfª\sg ul/Psf zAbsf] kbju{ klxrfg u/L n]Vg'xf];\ M
tkfO{Fx¿ ;a}nfO{ d]/f] laGtL 5 . clxNo} vf]Hg'xf];\ cfˆgf 5f]/fx¿ / pkrf/ ug'{xf];\ .
cfjZos k/] ;'wf/u[xdf nu]/ /fVg'xf];\ t/ l9nf gug'{xf];\ gq ;ayf]s aaf{b x'G5 .
$= lbOPsf k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-@±@ Ö $_
-s_ lbOPsf] cg'R5]baf6 b'O{ b'O{cf]6f tT;d / cfuGt's zAb klxrfg u/L n]Vg'xf];\ M
lxdfn, ;d'b|, gbLgfnf, em/gf, 5x/f, tfntn}of, Ogf/, 6\o'a]n tyf jiff{b\nfO{ hn;|f]t
dflgG5 . o:tf ;|f]tx¿dWo] ;d'b|afx]s ;a} ;|f]tx¿ xfd|f] b]zdf pknAw 5g\ . To;}n] xfd|f]
b]zsf] b'|tt/ ljsf; ug{ hn;|f]tsf] ;d'lrt bf]xg ug{ ;Sg'k5{ .
-v_ lbOPsf zAbx¿nfO{ zAbsf]zLo j|mddf ldnfO{ n]Vg'xf];\ M
1fgjfg\, Iflt, ;To, lqz'n
%= lbOPsf] cg'R5]baf6 tLgcf]6f kfl/eflifs zAb klxrfg u/L jfSodf k|of]u ug'{xf];\ M -#_
s'g} Pp6f kf]v/L tfn jf l;d;f/sf] kfl/l:ylts k|0ffnLnfO{ x]¥of}F eg] ToxfF jg:klt Pj+
;"Id hLjfTdfn] ;f}o{zlStsf] ;xfotfdf vfB kbfy{ lgdf{0f ul//x]sf x'G5g\ . tL vfBj:t' vkt
u/]/ hnr/ k|f0fL / df5fx¿ df}nfpF5g\ .
lbOPsf] cg'R5]baf6 Pp6f cg's/0ffTds zAb, Pp6f pvfg / Pp6f 6'Ssf klxrfg u/L ltgnfO{
jfSodf k|of]u ug'{xf];\ M
;/sf/ ljb]zL k|e'x¿sf] cf1f lz/f]k/ ug{ / To;}nfO{ cg';/0f ug{ dfq hfGb5 . hgtf;Fu
6'n'6'n' x]g'{afx]s csf]{ ljsNk 5}g . ljb]zL g]kfnLx¿sf] /]ld6\ofG;n] g]tfsf] e'F8L plS;Fbf …sfd
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
ug]{ sfn' ds} vfg] efn'Ú pvfgsf] ofb cfpF5 . To;/L g} v'?v'? sf]/f]gfsf] cf}ifwL ug{ 5f]8]/
kbsf] nflu tdf;f ubf{ …sfd s'/f] Psflt/ s'Dnf] af]sL l7dLlt/Ú h:tf] nfU5 .
^= s'g} b'O{ k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-@±@ Ö $_
-s_ cg''R5]baf6 b'O{cf]6f pk;u{ / b'O{cf]6f k|Too Jo'TkGg zAb klxrfg u/L ltgsf] lgdf{0f k|lj|mof
b]vfpg'xf];\ M
b]zleq} /f]huf/ l;h{gf ug{sf nflu pBf]u Joj;fo ;~rfngfy{ /fHon] lghL If]qnfO{
k|f]T;flxt ug'{k5{ . ;/sf/n] ;xhstf{sf] e"ldsf lgjf{x u/L pTk|]/s / lgofds lgsfoaf6
cg'udg ;d]t ub}{ lghL If]qsf] klg ;lj|mo ;lxeflutfdf b]znfO{ cfly{s ;d[l4sf] af6fdf
lxF8fpg ;S5 .
-v_ cg'R5]baf6 b'O{cf]6f ;d:t zAb klxrfg u/L lju|x ug'{xf];\ / b'O{cf]6f låTj zAb klxrfg
u/L bf]xf]l/Psf] c+z 5'6\ofpg'xf];\ M
rf/sf];] emf8Ldf nfDk'R5|] dfq xf]Og rf}kfof klg k|z:t 5g\ . lxhf]cfh x[i6k'i6 sfdrf]/
klg e]l6G5g\ . t;y{ l56f]l56f] eft;ft skfsk vfP/ c¿;Fu e}memu8f gu/L d/d;nf af]s]/
cfˆg} sfddf nfUg'k5{ .
-u_ cg'R5]baf6 rf/cf]6f ;lGwo'St zAb klxrfg u/L ;lGwljR5]b ug'{xf];\ M
ckfª\u JolStn] lxdfno r9]/, ljBfnodf k9]/ /fd|f ;"lSt cg'lbt ug]{ 5g\ . xfdLn] dt}So
eP/ tL b]jlif{t'No k|To]s k|ltefnfO{ :jfut ug'{k5{ .
&= lbOPsf k|Zgx¿sf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-s_ lbOPsf] cg'R5]bnfO{ k'lnª\uL eP :qLlnª\u / :qLlnª\u eP k'lnª\udf kl/jt{g u/L k'gn]{vg
ug'{xf];\ M
pgn] uB z}nLdf sljtf n]v] . To; sljtfnfO{ d]/L dfOh"n] dg k/fpg'eof] . sfsL / k'mk"n]
sljtf jfrg u/]/ ;'gfpg] OR5f ug'{eof] . d}n] klg pxfFx¿;Fu} sljtf jfrg u/]/ ;'gfPsL lyPF
-v_ lbOPsf] cg'R5]bnfO{ Psjrg eP ax'jrg / ax'jrg eP Psjrgdf kl/jt{g u/L k'gn]{vg
ug'{xf];\ M
sfnf r/fx¿ cfsfzdf p8] . l;sf/Lx¿n] u'n]nL tfs] . sldnfn] l;sf/Lsf] v'6 \6fdf
6f]lslbof] . l;sf/Lx¿ 8/fpg yfn] .
*= tnsf k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-s_ tnsf uBf+zaf6 b'O{cf]6f p2]Zo / ljw]o tyf b'O{cf]6f p2]Zo lj:tf/ / ljw]o lj:tf/ kb
klxrfg u/L n]Vg'xf];\ M
k|ltefzfnL /df lgoldt ljBfno hfG5] . k9fOsf ;fy} v]ns'bdf klg ?lr /fV5] . lxhf] u'?n]
k'/:sf/ klg lbg'eof] . ;fyLx¿n] klg p;sf] tfl/km u/] .
lbOPsf] cg'R5]bnfO{ ;ª\ult ldnfO{ k'gn]{vg ug'{xf];\ M
d]/f] cfdf kxf8df al:5g\ . p;n] ToxfF v]tL u/]sf] 5 . ToxfFaf6 ;jf]{Rr lzv/ ;u/dfyf
b]lvG5g\ . tkfO{F klg d]/f] ufpFdf hfg ;S5 .
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
-v_ lbOPsf] jfSonfO{ s/0f eP cs/0f / cs/0f eP s/0fdf kl/jt{g u/L cg'R5]b k'gn]{vg
ug'{xf];\ M
sf]/f]gf dxfdf/Ln] g]kfnnfO{ slQ klg k|efj kf/]sf] 5}g . oxfFsf dflg;x¿ zfGt;Fu a;]sf
5g\ . g]tfx¿ s';L{sf] n8fOFdf 5}gg\ . hgtfnfO{ eg] e/k"/ cf}ifwLsf] Joj:yf 5 .
lbOPsf jfSox¿nfO{ k|ToIf eP ck|ToIf / ck|ToIf eP k|ToIf sygdf kl/jt{g ug'{xf]; \ M
-c_ hgtfn] g]tfnfO{ hgtf Kof/f] ls s';L{ egL ;f]w] .
-cf_ g]tfn] eg], ær'gfjsf] a]nf hgtf, To;kl5 s';L{ .Æ
-O_ æ:jfyL{ g]tfx¿ ÛÆ hgtfn] k|Zg u/] .
-O{_ tkfO{Fx¿ klg s';L{df k'u]kl5 yfxf kfpg'xf]nf egL g]tfn] ;DemfP .
(= b'j} k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-$±$ Ö *_
-s_ lbOPsf] cg'R5]b k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgsf] 5f]6f] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
cfw'lgs ef}lts lj1fgn] ljZjdf Pp6f gofF j|mflGtsf] hGd lbPsf] 5 . ef}lts lj1fgsf
k|0f]tf Go'6gnfO{ dflgG5 . t/ Go'6g dfq geP/ Uoflnlnof] / cfOG:6fOg oL ltg}hgf ef}lts
lj1fgsf k|0f]tf dflgG5g\ . Go'6gn] rfnsf] lgod, Uoflnlnof]n] vuf]n lj1fg / cfOG:6fOgn]
;fk]Iftfsf] lgod kQf nufPsf x'g\ . ef}lts lj1fgsf] cf/De k|frLg lu|saf6 ePsf] dflgG5 .
o;n] zlSt / an;Fu ;DalGwt ;do / :yfgaf6 rfn / kbfy{sf] cWoog u5{ . cyf{t\ o;n]
j:t'sf] rfn / To;df ansf] c;/sf af/]df cWoog ub{5 . Tolt dfq geP/ o;n] ljB't t/ª\u
/ To;sf] c;/sf] klg cWoog ub{5 . ljB't t/ª\us} dfWodaf6 ;ft ;d'b|kfl/sf dflg;;Fu
k|ToIf s'/fsfgL ug{ ;lsG5 . o;sf] cWoogsf] If]q c;Lldt 5 . ef}lts lj1fgs} dfWodaf6
k|s[lt / hLjg hut\sf ljljw kIfsf] cWoog ul/G5 . o; lj1fgn] :yfg, sfn, ult, ljB't,
k|sfz, pmhf{, e"ue{ tyf vuf]n cflb cg]s ljifosf] k|fdfl0fs cWoog ub{5 . ;du|df k|s[lt,
hLjghut\ tyf a|x\df08;d]tsf] j[xt\ If]qnfO{ o;n] cfˆgf] cWoogdf ;d]6]sf] 5 .
-s_ ef}lts lj1fgsf k|0f]tf sf] sf] x'g\ <
-v_ ef}lts lj1fgsf cfwf/df zlSt / andf s] leGgtf 5 <
-u_ ef}lts lj1fgn] s;/L k|s[ltsf] Jofks If]qnfO{ ;d]6]sf] 5 <
-3_ …e"ue{Ú / …vuf]nÚ zAbsf] cy{ n]Vg'xf];\ .
-v_ lbOPsf] cg'R5]b k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgx¿sf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
dflg;sf dgdf p7\g] ;ª\uLtdo efjgfx¿sf] Hjf/ efiffsf] dfWod cFufnL aUof] eg] Tof]
sljtf x'G5 . To;}n] sljtfsf tLg s]Gb|Lo tŒj x'g\ – efjgf, ;ª\uLt / efiff . ;flxTosf sljtf
afx]ssf uB ljwfdf klg dfgjefjgf / efiffsf] ;+of]u x'g] ub{5 t/ ToxfF ;ª\uLt ck]lIft x'Fb}g
. uB ljwfsf syf, pkGof; cflbn] 5f]6f] jf nfdf] syfsf] cfwf/ lnO{ hLjgsf efjgfx¿nfO{
JoSt ub{5g\ eg] gf6sn] efjgfsf] gf6sLs/0fnfO{ g} d'Vo ¿kdf cFufNb5 . sljtfn] eg]
nofTds ;ª\uLt jf clnslt pGd'St uB ;ª\uLtsf] cfwf/ glnO{ ;'v 5}g . To;}n] ;flxTosf
c¿ ljwfaf6 sljtfnfO{ 5'6\ofpg] cfwf/ o;n] cFufNg] dfgjLo Åbosf] ;ª\uLtdo wf/f g} xf] .
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
of] wf/f Hofbf lgoldt eof] eg] 5Gbf]a4 sljtf aGb5 clg Hofbf d'St /Xof] eg] uB sljtf
aGb5 . t/ 5Gbf]a4 sljtf jf kBdf klg nofTds cg'zf;g dfq x'Fb}g . sljtfsf] cflb ¿k
uLt lyof] / Tof] ;ª\uLtk|wfg /Xof] . uLts} sf]vaf6 hlGdPsf] sljtf lzz'n] j|mdzM ;ª\uLtnfO{
;fWosf] ;6\6f ;fwg agfO{ efjgfsf] ;"Id ofqfdf snfsf gofF cfofdx¿ vf]Hof] eg] uB
sljtfsf] o; nfdf] ofqfdf uB / kBsf ;fFwdf uB sljtfsf] gofF ;LdfGt k|b]zsf] cfljisf/
eof] . o; k|b]zdf ;ª\uLt cem uf}0f eO{ g} /x]sf] 5 t/ efjgfsf Hjf/df To;n] sljtfsf
snfTds gofF ;Defjgfx¿ vf]Hb} 5 .
-s_ …ck]lIftÚ zAbsf] cy{ s'g xf] <
-c_ pk]Iff ul/Psf]
-cf_ ck]Iff ul/Psf]
-O_ pk]lIft ePsf]
-O{_ cjx]lnt
-v_ uB sljtfsf] d'Vo ljz]iftf s] xf] <
-c_ Hofbf d'St
-cf_ lgoldttf
-O_ Hofbf lgoldttf
-O{_ ;Lldttf
-u_ sljtfsf] cflb ¿k s] lyof] <
-c_ ;ª\uLt
-cf_ uB sljtf
-O_ uLt
-O{_ no
-3_ …sljtfn] eg] nofTds ;ª\uLt jf clnslt pGd'St uB ;ª\uLtsf] cfwf/ glnO{ ;'v 5}g .Ú
eGg] jfSodf …pGd'StÚ s:tf] zAb xf] <
-c_ k|Too Jo'TkGg
-cf_ ;d:t zAb
-O_ låTj zAb
-O{_ pk;u{ Jo'TkGg
!)= cg'R5]baf6 rf/ cf]6f a'Fbf l6kL Ps t[tLof+zdf ;f/f+z n]Vg'xf];\ M
-@±@ Ö $_
xfd|f] jl/kl/ /x]sf ;a} y/Lsf af]6lj?jf, ?vnx/f, 3fF;kft cflbnfO{ a'emfpg] ;femf gfpF
jg:klt xf] . ;+;f/df k"mn k'mNg] / gk'mNg] u/L b'O{ k|sf/sf jg:kltx¿ 5g\ . g]kfndf klg oL
b'j} y/L jg:klt kfOG5g\ . g]kfn ef}uf]lns ljljwtf ePsf] b]z x'gfn] oxfF km/s km/s lsl;dsf]
xfjfkfgL 5 / ;f]xL cg';f/ oxfF ljleGg lsl;dsf jg:klt kfOG5g\ . g]kfnsf t/fO{, efj/ / r'/]
If]qdf pkf]i0f k|b]zLo ;bfaxf/ hª\un 5 . ;d'b|L ;txb]lv Ps xhf/ b'O{ ;o ld6/;Ddsf]
prfOdf /x]sf] hª\un g} pkf]i0f k|b]zLo ;bfaxf/ hª\un xf] . of] hª\un Hofb} 3gf x'G5 . Ps
xhf/ b'O{ ;oeGbf dfly sl/a b'O{ xhf/ Ps ;o ld6/;Ddsf] prfOdf pd|g] ?vaf6 ag]sf]
hª\unnfO{ ;dzLtf]i0f ktem/ hª\un elgG5 . of] kxf8L hª\un xf] / of] Tolt 3gf jf afSnf]
x'Fb}g . ;d'b|L ;txaf6 tLg xhf/b]lv rf/ xhf/ ld6/ pFrf] e"efudf kfOg] jg:kltnfO{ n]sfnL
jg:klt elgG5 . lxdfnsf] tNnf] e"efu tyf s]xL xf]rf] w/ftndf o:tf jg:klt /xG5g\ . ;d'b|L
;txaf6 rf/ xhf/ ld6/eGbf pFrf] e"efudf kfOg] jg:kltnfO{ lxdfnL jg:klt elgG5 . o:tf
jg:klt /xg] 7fpFsf] tfkj|md jif{e/ g} )) eGbf klg Go"g /xG5 . g]kfnsf pRr kxf8L, n]sfnL
/ lxdfnL jg k|b]zdf of;f{u'Daf, kfFrcf}Fn], h6fd;Lh:tf cf}ifwLo u'0fsf jg:klt kfOG5g\ . oL
y/Ly/Lsf jg:kltx¿ e]l6g] g]kfnsf] jg k|b]z cToGt dxŒjk"0f{ k|fs[lts ;Dkbf xf] .
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
!!= s'g} Ps k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-s_ :yfgLo :jf:Yo s]Gb|n] ;j{;fwf/0f hgtfnfO{ sf]/f]gf efO/; lj?4sf] vf]k nufpg hf/L ug]{
;fj{hlgs ;"rgfsf] gd'gf tof/ kfg'{xf];\ .
-v_ s;}sf] z'e ljjfxsf cj;/df cfkmGthgnfO{ cfdGq0f ug{ lbOg] lgdGq0ff kqsf] gd'gf tof/
kfg'{xf];\ .
!@= s'g} Ps k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-s_ cfˆgf] ljBfnodf ;/:jtL k"hfsf] ;Gbe{df cfof]lht ljljw sfo{j|mdnfO{ ;d]6L !%)
zAb;Ddsf] k|ltj]bg n]Vg'xf];\ .
-v_ …/fi6«lgdf{0fdf gful/ssf] e"ldsfÚ ljifodf !%) zAb;Ddsf] jSt[tf tof/ kfg'{xf];\ .
!#= æjftfj/0f k|b"if0fsf] d"n sf/0f dflg; g} ePsfn] ;dfwfg klg dflg;n] g} ug'{k5{ .Æ eGg]
egfOdf !@% zAb;Dddf cfˆgf] k|ltlj|mof n]Vg'xf];\ .
!$= s'g} b'O{ k|Zgsf] pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ M
-$±$ Ö *_
-s_ lbOPsf] sljtf+z k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
s'g kxf8n] s'g vf]nfn] ltd|f] ult 5]s]Yof] /
jL/ k'vf{ Û s'g cfFwLn] ltd|f] ofqf /f]s]Yof] /
u?8sf] e}Fm j]u ltd|f] s'g cfsfzn] afFWg ;Sof]
kf}/vn] /Rof} g]kfn Û kxf8 t/fO{ h'6\g ;Sof] .
-c_ g]kfnLx¿sf] s:tf] kf}/vn] g]kfnsf] /rgf ePsf] xf] <
-cf_ xfd|f jL/ k'vf{sf] uf}/j ufyfnfO{ sljtfsf cfwf/df j0f{g ug'{xf];\ .
-v_ lbOPsf] l/kf]tf{hsf] c+z k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgx¿sf] pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ M
æpxfFn] Wofg / of]usf ;a} ljlw l;sfpg'eof] / ug{ klg nufpg'eof] . cfo'j]{lbs cf}ifwL klg
lbg'eof] .Æ cldtn] eg] . ædgf]lrlsT;snfO{ klg ;f]lwof], pxfFn] Tof] klg Pp6f /fd|f] k4lt xf],
cf/fd klg x'G5 eGg] ;Nnfx lbg'eof] . geGb} lj:tf/} dg zfGt x'g yfNof] . d}n] of]usf] ljifo
klg af]w ub}{ uPF . o;df od, lgod, cf;g, k|f0ffofd, k|Tofxf/, wf/0ff, Wofg x'Fb} ;dflw;Ddsf]
ofqf ul/G5 eGg] klg a'e]Fm . o; af]wn] t d]/f dgsf ljsf/ x6\b} uP / hLjgdf afFRg]
OR5fzlSt hfu[t eof] .Æ ;'Gb/n] eg] . æclg t d emg\ of]u / Wofg l;Sg yfn]F / k|lzIfs ag]F .
8fS6/ emf d]/f 8fS6/ dfq} geP/ u'? klg x'g'eof] .Æ
k|Zgx¿ M
-c_ ;'Gb/ 5GTofndf s;/L afFRg] OR5fzlSt hfu[t eof] <
-cf_ of]u ;fwgfn] dfgj :jf:Yodf kfg]{ k|efjx¿ s] s] x'g\ <
-u_ lbOPsf] gf6\of+z k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgx¿sf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
l7s eGg'ef] afaf . ;Gtfgsf] ;'v / lzIffsf nflu eGb} d /ftlbg vl6PF t/ d}n] d]/f]
5f]/fnfO{ ;do lbOgF . p;;Fu a;]/ p;sf] k9fOsf af/]df s'/f ul/gF . p;sf ;fyL sf] sf] 5g\
eg]/ slxNo} zf]wvf]h ul/gF . pm sxfF uof], s] u¥of], s] vfof] eg]/ Vofn ul/gF . d t vfln d]/f]
Joj;fo, a}7s cflb eGb} bf}8w'k ul//x]F . p;n] dfu]hlt k};f lbO/x]F t/ pm t w]/} klxn]b]lv
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
b'Jo{;gsf] l;sf/ eO;s]sf] /x]5 / cfh d}n] of] lbg ef]Ug'k¥of] .
-c_ o; gf6\of+zdf jStfn] cfˆgf s] s:tf sdhf]/L /x]sf] l:jsf/]sf 5g\ <
-cf_ o; gf6\of+zdf JoSt ;d:of s;/L ;dfwfg ug{ ;lsPnf <
!%= s'g} Ps k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-s_ …ufpFsf] dfofÚ syfdf s] s:tf] ;dfhsf] lrq0f ul/Psf] 5 < ;dLIffTds pQ/ lbg'xf];\ .
-v_ g]kfnsf] ko{6gsf] ljsf;df :yfgLo ;d'bfo tyf ;/sf/sf] e"ldsf pNn]v ug'{xf];\ .
!^= lbOPsf dWo] s'g} Ps zLif{sdf @%) zAb;Dddf g36fO{ lgaGw n]Vg'xf];\ M
-s_ b]zk|lt d]/f] st{Jo
-v_ o'jf / /f]huf/L
-u_ sf]/f]gf dxfdf/L / ;dfwfg
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
ls:6 sn]h tyf df=lj=
sdnkf]v/L, sf7df8f}+
gd'gf k|Zgkq
ljifoM g]kfnL – (NEP. 001_
k"0ff{Í M &%
;do M # 306f
sIff M !!
;]6 ‘3’
gf]6 M eflifs z'4tf, ;/;kmfO / df}lns pQ/nfO{ cª\s lbFbf ljz]if k|f]T;fxg lbOg] 5 .
!= pRrf/0f k|oTg / 3f]ifTjsf cfwf/df lbOPsf j0f{x¿sf] klxrfg u/L n]Vg'xf];\ M
v, g, o
@= z'4 u/L k'gn]{vg ug'{xf];\ M
hGd / hLagsf] rj|m ;Fu} d[To' / ;+xf/ klg rNb} ug'{k5{ . ;+xf/ sfo{n] k'gM ;[li6nfO{
;3fO{/x]sf] x'G5 . ;[li6 kfng / ;+xf/sf sfo{ ;Dkfbg k|0ffnLnfO{ jftfj/0f lj1fgn] …Osf];L:6dÚ
eGb5 .
#= cg'R5]bdf /]vfª\sg ul/Psf zAbsf] kbju{ klxrfg u/L n]Vg'xf];\ M
o;} ljifonfO{ lnP/ gf/f, h'n';, aGb, x8\tfn x'G5 . ;/sf/df k'Ug] / ;/sf/ kl/jt{g ug]{
v]n x'g yfN5 . dg]{ w]/} dl/;s] ca oxL ljifodf xhf/f}F dfl/G5g\, ;j{;fwf/0f hgtfn] ;f:tL
ef]Ug'k5{ .
$= lbOPsf k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-@±@ Ö $_
-s_ lbOPsf] cg'R5]baf6 b'O{ b'O{cf]6f tT;d / tb\ej zAb klxrfg u/L n]Vg'xf];\ M
cfh xfdL cfk}m;Fusf] lagf glrg]/ ef}tfl//x]sf] s:t'/Le}Fm ePsf 5f}F . hn;|f]tdf wgL /fi6«
eP klg k"jf{wf/ ljsf;sf of]hgfsf cefjn] xfdL ;|f]t / ;fwg eP klg cFWof/fdf a:g afWo
5f}F .
-v_ lbOPsf zAbx¿nfO{ zAbsf]zLo j|mddf ldnfO{ n]Vg'xf];\ M
pmhf{, ljno, j+z, pTkfbg
%= lbOPsf] cg'R5]baf6 tLg cf]6f kfl/eflifs zAb klxrfg u/L jfSodf k|of]u ug'{xf];\ M -#_
;+;bn] ;+ljwfg cg's"n x'g] u/L P]gsf bkmfx¿ ;+zf]wg u/]sf] 5 . To;f] t sfg'g lgdf{qL
nf]stflGqs ;+:yf ;+;b ga;]sf] a]nfdf g]kfn ;/sf/n] cWofb]zdfk{mt\ klg b]jfgL / kmf}hbf/L
h:tf ;a} lsl;dsf sfg'gx¿ agfpg / k'/fgf sfg'g ;+zf]wg ug{ kfpg] Joj:yf 5 t/ To;nfO{
;+;b\af6 cg'df]bg u/fpg' kb{5 .
lbOPsf] cg'R5]baf6 Pp6f cg's/0ffTds zAb, Pp6f pvfg / Pp6f 6'Ssf klxrfg u/L ltgnfO{
jfSodf k|of]u ug'{xf];\ M
…cfk"m gd/L :ju{ b]lvGgÚ eg]e}Fm ljb]zsf] kL8f ljb]zdf k'u]kl5 dfq 5n{ª\u x'Fbf] /x]5 .
ljb]zdf e]8f x/fpFbf cfPsf lr6lr6 kl;gf / sDkgLnfO{ hl/jfgf ltbf{ ;ftf] uPkl5 y/y/
sfFKb} g]kfn kms]{sf] d}n] aNn …glhssf] tLy{ x]nfÚ eGg] pvfgsf] af]w ub}{ 5' .
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
^= s'g} b'O{ k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-@±@ Ö $_
-s_ cg''R5]baf6 b'O{cf]6f pk;u{ / b'O{cf]6f k|Too Jo'TkGg zAb klxrfg u/L ltgsf] lgdf{0f k|lj|mof
b]vfpg'xf];\ M
lg/fz dgn] xf]Og, pT;fxsf ;fy ufpFn]n] tfTsflns kl/l:yltsf] cjnf]sg u/] . h}ljs
ljljwtfdf wgL g]kfnsf] /fli6«o ul/df prfOdf k'¥ofpg] cfˆgf] ceLi6 pgLx¿n] JoSt u/] .
-v_ cg'R5]baf6 b'O{cf]6f ;d:t zAb klxrfg u/L lju|x ug'{xf];\ / b'O{cf]6f låTj zAb klxrfg
u/L bf]xf]l/Psf] c+z 5'6\ofpg'xf];\ M
/fi6«3ftL / efOdf/fx¿n] cfˆgf] ;'vk|flKtsf nflu b]zlxtsf s'/f la;]{ . pgLx¿ ;fgfltgf
e}memu8fdf km;], cfcfˆgf] st{Jodf Odfgbf/ ePgg\ .
-u_ cg'R5]baf6 rf/cf]6f ;lGwo'St zAb klxrfg u/L ;lGwljR5]b ug'{xf];\ M
lxdfn g]kfnsf] k|fs[lts j/bfg xf] . lxdfnL ;f}Gbo{n] ko{6g Joj;fo km:6fPsf] 5 .
cJojl:yt ko{6gaf6 ;Dkbfdfly cTofrf/ eg] ePsf] 5 .
&= lbOPsf k|Zgx¿sf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-s_ tnsf] cg'R5]bnfO{ cgfb/df kl/jt{g u/L k'gn]{vg ug'{xf];\ M
;a} /fd|f uLtx¿ pgn] g} ufP5g\ . pgn] dnfO{ uLtaf6 df]xgL nufP . ldlxg]t gu/]sf] eP
pgL olt ;kmn sxfF x'g] lyP / . jf:tjdf pgn] b'lgofFnfO{ ldlxg]tL aGg] kf7 l;sfPs} x'g\ .
-v_ tnsf] cg'R5]bsf jfSox¿nfO{ k|yd k'?ifdf kl/jt{g ug'{xf];\ M
pm g]kfnL xf] . pm /f/f k'u]sL 5}g . pm slxn] ToxfF k'u"F eGg] ljrf/df 5] . p;n] clxn];Dd
ToxfF hfg] cj;/ kfPsL 5}g .
*= tnsf k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-s_ tnsf] uBf+zaf6 b'O{cf]6f p2]Zo / ljw]o tyf b'O{cf]6f p2]Zo lj:tf/ / ljw]o lj:tf/ kb
klxrfg u/L n]Vg'xf];\ M
ljZje/ k}mlnPsf] sf]/f]gfnfO{ g]kfnn] lgoGq0f ug{ ;s]g . g]kfnLx¿n] klg 6'n'6'n' x]l//Xof}F
dfq . hgtf ;ts{ eP sf]/f]gf dxfdf/LnfO{ x6fpg ;lsGYof] . of] s'/f g]tfn] a'‰g ;s]gg\ .
tnsf] cg'R5]bsf jfSox¿nfO{ ;ª\ult ldnfO{ k'gn]{vg ug'{xf];\ M
ltgLx¿ ljBfyL{ xf] . ltgLx¿ sIff !! df k9\5] . d klg ltgLx¿;Fu} k9\g'x'G5 . ltgLx¿
cWoogzLn 5' .
-v_ lbOPsf jfSox¿nfO{ s/0f eP cs/0f / cs/0f eP s/0fdf kl/jt{g u/L cg'R5]b k'gn]{vg
ug'{xf];\ M
gk9\g] ljBfyL{n] ;w}F sIff 5f]8\5 . k9\g] ljBfyL{sf cleefjsx¿ v';L x'G5g\ . ljBfyL{x¿ ;w}F
sn]h hfg' kb}{g . pTs[i6 cª\s gNofP eljio ;'lglZrt 5}g .
lbOPsf jfSox¿nfO{ k|ToIf eP ck|ToIf / ck|ToIf eP k|ToIf sygdf kl/jt{g ug'{xf]; \ M
-c_ kqsf/ – ædGqLHo" Û b]zsf] ljsf; lsg ePg <Æ
-cf_ dGqL – ;a}lt/ ljsf; ePsf] 5 t .
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
-O_ kqsf/ – æs] s] ljsf; ePsf] 5 eGg'xf];\ g .Æ
-O{_ dGqL – af6f] ag]sf] 5, w/x/f 7l8Psf] 5, /f]huf/ a9]sf] 5 .
(= b'j} k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-$±$ Ö *_
-s_ lbOPsf] cg'R5]b k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgx¿sf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
g]kfn v'nf Pj+ ahf/f]Gd'v cy{Joj:yf ePsf] d'n's xf] . xfd|f] b]zn] cfˆg} ;|f]t;fwgsf]
kl/rfng u/L cfly{s ljsf; / ul/aL lgjf/0fsf] jfl0fHo gLlt cjnDag u/]sf] 5 . cGt/f{li6«o
:t/df k|lt:kwf{ ug'{ / Jofkf/ Joj;fosf] k|j4{g ug'{ o;sf] d"n p2]Zo xf] . ;fdfg lgsf;L,
k}7f/LnfO{ ;dofg's"n agfO{ /fh:j ;ª\sng ubf{ b]zsf] cy{tGqdf 6]jf k'U5 . cfˆgf] b]zdf
pTkflbt h8La'6L tyf s[lifhGo j:t'nfO{ Joj:yfkg u/L d'gfkmf cfh{g ug{ ;lsg] 9fFrfdf xfd|f]
jfl0fHo gLlt to ePsf] 5 . Jofkf/3f6f sd ug{ / /f]huf/Lsf] ;ª\Vofdf j[l4 ug{ o; gLltn]
;xof]u k'¥ofpg] ck]Iff lnOPsf] 5 . k|fs[lts / h}ljs ljljwtfn] o'St o; b]zdf kz'kG5L /
jg:klthGo pTkfbgnfO{ plrt k|ljlw / hgzlStsf] ;+of]hgåf/f lgof{t k|j4{g ug{ ;lsg]
;Defjgf 6/]sf] 5}g . n3' pBf]u, 3/]n' pBf]unfO{ k|f]T;fxg ub}{ g]kfnL df6f] ;'xfpFbf] cy{tGq
lgdf{0flt/ nfUg] xf] eg] /fHosf] /fh:j ;ª\sngdf klg j[l4 x'G5 . b]zleq} /f]huf/ l;h{gf ug{sf
nflu pBf]u Joj;fo ;~rfngfy{ /fHon] lghL If]qnfO{ klg k|f]T;flxt ug{ ;s] xfd|f] cy{Joj:yf
dha't aGg k'U5 . o;/L ;/sf/n] ;xhstf{sf] e"ldsf lgjf{x u/L pTk|]/s / lgofds lgsfoaf6
cg'udg ;d]t ub}{ lghL If]qsf] klg ;lj|mo ;xeflutfdf b]znfO{ cfly{s ;d[l4sf] af6fdf
lxF8fpg ;S5 .
-s_ g]kfnn] s:tf] jfl0fHo gLlt cjnDag u/]sf] 5 <
-v_ /fh:jdf j[l4 s;/L ug{ ;lsG5 <
-u_ b]zsf] ;d[l4df lghL If]qsf] e"ldsf s:tf] x'G5 <
-3_ …h}ljs ljljwtfÚ / …ul/aL lgjf/0fÚ kbfjnLsf] cy{ n]Vg'xf];\ .
-v_ lbOPsf] cg'R5]b k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgx¿sf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
s'g} klg cfGbf]ngnfO{ dfu{bz{g ug{ lglZrt ljrf/, l;4fGt / k|lta4tfsf] cfjZostf kb{5
. clxn] dlxnf clwsf/ / ;dfgtfsf] nflu lx+;f / czflGt xf]Og, ;Demf}tfsf] cfGbf]ngaf6
;dfwfg vf]Hg'k5{ . dlxnfdfly gsf/fTds ¿kdf kfl/Psf] ;fdflhs k|efjnfO{ kl/jt{g
u/fpg'k5{ . k|To]s dlxnfn] cfk"mdfly k/]sf] cGofo, cTofrf/ / zf]if0faf6 cfˆgf] xs, clwsf/ /
st{Jok|lt ;r]t x'g] cleofgdf lg/Gt/ j}rfl/s / Jofjxfl/s ¿kdf nflu/xg' g} …gf/LjfbÚ xf] .
of] cleofgdf dlxnf dfq xf]Og, k'?if klg ;fd]n eP/ ;xof]u ug'{ cfjZos 5 . k'?if / dlxnf
b'j} kIfsf] ;xof]u / ;b\efjaf6 dfq gf/LjfbL cfGbf]ng ;an 9ª\un] cufl8 a9fpg ;lsG5 .
h;/L ljZjsf] s'g} klg cfGbf]ng gf/L ;xeflutflagf ;kmn ePsf] 5}g To;}u/L dlxnf clwsf/
/ ;dfgtfsf] cfGbf]ng klg k'?ifsf] ;xeflutflagf ;kmn x'g ufx|f] x'G5 . dlxnfx¿ cfk}Fm
pTkL8gsf] l;sf/ ePsf x'G5g\ . pgLx¿n] cTofrf/ / zf]if0f ;x]sf 5g\ eg] k'?ifx¿n]
dlxnfdfly k/]sf] Tof] zf]if0f cg'e"t u/]sf x'G5g\ t/ Tof] zf]if0fsf sf/s k'?ifx¿ xf]Ogg\ .
To;sf] sf/0f eg]sf] xfd|f] ;fdflhs ;+/rgf xf] h;sf cfwf/df d"No / dfGotfx¿ lgwf{l/t
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
ePsf 5g\ . ;dfhn] dlxnf / k'?ifnfO{ n}ª\lus lje]bsf gfddf pgLx¿df lhDd]jf/L / bfloTj
klg km/s agfOlbPsf] 5, h;n] dlxnfx¿dfly ;w}F unt k|efj kfl//x]sf] 5 t/ gf/LjfbL
cfGbf]ng eg]/ cfh k"jL{o / kfZrfTo hut\df k|z:t egfOx¿ ;'Gg] ul/G5 / gf/LjfbnfO{ leGg
leGg ¿kdf a'‰b} / a'emfpFb} cfPsf] klg kfOG5 .
-s_ …cleofgÚ zAbsf] cy{ s] xf] <
-c_ cg's/0f
-cf_ x[bosf efjnfO{ k|bz{g ug]{ sfd
-O_ nIok|flKtsf nflu ul/g]
-O{_ nIo k|fKt ug{ ;fd"lxs ¿kdf ul/g] k|of;
-v_ gf/LjfbL cfGbf]ng ;an 9ª\un] cufl8 a9fpg s'g kIf ;lj|mo x'g' cfjZos 5 <
-c_ ;dfh
-cf_ ljleGg hfthflt
-O_ gf/Lx¿
-O{_ dlxnf / k'?if
-u_ xfd|f] ;dfhdf dlxnfx¿dfly zf]if0f x'g'df d'Vo sf/s s'g x'g ;S5 <
-c_ ;fdflhs ;+/rgf
-cf_ dlxnf :jod\
-O_ k'?ifx¿
-O{_ dlxnf / k'?if
-3_ …dlxnfx¿ cfk}Fm pTkL8gsf] l;sf/ ePsf x'G5g\ .Ú eGg] jfSodf …cfk}FmÚ s'g zAbju{ cGtu{t
kb{5 <
-c_ gfd
-cf_ ;j{gfd
-O_ ljz]if0f
-O{_ lgkft
!)= lbOPsf] cg'R5]baf6 rf/cf]6f a'Fbf l6kL Ps t[tLof+zdf ;f/f+z n]Vg'xf];\ M
-@±@ Ö $_
k|To]s ;dfhsf cfcfˆg} d"No, dfGotfx¿ / Jojxf/x¿ /x]sf x'G5g\ . ljleGg Jojxf/dWo]
dfgj hLjgnfO{ gsf/fTds c;/ kfg]{ Jojxf/nfO{ ljs[lt elgG5 . ;dfhdf ljBdfg cg]s
ljs[ltx¿dWo] Pp6f uDeL/ ljs[lt nfu' kbfy{sf] b'Jo{;g xf] . o:tf] b'Jo{;gn] g]kfnL
o'jfo'jtLx¿sf] hLjg aaf{b kfl//x]sf] 5 . d'n'sn] ;Ifd hgzlSt u'dfO/x]sf] 5 eg] cg]s
kl/jf/nfO{ si6 lbO/x]sf] 5 . ljleGg kl/jf/sf ;b:ox¿ nfu' kbfy{sf] s'ntdf km;]/ hLjg /
d[To'sf] bf];fFwdf k'u]sf 5g\ . dlGb/, kfs{, au}Frf, /]:6'/fF cflb ;fj{hlgs :yndf o'jfo'jtLx¿
g;fdf e'mld/x]sf x'G5g\ . o;f] x'g'df kl/jf/n] cfˆgf ;Gtfgsf] lj|mofsnfk tyf afgLa]xf]/fdlfy
lgu/fgL ug{ g;Sg' xf] eg] csf{tk{m k|of]ustf{ cfˆgf] hLjgk|lt ;r]t x'g g;Sg' xf] . nfu'
kbfy{sf] s'ntaf6 d'St u/fpg ;lsPg eg] To;n] JolSt, kl/jf/ tyf ;dfhnfO{ g} gi6 ug{
;S5 . t;y{ ;a}n] ;fd"lxs k|oTgaf6 b'Jo{;gnfO{ alxisf/ ug]{ cj:yf lgdf{0f ug'{k5{ .
!!= s'g} Ps k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-s_ ljb]z hfg tof/L ub}{ u/]sf] cfˆgf] ;fyLnfO{ :jb]zd} a:g ;Nnfx lbFb} lr7L n]Vg'xf];\ .
-v_ ljhofbzdLsf] pknIodf cfkmGt, Oi6ldq / z'elrGtsx¿nfO{ afF8\g] z'esfdgf kqsf]
gd'gf tof/ ug'{xf];\ .
!@= s'g} Ps k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-s_ …o'jfzlStsf] ljb]z knfogÚ zLif{sdf !%) zAb;Ddsf] l6Kk0fL n]Vg'xf];\ .
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
-v_ ljhof bzdL rf8 dgfpFbfsf] Ps lbg] xiff]{Nnf;sf] If0fnfO{ ;d]6\b} !%) zAb;Ddsf] cfsif{s
b}lgsL n]Vg'xf];\ .
!#= of]u, Wofg, Jofofdsf dfWodaf6 dfgl;s zflGt s;/L k|fKt ug{ ;lsPnf < !@% zAb;Dddf
cfˆgf] k|ltlj|mof n]Vg'xf];\ .
!$= s'g} b'O{ k|Zgsf] pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ M
-$±$ Ö *_
-s_ lbOPsf] lgaGwf+z k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgx¿sf] pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ M
;+:s[lt xfd|f] kl/ro xf], xfd|f] klxrfg xf] / xfd|f] cg'e"lt xf] . ;+:s[lt xfd|f] af]Ng], ljrf/ ug]{
/ afFRg] tl/sf klg xf] . xfd|f] ;+:s[lt afFRg'k5{, To;}n] xfd|f ;f+:s[lts d"Nox¿ afFRg'k5{ . b;}F
xfd|f] ;+:s[lt xf], ltxf/ xfd|f] ;+:s[lt xf] . lth, a'4 k"l0f{df, pFwf}nL, pFef}nL, Nxf];f/, lj|m;d;, Ob
;a} xfd|f ;+:s[lt x'g\ . ;Eotfsf] o; ofqfdf d af/Daf/ ;f]W5' / ;f]R5' o:tf ;'Gb/ cj;/nfO{
xfdLn] ;b'kof]u ug}{k5{ . ;+:s[ltsf gfddf lnª\u, ju{, hfltsf cfwf/df x'g] e]b ljs[lt x'g\ . tL
s'/f x6\g'k5{ / ;+ljwfgn] o;sf] ;'lglZrttf klg u/]sf] 5 .
-c_ ;+:s[lt eg]sf] s] xf] <
-cf_;+ljwfgn] ;'lglZrt u/]sf ;f+:s[lts ljifox¿ s] s] x'g\ <
-v_ lbOPsf] ;+jfbf+z k9\g'xf];\ / ;f]lwPsf k|Zgx¿sf] pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ M
xfdLn] t g]kfnsf] s[lif If]qdf /x]sf k/Dk/fut 1fg / cg'ejnfO{ hf]ufpg'kg]{ 5 . xfd|f
k'vf{x¿n] hf]ufP/ xfdLnfO{ ;'Dk]sf laplahg x/fpFb} uPsf 5g\, eljiosf nflu ltgsf] ;+/If0f /
k|j4{g ug'{kg]{ 5 . s[lifsd{nfO{ ;Ddflgt sd{sf ¿kdf :yflkt ug'{kg]{ 5 . t/ s] ug'{ < g]kfnsf]
sl/a b'O{ ltxfO hg;ª\Vof s[lif If]qdf cfl>t 5g\ t}klg cfhsf k|foM ljBfyL{n] cfk"mnfO{
ef]lnsf] ls;fg eGg] ;f]r]sf] 5}g . s[lifs} cWoog / cg';Gwfgdf nfu]sf s[lif j}1flgsx¿,
gLltlgdf{tfx¿, lhDd]jf/ kbflwsf/L tyf sd{rf/Lx¿ jf s[lif cleoGtfx¿n] klg cfˆgf
;GtfgnfO{ ls;fg agfpg vf]h]sf 5}gg\ . k9]n]v]sf dfG5]n] d ca s[lifsd{ ckgfpF5' egL lg0f{o
lnof] eg] To;nfO{ cs}{ gh/n] x]g]{ jftfj/0f 5Fb} 5 . of] dgf]lj1fgnfO{ gabn];Dd xfdL s;/L
;d[4 aGg ;S5f}F / <
k|Zgx¿ M
-c_ xfd|f df}lns laplahg s;/L hf]ufpg ;lsG5 <
-cf_s[lifsd{nfO{ ;Ddflgt sd{sf ¿kdf :yflkt ug{ s] s] ug'{knf{ <
-u_ lbOPsf] syf+z k9L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgx¿sf] pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ M
Tof] t[i0ff, Tof] cgGtsfnLg k|tLIff, Tof] lbgx'Fsf] cEo:t lg/fzfsf] wSsf To;sf] ;f;df
ldl;O;s]sf] lyof] . ToxL To;sf] hLjg lyof], ToxL To;sf] hLjgj|md . To;}nfO{ ;dft]/ Tof]
cfˆgf] hLjg u[x:yLsf] u[lx0fL lyO{, cfˆgL ;f;"sL a'xf/L / kf]OsL hf]O{ . t/ sbflrt\ s'g} x7ft\
clezfkn] ToxL l5GgleGg ul/lbPsf] cj:yfdf klg Tof] ;fgL rflxg] u[lx0fL, a'xf/L / nf]Ug]sL
:jf:gL eO/xg ;SnL < s'g Åboaf6 o:tf] cfzf ug]{ <
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
-c_ ;fgLsf] k|tLIffn] p;sf] s:tf] dgl:yltnfO{ b]vfPsf] 5 <
-cf_ ;fgLsf] hLjgdf s] s:tf ptf/r9fjx¿ b]lvG5g\ <
!%= s'g} Ps k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
-s_ …jL/ k'vf{Ú sljtfn] g]kfnLx¿sf] jL/tfsf] efjnfO{ s] s;/L b;f{Psf] 5 < v'n:t kfg'{xf];\ .
-v_ ;Tolgi7f / ;dtfd"ns ;dfhsf] :yfkgfdf of]udfofn] lbPsf] of]ubfgsf] rrf{ ug'{xf];\ .
!^= lbOPsf dWo] s'g} Ps zLif{sdf @%) zAb;Dddf g36fO{ lgaGw n]Vg'xf];\ M
-s_ d]/f] ;kgfsf] g]kfn
-v_ hnjfo' kl/jt{g
-u_ jftfj/0f k|b"if0f
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
NEB Model Question
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: English [ENG. 003]
Attempt all the questions
1. Read the text and do the tasks.
Mt Everest grows by nearly a metre to new height
The world's highest mountain Mount Everest is 0.86m higher than had been
previously officially calculated, Nepal and China have jointly announced. Until now
the countries differed over whether to add the snow cap on top. The new height is
8,848.86m (29,032 ft). China's previous official measurement of 8,844.43m had put
the mountain nearly four metres lower than Nepal's. Everest Officials at Nepal's
foreign ministry and department of survey said surveyors from both countries had coordinated to agree on the new height. The agreement to jointly announce the new
measurement of the Earth's highest point was made during Chinese President Xi
Jinping's visit to the Nepalese capital, Kathmandu last year.
Chinese authorities had said previously Mount Everest should be measured to its rock
height, while Nepalese authorities argued the snow on top of the summit should be
included. The Chinese surveyors had calculated their figure after they measured the
mountain in 2005. Nepal's government officials told the BBC in 2012 that they were
under pressure from China to accept the Chinese height and therefore they had
decided to go for a fresh measurement to "set the record straight once and for all". The
8,848m height, Nepal had been using for Mount Everest was determined by the
Survey of India in 1954, but for the first time the country has now conducted its own
measurement of the summit. Four Nepalese land surveyors spent two years training
for the mission, before heading to the summit. "Before this, we had never done the
measurement ourselves," Damodar Dhakal, spokesman at Nepal's department of
survey, told the BBC. "Now that we have a young, technical team [who could also go
to the Everest summit], we could do it on our own," Mr. Dhakal said. Nepal's lead
surveyor Khimlal Gautam lost his toe due to frostbite while on the summit to install
height-measuring equipment last year. "For summiteers, scaling the highest peak
means a great accomplishment. For us, it was just the beginning," Mr. Gautam had
told BBC Nepali after his return. "Unlike other surveys of the Everest in the past, we
chose 03:00 to minimise errors that could have been caused because of sunlight in the
day time."
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
Some geologists have suggested a major earthquake in 2015 may have had an impact
on Mount Everest's height. The 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed nearly 9,000 people
in Nepal, and caused an avalanche which buried parts of the base camp at the
mountain. At least 18 climbers were killed. Some geologists said the earthquake may
have caused Everest's snow cap to shrink. Scientists had found that some other
Himalayan peaks such as Langtang Himal, mostly to the north of Kathmandu and
close to the epicentre, had reduced in height by approximately a metre after the
earthquake. Others have argued that Mount Everest, like other Himalayan peaks, may
have actually grown over time because of the shifting tectonic plates it sits on. But
experts say major earthquakes can result in that process being reversed. "The 2015
earthquake is also a major reason why we re-measured the mountain," said Mr.
A. Choose the best answer.
a. The word 'announce' in the 7th line means:
i. utter words to convey information.
ii. make a formal statement about a fact.
iii. communicate information to someone.
b. The word 'fresh' in the phrase 'fresh measurement' in the second paragraph
i. having its original qualities unimpaired.
ii. not frozen, tinned or otherwise preserved.
iii. not previously done, new or different.
c. The word 'accomplishment' in the 22nd line means:
i. the omission of expected action.
ii. an act or instance of falling.
iii. something that has been achieved successfully.
d. The word 'shrink' in the 29th line is opposite in meaning to:
i. expand.
ii. contract.
iii. reduce.
e. The word ‘approximately’ in line 30 line means:
i. exactly.
ii. nearly.
iii. precisely.
B. Complete the following sentences in NOT MORE THAN FOUR WORDS. (5×1=5)
a) Nepal and China previously had different views about adding the
........................ to the height of Mt. Everest.
b) Surveyors from both Nepal and China had worked together to come up with
the same view on the ........................ of Mt. Everest.
c) China's earlier official measurement of 8844.43m was based on the
measurement done in .........................
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
d) The team leader of Nepal's surveyors lost his toe during the
installment of ........................ on the top.
e) Some geologists also had their view that the change in ............. under Mt.
Everest may have increased its height.
C. Answer the following questions.
a) What did the surveyors from both Nepal and China agree on to come up with
about Mt. Everest?
b) Why did both countries determine to carry out the new measurement of
Mt. Everest?
c) Which sentence in the text indicates that it was the first time for Nepal to
measure the height of Mt. Everest?
d) Why did the Nepali team take 3:00 as a reference in measuring the summit?
e) What covered the parts of the base camp at the mountains during 2015
2. Write short answers to the following questions.
a) Why is the speaker saying that 'the children are the most beautiful flowers of
all'? (The Selfish Giant)
b) What were the circumstances that led to Aksionov's imprisonment? (God Sees
the Truth)
c) What is the speaker's attitude toward war? (The Gift in War Time)
d) What do you think is the main idea of the essay 'What is Poverty?'? Is the
main idea of the essay explicit or implicit?
e) Why are Don Gonzalo and Laura annoyed with each other? (A Sunny Morning)
3. Write long answers to the following questions.
a) Jobs contends that you need to love what you do in order to be great at it. Do
you agree or disagree? Why? (How to Live Before You Die)
b) Write the summary of the poem 'All the World's a Stage'.
4. The following bar graph shows the total cases of COVID-19 infection in Nepal from
2020-01-01 to 2021-01-20. Write an interpretation of it in about 150 words.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
5. Suppose you are the coordinator of the organizing committee for the 'Sports Week'
at your school. Write an email inviting the other members of the committee for its
first meeting.
6. Is the use of smartphones useful for the students of secondary level? Write an essay
discussing the advantages and disadvantages of smartphones in about 300 words.
7. Do as indicated in brackets and rewrite the sentences.
a) The good boy behaved well. (Underline the adverb in the sentence)
b) Many of the houses in this neighbourhood (don't/doesn't) have garages.
(Choose one form from the bracket to complete the sentence)
c) We insist ............. punctuality in this office. (Put the correct preposition in
the blank)
d) It ............. be Anton's car. I saw him driving the car yesterday. (Put the
correct modal in the blank to complete the sentence)
e) She ............. (write) three books and she is working on another one. (Put the
verb from the bracket in correct tense to make a meaningful sentence)
f) I need to stop (doing/to do) my homework late at night. I keep making
terrible mistakes. (Choose one form from the bracket to complete the sentence)
g) The minister stood still ............. the request to take her seat. (Put the
correct conjunction in the blank to complete the sentence)
h) Marie Curie is the woman. She discovered radium. (Join the sentences with
a relative pronoun)
i) She said, "Would you like me to help you?" (Use the reporting verb offer to
change the sentence into indirect speech)
j) I hate people laughing at me. (Change into passive)
8. Do as instructed.
a. The art of producing beautiful writing with a special pen or brush is
called calligraphy. What word class does the underlined word in the sentence
belong to?
b. Arrange the following words as per the order in a dictionary:
chanting, chopper, chirruping, chivalry, chancellor
c. What does the sentence 'He burnt his fingers by interfering in his
neighbour's affair.' mean?
i. He got himself into trouble.
ii. He burnt himself?
iii. He got himself insulted.
iv. He got rebuked.
d. What does the prefix 'under-' in the word UNDERESTIMATE mean?
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
i. below
ii. in
iii. around
iv. above
e. Which of the following sentences is correct?
i. Kelsey said I want to go to Aunt Joy's for Thanksgiving.
ii. Kelsey said, "i want to go to Aunt Joys for Thanksgiving."
iii. Kelsey said, "I want to go to Aunt Joy's for Thanksgiving."
iv. Kelsey said "I want to go to Aunt Joys for Thanksgiving."
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: English [ENG. 003]
[Set A]
Attempt all the questions
1. Read the text and do the tasks.
I have said this much because it is my wish that the principles which have
guided me in the composition of these memoirs may be understood. I am aware that
they will not please every reader; that is a success to which I cannot pretend. Some
merit, however, may be allowed me on account of the labour I have undergone. It
has neither been of a slight nor an agreeable kind. I made it a rule to read everything
that has been written respecting Napoleon, and I have had to decipher many of his
autographed documents, though no longer so familiar with his scrawl as formerly.
I say decipher, because a real cipher might often be much more readily
understood than the handwriting of Napoleon. My own notes, too, which were often
very hastily made, in the hand I wrote in my youth, have sometimes also much
embarrassed me.
My long and intimate connection with Bonaparte from boyhood, my close
relations with him when he was General, Consul and Emperor, enabled me to see
and appreciate all that was projected and all that was done during that considerable
and momentous period of time. I not only had the opportunity of being present at the
conception and the execution of the extraordinary deeds of one of the ablest men
nature ever formed, but, notwithstanding an almost unceasing application to
business, I found means to employ the few moments of leisure which Bonaparte left
at my disposal in making notes, collecting documents and in recording for history the
facts respecting which the truth could otherwise with difficulty be ascertained; and
more particularly in collecting those ideas, often profound, brilliant, and striking, but
always remarkable, to which Bonaparte gave expression in the overflowing
frankness of confidential intimacy. The knowledge that I possessed much important
information has exposed me to many inquiries, and wherever I have resided since my
retirement from public affairs, much of my time has been spent in replying to
Questions. The wish to be acquainted with the minutest details of the life of a famous
man is very natural; and the observation on my replies by those who heard them
always was, “You should publish your memoirs!”
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
A. Choose the best answer.
(i) The author is "embarrassed" , as stated in paragraph 1, because;
(a) Napoleon’s handwriting was unreadable
(b) the author’s handwriting was very poor in his youth
(c) he cannot please every reader
(d) None of these
(ii) The word ‘profound’ used in paragraph 2 is the antonym of
(a) wise
(b) sincere
(c) superficial
(d) comical
(iii) The phrase ‘on account of’ used in paragraph 1 means the same as
(a) as a consequence of
(b) under no circumstances
(c) makes up
(d) None of these
(iv) The word ‘scrawl’ used in paragraph 1 means the same as
(a) sayings
(b) method of working
(c) style of dress
(d) careless handwriting
(v) The word ‘conception’ used in paragraph 2 is the synonym of
(a) birth
(b) proposal
(c) death
(d) pregnancy
B. Complete the following sentences in NOT MORE THAN FOUR WORDS.
a. A quantity of value, possibly will be unobjectionable for the narrator ……..the
effort he had undergone.
b. ………… most likely to be a large extent enthusiastically comprehended than
the calligraphy of Napoleon.
c. Since the retirement, the narrator spent his time in replying to queries anywhere
he has ……….
d. "Why don’t you ………” is the usual response the narrator received after
getting the replies from the narrator they ask regarding Napoleon.
e. His long acquaintance with Bonaparte facilitated him to perceive and
understand the entireness that was recorded during that …….. episode of
C. Answer the following questions.
a. How does the author express his difficulties in writing Napoleon’s memoirs?
b. On what basis can we say that Napoleon’s handwriting was very difficult to
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
c. How does the author justify his statement that he could understand all that
Napoleon actually achieved?
d. What method did the author employ to ensure that he could relate afterwards all
that happened in Napoleon’s time?
e. Why is the author pestered by people even after he has retired from public life?
2. Write short answers to the following questions.
a. Why do the two soldiers spend their free time on Sundays in the countryside?
(Two Little Soldiers)
b. What is the difference between the oral tradition and literary tradition? (Sharing
c. Why did Jonathan think of himself ‘extraordinarily lucky’? (Civil Peace)
d. What can you infer about the speaker’s devotion to his beloved from the
following lines? (A Red, Red Rose)
And I will come again, my love,
Tho’ it were ten thousand mile
e. Why does Mrs. Hale think that Mrs. Wright’s worries about her preserves
indicate her innocence? (Trifles)
3. Write long answers to the following questions.
a. "The Oval Portrait" is a short horror story by Edgar Allan Poe involving the
disturbing circumstances surrounding a portrait in a chateau. Elaborate.
b. The play is a satire on the present day education system. Do you think that our
education system does not prepare students for life? Discuss. (Refund)
4. Write an interpretation of the following bar-graph in about 150 words. (7)
5. Suppose you are the secretary of the National Innovation Centre
(NIC), Nepal and an innovator from a foreign country had a talk with
its chairperson, Mahabir Pun about bilateral cooperation. Write a
press release statement.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
6. Is it good to imagine of things which are not possible to achieve in reality? Write
an essay on "Imagination and Knowledge" in about 300 words.
7. Do as indicated in brackets and rewrite the sentences.
a. He is very lazy to do the homework. (Underline the adverb in the sentence)
b. The frightened prisoner jumped … the window of the prison. (Put the correct
c. Did you … (enjoy) the film? (Use the correct form of verb)
d. I got … (boring/bore/bored) by the film. (Choose the correct word)
e. This exercise looks very hard. I … (will/going to) help you. (Choose the correct
f. The pair of shoes on the floor … (is/are/were) mine. (Select the correct verb)
g. He became a doctor. The underlined verb is an example of ….
(linking/transitive/intransitive) verb. (Choose the correct one)
h. Don’t make a noise! The children … asleep. (Supply the correct verb)
i. We …. (should/had better/should have) get to the program by 5 pm or else we
will miss it. (Choose the correct option)
j. The guest stood still … the request to take his seat. (Put the correct connectives
to complete the sentence)
8. Do as instructed.
a. He is a musician. His albums have sold millions. (Join the sentences using
relative clause)
b. Matthew … be at home. I can see his bike in front of his home. (Put the correct
modal in the blank to complete the sentence)
c. What does the sentence ‘He burnt his fingers by interfering in his neighbour’s
affair? ‘mean?
i. He got himself into trouble.
ii. He burnt himself?
ii. He got himself insulted.
iv. He got rebuked.
d. The IPL match between CSK and RCB ……at 9 o'clock next Sunday. (select
the correct form of tense)
i. embarks on
ii. embark on
iii. will embark on
iv. will be embarking on
e. Which of the following options is correct answer of "Who has done this work?"
i. To whom has this work been done? ii. Who has this work been done?
iii. Whom has this work been done? iv. By whom has this work been done?
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: English [ENG. 003]
[Set B]
Attempt all the questions
1. Read the given text and do the tasks that follow.
Reading Comprehension (RC, as it is normally called) is the most peculiar
section in almost all scholastic, entrance and employment tests. The skills in RC
make a lot of difference to one’s chances of good grades/selection.
Most students find it difficult to tackle topics that are diverse from the field they
are in or they are comfortable with. So one needs to develop a taste for even the
most obscure and boring topic on this planet. For success in RC one should be able
to understand. And even with an average speed one can succeed if one implements
the strategies.
Broadly speaking, RC passages can be classified in a few categories. Fact based
RC is the simplest form of RC. These types of passages have lot of information in
the form of names, numbers etc. In this type of passages one should read very fast.
Don’t try to memorize any facts, numbers or names etc. In fact there is no need
to even remember them. Just make yourself familiar with the structure of the
passage. Just see in which paragraph author is talking about what. Mark it. Then
when you go to the questions, identify in which paragraph information regarding
that question is mentioned. Go to that paragraph, read the numbers, names etc. and
mark the answer.
Inference based RC is the toughest form of RC. Here the passage is fairly tough
to understand. This includes passages on topics like Religion, Spirituality,
Philosophy, etc. Most of the students will be comfortable attempting these passages
at least in RC. The reading speed is fairly slow in this type of passages. The way to
master this type of passages is to read them again and again while practising.
Topic based RC includes passages on any particular topic like economics,
astrology, medical science, etc. Generally, what makes -these passages tough is
usage of technical terms. If a topic is new to us, then presence of technical term
scares us even if they are defined in the passage. For success in this type of
passages we need to have a fan-understanding of the definition of the term if it is
defined in the passage. Read that definition twice if you need to. But don’t worry
about technical terms if they are not defined in the passage. Assume them to be
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
non-existent and proceed. Key principle in these passages is that don’t go to the
next line unless the previous line is clear.
Reading passage first and then questions is the most popular strategy for RC.
While answering the question you may come back to the passage to find answer as
you have just read the passage initially and not crammed it. But you should not
come back for each and every question. If you come back for majority of questions,
then you haven’t read the passage properly. The key to success for this strategy is
that you should understand the passage very well. We will suggest students to
follow this technique from the beginning and work upon this.
Reading questions first and then passage is the strategy followed by a few students.
They just look at the questions and not options. The objective is that after seeing
the questions when you read the passage then you read only that part carefully
where the answer is given. The flaw with this is that you will not be able to
remember all the questions. Besides this, this strategy fails when there are
questions that require understanding of the passage.
A. Answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate option: [5]
a. Most students find Reading Comprehension difficult because………
i) the language is tough
ii) the vocabulary is difficult
iii) the style is too involved
iv) the topics are unrelated to their interest
b. Fact based RC is the easiest because………
i) it is written in simple language ii) there are no allusions
ii) it contains information
iv) it can be memorised easily
c. For answering a question on RC, one should………
i) memorise the facts, figures, etc.
ii) mark what the author is talking about in the para
iii) mark the essential details of the passage
iv) remember the names, numbers, etc.
d. Topic based RC is tough as………
i) it contains technical terms
ii) it is based on different topics
iii) it demands instant understanding
iv) one can’t read them fast enough
e. Careful reading of the passage is essential for…………
i) answering difficult questions
ii) saving time and effort
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
iii) proper understanding and answering correctly
iv) selective identification of relevant parts
B. State whether the following statements are TRUE, FALSE or NOT GIVEN
according to the given text.
a. Students having knowledge on entire topic of the world can achieve good
cent percent marks on RC.
b. You have to mug up all the facts and data given in the passage to solve the
question of it.
c. The rapid reading of religious or spiritual texts is the easiest way of doing
d. If we have read passage properly, we need not turn back to it repeatedly to
solve more number of questions at a time.
e. Going through the passage just looking after the questions may lessen the
C. On the basis of the passage given above, answer the following questions in
a. What should one do for finding the right answers?
b. Why topic is based RC tough?
c. Which step is considered more essential for finding right answers? Why?
d. What is the most popular strategy for solving Reading Comprehension (RC)?
e. Write the meaning of‘peculiar’ and make your own sentence using it.
2. Write short answers to the following questions.
a. How did the giant realize his mistake? (The Selfish Giant)
b. Describe the portrait that the narrator saw in the room. (The Oval Portrait)
c. What does the speaker mean when he says (in the poem Corona Says):
But have you ever counted
How many have died so far
Because of you and your wars?
d. What can you infer about the speaker’s devotion to his beloved from the
following lines? (A Red Red Rose)
And I will come again, my love
Tho’ it were ten thousand mile!
e. According to LaPena, what is the importance of the oral tradition? (Sharing
3. Answer the following questions in detail.
a. Summarize the story “God Sees the Truth but Waits”.
b. Describe about the themes and the symbols of the play ‘Trifles’.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
4. ‘Education empowers a person”. Elaborate this statement giving examples of your
personal experiences.
5. Some people argue that exams are useless as no exams can judge the real
capabilities of an individual while others think that the exam grades have
considerable impact on deciding the career and even the character of a person.
What is your take? Use your personal examples to explain your point.
6. There are different schools of thought regarding the social media. Some people see
benefits while others see problems in them. What are your observations? In an
essay, explain advantages and disadvantages of the social media giving your
position on it.
7. Classify the underlined words into different word classes.
Really! I didn’t realize it was his job to fine students and teachers for their offensive
8. Rewrite the following sentences placing the underlined words in the right
a. Why do you so fast have to eat?
b. Do you think about ever living there?
c. I visit him sometimes in the supermarket.
d. He now is playing cricket.
e. Did she paint beautifully the portrait?
9. Choose appropriate synonym for the following words:
a. Condemn
i) command
ii) cooperation iii) commend
iv) criticize
b. Successor
i) conspirator
ii) conqueror
iii) heir
iv) ancestor
c. proficient
i) inept
ii) adroit
iii) novice
iv) valid
d. banish
i) integrate
ii) include
iii) allow
iv) exile
e. fatal
i) baneful
ii) trivial
iii) harmless
iv) secure
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: English [ENG. 003]
[Set C]
Attempt all the questions
1. Read the following passage and do the activities that follow.
On April 15, a Norwegian mountaineer who complained of cough and fever at
Everest base camp was airlifted to a hospital in Kathmandu. He was later diagnosed
with Covid-19. More than two dozen high-altitude rescues have been conducted
since then, “all related to” severe high-altitude illness, according to the Himalayan
Rescue Association and helicopter companies. As a precautionary measure,
authorities had issued circulars two weeks ago asking expedition groups to stay
within their bubble, but the evacuations have rung alarm bells loud and clear.
There have been a dozen other suspected cases, but government officials and the
Nepal Mountaineering Association have simply dismissed them. But things could
change. On Tuesday, four Sherpa’s were evacuated from Dhaulagiri base camp after
developing Covid-19-like symptoms. They all tested positive on Wednesday,
leaving the expedition agency no choice but to evacuate nine other climbers. The
fresh incident has stoked fears of infection at Everest base camp, where expedition
groups have installed boundary ropes to separate one tent from another, and
people’s movement has been restricted.
On Thursday, Nepal reported yet another record single-day new infections with
8,970 cases and 54 deaths. While the government and mountaineering officials
continue to dismiss coronavirus cases at base camp, at least two dozen climbers are
said to be suffering from “serious coughing”, and it is unclear whether the cough is
due to a combination of high-altitude and low relative humidity or Covid-19.
Without testing, which is not available at base camp, there is no way to rule out
coronavirus on Everest, but doctors stationed at the camp say there have been many
altitude cases this season, which have symptoms similar to Covid-19, and climbers
should be evacuated should illness last for five days.
Earlier in January, the local administration in Nepal’s Everest region lifted all
Covid-19 restrictions in an attempt to woo back trekkers to its popular trails.
Tourists were no longer required to submit a 72-hour negative PCR test report or
meet quarantine provisions. The municipality decision had followed a drop in new
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
infections and the lifting of restrictions at large as the government prepared to
launch the first phase of the vaccination drive. As a Plan B, local officials told this
paper that antigen tests would be arranged if travelers were suspected of developing
Covid-19 symptoms.
All this followed the government decision in September last year to allow tourists
into Nepal for trekking and mountaineering, nearly seven months after imposing a
nationwide lockdown. Last month when the Department of Tourism issued a
directive introducing a quota system in a desperate measure to prevent
overcrowding on the world’s tallest peak amid the second wave of the pandemic,
the department had already issued 377 climbing permits. A record 408 mountaineers
have been granted permission this year. This is an all-time high number of permits
issued in a season, and expedition members have all assembled at Everest base
camp at an altitude of 5,500 metres.
As the window to begin the ascent starts on Sunday, concerns are now growing
that the coronavirus has made it to base camp, where some 2,000 expedition
members have gathered. While expedition agencies claim that their clients are all
isolated and safe, and health safety measures are being enforced in the respective
camps, it is important to note that although the mountaineers were required to
submit a negative PCR report before hitting the trails, it wasn’t mandatory for
Nepalese and high-altitude climbing guides. This is a huge margin of error, one that
risks live and a lost opportunity to ensure a safe bubble for the Everest season.
A. Choose the best answer.
a. The word ‘mountaineer’ in the 1 line means:
i. a person who climbs mountains as a sport
ii. a person who lives in mountain region
iii. Sherpa’s of Nepal
b. Synonym for the word ‘stationed’ in the last sentence of 3rd paragraph is:
i. positioned
ii. tested
iii. supplying stationery items
c. The word ‘launch’ in the 4th paragraph is opposite in meaning to:
i. begin
ii. start
iii. stop
d. The word ‘assembled’ in the 5th paragraph means:
i. gathered
ii. dispersed
iii. spread
e. What does the phrase “before hitting the trails” in last paragraph mean?
i. before getting permission
ii. before starting the journey
iii. before the other fellow climbers
B. Complete the following sentences in NOT MORE THAN THREE WORDS.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
a. In January, the local administration in the Everest region lifted all Covid-19
related __________ in an attempt to attract trekkers.
b. The local government’s decision had followed a ___________ in new
c. The local officials told that __________would be arranged if travelers had
Covid-19 symptoms.
d. ___________was issued to prevent overcrowding on the world’s tallest peak.
e. ____________ mountaineers have been issued permission this year.
C. Answer the following questions.
a. Why was a mountaineer airlifted to Kathmandu on April 15?
b. What precautions have the expedition groups taken at Everest base camp to
prevent the spread of disease?
c. What do the doctors at Everest base camp say?
d. How many people have gathered at the base camp?
e. Who were exempted of mandatory negative PCR report?
2. Write short answers to the following questions.
a. Why do you think spring season never came to the giant’s garden? (The Selfish
b. Sketch the character of Aksionov. (God Sees the Truth but Waits)
c. Why does the poet compare the world with a stage? (All the World’s a Stage)
d. What is the danger of not passing on information from generation to generation?
(Sharing Tradition)
e. How do you explain the title of the play ‘Trifles’ by Glaspell?
3. Write long answers to the following questions.
a. What does the writer say we require from life to be happy and satisfied? (What
I Require from Life)
b. What kind of realization does the speaker want to bring in humans? What sorts
of changes have occurred after the speaker’s visit to the planet? (Corona Says)
4. The bar graph shows the total manufacturing production in percentages in Asia,
Europe, and the rest of the world. Write an interpretation of it in about 150 words. (7)
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
5. You ride a bicycle to work, but there isn’t dedicated lane for cycling in your town.
Write a letter to the Mayor of your municipality requesting him/her to make a plan
and execute it soon. In your letter, you should write:
- Why you ride a bicycle to work
- What the problem is with cycling in your town
- What your suggestions are.
6. Compose an essay on Youngsters and Driving Skill.
7. Do as indicated in brackets and rewrite the sentences.
a. I bought a beautiful dress at the mall. (Underline the adjective in the sentence)
b. Four years _______ (is/are) a long time to spend away from your friends and
family. (Fill in the blank with appropriate verb)
c. He will ___ (call) you later. (Put the verb from the bracket in correct tense to
make a meaningful sentence)
d. I left my purse at home. Lily, ________ you lend me ten dollars? (Put the
correct modal verb in the blank to complete the sentence)
e. Take this medicine and you will get rid _____ (from/ of/ over) the bad cold.
(Put the correct preposition in the blank)
f. The children _____ (deliver) a splendid performance. (Fill in the blank with
appropriate form of the given verb)
g. Jack _________ fun at the party last Saturday. (Appropriate form of ‘have’ verb)
h. Catherine and Sue are two girls (like dancing) _______________ (Complete the
sentences using a relative clause.)
i. They rescued the child. (Change into Passive voice)
j. He said’ “I’ve been studying a lot.” (Change the sentence into reported speech)
8. Do as instructed.
a. Arrange the following words in alphabetical order.
wonder, wander, wane, whine, wine, wanton
b. Hooray, here comes the bus at last!
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
What word class does the underlined word in the sentence belong to?
c. What does the sentence "It's raining cats and dogs!" mean?
i. It is raining heavily.
ii. It is raining lightly.
iii. It is not raining at all.
iv. It is a sunny day.
d. I wanted to ease my stomach ________comfort, so I drank some ginger root tea.
(Add the correct prefix to the word to complete the sentence.)
e. Choose the correctly spelt word.
i. pronounciation ii. pronunciation iii. Pronunciason iv. pronuntiation
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: English [ENG. 003]
[Set D]
Attempt all the questions
Q. Read the following blog about the influence of social media, and answer the
given questions.
During the middle Ages (from about 500 C.E. to the mid-1400s) there were no
great changes in the way of life in Europe. People did what their forefathers did
before them, and there were few new inventions or discoveries. Most people
believed in what they were told and did not care about anything outside their lives.
One reason for this may be because only a few people received an education, and
books were scarce. Then, a change began. People became better educated, trade
and industry developed, the arts flourished, and explorers discovered new lands.
We call this great change the Renaissance, which in French means "rebirth". The
Renaissance, which took place in Europe between the thirteenth and sixteenth
centuries, was a new stage in the history of the world.
Some people think that the Renaissance got started when the Turks took over
the Greek city Constantinople (now Istanbul) in 1453. Greek scholars left
Constantinople and settled in other parts of Europe. In these new locations, they
taught Greek and shared their precious books. The study of classical Greek and
Roman writers and thinkers began again, and a new desire for learning spread
throughout Europe.
People began to inquire into everything, and some began to question their
beliefs and ways of thinking. In Germany, Martin Luther started a revolt against the
conventions of the Roman Catholic Church. Soon, other Christians agreed that the
Church needed to change, and several new Christian religions were established.
Other people began to think about new types of government that were based on
the democratic values of ancient Greece. Italy, the birthplace of the Renaissance,
was organized into city-states that governed themselves. Though wealthy families
and the Church held much of the power in these areas, the city-states were moving
a step in the direction of government by the people. The most famous political
thinker of the Renaissance was Niccolo Machiavelli. In his book on government
entitled The Prince, he stated that a good leader could do bad and dishonest things
in order to preserve his power and protect his government. Though people in his
own time thought that Machiavelli was evil for saying these things, his book is now
famous and modern political thinkers respect some of his ideas.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
The "new learning" taught people to think in new ways, and it also encouraged
gifted people to paint pictures, make statues and buildings, and write great
literature. In fact, some of the best artists of the day did all of these things. As a
result, when a person today is skilled in many areas, he or she is often called a
"Renaissance man" or a "Renaissance woman".
The artistic developments of the Renaissance first happened in the Italian city of
Florence, and then they spread to other Italian cities. As a result of trade and
banking, cities like Florence, Venice, and Milan became very wealthy, and their
rich citizens had both the time and money to enjoy music, art, and poetry. These
cities produced great painters and sculptors, like Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci,
and Raphael. These artists created some of history's finest works of art. For
example, Michelangelo spent four years painting thousands of feet of curved
ceiling in the Vatican's Sistine Chapel. To do this, he had to learn a whole new
style of painting. He also had to paint lying on his back beneath the ceiling as paint
dripped down onto his face. Despite these obstacles, he created one of art's greatest
A. Circle the correct meanings of the underlined words.
a. Martin Luther started a revolt against the conventions of the Roman Catholic
i. styles
ii. creations
iii. customs
iv. writings
b. The arts flourished during the Renaissance.
i. were almost forgotten
ii. grew and improved
iii. discovered
iv. stayed about the same
B. Answer these questions.
a. What does the word Renaissance mean? Which language is it derived from?
b. What did the Greek scholars do in their new locations after leaving the Greek
c. How did 'new learning' teach people to think in different ways?
d. Describe the artistic developments of Renaissance in brief.
C. Match the following phrasal verbs with their meanings.
a. break down
tired of something or someone
b. check out
to complete a form
c. fed up
to stop functioning (vehicle, machine)
d. fill out
to give something to someone for free
e. get away
to leave a hotel
f. give away
to escape
D. What do you infer from the reading? Tick (√) the best answer. [4x1=4]
a. Before the Renaissance…
i. middle-class people did a lot of reading.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
ii. education was limited to scholars and privileged people.
iii. people wanted to change their lives but couldn't.
iv. people were eager to learn new things.
b. Which statement is true?
i. The Greeks had a strong influence on Renaissance thinking.
ii. France was the birthplace of the Renaissance.
iii. Turkish scholars spread their knowledge throughout Europe.
iv. German philosophers were responsible for starting the Renaissance.
c. What did the Renaissance do?
i. It helped leaders maintain control over the middle class.
ii. It discouraged people to go against traditional beliefs.
iii. It caused people to make changes in their lives.
iv. It influenced people to fight against each other.
d. What were the major causes of the Renaissance?
i. changes in government
ii. explorations of new lands
iii. new artists and writers who created great works
iv. printing, reading and learning
2. Write short answers to the following questions.
a. Why is the speaker saying that 'the children are the most beautiful flowers of
all'? (The Selfish Giant)
b. What were the circumstances that led to Aksionov's imprisonment? (God Sees
the Truth But Waits)
c. To which two things does the speaker compare his love in the poem? (A Red Red
d. What is the story about Steve Job’s birth? (How to Live Before You Die)
e. According to the writer, what are the four general human needs? (What I Require
From Life)
3. Write long answers to the following questions.
a. “The Oval Portrait” suggests that the woman’s beauty condemns her to death.
b. What is the difference between oral and literary tradition? Discuss. (Sharing
4. Write a couple of paragraphs on “Cyber Crime.”
5. How do you describe the pros and cons of “Use of Google by the Students”? (8)
6. “Women empowerment changes a society”. Elaborate this statement giving examples
of your personal experiences.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
7. Do as indicated in the bracket.
(I) a. The man who is wearing glasses is my uncle’s friend. (Underline relative
b. Rewrite the following sentence putting the underlined adverb in the correct
My brother speaks fluently English.
c. Newton ……. an apple falling from the tree. (Write the correct form of the verb
‘see’ in the blank space)
d. We insist ............. punctuality in this office. (Put the correct preposition in blank)
e. Marie Curie is the woman. She discovered radium. (Join the sentences with
a relative pronoun)
(II) Find the correct option from the bracket.
a. Every one of the workers …… the same benefits. (receive/ receives)
b. My sister swims fast. (transitive/ intransitive verb)
c. I have nothing to do. I am ….. (bored/boring)
d. Heman put the plate …… the table. (into/onto)
e. I think you…. like this movie. (will/going to)
8. Do as instructed.
a. The art of producing beautiful writing with a special pen or brush is
called calligraphy. (What word class does the underlined word in the sentence
belong to?)
b. Arrange the following words as per the order in a dictionary:
chateau, chopper, choking, chivalry, chancellor
c. What does the sentence 'He burnt his fingers by interfering in his
neighbour's affair.' mean?
i. He got himself into trouble.
ii. He burnt himself?
iii. He insulted his neighbour.
iv. He got reprimanded.
d. What does the prefix 'under-' in the word UNDERESTIMATE mean?
i. below
ii. on
iii. around
iv. off
e. Which of the following sentences is correct?
i. Kelsey said I want to go to Aunt Joy's for Thanksgiving.
ii. Kelsey said, "i want to go to Aunt Joys for Thanksgiving."
iii. Kelsey said, "I want to go to Aunt Joy's for Thanksgiving."
iv. Kelsey said "I want to go to Aunt Joys for Thanksgiving.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
NEB Model Question
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: Mathematics [MAT. 007]
Attempt all the questions
Group A
(1 × 11 = 11)
Rewrite the correct option in your answer sheet
1. Which of the following is a statement?
(a) The fishes are beautiful
(b) Study mathematics.
(c) x is a capital of country y.
(d) Water is essential for health.
is …
2. The value of: √−16 𝑥 √−25
(a) -20
(b) -20i
(c) 20i
(d) 20
3. If ∠C = 600, b = 5 cm and a = 4 cm of ∆ABC, what is the value of c?
(a) 3.58 cm
(b) 4.58 cm
(c) 4.89 cm
(d) 4.56
4. In a triangle ABC, B =120o, a = 1, c = 1 then the other angles and sides are
(b) 10, 50, √3
(d) 30, 30, √3
⃗⃗ and 𝑏⃗⃗ = 𝑖⃗ + 3𝑗⃗ + 3𝑘
5. The cosine of the angle between the vectors 𝑎⃗ = 𝑖⃗ − 2𝑗⃗ + 3𝑘
(a) 35, 45, √2
(c) 20, 40, 2
(d) 196
(a) 1/14
(b) 14
(c) √14
6. The equation of parabola with the vertex at the origin and the directrix y - 2 = 0 is..
(a) x2 – 8y = 0
(b) y2 + 8y = 0
(c) x2 + 8y = 0
(d) y2 - 8y = 0
7. A mathematical problem is given to three students Sumit, Sujan and Rakesh
whose chance of winning it are ½, 1/3, 1/a respectively. The probability that the
problem is solved is ¾? The possible values of a are ….
(d) 1/8
(a) 9/2
(b) 4
(c) 1/4
8. lim
is equal to …
(b) ∞
(a) 0
9. The derivatives of
(a) (3𝑥 2
4𝑥 2 +3
3𝑥 2 −2
(c) 1
(d) 0/0
is …
30𝑥 2
3𝑥 2 −2
(c) (3𝑥 2
(d) (3𝑥−2)2
10. By Newton’s Raphson, the positive root of x3 -18 = 0 in (2, 3) is
(a) 2. 666
(b) 2.621
(c) 2.620
(d) 2.622
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
11. Two forces acting at an angle of 45o have a resultant equal to √10𝑁, if one of the
forces be √2𝑁, what is the other force.
(a) 1N
(b) 2N
(c) 3N
(d) 4N
The total cost function of a producer is given as C = 500 + 30Q + 𝑄2 . What is
the marginal cost (MC) at Q = 4 is ....
(a) Rs.38
(b) Rs.34
(c) Rs.30
(d) Rs.28
Group B
(5 × 8 = 40)
12. A function f (x) = x2 is given. Answer the following question for the function f(x).
(i) What is the algebraic nature of the function?
(ii) Write the name of the locus of the curve.
(iii) Write the vertex of the function.
(iv) Write any one property for sketching the curve.
(v) Write the domain of the function.
13. Compare the sum of n terms of the series: 1 + 2a +3a2 +4a3 +……….and a+ 2a
+ 3a+ 4a …up to n terms.
14. a) In any triangle, prove that (b+c) Sin 2 = a Sin(2 + B)
b) Express 𝛾⃗ = (4, 7) as the linear combination of 𝑎⃗ = (5, - 4) and 𝑏⃗⃗ = (-2, 5). (2)
15. Calculate the appropriate measure of Skewness for the data below.
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60
No of workers 10
16. Define different types of discontinuity of a function. Also write the condition
for increasing, decreasing and concavity of function.
17. Evaluate: ∫
𝑥 2 𝑑𝑥
√𝑎2 −𝑥 2
1 𝑑𝑥
18. Define Trapeziodal rule. Evaluate using Trapezoidal rule for ∫0
𝑛 = 4.
19. State sine law and use it to prove Lami’s theorem.
A decline in the price of good X by Rs. 5 causes an increase in its demand by 20
units to 50 units. The new price is X is 15.
(i) Calculate elasticity of demand.
(ii) The elasticity of demand is negative, what does it mean?
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
Group – C
(8 × 3 = 24 )
20. (a) The factor of expression 𝜔 − 1 are 𝜔 − 1, 𝜔 + 𝜔 + 1. If 𝜔3 − 1 = 0.
i) Find the possible values of 𝜔 and write the real and imaginary roots of 𝜔.
𝜔𝑛 𝜔2𝑛
ii) Prove that: |𝜔2𝑛
𝜔𝑛 | = 0. Where n is positive integer.
𝜔𝑛 𝜔2𝑛
iii) Veify that: |𝑥 + 𝑦| ≤ |𝑥| + |𝑦| with x = 2 and y = - 3.
21. (a) The single equation of pair of lines is 2x2 +3xy +y2 +5x +2y -3 = 0
(i) Find the equation of pair straight lines represented by the single equation.
(ii) Are the pair of lines represented by the given equation passes through origin?
Write with reason.
(iii) Find the point of intersection of the pair of lines.
(b) If three vectors 𝑎⃗, 𝑏⃗⃗ and 𝑐⃗ are mutually perpendicular unit vectors in space then
write a relation between them.
22. (i) Distinguish between derivative and anti-derivative of a function. Write their
physical meanings and illustrate with example in your context. Find, the
differential coefficient of logSinx with respect to x.
(1+ 2+2)
(ii) Find the area bounded by the y – axis, the curve x2 = 4 (y - 2) and the line y =
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: Mathematics [MAT. 007]
[Set A]
Attempt all the questions
Group A
Rewrite the correct option in your answer sheet
1. Which of the following is a statement?
(a) Study English.
(b) What is your mobile number.
(c) The earth moves round the sun
(d) where do you live ?
2. The absolute value of a complex number 1 + √3𝑖 is ….
(a) 1
(b) -2
(c) 2
(𝟏 × 𝟏𝟏 = 𝟏𝟏)
3. If A = 30 , B = 45 b = 2 then c is … …
(a) √3 − 1
(b) √2 +1
(c) √3 + 1
(d) √2 -1
4. In triangle ABC, if a=3, b=4and c=5, then Cos is equal to …..
⃗⃗ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑏⃗⃗ = 2 𝑖⃗ − 𝑗⃗ − 𝑘
⃗⃗ are any two vectors, then angle between
5. If 𝑎⃗ = 𝑖⃗ + 𝑗⃗ − 2𝑘
them θ is ……
6. Obtain the equation of the parabola having vertex at (-1, 2) and directrix x = 4.
(a) 𝑦 2 − 4𝑥 + 20𝑥 + 24 = 0
(b) 𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 + 8𝑦 − 7 = 0
(c) −𝑦 2 + 4𝑦 − 20𝑥 − 24 = 0
(d) 𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 − 8𝑦 − 7 = 0
7. What is the probability that a leap year selected at random contains 53 Sundays.
8. lim √𝑥 + 𝑎 − √𝑥 = ?
(a) -1
9. ∫
(b) 1
(c) 0
(b) −√2𝑥 + 7
(c) √2𝑥 + 7 + 𝑐
𝑑𝑥 = ?
(a) √2𝑥 + 7
(d) - √2𝑥 + 7 + 𝑐
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
10. How many iterations do you need to get the root if it starts with a=1 and b=2 and
the tolerance is 10−4 .
(a) 13.29
(b) 13
(c) -13.29
(d) 13.50
11. A bicycle slows down with a uniform retardation of 2ms to 36kmh-1 in 5s. what is
the initial velocity = ?
(a) 25ms-1
(b) 20ms-1
(c) 22ms-1
(d) 15ms-1
The demand function for a certain commodity is 𝑝 =
marginal revenue when Q = 4
(a) 10
(b) 13
(c) 12
− 10𝑄 + 75 what is the
(d) 11
(𝟓 × 𝟖 = 𝟒𝟎)
12. (a) State De-Morgan’s laws.
(b) Draw the graph of the function y = x +6x + 5, by using its different
13. (a) If 𝑎 𝑥 = 𝑏 𝑦 = 𝑐 𝑧 and a, b, c are in G.P prove that x, y, z in H.P.
1 𝑥 𝑦𝑧
1 𝑥 𝑥
(b) Without Expanding the determinant, prove that |1 𝑦 𝑦 | = |1 𝑦 𝑧𝑥 |. [3]
1 𝑧 𝑥𝑦
1 𝑧 𝑧2
2 2
14. (a) If 𝑎 + 𝑏 + 𝑐 = 2𝑎 (𝑏 + 𝑐 ) , Prove the A =45 or 135 .
(b) Prove that the length of perpendicular from origin to the line:
Group B
+ = 1 is
+ 2 = 2.
15. Compute the appropriate coefficient of skewness from the given data.
Income group
No. of workers
Below 100 100-140 140 -180 180-220
𝑙𝑖𝑚 1−𝑐𝑜𝑠9𝑥
𝑥 → 0 𝑥2
(b) Find from first principle, the derivative of 𝑆𝑖𝑛4𝑥.
16. (a) Evaluate the limit:
17. Using integration, find area of the ellipse:
= 1.
18. Define Trapezoidal rule. Evaluate using trapezoidal rule for ∫0 𝑥 3 𝑑𝑥 by taking n =
4, Also find an error bound for this estimation.
19. A body of weight 68N is suspended by two strings of length 8m and 15m
respectively, and the other ends of the strings are attached to two fixed points in a
horizontal line 17m apart, find tensions of the strings.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
The Cost function of a product is 𝐶(𝑄) =
− 50 and the revenue function of the
same product is: 𝑅(𝑄) = 6Q +7 .
(i) Find the marginal profit at the output level 4.
(ii) Also find the maximum profit.
Group C
(𝟖 × 𝟑 = 𝟐𝟒)
20. (a) Find the domain and the range of the function 𝑦 = 𝑓(𝑥) = √6 − 𝑥 − 𝑥 2 . [4]
(b) (i) Define Polar form of complex number complex number with examples. [2]
(ii) 𝐼𝑓 𝑥 + 𝑖𝑦 =
then, Show that: 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 = 1.
21. (a) Find the equations of the pair of straight lines joining the origin to the
intersection of the straight line 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑐 and the curve x2 + y2 = a2. Prove that
they are at right angles if 2 c2 = a2(1+ m2).
(b) (i) Find the equation of the circle concentric with the circle 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 + 8𝑥 −
6𝑦 + 1 = 0 and radius 3.
(ii) OB and OC are two straight lines and D is a point on BC such that BD:DC=
𝑛𝑂𝐵 +𝑚𝑂𝐶
m: n. Show that ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝑂𝐷 =
22. (a) Define local maxima and local minima of the function, Find the absolute
maximum and absolute minimum values of the function 𝑓(𝑥) = 2𝑥 3 − 15𝑥 2 +
36𝑥 + 10 on [1, 4].
(b) Find the maximum area of rectangular plot of land which is enclosed by a rope
of length 60 meters.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
Class – XI
Subject: Mathematics [MAT. 007]
[Set B]
Attempt all the questions
(𝟏 × 𝟏𝟏 = 𝟏𝟏)
Group A
Rewrite the correct option in your answer sheet
1. Which one of the following sentence is not a statement?
(a) Laxmi Prasad Devkota is a great singer.
(b) Nepal is in Asia.
(c) Where do you live?
(d) The earth moves round the sun.
2. The Conjugate of a complex number
3. 𝑎 = 2, 𝑏 = √6, 𝐴 = 45 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝐵 𝑖𝑠
(a) 60𝑜
(b) 45𝑜
(c) 90𝑜
(d) 30𝑜
⃗⃗ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝜆 𝑖⃗ − 4𝑗⃗ + 4𝑘
⃗⃗ are collinear vectors, then the value of 𝜆 is
4. 𝐼𝑓 3 𝑖⃗ + 𝑗⃗ − 𝑘
(c) 12
(d) – 12
⃗⃗ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 2 𝑖⃗ − 2𝑗⃗ + 4𝑘
⃗⃗ is
5. The angle between two vectors 3 𝑖⃗ + 𝑗⃗ + 2𝑘
(a) 9
(b) 10
(a) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 −1 (
(c) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 −1 (−
(b) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 −1 (
(d) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 −1 (√ )
6. Obtain the equation of the parabola having vertex at (-1, 1) and directrix y = 3.
(a) 𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 + 8𝑦 + 7 = 0
(b) 𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 + 8𝑦 − 7 = 0
(c) 𝑥 2 − 2𝑥 + 8𝑦 − 7 = 0
(d) 𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 − 8𝑦 − 7 = 0
7. If two dice are thrown simultaneously, then the probability of getting both of same
number is
8. lim
3𝑥 3 +5𝑥 2 +1
𝑥→∞ 4𝑥 3 +7𝑥 2 −3
(a) 0
(b) ∞
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
9. ∫
𝑑𝑥 =?
(a) log 2
(b) 0
(c) – log 2
(d) log 3
10. The equation 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑥 − 𝑥 − 4 = 0 has ……… negative roots.
(a) 2
(b) 1
(c) 0
(d) 3
11. If P = 24 N and Q = 7 N be two component forces acting on an angle 𝛼 = 90𝑜
then their resultant R is …..
(a) 20 N
(b) 25 N
(c) 30 N
(d) 40 N
Given the supply function 𝑃 = 160 + 0.5𝑄, then the price elasticity of supply at P
= 240 is
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3
(𝟓 × 𝟖 = 𝟒𝟎)
Group B
12. (a) Rewrite −5 < 𝑥 < 7 using absolute value sign.
(b) Draw the graph of the function y = x – 4x + 3, by using its different
13. (a) If G is the geometric mean between a and b, show that
(b) Show that: | 𝑎
𝑐 | = (𝑎 − 𝑏)(𝑏 − 𝑐)(𝑐 − 𝑎).
14. (a) In any triangle ABC, Prove that:
cos 𝐴
cos 𝐵
cos 𝐶
𝐺 2 −𝑎
𝐺 2 −𝑏
. [2]
𝑎2 +𝑏2 +𝑐 2
(b) Find the length of perpendicular drawn from (-3, 0) to the line 3x + 4y +7 = 0.
15. Following are the marks obtained by the student’s X and Y in 6 tests of 100 marks
If the consistency of the performance is the criteria for awarding a prize, who
should get the prize?
16. (a) Define left hand limit, right hand limit and continuity of a function.
(b) Find from first principle, the derivative of √2𝑥 + 3.
17. Using integration, find area of the circle: 𝑥 + 𝑦 = 36.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
18. Define Trapezoidal rule. Evaluate using trapezoidal rule for ∫
1+𝑥 4
by taking n =
4 correct to 3 places of decimal.
19. A motor car travels 200 meters in 2 seconds of its motion and 360 meters in the
next 3 seconds. If the acceleration be uniform, find how far it will travel in the next
4 second.
The Cost function of a product is 𝐶(𝑄) = 3𝑄2 + 8 and the demand function of the
same product is 𝑃 = 𝑄2 − 10𝑄 + 105, where Q is the output, P is the per unit
(i) Find the marginal profit at the output level 4.
(ii) Also find the maximum profit.
Group C
20. (a) Let a function 𝑓: 𝐴 → 𝐵 be defined by 𝑓(𝑥) =
(𝟖 × 𝟑 = 𝟐𝟒)
with 𝐴 = {−1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
4 5
and 𝐵 = {−1, 0, , , 1, 2, 3}.
5 7
(i) Find the range of 𝑓.
(ii) Is the function 𝑓 one to one and onto both? If not, how can the function be
made one-one and onto both?
(b) (i) Define conjugate and Modulus of a complex number with examples. [2]
(ii) 𝐼𝑓 𝑥 − 𝑖𝑦 = √
then, prove that: 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 = 1.
21. (a) Given two equations are: 4x – 3y + 1 = 0 and 12x – 5y + 7 = 0.
(i) Find the equations of the bisectors of the angle between the lines.
(ii) Prove that the bisectors of the angles are at right angles to each other. [1]
(iii) Find the single equation representing the given line pair.
(b) (i) Find the equation of the tangents to the circle x + y = 4, which are parallel
to the line 3x + 4y – 5 = 0.
(ii) If 𝑎⃗ and 𝑏⃗⃗ are two vectors of unit length and 𝜃 be the angle between them,
show that: |𝑎⃗ − 𝑏⃗⃗| = sin .
22. (a) Define increasing and decreasing of the function and also define concavity of
the function. Also illustrate them by the same graph.
(b) Show that the rectangle of largest possible area, for a given perimeter, is a
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
Class – XI
Subject: Mathematics [MAT. 007]
[Set C]
Attempt all the questions
Group A
( 11× 1 = 11)
Rewrite the correct option in your answer sheet.
1. The converse of the statement “For a function to be differentiable it is sufficient
that the function is continuous” is
a) If a function is continuous, then it is differentiable.
b) If a function is differentiable, then it is continuous.
c) If a function is not continuous, then it is not differentiable.
d) If a function is not differentiable, then it is not continuous.
2. If the conjugate and the reciprocal of a nonzero complex number are equal, then
a) 𝑍 = 𝑍̅
b) 𝑍 = - 𝑍̅
c) 𝑍 + 𝑍̅ = 1
d) |𝑍| = 1
3. In ∆ABC, if a = 2c and b = 3c then cos B is ….
a) 1
b) ½
c) -1
d) -1/2
4. In ∆ ABC, 𝑎 = 𝑏 - 𝑐 then the value of tan B + tan C is ….
c) tan 𝐴
d) -cot 𝐴
5. If 𝑎⃗ and 𝑏⃗⃗ are two unit vectors then which of the following is true?
a) 𝑎⃗. 𝑏⃗⃗ = 1
b) 𝑎⃗ = 1
c) 𝑏⃗⃗ = 1
d) a = b
6. If the line 𝑥 = 1 is the directrix of the parabola 𝑥 2 − 𝑘𝑥 + 8 = 0 then k = …
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1
7. If P(A) = 0.5, P(B) = 0.75 and P(A∩B) = 0.4 then P(B/A) is ….
a) 0.53
b) 0.8
c) 0.85
d) 0.9
8. lim
1 − cos 𝜃
= …..
a) 𝜃
b) 1/4
c) 2
d) 1/2
9. The derivative of log (sin ) is
b) tan
c) - cot
d) - tan
10.If f is continuous in [𝑎, 𝑏] then there is at least one root of f(x) = 0 in a and b if f(a)
and f(b) have …..
a) Same sign
b) Opposite sign c) Positive sign
d) Negative sign
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
11. A motor cyclist increases its velocity at the rate of 5𝑚𝑠 −2 to 30𝑚𝑠 −1 in 4
seconds. Then initial velocity is …..
a) 5𝑚𝑠 −1
b) 10𝑚𝑠 −1
c) 15𝑚𝑠 −1
d) 2.5𝑚𝑠 −1
The cost function C = 30Q - 2Q , then the value of average cost at the production
level 5 is ……
a) 10
b) 20
c) 30
d) 15
Group B
( 8× 5 = 40)
12. A function y = f(x) = 𝑥 − 4𝑥 + 3 is given.
a. Find the domain and range of the function.
b. Find the vertex of the function.
c. Write any one property for sketching the function.
13. Prove that the AM, GM and HM between any two unequal
positive numbers satisfy the following relations:
a. (GM)2 = AM × HM
b. AM > GM > HM
c. If AM between two = 25 and HM = 16, then find GM.
14. a. In any ∆ABC, Prove that
cos B − cos C
1 + cos A
b. Prove vectorically that 𝑎 = 𝑏 + 𝑐 − 2𝑏𝑐 cos A.
15. Calculate Karl pearson’s coefficient of skewness of the data.
0 - 10
10 - 20
or ∫ sec 3 𝑥 𝑑𝑥
20 - 30
30 - 40
40 - 50
ite the criteria for the function y = f(x) have the local maxima and local minima.
Find the local maxima and local minima of y = 2𝑥 3 − 15𝑥 2 + 36𝑥 + 5. (1+4)
17. Evaluate: ∫
√𝑎2 +𝑥 2
18. Define simpson’s
rule. Evaluate the following integrals using by this rule,
∫0 sin 𝑥 𝑑𝑥, 𝑛 = 6.
19. State and prove 𝜆 − 𝜇 theorem.
Given the demand function 𝑄 = 1600 – 0.5𝑃, where 𝑄 is the quantity of mobiles
demanded by the customers at Rs. 𝑃 each.
a) Calculate the point elasticity of demand when i) P = 1200 ii) P = 800. [3]
b) If the price of the mobiles increased by 25%, calculate the % change in the
quantity demanded at P = Rs 1200 and Q = 800 units.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
Group C
( 3× 8 = 24)
20. a) Define modulus of a complex number. If 𝑧 and 𝑤 be any two complex numbers,
prove that |𝑧 + 𝑤| ≤ |𝑧| + |𝑤|.
𝑥2 + 1
b) Prove that | 𝑥𝑦
𝑦 +1
𝑦𝑧 | = 1+ 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 + 𝑦 2 .
𝑧 +1
21. a) Given equation is 6𝑥 2 − 𝑥𝑦 − 12𝑥 2 − 8𝑥 + 29𝑦 − 14 = 0.
i) Find the two straight lines represented by given equation.
ii) Find the angle between the two lines.
b) Find the condition that the line 𝑎𝑥 + 𝑏𝑦 + 𝑐 = 0 may be tangent to the parabola
𝑦 2 = 4𝑥.
22. a) Define derivative of a function. Find the derivative of sin 2𝑥 by first principle
b) Find the area enclosed by axis of 𝑥 and the curve 𝑦 = 𝑥 2 − 10𝑥 + 24. (3)
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
Class – XI
Subject: Mathematics [MAT. 007]
[Set D]
Attempt all the questions
Group A
[11 × 1 = 11]
Attempt “ALL” the questions.
Rewrite the correct option in your answer sheet.
1. The negation of "all students are intelligent" is
(a) No student is intelligent.
(b) All students are intelligent.
(c) Some students are not intelligent.
(d) All students aren't intelligent.
2. The expression 3√−4 + 5√−9 − 4√−25 is equal to
(a) i
(b) 2i
(c) 4
(d) 4i
3. The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 1:2:3. Then the sides are
(a) 1:2:√3
(b) 1:√2:√3
(c) 1:√3:2
(d) 1:2:√2
⃗⃗ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑏⃗⃗ = 2𝑖⃗ + 7𝑗⃗ + 𝑚𝑘
4. 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑚 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑤𝑜 𝑣𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑠 𝑎⃗ = 𝑖⃗ − 2𝑗⃗ + 4𝑘
are orthogonal?
(a) m = 3
(b) m = −
(c) m = 2
(d) m = −4
5. The distribution is symmetrical if
(a) Sk > 0
(b) Sk < 0
(c) Sk = 0
(d) None
6. If A be a square matrix then A + A is a
(a) diagonal matrix
(b) scalar matrix
(c) symmetric matrix
(d) skew-symmetric matrix
7. If two coins are thrown simultaneously, the probability of getting at least one head
8. lim
𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑥 𝑜
(b) ∞
𝑥 log 𝑥
(a) 0
9. ∫
𝑑𝑥 =
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
(a) logx + c
(d) log(logx) + c
10. The derivative of √𝑥 is ….
(a) 2 √𝑥
(c) 0
2 √𝑥
11. If C be the cost function and x be the number of units then the average cost is ….
(a) AC = C. x
(b) AC = C + x
(c) AC =
(d) AC = C – x
Group B
[8 × 5 = 40]
12. (a) Rewrite |3x + 2| ≤ 1 without using absolute value sign.
(b) If A, B and C be the subsets of universal set U, prove that A ∪ (B ∩ C) = (A ∪
B) ∩ (A ∪ C).
13. (a) If |x| < 1 and y = x + x2 + x3 + …………..to ∞, prove that x =
(b) Show that: | −𝑐
14. (a) If
𝑎2 −𝑏2
𝑎2 +𝑏2
−𝑎 | = 2(𝑎 + 𝑏)(𝑏 + 𝑐)(𝑐 + 𝑎) . [3]
, prove that the triangle ABC is either isosceles or right
(b) Find the distance between the parallel lines 3x + 4y = 5 and 6x + 8y – 45 = 0. [2]
15. Calculate Bowley's coefficient of skewness from the following data:
Below 200 200-400
600-800 800-1000
Above 1000
Income (Rs.)
No. of workers
16. (a) Evaluate: lim
(b) Find from first principle, the derivative of √𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑥.
17. Using integration, find the area bounded by the curve y2 = 4x and the line x2 = 4y.
18. If the A.M. between a and b is twice the G.M., show that a: b = 2 + √3 : 2 – √3.
19. The demand equation for certain commodity is P =
Q2 – 10 Q + 300 (0 ≤ Q ≤
60). Find the value of Q and the corresponding price P that maximizes the
Group C
[3 × 8 = 24]
20. (a) Let Q be the set of rational numbers. Let 𝑓: 𝑄 → 𝑄 be defined by 𝑓(𝑥) = 2𝑥 +
3 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑥 ∈Q.
(i) Show that f is one–one and onto.
(ii) Find a formula that defines the inverse function f .
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
(b) (i) If √𝑥 − 𝑖𝑦 = a – ib, prove that √𝑥 + 𝑖𝑦 = a + ib.
(ii) Express the complex number √2 + i in polar form.
21. (a) The single equation of the pairs of straight lines is 2x + 3xy + y + 5x + 2y –3
= 0.
(i) Find the equations of the pair of straight lines represented by above equation. [2]
(ii) Find the point of intersection of pair of straight lines represented by above
(iii) Find the angle between pair of straight lines represented by above equation. [1]
(b) (i) Show that the line 3x – 4y + 11 = 0 is a tangent to the circle x2 + y2 – 8y +
15 = 0.
⃗⃗, find the projection of 𝑎⃗ on 𝑏⃗⃗. [2]
(ii) If 𝑎⃗ = 𝑖⃗ –2 𝑗⃗ +⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝑘 and 𝑏⃗⃗ = 4𝑖⃗ – 4 𝑗⃗ +7 𝑘
22. (a) Find the absolute maximum and minimum value of the function f(x) = 2x 3 –
9x2 + 12x + 2.
(b) A man has 196 meters of fencing material wishes to enclose a rectangular
garden. Find the maximum area he can enclose.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
NEB Model Question
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: Physics [Phy. 101]
Attempt all the questions
Group ‘A’
Choose the best alternative to the following questions.
(11×1 = 11)
1. A metre rule is used to measure the length of a piece of string in a certain
experiment. It is found to be 20 cm long to the nearest millimeter. How should this
result be recorded in a table of results?
a) 0.2000m
b) 0.200m
c) 0.20m
d) 0.2m
2. Forces are applied to a rigid body. The forces all act in the same plane. In which
diagram is the body in equilibrium?
3. An athlete makes a long jump and follows a projectile motion. Air resistance is
negligible. Which one of the following statements is true about the athlete?
a) The athlete has a constant horizontal and vertical velocities.
b) The athlete has a constant horizontal velocity and downward acceleration.
c) The athlete has a constant upward acceleration followed by a constant downward
d) The athlete has a constant upward velocity followed by a constant downward
4. At Kulekhani I Hydro power station, water flows from Indra Sarowar into the
turbines that are a vertical distance of 550 m below the lake, as shown in the
diagram. Generally, 780,000 kg of water flows into the turbines every minute. The
turbines have the efficiency of 85%. What is the output power of the turbines?
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
a) 71 MW
b) 60 MW
c) 4.2 GW
d) 3.6 GW
5. Graphs of stress-strain for four different materials are shown below. Which graph
represents the stiffest material?
6. A boy walks towards a stationary plane mirror at a speed of 1.2 ms-1. What is the
relative speed of approach of the boy and his image?
(a) zero
(b) 1.2 ms-1
(c) 2.4 ms-1
(d) 1.44 ms-1
7. The critical angle between an equilateral prism and air is 45o. What happens to
the incident ray perpendicular to the refracting surface?
a) It is reflected totally from the second surface and emerges perpendicular from
the third surface.
b) It gets reflected from second and third surfaces and emerges from the first
c) It keeps reflecting from all the three sides of the prism and never emerges out.
d) After deviation, it gets refracted from the second surface.
8. In the formation of a rainbow, the light from the sun on water droplets undergoes
which of the following phenomenonphenomena?
a) dispersion only
b) only total reflection.
c) dispersion and total internal reflection
d) scattering
9. In which unit is the power of lens measured?
a) watt
b) metre
c) dioptre
d) Hertz
10.A piece of wire of resistance R is bent through 180o at mid-point and the two
halves are twisted together. What is the resistance of the wire thus formed?
a) R/4
b) R/2
c) R
d) 2R
11.What are the elementary particles with half spin called?
a) quarks
b) bosons
c) fermions
d) hadrons
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
Group ‘B’
Answer the following questions.
12.(a) State the law of conservation of momentum.
(b) A jumbo jet of mass 4 x105 kg travelling at a speed of 5000 m/s lands on the
airport. It takes 2 minutes to come to rest. Calculate the average force applied by
the ground on the aeroplane.
(c) After landing the aeroplane's momentum becomes zero. Explain how the law
of conservation holds here.
(a) State Hook’s law.
(b) The walls of the tyres on a car are made of a rubber compound. The variation
with stress of the strain of a specimen of this rubber compound is shown in Fig.
As the car moves, the walls of the tyres end and straighten continuously. Use Fig.
1.2 to explain why the walls of the tyres become warm.
13.(a) What is meant by specific latent heat of vaporization of water = 2.26MJkg−1? [1]
(b) A 1.0kW kettle contains 500g of boiling water. Calculate the time needed to
evaporate all the water in the kettle. (Specific latent heat of vaporization of water =
(c) Explain why the actual time needed is a little longer than the time calculated in
14.(a) State any three properties of an ideal gas as assumed by the kinetic theory of gas. [3]
(b) A student needed to use the ideal gas for a certain experiment. But, the ideal
gas does not exist. Suggest what two different things this student could do to
solve his problem.
15. (a) Define temperature gradient in an object.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
(b) An electric kitchen range has a total wall area of 1.40 m2 and is insulted with
a layer of fiber glass that has a temperature of 175oC and its outside surface is 35
oC. The fiber glass has a thermal conductivity of 0.040 Wm-1K-1. Calculate the
rate of flow of heat through the insulation, assuming the fibre as a flat slab of area
of 1.40 m2.
(c) How might the rate of conduction be affected if the fiber absorbs moisture?
Justify your answer.
16. Figure 5.1 shows a ray of light is entering and emerging through a part of a convex
(i) Define ‘convex lens', and state one daily application of it.
(ii) Explain why this lens is also called converging lens?
(iii) Calculate the refractive index of the material of the lens shown in the figure. [2]
(a) Define ‘concave mirror’ and state on daily application of it.
(b) A certain projector uses a concave mirror for projecting an object’s image on a
screen. It produces an image that is 5 times bigger than the object and the screen is
5m away from the mirror as shown in Fig. 5.2.
(i) Give reason why the image is larger than the object?
(ii) Calculate the focal length of the mirror.
17. (a) Sketch an electric field pattern around two identical negative point charges
shown below.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
(b) Obtain an equation, in terms of Q and r, for the field strength at point X due to
two charges shown in Fig. 6.1.
18.(a) Define capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor and state one application of it in
electric circuit.
(b) Three capacitors each of 1000μF are connected in an electric circuit as shown
Identify the type of combination shown in Fig. 7.1, and calculate the effective
capacitance of the combination.
19. (a) What is meant by power of a heater is 2 kW?
(b) Calculate the resistance of the above mentioned heater when it is connected to
220V source.
(c) Suggest what changes must be done to the heater so that it gives more heat.
Justify your answer.
Group ‘C’
Give long answer to the following questions
20. A box at rest is accelerated by a rope attached with a motor as shown in the Fig
2.1. The velocity-time graph given below shows the pattern of its motion for 20 s.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
(a) If the box is pulled with constant unbalanced force 10N. Show that the initial
acceleration of the box is 2.5 ms-2, and calculate its mass.
(b) After 2.0 second the box is being pulled by a constant force 12 N. Determine
the size of frictional forces acting on the box at this time.
(c) Determine the distance of the box travels along the ground at 8.0s.
21. A boy is operating a remote-controlled toy car on a horizontal circular track, as
shown in Figure.
The track has a radius of 1·8 m and the car travels around the track with a constant
(i) Explain why the car is accelerating, even though it is travelling at a constant
(ii) The car has a mass of 0·50 kg. The boy now increases the speed of the car to
6·0 m s -1. The total radial friction between the car and the track has a
maximum value of 7.0 N. Show by calculation that the car cannot continue to
travel in a circular path.
(iii) The car is now placed on a track, which includes a raised section. This is
shown in Figure 10.2
The raised section of the track can be considered as the arc of a circle, which has
radius r of 0·85 m. The car will lose contact with the raised section of track if its
speed is greater than vmax. Show that vmax = √𝑟𝑔.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
Juno is a NASA orbiter with a mission to survey Jupiter. It is in an elliptical
orbit around Jupiter as shown in the figure below.
The gravitational potential at point A in the orbit of Juno is -1·70 × 109 J kg-1.
(a) State what is meant by gravitational potential at point A is -1·70 × 109 Jkg-1. [2]
(b) At point B, Juno is 1·69 × 108 m from the centre of Jupiter. If the mass of
Jupiter is 1.90 1027 kg, calculate the gravitational potential at point B.
(c) The mass of Juno is 1·6 × 103 kg. Determine the change in gravitational
potential energy if Juno moves from Point A to Point B.
22. (a) Explain how Rutherford’s -scattering experiment suggested that the nucleus
of an atom is very small, very dense and positively charged.
(b) Considering that the -particles carry average kinetic energy of 2.00 x 1010 J,
calculate the maximum size of the gold nucleus. [Atomic number of gold is 79 and
e= 1.60 x 10-19C]
(c) Explain why the radius of the gold nucleus must be much smaller than the
value calculated in 22(b) above.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: Physics [Phy. 101]
[Set A]
Attempt all the questions
Group ‘A’
Choose the best alternative to the following questions.
(11×1 = 11)
1. The velocity of a moving particle is v = a + bt + ct 2 . Then dimensions for the ratio
(b/c) is same as …
a) speed.
b) distance.
c) acceleration.
d) time.
2. At what angle should the two vectors 2F and √2 F act so that the resultant force is
F √10 ?
a) 1200
b) 900
c) 600
d) 45 0
3. The essential characteristic of equilibrium is
a) momentum equals to zero.
b) acceleration equals to zero.
c) KE equals to zero.
d) velocity equal to zero.
4. One centimeter on the main scale of a vernier scale has ten equal divisions. If 10
divisions of vernier scale coincide with 8 divisions of the main scale, then least
count of the calipers is
a) 0.01cm
b) 0.02 cm
c) 0.05 cm
d) 0.125 cm
5. When kinetic energy of a body becomes thrice, its momentum becomes:
a) 9 times
b) 3 times
c) 141 times
d) 1.73 times
6. The critical angle for a ray of light coming from a medium to air is 30°. The
velocity of light in the medium is
a) 3× 108 ms −1
b) 2.5× 108 ms −1
c) 6× 108 ms −1
d) 1.5× 108 ms −1
7. Two lenses are placed in contact with each other and the focal length of
combination is 80 cm. If the focal length of one is 20 cm, then the power of the
other will be
a) 1.66D
b) 4.00 D
c) -1.00 D
d) - 3.75D
8. A ray of light is incident on a plane mirror at an angle of 30°, the deviation
produced in the ray is
a) 30°
b) 60°
c) 90°
d) 120°
9. Which of the following colours suffers maximum deviation in a prism?
a) yellow
b) blue
c) green
d) orange
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
10. How much charge flows in 2 minutes in a wire of resistance 10Ω when potential
difference of 20 V is applied between its ends.
a) 120 C
b) 240 C
c) 20 C
d) 4 C
11. Quark combination of neutron is
a) uss
b) uud
c) udd
d) dds
Group ‘B’
Answer the following questions.
12. (a) Differentiate plasticity from elasticity of a material and explain which one is
more elastic, rubber or steel?
(b) Derive an expression for the energy stored in a stretched wire.
Figure shows the motion of a car on a
banked circular road.
a) What is the significance of banking of
the curved road?
b) Obtain an expression for the banking
c) An object of mass 8 kg is whirled in a circle of radius 2m with a constant speed
of 6m/s. Calculate the maximum tension in the string.
13. (a) Define coefficient of linear expansion. Does it depend on length? Explain. [2]
(b) A glass flask of volume 400 cm3 is just filled with mercury at 0℃. How much
mercury overflows when the temperature of the system is raised to 80℃?
[coefficient of cubical expansion of glass and mercury is 1.2× 10−5 ℃−1 and 18×
10−5 ℃−1 respectively]
14. (a) How do you determine latent heat of fusion of ice by the method of mixture?
(b) A ball of copper (specific heat capacity 400Jkg −1 K −1 ) weighting 400g is
transferred from a furnance to 1 kg of water at 20 ℃. The temperature of mixture
rises to 50℃. What is the original temperature of the ball.
15. (a) What is ideal gas? Under what conditions does real gas behave like an ideal
(b) Derive ideal gas equation.
16. (a) When a ray of light passes through prism, i + e = A + δ. Draw a graph to show
the variation of δ with i and state the conditions for deviation to be minimum?
Using the conditions and the above equation, obtain relation between refractive
index, angle of prism and angle of minimum deviation.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
(b) A glass prism of 720 and the refractive index of 1.66 is immersed in a liquid of
refractive index 1.33. What is the angle of minimum deviation for a parallel beam
passing through the prism?
(a) What is lateral shift? Derive an expression for its value.
(b) What is the apparent position of an object below a rectangular block of glass
6cm thick if a layer of water 4cm thick is on the top of the glass? (Refractive index
of the glass = 3/2 and that of water = 4/3)
17. (a) Three capacitors are connected in parallel to a 100 V
battery as shown in figure. What is
𝐶 20𝝁𝑭
i. Total capacitance in the circuit.
ii. the total energy stored in the combination of
iii. What is the amount of charge stored in capacitor C1 . [1]
(b) What is dielectrics? What happens to the capacitance and
100 V
potential difference of a charged capacitor when dielectric
medium is inserted between its plates?
18. (a) Two electric lines of force never intersect each other. Why?
(b) State Gauss Theorem. Use it to find electric field intensity outside a hollow
charged spherical conductor.
19. (a) Establish a relation between drift velocity and
current density.
(b) A 10 Ω resistance is connected in series with a
of emf 10V. A voltmeter is connected in parallel to
cell, and it reads. 9.9 V. Find internal resistance of
Group ‘C’
Give long answer to the following questions
20. (a) A ball is dropped gently from the top of a tower and another ball is thrown
horizontally at the same time. Which ball will hit the ground first?
(b) A projectile is fired from ground level by making an angle θ with the
horizontal. Derive expression for maximum height attained and the maximum
horizontal range.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
(c) To a person going due east in a car with a velocity of 25 km/hr, a train appears
to move due north with a velocity of 25√3 km/h. what is the actual velocity and
direction of motion of train?
21. (a) A cricketer lowers his hand while catching balls. Why?
(b) State the principle of conservation of linear momentum. How does Newton’s
third law of motion lead to the principle of conservation of linear momentum? [4]
(c) A stationary block of mass 3kg is on the top of a plane inclined at 35° to the
Show force in the diagram: - include weight of block, normal reaction and
frictional force.
ii. Determine frictional force between the block and the plane.
iii. What force parallel to the plane is needed to slide the block up at constant
speed 10 ms −1 ?
(a) Write the unit and dimension of gravitational field intensity.
(b) What is escape velocity? Show that the escape velocity of a body is √2gR. [4]
(c) What is the period of revolution of a satellite of mass m that orbits the earth in a
circular path of radius 7880km above the surface of the earth?
22. (a) The graph of binding
energy per nucleon versus
atomic mass number is as
shown. List any two
important features of this
(b) Calculate the binding
energy per nucleon of 26Fe56
given mass of 26Fe56 = 55.934939 u, mass of proton = 1.007825 u, mass of neutron
= 1.008665 u and 1u = 931 MeV.
(c) What is mean by nuclear fission? Calculate energy is released in the fission of 1
kg of uranium.
4 8 12 16 20 24 30
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
Class – XI
Subject: Physics [Phy. 101]
[Set B]
Attempt all the questions
Group ‘A’
Choose the best alternative to the following questions.
(11×1 = 11)
1. How many significant figures are there in the 0.0023 × 102 ?
a) Two
b) Four
c) Five
d) six
2. Which one form is most stable form for the coin of same mass if dark portion
contains most of the mass of cone?
3. A shooter fires a gun from the moving helicopter in the direction opposite to
direction of helicopter. Which one is correct among the followings:
a) Horizontal speed of bullet continuously decreases after release from the gun.
b) Horizontal and vertical speed of the bullet remains same after release from the
c) Horizontal and vertical speed of bullet increases continuously after releasing
from the gun
d) Only vertical speed increases but horizontal speed remains same after releasing
from the gun
4. A turbine pits at the falls are 50 m deep. The average power developed is 3.75 ×
106 watt. If the efficiency of generator is 85%, how much water passes through the
turbine per minute? Take 𝑔 = 10 𝑚/𝑠 2 .
a) 4.39 × 106 𝑘𝑔
b) 2.63 × 108 𝑘𝑔
c) 5.27 × 105 kg
d) 2 × 105 kg
5. There are same size of wires A, B, C and D of different materials for which graph
is given below. Which one wire is more elastic?
a) A
c) C
b) B
d) D
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
6. Focal length of the plane mirror ……………….
a) is affected by the medium present around it.
b) is different for different color of light.
c) is infinite for all color of light.
d) may be small that curved mirror.
7. An equilateral prism has critical angle of 240 with air interface. What will happen
to the light incident on first face normally?
a) Completely reflects from first face
b) Patriotically refracted through first face and refracted un-deviated through
second face.
c) Partially refracted from first face, reflected from second face and passes
normally through third face.
d) None of above.
8. Which one is best color of light to use as a traffic danger sign among the red, blue,
yellow and green color?
a) Red
b) Blue
c) Yellow
d). Green
9. When the convex lens in air is immersed in water then
a) Its focal length increases
b) Its focal length decreases
c) Its radii of curvature changes
d) Focal length and radii remain same
10.Electric current is a
a) Scalar quantity
b) Vector quantity c) Tensor
d) Number only
11.The quark combination of proton is
a) udd
b) uud
c) ud
d) uds
Group ‘B’
( 𝟖 × 𝟓 = 𝟒𝟎)
Answer the following questions.
12. a) State the law of conservation of energy.
b) Find the power of engine that can fire water jet of density 1000 kg/m3 at the
speed of 30m/s upward from the pipe of radius 1cm?
c) After release of jet, energy is lost by the engine. How principle of conservation
of energy is obeyed in this condition.
a) State and explain Hook’s law.
b) Describe the change in potential energy stored on a stretched wire within elastic
limit using graphical and mathematical method.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
13. a) What is the physical meaning of coefficient of linear expansively of an iron rod
is 1.2 × 10−5 𝐾 −1 ?
b) Calculate the final temperature of mixture on mixing 10gm of ice at−200 𝐶
with 100 𝑚𝑙 water at 600 𝐶. Use specific latent heat of fusion of ice 3.36 ×
105 𝐽/𝑘𝑔 , specific heat capacity of ice 2100 × 105 𝐽/𝑘𝑔𝐾 and specific heat
capacity of water 4100 𝐽/𝐾𝑔 𝐾 .
14. a) What is mean by thermal conductivity of conductor?
b) A slab of stone of area 0.36m2 and thickness 10cm is exposed on the lower
surface to steam at 100°C. A block of ice at 0°C rests on the upper surface of the
slab. In one hour, 4.8 kg of ice is melted. Calculate the thermal conductivity of
stone. [Latent heat of fusion ice = 3.36×105J/kg]
c) Thermal conductivity is larger for metal than that of other solid like wooden
block. Explain with reason.
15. a) Explain kinetic interpretation of temperature and define 0 K in terms of it. (2)
b) Gravitational energy also contributes in total energy of molecules. But in kinetic
theory of gas, why do we not take account of change in gravitational energy. (2)
c) Define zero-point energy.
16. a) What is mean by aberration of lens?
b) Explain spherical aberration with its cause.
c) The deviations produced by flint glass prism for violet and red light ray are 3.250
and 3.100 respectively. Find the angular dispersion.
a) What is convex lens and give one application of it in daily life?
i) In the above figure, lens and plane mirror are in contact and forming image at the
position of objects. What should be the position of object with respect to lens? (1)
ii) What will be the change in position of point at which image and object lie at
same point if water is filled in space between lens and mirror?
17. a) Define electric potential around a charge +Q?
b) Derive expression for potential difference between two points in electric field. (3)
c) Draw equipotential surface around the linear charged body like wire.
18. a) What is the effect on resistance of wire on stretching it?
b) Describe the principle of functioning of strain gauge measuring pressure.
c) Constantan alloy is preferred for the strain gauge. Why?
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
19. a) Based on band theory, explain the concept of conductor, insulator and
b) How conductivity of pure semiconductor differs from conductivity of extrinsic
Group ‘C’
( 𝟑 × 𝟖 = 𝟐𝟒)
Give long answer to the following questions.
20.A constant force is applied and then released on metallic sphere so that it moved
along the straight line as shown in the graph. yyy
What is the acceleration produced on the body in interval
s 5 𝑠 and 10 𝑠
after start to roll? Also find the average acceleration in the time interval
between 5 𝑠 and 15 𝑠.
b) Find the distance travelled by that body throughout its motion. [3]
c) Find the mass of body in if the applied force is 10 𝑁.
21. One end of rope of length 1.5 m is fixed to rigid support and another to the ball.
Then, ball rotates with speed of 20m/s in horizontal plane.
a) What is the nature of path made by ball and rope? Determine the linear velocity
and linear acceleration produced on the ball at any instant of motion. [1+1+1]
b) What is the effect of change in mass of the ball and acceleration due to gravity
on the motion? Explain.
c) Determine the time taken by ball to complete one complete rotation in circular path.[2]
a) What is mean by satellite and derive the expression for the orbital velocity of
the satellite.
b) Establish the relation for the energy of satellite 𝐸 = −
c) Calculate the height of satellite used for GPS system for the earth.
22. Nuclear energy can be produced by combination or breaking of nucleus of atoms.
a) What is source of energy in the stars like sun? What are any two fundamental
differences between the production of energy in stars and nuclear power plant
used in earth?
b) Describe average binding energy and its effect on stability of the nucleus using
the graph.
c) If 10 g of the matter is completely annihilated, find quantity of heat produced. [2]
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: Physics [Phy. 101]
[Set C]
Attempt all the questions
Group ‘A’
(𝟏𝟏 × 𝟏 = 𝟏𝟏)
Circle the best alternative to the following questions.
1. The force F is given in term of time t and the displacement x by the equation F= A
CosBx + C SinDt. What is the dimensions of .
a) LT
b) L T
c) LT −2
d) None
2. Two forces which are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction and not acting
along the same line is a …
a) Rotation
b) Torque
c) Motion
d) Couple
3. A particle A is dropped from a height and another particle B is thrown in a
horizontal direction with the speed 5m/s from the same height. The correct
statement is
a) Particle B will reach the ground first
b) Both particles will reach the ground simultaneously
c) Particle A will reach the ground first
d) Both particles will reach the ground with the same speed
4. The turbine pits at the Niagara Falls are 50m deep. The average power developed is
3.75 × 106 watt. If the efficiency of the generator is 85%, how much water passes
through the turbines per minute? Take 𝑔 = 10𝑚/𝑠 2 .
a) 5.29 × 105
b) 7.27 × 105
c) 2.75 × 107
d) 1.75 × 1011
5. The maximum velocity with which a car driver must traverse flat curve of radius
150m and coefficient of friction 0.6 to avoid skidding is
a) 60m/s
b) 30m/s
c) 15m/s
d) 25m/s
6. The image formed by a concave mirror.
a) is always real
b) is always virtual
c) is certainly real if the object is virtual
d) is certainly virtual if the object is real
7. To remove the achromatic aberration, the combination of lenses should be such that
a) FR + FV =0
b) FR <FV
c) FV < FR
d) FR − FV =0
2 −1
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
8. In the formation of a rainbow, the light from the sun on water droplets undergoes
which of the following phenomenonphenomena?
a) dispersion only
b) only total reflection
c) dispersion and total internal reflection
d) scattering
9. The convex lens has focal length 20cm the power is
a) -5.0D
b) +5.0D
c) +0.005D
d) -0.005D
10.When a diameter of a nichrome wire is reduced to half, the resistance changes by
a) 2 times
b) 4 times
c) 8 times
d) 16 times
11.What is the quark combination of neutron?
a) udd
b) uud
c) uds
d) uus
Group 'B'
Answer the following questions.
(8 × 5 = 40)
12. (a) What do you mean by angle of friction and angle of repose.
(b) A body is sliding down a rough inclined plane which makes an angle of 30°
with the horizontal. Calculate the acceleration down the plane (μ = 0.25).
(c) Why is kinetic friction always less than the limiting friction?
(a) State elastic potential energy.
(b) A wire 2m long and cross-sectional area 10−5 𝑚2 is stretched by 1mm by a
force of 50N in the elastic region. Calculate the energy stored in the wire. [2]
(c) While deriving the energy stored in the stretched wire, why do we use the
integration process?
13. (a) What is meant by latent heat of fusion of ice = 80cal/gm?
(b) What is the result of mixing of 20gm of water of at 90°C with 10gm of ice at
-10°C? [Specific heat of ice =0.5cal/gm °C]
(c) Why two ice blocks stick together while pressuring them to each other? [2]
14. (a) State and explain Boyles as well as Charles law for an ideal gas. Also state and
write the ideal gas equation.
(b) Under what condition the real gas behaves as an ideal gas?
15. (a) What is linear expansivity? Does linear expansivity of a rod depend upon its
original length?
(b) The length of steel rod and brass rod at 0℃ are 50.1 cm and 50.0 cm respectively.
At what temperature will their lengths be equal? (The coefficient of linear expansion
of steel and brass are 12× 10-6K-1 and 18× 10-6K-1 respectively)
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
16. (a) Derive lens maker formula for a lens.
(b) Calculate the critical angle for water glass interface. (Refractive index of water
and glass are 1.33 and 1.50 respectively)
(a) What do you mean by minimum deviation of light? Show that the deviation
produced by a small angle prism is independent of the angle of incidence.
(b) Trace the position of an image formed by a concave mirror when a real image is
placed between its pole and focus. Hence, discuss the nature of image so formed.
17. A uniform electric field between two parallel conducting plates 1.0 cm apart and
are connected to a 100 V battery as shown in the Figure 3, the field is vertically
upward and has magnitude 𝐸 = 1.00 × 104N/C,
a) If an electron (charge 𝑒 = −1.60 × 10–9C, 𝑚 = 9.11 × 10–31kg) is released from rest
at the upper plate, what is its acceleration?
b) What speed and kinetic energy does it acquire while travelling 1. 0 cm to the
lower plate?
18. a) Distinguish between dielectric constant and dielectric strength.
b) Two capacitors of capacitance 3𝜇𝐹 and 6𝜇𝐹 arranged in series are connected in
parallel with a capacitor of capacitance 4 𝜇𝐹 . The arrangement is connected to 6
V battery. Calculate the total energy stored in the capacitors.
19. Metal wire is used to connect a power supply to a lamp. The wire has a total
resistance of 3.4 Ω and the metal has a resistivity of 2.6 × 10–8Ω m. The total
length of the wire is 59 m.
a) Show that the wire has a cross-sectional area of 4.5 × 10–7 m2.
b) The potential difference across the total length of wire is 1.8 V. Calculate the
current in the wire.
c) The number density of the free electrons in the wire is 6.1 × 10 m . Calculate
the average drift velocity of the free electrons in the wire if the current thorugh
the wire is 2A & radius is 0.2mm.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
Group 'C'
Give long answer to the following questions.
(3 × 8 = 24)
⃗⃗ are inclined at an angle 𝜃 with each other. Find the
20. a) Two vectors 𝑃⃗⃗ and 𝑄
magnitude and direction of their resultant using parallelogram law of vector
⃗⃗ = 2𝑖̂ − 4𝑗̂ + 5𝑘̂.
b) If the two vectors are represented as: 𝐴⃗ = 4𝑖̂ + 6𝑗̂ + 8𝑘̂and 𝐵
⃗⃗ and (ii) angle between them.
Find (i) 𝐴⃗. 𝐵
c) Can the walk of a man be an example of resolution of vector?
21. a) According to Newton’s law of gravitation, the apple and the earth experience
equal gravitational force. But it is the apple that falls towards the earth and not the
earth to the apple. Why? Explain.
b) Obtain an expression for the escape velocity of a body from the surface of earth.
c) How much work must be done to lift an artificial satellite of mass m from the
surface of earth of mass M, radius R and put in a circular orbit with radius equal to
twice the earth’s radius?
a) The weight of a body is less inside the earth than on the surface. Why?
b) Derive an expression for the time period of a satellite revolving around the earth.
c) Taking the earth to be uniform sphere of radius 6400 km, calculate the total
energy needed to raise the satellite of mass 1000 kg to a height of 600 km above
the ground and to set into circular orbit at that altitude.
22. a) How are p-type and n-type semiconductors formed? Explain with the necessary
b) Describe the energy bands in a solid using the band theory.
c)What is mass defect? Find the mass defect and packing fraction of 3Li6. Given,
mass of 3Li6 = 6.01512 amu, mass of 1H1= 1.00813 amu and mass of 0 n1=1.00893
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: Physics [Phy. 101]
[Set D]
Group ‘A’
Circle the best alternative to the following questions.
( 𝟏𝟏 × 𝟏 = 𝟏𝟏)
1. Dimensional formula for force is
a) [M L T]
b) [M L T-1]
c) [M L-2 T]
d) [M L T-2]
2. Which one form is most stable form for the cone of same mass if dark portion
contains most of the mass of cone?
3. A shooter fires a gun from the moving helicopter in the direction opposite to
direction of helicopter. If friction between air and bullet is neglected, which one is
correct among the followings:
a) Horizontal speed of bullet continuously decreases after release from the gun.
b) Horizontal and vertical speed of the bullet remains same after release from the
c) Horizontal and vertical speed of bullet increases continuously after releasing
from the gun
d) Only vertical speed of bullet increases but horizontal speed remains same after
releasing from the gun
4. At what angle should the two vectors 𝐹 and √2𝐹 act so that resultant force is 𝐹√5 ?
a) 450
b) 600
c) 900
d) 1200
5. There are same sizes of wires A, B, C and D of different materials for which stress
stain graph within elastic limit is given below. Which one wire is most elastic?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
6. Focal length of the plane mirror ……
a) Is affected by the medium present around it.
b) Is different for different color of light.
c) Is infinite for all color of light.
d) Becomes less in denser medium.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
7. What will happen on keeping in contact a concave lens with a coaxial convex lens
of same focal length?
a) Equivalent focal length for combination of lens becomes zero.
b) Equivalent focal length for the combination of lens becomes infinite.
c) Equivalent power of combination of lenses becomes infinite.
d) None of above.
8. Which one is best color of light to use as a traffic danger sign among the red, blue,
yellow and green color?
a) Red
b) Blue
c) Yellow
d) Green
9. When the convex lens of glass in air is immersed in water then
a) Its focal length increases
b) Its focal length decreases
b) Its radii of curvature changes
d) Power remains same.
10. A body is positively charge, it implies that ……..
a) There is only positive charge in the body
b) There is positive as well as negative charge in the body but the positive charge
is more than negative charge
c) There is equal positive and negative charge in the body but the positive charge
lies in the outer regions
d) Negative charge is displaced from its position
11. The quark combination of proton is
a) udd
b) uud
c) ud
d) uds
Group ‘B’
( 𝟖 × 𝟓 = 𝟒𝟎)
Answer the following questions.
12. a) State the law of conservation of energy.
b) Find the power of engine in Mars that can fire jet of liquid of density 1000
kg/m3 through the nozzle of pipe of radius 1cm at the speed of 30m/s.
c) How principle of conservation of energy is obeyed in this condition? (2)
a) State the Hook’s law with its limitation.
b) What is the meaning of elastic potential energy stored on deformed body? (1)
c) Derive the expression for the change in elastic potential energy stored on a
stretched wire within elastic limit.
13. a) Define coefficient of linear and cubical expansively of solid.
b) Calculate the final temperature of mixture on mixing 10gm of ice at 00 C
with 100 ml water at 600 C. Use specific latent heat of fusion of ice 3.36 ×
105 𝐽/𝑘𝑔, specific heat capacity of ice 2.100 × 105 𝐽/𝑘𝑔𝐾 and specific heat
capacity of water 4100 𝐽/𝐾𝑔 𝐾 .
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
14. a) What is mean by thermal conductivity of conductor?
b) Thermal conductivity is larger for metal than that of wooden block. Explain
with reason.
c) A slab of stone of area 0.36 m2 and thickness 10cm is exposed on the lower
surface to steam at 100°C. A block of ice at 0°C rests on the upper surface of the
slab. In one hour, 4.8 kg of ice is melted. Calculate the thermal conductivity of
stone. [Latent heat of fusion ice = 3.36×105J/kg]
15. a) What is mean by ideal gas? Under what conditions real gas behaves as ideal
b) Derive the ideal gas equation.
16. a) What is mean by aberration of lens?
b) Define spherical aberration. What is the cause of spherical aberration on lens? (2)
c) The deviations produced by flint glass prism for violet and red light ray are 3.250
and 3.100 respectively. Find the angular dispersion.
a) What is convex lens?
b) In the above figure, lens and plane mirror are in contact and forming image at
the position of objects. What should be the position of object with respect to
lens and why?
c) What will be the change in position of point at which image and object lie at
same point if water is filled in space between lens and mirror?
17. a) Define electric potential at a point around +𝑄.
b) Draw equipotential surface around the spherical charged body.
c) Derive the expression for potential difference between two points in electric
18. a) Two electric lines of force never intersect each other, why?
b) State the Gauss law and derive the expression for the electric field outside the
charged spherical conductor.
19. a) Based on band theory, explain the concept of conductor, insulator and
b) How conductivity of pure semiconductor differs from conductivity of extrinsic
Group ‘C’
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
(𝟑 × 𝟖 = 𝟐𝟒)
Give long answer to the following questions.
20. A constant force is applied and then released on metallic sphere so that it moves
along the straight line as shown in the graph.
20 𝑚/𝑠
10 𝑚/𝑠
10 s
15 s
20 s
a) What is the acceleration produced on the sphere in interval between 5 𝑠
and 10 𝑠 after it start to role? Also find the average acceleration in the time
interval between 10𝑠 and 15 𝑠.
b) Find the distance travelled by that sphere throughout its motion.
c) Find the mass of sphere if the applied force to produce acceleration on it
is 10 𝑁.
21. A ball of 1 kg is attached to the lower end of a string 1m length whose upper end
is fixed. The ball is made to rotate in a horizontal circle of radius 60 cm and
circular speed of the ball is constant.
a) Determine the linear velocity and angular speed of ball at any instant. (1+1)
b) Determine the time taken by ball to complete one complete rotation in circular
path, centripetal acceleration and force acting on ball.
c) What is the effect of change in mass of the ball and acceleration due to gravity
on the motion? Explain.
a) What is mean by satellite and derive the expression for the orbital velocity of
the satellite.
b) Establish the relation for the energy of satellite 𝐸 = −
c) Calculate the height of satellite used for GPS system for the earth.
22. Before estimate the feasibility of nuclear reaction and its other properties, one
need to know about various factors related to it.
a) Define nuclear force and give its four main properties.
b) Describe average binding energy and its effect on stability of the nucleus using
the graph.
c) Estimate the energy released in the annihilation of 10gm of matter.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
NEB Model Questions
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: Chemistry [Che. 301]
Attempt all the questions
Group A
Circle the best alternative to the following questions.
1. How many atoms are there in two molecules of water?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
2. What is the number of moles of ammonia gas formed when 0.5 mole of nitrogen gas
is reacted with excess of hydrogen gas?
a. 0.5
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
3. Which of the following bonding is responsible for the solubility of ammonia gas in
a. Hydrogen bonding
b. Ionic bonding
c. Covalent bonding
d. Van der Waals’ force
4. What happens when Sulphur dioxide (SO2) gas is passed through an acidified
solution of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas?
a. SO2 is oxidized to Sulphur
b. H2S is reduced to Sulphur
c. SO2 is oxidized to H2SO4
d. SO2 is reduced to Sulphur
5. Which of the following property of crystalline substance describes the similar
chemical composition?
a. Isotopism
b. Isotopic
c. Allotropism
d. Isomorphism
6. SO3 gas is formed as an intermediate during the manufacture of Sulphuric acid by
contact process. The formation of Sulphur trioxide from sulfur dioxide and oxygen
is reversible.
2SO2 + O2 ⇌ 2SO3 ∆H = –196 kJ mol–1
Which conditions of pressure and temperature favor the reverse reaction?
a. High pressure and high temperature
b. High pressure and low temperature
c. Low pressure and high temperature
d. Low pressure and low temperature
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
7. Which is the correct order of ease of carbon dioxide production by heating the
Group II metal carbonates?
a. MgCO3>BeCO3>CaCO3>RaCO3
b. CaCO3>MgCO3>BeCO3>RaCO3
c. BeCO3>MgCO3>CaCO3>BaCO3
d. BeCO3<MgCO3<CaCO3<RaCO3
8. Which of the following is related to Batch process?
a. Requires high- cost equipment
b. Can -not be controlled easily
c. Generally available in fully automated plant
d. Involves sequence of steps followed in specific order
9. Sodium-glucose pump is an example of
a. Primary active transport protein
b. Secondary active transport protein
c. Primary passive transport protein
d. Secondary passive transport protein
10.An intermediate compound X is formed during the production of urea through
ammonia/carbon dioxide technology. What is the molecular formula of X?
11.Which of the following are recycled in the manufacture of sodium Carbonate by
Solvay’s process?
a. CO2 and NH4Cl b. CO2 and NH3 c. NaCl and CaO d. NaCl and NH3
Group B
Give short answer to the following questions.
[8x 5=40]
12. An element X has 2 electrons in K shell, 8 electrons in L shell and 5 electrons in M
i. Identify the element X and write the number of protons and electrons in it. [3]
ii. Size of X- - - ion is greater than that of X atom though both contain the same
number of protons. Give reason.
iii. Write down the formula of one of the compounds of X where X is in -3
oxidation state.
Know -how about ionization energy (IE) of elements is crucial aspect in the study
of chemical bonding whether they form ionic or covalent bond. The first ionization
energies of period second elements are given below:
Li Be B
Ionization energy(kJ/mol)
520 899 800 1086 1402 1314 1681 2080
i. Define first ionization energy.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
ii. Name a factor that affects the value of IE.
iii. Which of the element is most difficult to ionize?
iv. Why is there steep rise in IE from carbon to nitrogen?
13.When electricity is passed through the molten NaCl in the presence of CaCl2 in
the ration of 2:3 by weight using graphite anode and iron cathode as electrodes,
sodium metal is deposited at cathode and chlorine gas is liberated at anode in the
electrolytic cell
i. Define electrolytic cell.
ii. Find the mass of sodium metal deposited at cathode when 0.1 ampere of current
is passed for half an hour and the process has 75% efficiency.
iii. Why does calcium metal not deposit instead of sodium at the cathode? [1]
iv. Aqueous solution of sodium chloride cannot be instead of molten sodium
chloride for the same intended product? Give reason.
14. Derive the relationship between Kp and Kc. Give one example of chemical
reaction where Kp is greater than Kc
Derive the ideal gas equation PV=nRT where the symbols have their usual
meaning. State two conditions under which behavior of real gas approaches that of
an ideal gas.
15. Concentrated sulphuric acid can be used in the laboratory to produce hydrogen
chloride gas by the reaction with solid sodium chloride.
i. Hydrogen iodide is not produced by the same method as for hydrogen chloride.
ii. What is the difference between hydrogen chloride gas and hydrochloric acid? [2]
iii. How could you identify the bottle containing HCl using ammonia gas? [2]
16.Depending upon the nature of minerals present in the ores, calcination and
roasting are mainly used for the conversion of ores into their respective oxides.
i. What do you mean by roasting and calcination in the metallurgical process?
ii. Name the vessel in which roasting is carried out.
iii. Write the name of two possible impurities that are removed in the roasting. [2]
17. One of the examples of homologous series is given below.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
i. Define homologous series.
ii. Find the mass difference between successive members of above homologous
series and calculate the molecular mass of X.
iii. What is the reason behind the highest boiling point but least solubility of the
fourth member in the given series?
18. An unsaturated hydrocarbon B upon treatment with Hydrogen bromide produces
compound C. Compound C reacts with sodium metal in the presence of organic
ether produces compound D of molecular formula C6H14.
i. Give the chemical equations for the conversion of compound B to
compound C and compound C to compound D.
ii. Write down the IUPAC name of compound C and D.
iii. Give the structural formula of positional isomer of compound C.
19.Urea is a very much demanded chemical fertilizer in agricultural country like
Nepal because of the lack of domestic production. One of the raw materials for
urea production is ammonia which is obtained from Haber’s process.
a. Draw a flow sheet diagram for the manufacture of Ammonia by Haber’s- Bosch
b. What is the major challenge in establishing chemical industries in the countries
like Nepal? Mention how such challenge can be strategically overcome? [2]
Group C
Give long answer of the following question
(8 x 3=24)
20.In the presence of platinum catalyst ammonia is oxidized to nitric oxide. The
reaction is given below.
4NH3+ 5O2 pt→ 4NO + H2O
i. Calculate the mass of Nitric oxide produced by the reaction of 2 mole of
ammonia with 2 moles of oxygen.
ii. What is the importance of limiting reactant in chemical calculation? [1]
iii. If 2 moles of ammonia produce 50 grams of water upon reaction with
excess of ammonia. What is the percentage yield of the reaction?
iv. Calculate the volume of HCl gas required at 200c and 750mm Hg pressure
which can completely react with 2 mole of ammonia gas to produce
ammonium chloride
21.Oxygen is the third most abundant element by mass which readily forms oxides
with other elements. Some of the oxides are given below
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
i. Identify the acidic oxide, basic oxide, neutral oxide and mixed oxide from
the above table.
ii. Write two chemical equation to prove that the particular oxide is
atmphoteric in nature.
iii. Why is CO a harmful gas?
iv. Write any one industrial applications of oxygen gas.
Sulfuric acid is one of the largest volumes of industrial chemical produced in the
world. Over the last decades the contact process has been used to produce sulfuric
acid, replacing the traditional (Lead Chamber) process.
ii. Write the four steps of chemical equation for the manufacturing of sulphuric
acid by contact process starting form iron sulfide.
iii. Give any two chemical equations in which sulphuric acid acts as precipitant and
dehydrating agent.
iv. Write the chemical equation producing fertilizer using H2SO4.
v. Why does H2SO4 always act as an oxidizing agent?
22.An alkene X undergoes ozonolysis and gives two compounds Y and Z of
molecular formula C3H6O. Y and Z are functional isomers of each other.
i. Write the two-steps chemical equation for the conversion of X into Y and Z. [2]
ii. Write the structural formula of Y and Z. Why are they called functional
iii. What happens when hydrogen gas in the presence of nickel catalyst is passed
over X?
iv. What is the application of ozonolysis in the organic reaction mechanism? [1]
v. How can you prove chemically the compound X is unsaturated?
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: Chemistry [Che. 301]
[Set A]
Attempt all the questions
Group A
Circle the best alternative to the following questions.
1) An oxide of nitrogen contains its half volume of nitrogen and its vapour density is
15. The molecular formula is …
a. NO
b. 𝑁𝑂2
c. 𝑁2 𝑂
d. None
2) The mass of 22.4 litres of oxygen at NTP is …
a. 4 gm
b. 16 gm
c. 32 gm
d. 64 gm
3) The spectral region for the Lyman series of hydrogen spectrum is in the
a. UV region
b. IR region
c. visible region d. far IR region
4) Which of the following contain both ionic and covalent bond?
a. 𝐶𝐻4
b. KCN
c. KCl
d. 𝑁𝑂2
5) What is the oxidation number of central atom of oleum?
a. +5
b. +6
c. +7
d. +8
6) The relation between 𝐾𝑃 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐾𝑐 in the following reaction is 𝑁2 + 𝑂2 → 2𝑁𝑂.
a. 𝐾𝑃 ≤ 𝐾𝐶
b. 𝐾𝑃 < 𝐾𝐶
c. 𝐾𝑃 > 𝐾𝐶
d. 𝐾𝑃 = 𝐾𝐶
7) The intermediate product formed during the production of urea is,
a. Ammonium cyanate
b. Ammonium isocyanate
c. Ammonium carbamate
d. Ammonium carbonate
8) Synthetic gas is a mixture of
a. CO and CO2
b. CO2 and H2 O c. CO and N2
d. CO and H2
9) A piece of magnesium ribbon was heated to redness in an atmosphere of nitrogen
and on cooling water was added, the gas evolved was
a. ammonia
b. hydrogen
c. nitrogen
d. oxygen
10) The raw materials used in Ostwald’s process are …
a. N2 and H2
b. N2 and O2
c. NH3 and H2
d. NH3 and O2
11) Batch process is used to manufacture ….
a. petrol
b. cement
c. diesel
d. cosmetics
Group B
Give short answer to the following questions.
[8x 5=40]
12) The element X and Y have the atomic number 11 and 17 respectively.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
a. Write the electronic configuration of the element
b. State the types of bond when they combine to form a compound.
c. Draw the Lewis structure of the compound.
d. Predict whether this compound soluble in water or not. Give reason?
Consider the following species: 𝑁 3− 𝐹 − 𝑂2− 𝑁𝑎+ 𝑀𝑔++ 𝐴𝑙 +++
a. What is common in them?
b. Arrange those species in increasing ionic radius.
c. Why cation are small and anion are larger in radii than its parent atom.
d. Define ionization potential. Name the factor that affect ionization potential?
13) Carbon reduction process is not applied for the extraction of alkali metal. Name
any one suitable method for the extraction of sodium metal? Can sodium be
extracted by the electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride? If not why? Why is the
mixture of 𝐶𝑎𝐶𝑙2 and KF added to NaCl during the extraction of sodium?
14) State Graham’s law of diffusion. Why do gases diffuse easily? Gases behave as
real gas at low temperature and high pressure explain with reason?
What are the defect of Rutherford atomic model? How were these defect
eliminated by Bohr’s model?
15) Chlorine is industrial chemical. Commercially it is obtained by the electrolysis
of aqueous NaCl in the manufacture of NaOH and electrolysis of molten NaCl in
the extraction of sodium by down’s process.
a. Give a chemical reaction for the preparation of chlorine in laboratory with the
application of heat?
b. Is it possible to prepare chlorine in lab without application of heat?
c. Explain why the bleaching action of chlorine is permanent?
16) State as to why
a. A solution of sodium carbonate is alkaline in nature.
b. Alkali metal is prepared by the electrolysis of fused NaCl.
c. Table salt get wet in rainy season.
d. Nascent hydrogen is powerful reducing than molecular hydrogen.
17) Ethane is prepared in laboratory by soda lime decarboxylation process.
a. Write the reaction involved for the preparation of ethane by this process? (1)
b. Convert ethane into n-butane?
c. How would you prepare ethane from ethanol?
18) An unknown organic compound (A) has the molecular formula 𝐶5 𝐻8 . Suggest
the possible structure of A from the following data with necessary reaction.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
a. 1 mole of A takes up two moles of hydrogen.
b. A forms a precipitate with ammonical solution of cuprous chloride or silver
c. Treatment of A with 𝐻2 𝑂 in the presence of dilute sulphuric acid and mercuric
sulfate yield 2- pentanone as a major product.
19) In the manufacture of ammonia by Haber’s process: 3𝐻2 + 𝑁2 → 𝑁𝐻3 +
c. What is the effect of temperature and pressure to get high yield of ammonia?
d. Conc. Sulphuric acid cannot be used for drying of ammonia. Why?
e. How can you detect ammonia in lab?
f. It is more basic than phosphine. Give reason.
Group C
Give long answer of the following question
(8 x 3=24)
20) Urea which is also called carbamide is prepared by following reaction:
2𝑁𝐻3 + 𝐶𝑂2 → ( 𝑁𝐻2 )2𝐶𝑂 + 𝐻2 𝑂
Here 637.2 gram of ammonia is treated with 1142 gram of carbon dioxide.
a. Identify which one is limiting reactant?
b. Calculate the mass of urea formed?
c. How many mole of excess reagent is left at the end of the reaction?
d. How many no of water molecules are produced?
e. What is the important of limiting reaction?
21) Oxygen can form binary compound with other element to form oxide. Some of
the oxide are given below.
Al2 O3
Pb3 O4
H2 O2
a. Identify the acid, basic, neutral, amphoteric, mixed and peroxide.
b. Write two chemical equation to prove that the particular oxide is amphoteric. (2)
c. Write two important uses of 𝐻2 𝑂2 . (1)
d. How does CO react with a) Ni b) 𝐶𝑙2 in presence of sunlight?
Originally nitric acid was manufactured from sparkled nitrogen and oxygen in
Birkeland-Edge process, nowadays it is manufactured by Ostwald process by
catalytic oxidation of ammonia.
a. Write the three step reaction for the manufacture of 𝐻𝑁𝑂3 by Ostwald process.
b. Draw a flow sheet diagram of nitric acid by this process?
c. Why it is called aqua fortis?
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
d. Why does HNO3 act as oxidizing agent. Show reaction?
e. In the ring test of nitrate ion what chemical compound is formed?
22) An unsaturated hydrocarbon ‘A’ having general formula 𝐶𝑛 𝐻2𝑛 upon treatment
with unsymmetrical reagent like HBr to give compound ‘B’ having molecular
formula C3 H7 Br. Compound ‘A’ undergoes ozonolysis to give compound ‘C’ and
‘D’. One of them is first member of aldehyde.
a. Identify the compound A, B, C and D with their IUPAC name.
b. Give the positional isomer of compound B?
c. Prove chemically the compound A is unsaturated?
d. Write the homologous series of 1 member of ketone and 3 member of amide.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: Chemistry [Che. 301]
[Set B]
Attempt all the questions
Group ‘A’
Circle the best alternative to the following questions
1. A compound contains same elements combined together with fixed ratio of
masses. It is ..
a. Law of conservation of mass
b. Law of constant proportion
c. Law of reciprocal proportion
d. Law of gaseous volume
2. 7.5 g of a gas occupies 5.6 L at NTP the molecular mass of the gas is ….
a. 56
b. 75
c. 5
d. 30
3. Which of the following molecule have trigonal planar geometry?
a. CH4
b. H2O
c. CO2
d. NH3
4. The brown compound formed in the ring test of nitrate is ….
a. FeSO4
b. Fe2(SO4)3
c. NO2
d. FeSO4.NO
5. Which of the following compound is deliquescence?
a. NaOH
b. CuSO4.5H2O c. I2
d. SiO2
6. Which of the following statement is not true?
a. HNO3 is the most important oxyacid of nitrogen
b. On exposure to the light HNO3 turns slightly brown
c. HNO3 is a strong reducing agent
d. Ostwald was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1909
7. Which of the following statement is wrong?
a. Bleaching power is also called the chloride of lime
b. Plaster of paris is used for bandaging in surgery.
c. Quick lime is used as basic flux in metallurgy
d. Bleaching power is reducing agent
8. When is separation process not required in a manufacturing process?
a. When there is a decomposition process.
b. When there is a complete conversion.
c. When the by-products are in the form gas.
d. When the reaction is reversible.
9. Which of the following is not essential in body?
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
a. Mg
b. Zn
c. Al
10.What catalyst is used in the manufacture of H2SO4?
a. Iron
b. Ni
c. Pt
11.The by-product which is not used in Solvay’s process is
a. CaO
b. NH4Cl
c. CaCl2
d. Cu
d. V2O5
d. all
Group ‘B’
Give short answer to the following questions
12. Hydrogen sulfide reacts with sulfur dioxide in the following ways.
2H2S + SO2 → 2H2O + 3S
a. Deduce the oxidation number of sulfur in S in H2S and S.
b. Which has been reduced in the above reaction? Explain answer.
c. Identify the oxidizing agent in the above reaction. Explain your answer.
d. Balance the above reaction by oxidation number method.
Chromium (III) chloride contain Cr and Cl- ions.
a. Write the electronic configuration of Cr+++ ion using 1s2 notation for Cr+++. [1]
b. Name the element whose atom have the same electronic configuration as
chloride ion.
c. Is a chloride ion larger than chlorine atom? Explain your answer.
d. HF or HCl which can form the hydrogen bond? Explain your answer. [2]
13.The group IIA elements are Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra
a. Why these elements are called alkaline earth metals? Explain.
b. Write the reaction when Mg is dropped in boiling water.
c. Give suitable reaction to show that quick lime is used as flux in metallurgy. [1]
d. Ca(OH)2 is more soluble in water than Mg(OH)2 in water. Why?
e. When CaCO3 is heated CaO and CO2 are formed. Compare the stability of
CaCO3 and CaO.
14.Hydrogen reacts with gaseous sulfur to form hydrogen sulphide. The reaction is
exothermic: H2(g) + S(g) → H2S(g)
a. Define equilibrium constant.
b. Write the expression for equilibrium constant in terms of concentration for
above reversible reaction.
c. Write the relationship between K p and K c for the above reaction.
d. What will be the effect on the position of equilibrium by removing some of
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
The phenomenon isomerism mainly exists in organic compounds.
a. Define isomerism.
b. C4H9OH have several isomers. Draw structure and IUPAC names of its three
c. Is alcohol electrophile or nucleophile? Give reason.
15. Cl2, Br2 and I2 are called halogens.
a. Give a chemical reaction for the laboratory preparation of chlorine gas. [2]
b. What happens when a moist red rose is introduced in gas jar containing chlorine
c. Write one important application of chlorine gas.
16.Depending on the type of ores, different methods are applied for concentration
a. What methods are applied for the concentration of oxide and sulphide ores
b. Define acidic and basic flux and slag with proper examples.
c. How are the cathode and anode made during the refining of copper by
electrolytic process?
17.Chemical and physical properties of organic compound are mainly determined by
functional group.
a. Define functional group.
b. Write the displayed formula and IUPAC name of aldehyde having three carbon
c. Draw bond line formula of above aldehyde.
d. How do you prepare above aldehyde from alkyne?
18. Na2CO3 is decomposed by HCl as follow:
Na2CO3 + 2HCl → 2NaCl + CO2 + H2O
This reaction is carried out mixing 10.6 g of Na2CO3 and 7.6 g HCl.
a. Which reactant is finished first?
b. Find the volume of CO2 produced at NTP.
c. Find the number of moles of NaOH required to absorb whole CO2 produced. [2]
19.Nitric acid is manufactured by catalytic oxidation of ammonia. (Ostwald’s
a. Writ three steps for the manufacture of nitric acid by above method. [3]
b. Draw the flow sheet diagram for the manufacture of nitric acid by Ostwald’s
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
Group ‘C’
Give long answer to the following questions
20.The volume of a given mass of gas depend on temperature and pressure.
a. State that law that relates volume of given mass of gas with temperature.[1]
b. Show that the volume of all gases becomes zero at -273oC.
c. Indicate absolute zero graphically.
d. What is universal gas constant?
When 2g of a gas (A) is introduced into the evacuated flask kept at 25 0c, the
pressure is found to be one atmosphere. If 3g of another gas (B) is added to the
same flask, the total pressure become 1.5 atm at the same temperature. Assuming
ideal behavior of gases.
a. Define ideal gases.
b. Calculate the ratio of masses of above gases A and B.
21.Sodium is extracted by Down’s process by electrolysis of NaCl and CaCl2
a. Why is sodium not found in Free State?
b. Why sodium is cannot be extracted by chemical reduction process? [2]
c. What is the function of CaCl2?
d. Draw well labelled diagram of down’s cell.
e. Why is sodium kept under kerosene oil?
f. Give one application of sodium metal.
Sulphuric acid is nowadays mainly prepared by contact process
a. Why the process is called contact process?
b. Starting from iron pyrite how do you prepare sulfuric acid? Write the reactions
c. SO3 is not directly dissolved in water for the preparation of sulfuric acid, why?
d. How do you test presence of sulfate ion?
e. It is dangerous to add water to conc. Sulfuric acid while preparing dilute
solution. Explain.
22.An alkene ‘A’ on ozonolysis gives methanal only as organic product.
a. Write reaction for the conversion of A to methanal.
b. Give one application of ozonolysis of alkene.
c. What happens when A is passed through Baeyer’s reagent?
d. How do you distinguish compound A and ethyne?
e. How do you prepare compound ‘A’ form a suitable monohaloalkane? [2]
f. What happens when A is passed through water in presence of H3PO4? [1]
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: Chemistry [Che. 301]
[Set C]
Attempt all the questions
Group 'A'
Circle the best alternative to the following questions. (11×1=11)
1. The total number of ions present in 111 g of CaCl2 is ….
a) One Mole
b) Two Mole
c) Three Mole
d) Four Mole
2. Which one of the following sets of ions represents a collection of isoelectronic
species? (Atomic no.: F = 9, Cl = 17, Na = 11, Mg = 12, Al = 13, K = 19, Ca =
20, Sc = 21)
a) K+, Ca2+, Sc3+, Cl–
b) Na+, Ca2+ , Sc3+, F–
c) K+, Cl–, Mg2+, Sc3+
d) Na+, Mg2+, Al3+, Cl–
3. An atom of an element A has three electrons in its outermost orbit and that of B has
six electrons in its outermost orbit. The formula of the compound between these
two will be
a) A3B6
b) A2B3
c) A3B2
d) A2B
4. When orthophosphoric acid is heated, it converts to
a) metaphosphoric acid
b) hypophosphorous acid
c) pyrophosphoric acid
d) di-phosphoric acid
5. The ascending order of acidic strength is ...
a) HClO < HClO2 < HClO3 < HClO4 b) HClO4 < HClO3 < HClO2 < HClO
c) HClO < HClO2 < HClO4 < HClO3 d) None
6. For the reaction N2 + 3H2 ↔ 2NH3 + heat
a) Kp=Kc
b) Kp=KcRT
c) Kp=Kc/(RT)2
d) Kp=Kc(RT)2
7. If helium and methane are allowed to diffuse out of the container under the similar
conditions of temperature and pressure, then the ratio of rate of diffusion of helium
to methane is:
a) 2 : 1
b) 1 : 2
c) 3 : 5
d) 4 : 1
8. Batch processing is suitable for
a) Fertilizers
b) Production of H2SO4
c) Specialized chemical
d) All of the above
9. Concentration of Na and K in cell is maintained by
a) Na- gl pump
b) Na- K pump
c) ATP
d) ADP
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
10. Calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) is …..
a) a mixed fertilizer
b) a straight fertilizer
c) a complex fertilizer
d) not a fertilizer; it is explosive
11. Raw materials for production of urea ….
a) ammonia and carbon dioxide
b) oxygen and carbon dioxide
c) ammonia and phosphorous
d) Carbon dioxide and urea
Group 'B'
Give short answer to the following questions.
(8 × 5=40)
12. The element X and Y has atomic number 11 and 17 respectively
i. Identify the element X and write the number of protons and electrons in it.
ii. State the type of bond formed when they are combined to form a compound.
iii. In which group of periodic table do they belong?
iv. Calculate the oxidation number of Y in KClO3?
Define ionization enthalpy. Discuss the factors affecting ionisation enthalpy of the
elements and its trends in the periodic table.
13. When electricity is passed through the molten NaCl in the presence of CaCl 2 in the
ration of 2:3 by weight using graphite anode and iron cathode as electrodes, sodium
metal is deposited at cathode and chlorine gas is liberated at anode in the
electrolytic cell
a. Define electrolytic cell.
b. Find the mass of sodium metal deposited at cathode when 0.1 ampere of current
is passed for half an hour and the process has 75% efficiency.
c. Why does calcium metal not deposit instead of sodium at the cathode?
d. Aqueous solution of sodium chloride cannot be instead of molten sodium
chloride for the same intended product? Give reason.
14. Hydrogen gas is obtained from the natural gas by partial oxidation with steam as
per the following endothermic reaction:
Write the expression for Kp for the above reaction. How will the value of K P and
composition of equilibrium mixture be affected by:
(i) Increasing the pressure, (ii) Increasing the temperature (iii) Using a catalyst?
State Graham’s law of diffusion. A vessel of volume 100ml contains 10% O2 and
90% unknown gas. The gas mixture diffuses in 86 sec. through the same hole of the
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
vessel if pure oxygen under identical conditions diffuses in 75sec. Find the
molecular mass of the unknown gas.
15. Concentrated sulphuric acid can be used in the laboratory to produce hydrogen
chloride gas by the reaction with solid sodium chloride.
a. Hydrogen iodide is not produced by the same method as for hydrogen chloride.
b. What is the difference between hydrogen chloride gas and hydrochloric acid?
c. How could you identify the bottle containing HCl using ammonia gas?
16. Depending upon the nature of minerals present in the ores, calcination and roasting
is mainly used for the conversion of ores into their respective oxides.
a. What do you mean by roasting and calcination in the metallurgical? [2]
b. Name the vessel in which roasting is carried out.
c. Write the name of two possible impurities that are removed in the roasting.
17. CnH2n+2 is the general formula of the homologous series of hydrocarbons;
a. Is this series saturated or unsaturated?
b. Draw the structural formula of the first member of this series?
c. What is the formula of n-butane and iso-butane?
d. Define homologous series and find the common difference between successive
members of this family.
18. A vicinal dihalides C2H4Br2 (A) reacts with alc. KOH to give an alkyne ‘B’, which
reacts with red hot iron tube (trimerizes) to give a compound ‘C’, which on
friedal’s craft’s alkylation gives a compound ‘D’. Write the IUPAC and common
name of the compound D. Identify A, B, C and D and give the reactions involved.
19. Urea is a very much demanded chemical fertilizer in agricultural country like
Nepal because of the lack of domestic production. One of the raw materials for
urea production is ammonia which is obtained from Haber’s process.
a. Draw a flow sheet diagram for the manufacture of Ammonia by Haber’sProcess
b. How is chemical industries important for the nation?
c. Write the formula of any two synthetic fertilizers.
Group 'C'
Give long answer to the following questions
(3× 8=24)
20. Urea is manufactured by reacting the raw materials like NH3 and CO2.
2NH3 (g) + CO2(g) → (NH2)2 CO(a.q) + H2O (l). In one process, 637.3 g of NH3 is
treated with114g of CO2
a. Which is limiting reagent and why?
b. Calculate the mass of urea formed?
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
c. How much excess reagent (gm) is left at the end of the reaction?
d. Why is limiting reagent essential in stoichiometric calculations?
e. What is the difference between limiting reactant and limiting reagent?
Hydrogen is the simplest, lightest and most abundant element in the universe. It can
exist different form of isotopes.
a. Identify the radioactive, heavy and ordinary hydrogen from the above figure.
Differentiate between Ortho and Para hydrogen.
b. Write two chemical equations to prove that nascent hydrogen is more powerful
reducing agent than molecular hydrogen.
c. Why hydrogen exist as H2 while He2 is not known?
d. Write any one industrial applications of Heavy water
Sulfuric acid is one of the largest volumes of industrial chemical produced in the
World. Over the last decades the contact process has been used to produce
Sulfuric acid, replacing the traditional (Lead Chamber) process.
a. Write the four steps of chemical equation for the manufacturing of sulphuric acid
by contact process starting form iron sulfide.
b. Give any two chemical equations in which sulphuric acid acts as precipitant and
dehydrating agent.
22. An alkene X undergoes ozonolysis and gives two compounds Y and Z of
molecular formula C3H6O. Y and Z are functional isomers of each other
a. Write the two-steps chemical equation for the conversion of X into Y and Z.
b. Write the structural formula of Y and Z. Why are they called functional
c. What happens when hydrogen gas in the presence of nickel catalyst is passed
over X?
d. What is the application of ozonolysis in the organic reaction mechanism?
e. How can you prove chemically the compound X is unsaturated?
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: Chemistry [Che. 301]
[Set D]
Attempt all the questions
Group 'A'
Circle the best alternative to the following questions.
1. Which of the following pairs of compound illustrates the law of multiple
a) NH3 and NCI3
b) CS2 and SO2 c) H2S and SO2 d) SO2 and SO3
2. The maximum number of molecules are present in...
a) 4.4g of CO₂
b) 6.4 g of SO2
c) 4.8 g of O3
d) 1.8 g of NH3
3. An electron has principal quantum number 3. The number of sub-shells and orbitals
would be respectively.
a) 3 and 5
b) 2 and 5
c) 3 and 7
d) 3 and 6
4. Which pairs of elements belong to the same group?
a) Atomic number 17 and 38
b) Atomic number 15 and 33
c) Atomic number 15 and 48
d) Atomic number 11 and 37
5. The IUPAC name of (CH3)-C-OH is
a) 2-methyl, propan-1-ol
b) 2-methyl, propan-2-ol
c) 1-methyl, propan-2-ol
d) 1,1-dimethyl, ethan-1-ol
6. Which is correct for Chain isomers
a) Same molecular formula
b) Same functional group
c) Similar chemical properties
d) All
7. Which is not true for homologous series?
a) All the compounds in the series possess same elements and same functional
b) All the members can be represented by a general formula.
c) Each member of a homologous series differs by methylène (-CH₂) unit
d) All members of series cannot be prepared by similar general methods of
8. The fusible mass observed during smelting process is …..
a) Matrix
b) Slag
c) Flux
d) Smelted Waste
9. Which of the following ion is used to increase the insulin level in the body?
a) Zn2+ ion
b) Ni2+ ion
c) Co2+ ion
d) Cr3+ ion
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
10. Which chemical is manufacture as batch processing?
a) NH3
b) H2SO4
c) NaOH
d) Zn(NO3)2
11. The consequences of Hydrogen bonding result …
a) Increased in viscosity
b) Increased in solubility
d) Formation of cyclic compound
d) All
Group 'B'
Give short answer to the following questions.
(8 × 5=40)
12. Define limiting reactant. When 17g of ammonia in treated with 45g of ammonia is
treated with 45g of O2 produce NO and H2O then,
a) Which is the limiting reactant?
b) Calculate the no. of moles of unreacted reagent left over.
c) What volumes of NO are produced at NTP?
d) Calculate the mass of water produced.
13. Derive the expression for ideal gas equation. Calculate the mass of nitrogen gas
whose volume is 250 cc at 27O C at 1.5 atm pressure.
State and explain Dalton's law of partial pressure. When 1.5 moles of A and 2
moles of B are kept in a vessel having capacity 3 litre at 27OC, then calculate the
partial pressure of each gas and the total pressure of the mixture of gas.
14. Define oxidation number. Balance the following redox reaction by oxidation
number method or ion-electron method.
HIO3 + HBr →
I2 + Br2 + H2O
15. Explain law of mass action. Write the significance of Equilibrium constant.
16. Describe the manufacture of ammonia by Haber's with flow sheet diagram.
Explain the preparation of H2S gas using Kipp’s apparatus. Show that SO2 acts as
both oxidant as well as reductant.
17. Explain the following:
a) Bleaching action of chlorine.
b) Oxidizing nature of halogens (any two reactions).
c) Reducing nature of halogen acids (any two reactions).
18. Define homologous series and write its characteristics.
19. Explain the following with examples:
a) Wurtz reaction
b) Markonikov’s rule and peroxide effect.
Group 'C'
Give long answer to the following questions
(3× 8=24)
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
20.What are the main features of modern periodic table? What are first ionization
potential and first electron affinity? The first electron affinity of oxygen is positive
while second electron affinity of oxygen is negative, why?
Explain the spectra of hydrogen atom according to Bohr's atomic model. Why the
model is found to be defective in the light of uncertainty theory and why is wave
Mechanical model necessary?
[5 + 3]
21.How is gravity separation and froth-flotation process different from each other?
Give reasons:
a) Potassium impart purple colour but beryllium do not impart any colour to the
b) Sodium fire cannot be extinguished by adding water.
22) a) Write a method of preparation and a chemical test each of ethylene, acetylene
and benzene.
b) An organic compound undergoes ozonolysis reaction to give mixture of ethanal
and 2-methyl propanal. Identify the organic compound with necessary reaction.
[5 + 3]
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
NEB Model Questions
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: Biology [Bio. 201]
Attempt all the questions
Group 'A'
Circle the correct one from given alternatives.
1. Identify the correct bonding between nitrogen bases in DNA molecule from
given pair.
a. A = C
b. A = G
c. A = U
d. A = T
2. Which habitat is needed for xerophytic plants to survive?
a. habitat with dry condition
b. warm habitat
c. habitat like desert
d. habitat with little water
3. “Red rust is one of the destructive diseases in tea plants which results adverse
effect on tea yield. It is caused by a type of algae.” Which discipline of Biology is
related to explain the above statement?
a. Mycology
b. Agronomy
c. Pathology
d. Phycology
4. Which of the following is a practice of in-situ conservation of biodiversity?
a. Botanical garden
b. Wildlife sanctuary
c. Zoo
d. Seed bank
5. Which one statement of the following tells the favor of prop root?
a. It has the function of support
b. It has the function of absorption
c. It has the function of fixation d. It has the function of conduction
Group 'B'
Give short answer to the following questions.
(4 × 4 = 16)
6. Write the characteristics of Chlorophyceae.
7. 'Gymnosperm is an advanced group than Pteridophyta'. Justify this statement
with any four points.
Compare between simple fruit and multiple fruit in two points. How can fruit
play an important role for continuity of generation in plant life?
8. How can ecological factors influence in pond ecosystem? Discuss it with suitable
examples with respect to its structural and functional aspects.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
9. Explain any five ways, how microorganisms play an important role in the field of
Group 'C'
Give long answer to the following questions.
(2 × 8 = 16)
10. Why is sexual reproduction important in lower grade plant like fungi? Explain it
with respect to sexual reproduction of Yeast along with diagram.
Explain the diagnostic floral characters of family Solanaceae with floral formula
and floral diagram. Write the botanical name of any two plants of this family
regarding medicinal and edible values.
11. Meiosis cell division is important in life of organism since it maintains the
chromosomal stability in offspring which is happen due to reduction and
disjunction of homologous chromosome. It is a multi-step processes and two
successive steps within this process is given.
Fig- 1
a. In reference to disjuction, what changes do you find between fig-1 & fig-2?
Describe it.
b. What had happened in chromosomal stability if changes not occur from
figure-1 to figure-2?
c. Draw the diagram of succesive next one step after figure-2 with two
distinguishing features.
Group 'A'
Circle the correct one from given alternatives.
1. Miller and Urey designed an experiment and try to recreate the environment of
primitive earth to support the theory of biochemical origin of life. Which
composition he has used to produce simple amino acids?
a. Ammonia, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and water vapour
b. Ammonia, Methane, Hydrogen, and water vapour
c. Ammonia, Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, and water vapour
d. Ammonia, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and water vapour
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
Forelimbs (wings) of Dragon fly, Pteranodon, Hawk and Bat are given,
2. What type of organs are these?
a. Homologous b. Atavism
c. Analogous
d. Vestigial
3. Which is the nearest ancestor of modern man?
a. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis b. Homo sapiens sapiens
c. Homo erectus erectus
d. Homo erectus pekinensis
4. In the given figure, X denotes an organ of the frog which produces a particular
sound. What does that sound indicate?
a. Danger
b. Hunger
c. Excitement
d. Sex appeal
5. Trichocysts is an important organelle in Paramecium. Which activities does it
associate for?
a. Defense, offence, and adhesion
b. Defense, reproduction, and nutrition
c. Offence, osmoregulation, and defense
d. Adhesion, osmoregulation, and reproduction
6. IUCN noticed the one horned rhino restricted in Chitwan national park of Nepal as
high risk group. Its population has declined due to habitat loss, excessive
poaching, low rate of breeding, human encroachment and other descendent factors.
According to this description, in which risk group does one horned rhino of Nepal
a. Near endangered
b. Critically endangered
c. Endangered
d. Least endangered
Group 'B'
Give short answer to the following questions.
(4 × 4 = 16)
7. The excessive and unbalance use of pesticides is one of the prominent
environmental issue since last few years in Nepal. Mention any two consequences
of over use of pesticides in your locality and suggest awareness campaign that you
have follow in two points.
8. What is transverse binary fission? Write its process in Paramecium.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
9. How can pancreas of a frog play an important role in digestion? Explain it in
reference to physiology of intestinal digestion.
Describe with suitable diagram, how copulation and cocoon formation takes
place in earthworm.
10. How does Darwinism explain the theory of organic evolution? Clarify your
Group 'C'
Give long answer to the following questions.
(2 × 8 = 16)
11. How excretion is performed in earthworm? Explain in analytical approach of the
structure of septal nephridia of earthworm with labeled diagram.
Define conjugation. Describe the process of conjugation in reference to
Paramecium with well-labeled diagram.
12. Compare and contrast cromagnon man and modern man. How does vestegial
organ provide evidence in favour of organic evolution?
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: Biology [Bio. 201]
[Set A]
Attempt all the questions
Group – A
Circle the correct one from given alternatives
1. Plasma membrane is composed of …
a) Lipoprotein
b) Glycoprotein c) Lipid
d) Chromoprotein
2. The organisms which depend on the organic molecules present in broth of ocean
are referred as …
a) Aerobic chemotrophs
b) Anaerobic heterotrophs
c) Autotrophs
d) Chemo-heterotrophs
3. One of the distinctive features of Spirogyra is ….
a) Uninucleate condition
b) Spiral chloroplast
c) Green colour
d) Presence of paranoids
4. Which of the following plant has (9) +1 arrangement of stamen?
a) Pea
b) Mustard
c) Onion
d) tomato
5. Pteridophytes are also called …
a) Vascular plants
b) Vascular cryptogams
c) Phanerogams
d) None of these
Group –B
Give short answer to the following questions
6. Name two extra-chromosomal DNA containing cell organelles. Describe the
structure of chloroplast. Mention the function of it.
7. What is symbotic besteria. Give an account of bacterial cell with diagram. [1+3]
8. Describe the external morphology of Pinus. Differentiate between microsporophyll
and megasporopyll.
What do you understand by obligate parasite? Give morphology of virus. [1+3]
9. Define trophic level. Explain about pyramid of biomass. Why pyramid of biomass
of aquatic ecosystem is is inverted?
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
Group – C
Give long answer to the following questions.
10. Write the distinguishing characters of Cruciferae with floral formula and floral
diagram. Mention any two plants (scientific name) belong to Cruciferae. [4+1+2+1]
Draw a cell structure of spirogyra. Explain the scalariform conjugation in Spirogyra
with necessary diagrams.
11. Study the figure 1 and figure 2. It shows part of two cells from the same flowering
plant in the process of division.
a. Name the phase of cell division in Fig 1 & Fig 2.
b. Draw a diagram before Fig. 1 phase and name it
c. Compare the figs 1 & 2
d. Give the significances of Fig.2
Group 'A'
Circle the correct one from given alternatives.
1. Chemically virus are ….
a) Carbohydrate
b) Lipo-polysaccharides
c) Glycoprotein
d) Nucleoprotein
2. A vulnerable species
a) Is in danger of extinction b) Is rare to be found
c) May become endangered
d) Is an endangered species
3. Artistic sense was first developed in ….
a) Cro-magnon man
b) Neanderthal man
c) Java Ape man
d) Australopithecus
4. The process of reconstitution of macronucleus in paramecium without any change
in micronucleus is called ….
a) Cytogamy
b) Hemixis
c) Endominis
d) Autogamy
5. Terminal ducts of septalnephridia of earthworm open in …
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
a) Intestine
b) Paired septal excretory canal
c) Paired supra intestinal excretory duct
d) Dorsal blood vessel
6. Which of the following wild life species is given legally protected status under the
National park and wild life conservation Act 1973 in Nepal?
a) Common leopard
b) Hyena
c) Spotted deer
d) Rhesus monkey
Group 'B'
Give short answer to the following questions.
7. The excessive and unbalance use of pesticides is one of the prominent
environmental issue since last few years in Nepal. Mention any two consequences
of over use of pesticides in your locality and suggest awareness campaign that you
have follow in two points.
8. What is transverse binary fission? Write its process in Paramecium.
9. How can pancreas of a frog play an important role in digestion? Explain it in
reference to physiology of intestinal digestion.
Describe reproductive system of earthworm.
10. How does Lamarck explain the theory of organic evolution? Clarify your
Group 'C'
Give long answer to the following questions.
(2 × 8 = 16)
11. Define divergent evolution. How is nephrology, comparative anatomy and
vestegial organ provide evidence in favour of organic evolution. (1+3+2+2)
12. What is circulation? Analytically explain the internal structure and working of
heart of frog.
What is inoculation? Describe the sexual reproduction of plasmodium. (1+4+3)
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: Biology [Bio. 201]
[Set B]
Attempt all the questions
Group – A
Circle the correct one from given alternatives.
1. Karyokinensis is the division of …
a) Cytoplasm
b) Cell wall
c) Nucleus
d) Pollen grains
2. Gymnosperms are regarded as naked seed plant because they lack ….
a) Ovule
b) Ovary
c) Seed coat
d) Sporophyll
3. Phyllotaxy is ….
a) Types of roots
b) Mode of leaf arrangement
c) Types of stem
d) Arrangement of petals
4. When in an association, only one species is benefitted and other is neither
benefitted nor harmed ….
a) Mutualism
b) Proto-cooperation
c) Commensalism
d) Antibiosis
5. Body of lichen consists of ….
a) Bacteria & virus
b) Algae & bacteria
c) Algae & fungi
d) Fungi & bacteria
Group –B
Give short answer to the following questions.
6. Explain proteins as biomolecules. Differentiate between essential & non-essential
amino acids.
7. Draw a well labelled diagram of Nostoc. Write the function of heterocyst and
8. Define food chain. Describe the different food chains in forest ecosystem. [1+3]
9. Mention four identifying features of poisonous mushroom. Enlist the four
significances of mushroom.
Draw floral formula & floral diagram of Solanaceae.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
Group – C
Give long answer to the following question
[2×8 = 16]
10. Write the distinguishing characters of Papilionaceae with floral formula & floral
diagram. Mention two plants belong to Papilionaceae.
Describe the structure of prothallus of fern. How does sporophytic structure of
fern differ with Marchantia?
11. Following shows the diagram of cell division.
a. Identify the stage of Fig. 1 & Fig. 2 of cell division.
b. Label ‘X’ (Name the part).
c. What is the major happening in Fig. 1 & Fig. 2 and mention the significances
Group – A
Circle the correct one from given alternatives.
1. Which of the following is a world natural heritage site?
a) Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve
b) Royal Chitwan N.P.
c) Koshi Tappu WLR
d) All
2. The word coacervate was first used by ….
a) Oparin
b) Sydney Fox
c) S.C. miller
d) Harold Urey
3. Sudden appearance of tail in small baby is best example of …
a) Convergent evolution
b) Divergent evolution
c) Atavism
d) Mutation
4. Contraction of sternohyal muscles during breathing in frog …
a) Close glottis
b) Open the nostril
c) Raise the floor of oral cavity
d) Lower the floor of oral cavity
5. Increasing the concentration of DDT to higher trophic level is called;
a) Pollution
b) Eutrophication
c) Biochemical oxygen demand d) Bio-magnification
6. The term hot spot for high diversity ecological region was coined by;
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
b) Norman Myers
c) H.T. Ddum
d) Kormandy
Group –B
Give short answer to the following questions.
7. Why is the migration essential for animals? Describe the bird migration with its
8. Write down at least four distinguishing characters of Arthropoda and also classify
it with examples.
Discuss internal structure of heart of frog and its working mechanism. (2+2)
9. How does homologous and analogous organs give the evidence of evolution?
Discuss with examples.
10. Breathing is essential for pulmonary respiration. Describe the mechanism of
breathing in frog.
Group – C
Give long answer to the following question.
[2×8 =16]
11. Are human and apes same? Explain the human evolution starting from the
common ancestor of man and ape.
12. What is nephridia? Describe various types of nephridia found in earthworm.
Draw a well labeled diagram of the alimentary canal of frog. Explain the
mechanism of the digestion of foods in frog.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: Biology [Bio. 201]
[Set C]
Attempt all the questions
Group – A
Circle the correct one from given alternatives.
1. Pyramid of energy is ….
a) Always erect
b) Always inverted
c) Spindle shaped
d) Varies according to ecosystem
2. All are in-situ conservation efforts except ….
a) National parks
b) Sanctuaries
d) Biosphere reserves
3. Heliophytes are ….
a) Light loving plants
b) Shade loving plants
c) Sun loving plants
d) Water loving plants
4. Proteins are synthesized by…..
a) Endoplasmic reticulum
b) Golgi bodies
c) Ribosome
d) Lysosome
5. Gametophyte of Marchantia is ….
a) Haploid
b) Diploid
c) Haploid/Diploid both
d) Polyploid
Group –B
Give short answer to the following questions.
6. Why mitochondria are called power house of cell? Describe the structure &
functions of mitochondria with diagram.
7. Describe the distribution of gymnosperm in Nepal. Mention the two importance of
Define inflorescence. Differentiate between racemose & cymose inflorescence
with example.
8. Explain trophic level. Describe the pyramid of energy in pond ecosystem. (1+3)
9. Explain the role of yeast & lichen in nature.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
Group – C
Give long answer to the following question.
a) Identify the phase of life cycle of fern.
b) From the given figure, Name A and B.
c) Describe gameotophytic structure of fern.
d) Define alternation of generation.
Describe the distinguishing characters of family Liliaceae with floral formula and
floral diagram. Give two economic importance of this family.
a. Identify the part A.
b. What is the role of centromere?
c. Compare the fig. 1 and fig. 2 of given cell division.
d. Mention the significances of Mitosis.
Group – A
Circle the correct one from given alternatives.
1. Miller-Urey proposed a theory in favour of Oparin's hypothesis. In their experiment
besides H2 and HN3, they used two other gases. They are …
a) Oxygen
b) Oxygen and water vapour
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
c) Methane and water vapour
d) H2 and water vapour
2. Human hand, wing of bat and flipper of whale represent:
a) Analogous organ
b) vestigial organ
c) Homologous organ
d) Evolutionary organ
3. One of the following was expert in making tools, weapons and painting:
a) Homo habilis
b) Homo erectus
c) Australopithecus
d) Homo sapiens fossilis
4. Harderians gland is found in the eye of:
a) Rabbit
b) Frog
c) Hare
d) Toad
5. Defence action of Paramecium is shown by:
a) cilia
b) Trichocyst
c) Nematocyst
d) Pellicle
6. Which of the following national park is included in World Heritage Site?
a) Langtang National Park
b) Chitwan National Park
c) Bardiya National Park
d) Rara National Park
Group –B
Give short answer to the following questions.
7. What are pesticides? Describe the hazards due to excessive use of pesticides.
Suggest the control measures also.
8. Define Conjugation. Describe its process in paramecium with labelled diagram.
9. How can pancreas of a frog play an important role in digestion? Explain it in
reference to physiology of intestinal digestion.
Malaria is a very serious health problem in Nepal. Diagnose the malaria along
with its mode of infection and control measures.
10. How does Darwinism explain the theory of organic evolution? Clarify your
Group – C
Give long answer to the following question.
11. How excretion is performed in Earthworm? Explain the structure of septal
nephridia of earthworm with labeled diagram.
Describe the reproductive system of frog with suitable diagram.
12. Differentiate between new world monkey and old world monkey. Enlist the
characteristics of neanderthal man.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
F.M.: 75
Time: 3 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: Biology [Bio. 201]
[Set D]
Attempt all the questions
Group – A
Circle the correct one from given alternatives.
1. Study of inter-relationship between a species and its environment is …..
a) Synecology
b) Autecology
c) Hexicology
d) Ethology
2. Ozone layer in stratosphere is affected by ….
a) Excess carbondioxide
b) Excess CO
c) Low rainfall
d) CFCs
3. Development of bare area without any form of life in succession is called
b) Invasion
c) Co-action
d) None of above
4. Sandwich model of cell membrane was proposed by …
a) Danielli and Davson
b) Robertson
c) Singer and Nicholson
d) Schleiden and Schwann
5. Lichen shows …
a) Commensalism
b) Mycorrhizal relationship
c) Symbiotic relation of algae and fungus
d) Parasitic relationship
Group –B
Give short answer to the following questions (any eight)
6. Define bio-geochemical cycle. Describe the carbon cycle in brief.
7. Explain briefly the vegetation of Nepal
What is binomial nomenclature? Write its merit in classification.
8. Name the different thallus of lichens. Differentiate between ascocpore and
9. What is vital function of nucleus? Differentiate between prokaryotic & eukaryotic
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
Group – C
Give long answer to the following question.
10. Study the figure and answer the following questions.
e) Name the stage of reproduction.
f) What is the role of A, B, C & E?
g) Explain the functions of D.
h) Describe the structure of antheridia and archegonia of Marchantia.
Describe the feature of family Solanaceae with floral formula and floral diagram.
Give economic importance of this family.
11. Why Meiosis is called reductional division? Explain Prophase-I of Meiosis with
necessary diagrams.
Group – A
Circle the correct one from given alternatives.
1. The prebiotic soup was named by …
a) Oparin
b) Oparin and Haldane
c) Haldane
d) Darwin
2. The cranial capacity of peeking man was …
a) 800 cc
b) 900 cc
c) 900 - 1200 cc
d) 1500 cc
3. Allopatric speciation is caused by
a) Temporal isolation
b) Adaptive isolation
c) Geographic isolation
d) Reproductive isolation
4. Blood from back side of frog is collected by …
a) Iliac Vein
b) Dorsolumbar Vein
c) Femeral Vein
d) Sciatic Vein
5. Stage of Plasmodium infective to man & injected into human blood by mosquito is
a) Trophozoite
b) Merozoite
c) Sporozoite
d) Cyst
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
6. The species of plants and animals which are likely to move in the endangered
category in near future if the causal factors continue to be operating are called …
a) Endangered
b) Extinct
c) Vulnerable
d) Threatened
Group –B
Give short answer to the following questions.
7. What is adaptation? Why is adaptation essential for animals? Discuss the
modifications developed by animals for fast running.
8. What is Schizogony? Discuss it with reference to the life cycle of malarial parasite.
9. Name the various digestive glands of Frog and explain the digestion of protein.
With the help of labelled diagram, describe the reproductive system of earthworm.
10. Explain the Modern Theory of evolution and show how a new species is formed
according to this concept.
Group – C
Give long answer to the following question.
11. How digestion is performed in earthworm? Explain the structure of digestive
system with labelled diagram.
Malaria is very common in Terai region. Why? Describe the asexual reproduction
of plasmodium with diagram.
12. Describe Darwin's theory of natural selection. Also point out its drawbacks. (5+3)
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
NEB Model Questions
F.M.: 50
Time: 2 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: Computer Science [Com. 427]
Attempt all the questions
Group A
Multiple Choice Questions
Tick the best alternative.
1. Which one of the following is an input device?
a) Speaker
b) Printer
c) Monitor
2. Which of the following is NOT a bus type?
a) Address Bus b) Data Bus
c) Memory Bus
3. How to represent Boolean F(x,y)=x.y in logic gate?
(9 x 1=9)
d) Mouse
d) Control Bus
4. Which scheduling algorithm allocates the CPU first to the process that requests the
CPU first?
a) First-come, first-served scheduling
b) Shortest job scheduling
c) Priority scheduling
d) Round robin scheduling
5. Which operator is used to start for enter the formula in in Excel cell?
a) $
b) @
c) =
d) +
6. Which looping process checks the test condition at the end of the loop?
a) for
b) while
c ) do-while
d) Nested loop
7. How to insert an image in web page using HTML tag?
a) <img=...>
b ) <img source=...>
c) <img src=...>
d) <img href=..>
8. Which image format is best used for photographs and offers a small file size? (U)
a) PNG
b) GIF
c) BMP
9. Which of following is monitors user activity on internet and transmit that
information in the background to someone else? (U)
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
a) Malware
b) Spyware
c) Adware
d) Virus
Group 'B'
Give short answer to the following questions.
(5 x 5=25)
10. Explain different types of secondary memory of computer system.
Describe the decimal to binary number conversion process with example.
11. What are the functions of operating system? Describe.
12. Define different types of CSS.
Explain the different components of multimedia.
13. Differentiate between the do and while loop.
14. Suggest the prevention methods of cybercrime.
Group 'C'
Give long answer to the following question
(2 x 8=16)
15. Explain computer architecture with block diagram and functions of its
Write a program to input the elements of 4 x 3 matrix and prints its elements
properly using array.
16. Draw AND, OR, XOR and XNOR gates with truth table and logic gates.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
F.M.: 50
Time: 2 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: Computer Science [Com. 427]
[Set A]
Attempt all the questions
Group A
Multiple Choice Questions
1. The first generation of computer use …………... as major technology
a) Vacuum tube
b) Transistor
c) Microprocessor
d) All of above
2. The computers never feel tired and bored to do a same task repeatedly is called …
a. Speed
b) Diligence
c) Word length
d) Accuracy
3. The largest computer on the basis of size is ….
a. Mainframe computer
b) Super computer
c) Mini computer
4. Type specifier used for “integer” is
a. %d
b) d%
c) %s
d) None
5. “\n” is used for ….
a. new line
b) horizontal tab c) vertical tab
d) none of the above
6. A composite variable capable of holding multiple data of same datatype under a
single variable name is called……….
a. Structure
b) Array
c) Pointer
7. Which of the following string handling function is used to find the exact length of
a. Strlen
b) Strcpy
c) Strcmp
d) Strrev
8. The pathway through which transmit of data from one memory location to other
occurs is called ………
a. Address bus
b) Control bus
c) Data bus
9. 1’s complement of 1001……….
a. 0110
b) 1001
c) 0101
Group B
Short Question Answer
10.What is printer? Differentiate between impact and non-impact printer.
Define Octal number system. Convert (5655)8 into equivalent hexadecimal.
11.What is operating system? List some functions of operating system.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
12.What is cyberbullying? Explain some methods to prevent from cybercrime.
13.Explain mobile computing with its advantages and disadvantages.
Explain the characteristics of third generation computer.
14.Explain language translator with its types.
Group C
Long Question Answer
15.WAP to sort 10 integers in ascending order using array.
Explain any four string handling functions with example.
16.Draw a block diagram of computer system and explain each component in details.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
F.M.: 50
Time: 2 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: Computer Science [Com. 427]
[Set B]
Attempt all the questions
Group A
Multiple Choice Questions
1. The third generation of computer use …………...as major technology
a) Vacuum tube
b) Transistor
c) Microprocessor
d) All of above
2. 2’s complement of 1010 is.
a. 0101
b) 1011
c) 1010
d) 0110
3. The number which have base or radix 8 is called ………………
a. Binary number system
b. Octal number system
c. Decimal number system
4. “If anyone the input is TRUE, then it generates TRUE output”, this statement is of
a. OR
b) AND
c) NOT
5. A set of moral principles that regulates the use of computer are called………….
a. Computer ethics
b) Digital divide
c) Cyber law
6. …………………is a tool used for processing and presentation of information in a
more structured and understandable manner using more than one media.
a. Multimedia
b) Media
c) Expert system
7. ……………..is graphical and user friendly.
a. CUI
b) CLI
c) GUI
8. A …………….. is a table value which is arranged in a row and column?
a. Spreadsheet
b) MS-word
c) Power-point
9. Which of the following string handling function is used to compare two strings?
a. Strcmp
b) Strupr
c) Strlwr
d) Strcpy
Group B
Short Question Answer
10.Differentiate between Primary and Secondary Memory.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
Explain multimedia with its applications.
11.What is operating system? Explain features of GUI based operating system.
WAP to calculate Simple Interest using C programming.
12.Explain Digital society and computer ethics.
13.Explain about secondary memory with its types.
Explain the characteristics of first generation computer.
14.Explain language translator with its types.
Group C
Long Question Answer
15.Define programming language. Explain different types programming languages.
Explain AND, OR, NAND and NOR gate with its truth table, gate symbol.
16.WAP to sort 20 integers in descending order using array.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
F.M.: 50
Time: 2 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: Computer Science [Com. 427]
[Set C]
Attempt all the questions
Group A
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of the following string handling function is used to convert the string into
a. Strupr
b) Strlwr
c) Strcpy
d) Strcat
2. 1 Kilobyte is equal to
a. 1024 Byte
b) 1000 Byte
c) 1 bit
d) all of above
3. Fourth generation computer use…………………as main technology.
a. Vacuum tube
b) Transistor
c) Microprocessor d) None of above
4. A …………………is a collection of electronic slides which consists of text,
images, tables, graphics, video and sound which leads both the presenter and the
audience to remember more accurately and uncomplicatedly.
a. Power point presentation b) Excel
c) Microsoft word
5. ………… is a term that refers to the gap between communities that have access to
ICT and who do not.
a. Wired
b) Digital Divide
c) Optical fiber
6. .…………… is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic means?
a. Cyberbullying
b) Crime
c) Hacking
7. …………tag used in HTML to insert table.
a. <head>
b) <body>
c) <table>
8. 1’s complement of 1010 is
a. 0101
b) 1010
c) 0101
9. Which of the following memory is volatile?
a. ROM
b) RAM
c) Hard disk
Group B
Short Question Answer
10.Explain Multiprogramming, Multitasking and multiprocessing.
Subtract (101)2 from (1101)2 using 1’s and 2’s Complement method.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
11.What is system bus? Explain Data bus, address bus and control bus.
Explain Super and mainframe computers.
12.Explain concept of cyber law in Nepal.
13.What is Array? Differentiate between 1-D and 2-D array.
What is printer? Differentiate between impact and non-impact printer.
14.WAP to display largest among three integers using C programming
Group C
Long Question Answer
15.WAP to display largest and smallest number among 10 integers using array.
Explain any four logic gates its truth table, gate symbol.
16.Explain Syntax, semantic and runtime error. WAP to display mathematical table of
5 using C programming.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
KIST College & SS
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
Model Questions
F.M.: 50
Time: 2 hrs
Class – XI
Subject: Computer Science [Com. 427]
[Set D]
Attempt all the questions
Group A
Multiple Choice Questions
1) Which one of the following is an input device?
a) Speaker
b) Printer
c) Monitor
d) Mouse
2) Which of the following is NOT a bus type?
a) Address bus
b) Data bus
c) Memory bus
d) Control
3) The pathway through which transmit of control signal to operate and control
devices and software takes place is called ……
a) Control bus
b) Address bus
4) Which scheduling algorithm allocates the CPU first to the process that requests the
CPU first?
a) First-come, first-served scheduling b) Shortest job scheduling
c) Priority scheduling
d) Round robin scheduling
5) Which operator is used to start for enter the formula in in Excel cell?
a) $
b) @
c) =
d) +
6) Which looping process checks the test condition at the end of the loop?
a) for
b) while
c) do –while
d) Nested loop
7) How to insert an image in web page using HTML tag?
a) <img=...>
b) <img source=...>
c) <img src=...>
d) <img href=..>
8) Which image format is best used for photographs and offers a small file size?
b) GIF
c) BMP
9) Which of following is monitors user activity on internet and transmit that
information in the background to someone else?
b) Spyware
c) Adware
d) Virus
Group B
Short Question Answer
10) Explain different types of system software and application software.
Sample Test Questions (XI Science)
Describe the decimal to binary number conversion process with example.
11) What are the functions of operating system? Describe.
12) Define the component of multimedia.
Explain the different components of multimedia.
13) Differentiate between the do and while loop.
14) Suggest the prevention methods of cybercrime.
Group C
Long Question Answer
15) Explain computer architecture with block diagram and functions of its
Write a program to generate fibonacci series.
16) Draw AND, OR, XOR and XNOR gates with truth table and logic gates.