1-001 Organizational Behavior and Theory in Healthcare Leadership Perspectives and Management Applications Stephen L. Walston Test bank 1. A central aspect of an organization is the coordination of people and resources. *a. True b. False 2. ch01-002 Organizational behavior focuses on the behavior of organizations and how organizations interact with each other. a. True *b. False 3. ch01-003 Organizational theory seeks to explain processes and factors influencing the structure and outcomes of organizations. *a. True b. False 4. ch01-004 Max Weber is known for his writings on bureaucracy and management. *a. True b. False 5. ch01-005 The division of work is also known as the division of labor. *a. True b. False 6. ch01-006 Scientific management was promoted by Henri Fayol. a. True *b. False 7. ch01-007 Organizational theory focuses on organizations as segments of a population of organizations. a. True *b. False 8. ch01-008 Henri Fayol proposed 14 principles of management. *a. True b. False 9. ch01-009 According to Henri Fayol, a scalar chain is the line of authority from top management to the lowest ranks. *a. True b. False 10. ch01-010 The “father of scientific management” was James Dean. a. True *b. False 11. ch01-011 In their theories, Max Weber and Fredrick W. Taylor mostly missed human nature and its effects on work. *a. True b. False 12. ch01-012 Organizations involve which of the following? a. Goals/purposes b. Relationships c. External environments d. Coordination *e. All the above 13. ch01-013 Which of the following is not one of the interactive levels in organizational behavior? *a. Strategy b. Individual c. Organizational d. Group/interpersonal 14. ch01-014 Max Weber and Henri Fayol were which of the following? a. Businessmen in the 1950s who promoted human resource management *b. Early influential writers who helped found many principles of management c. Englishmen who profoundly changed the beliefs in management d. Academics who proposed time and motion studies 15. ch01-015 Which of the following is not one of Henri Fayol’s principles of management? a. Authority and responsibility b. Discipline c. Unity of command *d. Hierarchy of needs 16. ch01-016 Which of the following is not one of Henri Fayol’s five core management functions? a. Planning *b. Executing c. Coordinating d. Controlling 17. ch01-017 Scientific management sought to do which of the following? a. Create greater efficiency b. Use time and motion studies c. Break production processes into small units d. Minimize employee and materials movements *e. All of the above 18. ch01-018 What was a primary reason the Industrial Revolution in the late 1800s motivated the development of organizational behavior and management theory? a. Greater international trade occurred. b. Business schools became organized. *c. New technology created larger factories, requiring better management. d. Frequent depressions created a need for more efficiencies.