VALMORIA, JANICA V. BSCHEM-2A Organic Chemistry 1 Laboratory Report DISTILLATION Distillation is a way of purifying liquids. It can separate the elements or components of any mixture when they have a different boiling points. (Libretexts, 2022) For our first laboratory experiment, we were tasked with distillation of alcoholic drinks. We used Tanduay for this experiment. Before we proceed to distillation process, we prepared the apparatus first that was used in the experiment. We borrowed an iron stand, rubber stopper, cork, clamp, tripod, Bunsen burner, thermometer, wire gauze, distilling flask, condenser, Erlenmeyer flask, water inlet and outlet, and water pump. After washing and air drying the materials, we started setting up the distillation apparatus. We used the iron stand together with the tripod and wire gauze to put the distilling flask. Then, when the distilling flask got stable, we started to put the side arm of the distilling flask into the condenser, we make sure that the sidearm would not touch the condenser’s surface. And then, we put the water inlet and outlet in their designated places in the condenser. Also, we used another ring stand for the condenser. After that, instead of Erlenmeyer flask, we used a volumetric flask as a receiving flask for our distillate. For our water inlet and outlet, we got a container that was filled with cold water, and a water pump. The water inlet and outlet were then soaked in the container. After making sure that the distillation apparatus was set up and ready, we started to turn on the water pump. It is recommended to start the flow of cold water through the condenser and fill it with cold water before heating the distillation flask. It would help to make sure that the condenser was already at a low temperature when the vapors started to enter. When the condenser was already filled with cold water, we started to assemble the Bunsen burner. In our case, the Bunsen burner was a little far from the bottom of the distilling flask. So, we decided to put the Bunsen burner in the stand of the iron stand. When the Bunsen burner was already set up, we started to put the alcoholic drink into the distilling flask. We use s funnel to make sure that the alcoholic drink will not go to the side arm of the distilling flask and condenser. After transferring the alcoholic drink, we put the thermometer on the rubber stopper located in the long neck of the flask. Sad to say, the first problem in our experiment was the rubber stopper. The thermometer did not fit in the rubber stopper. So, we fixed it the DIY way. After fixing the rubber stopper, we make sure that the thermometer is placed just above the surface of the alcoholic drink being distilled. The second problem in our experiment was the Bunsen burner. When everything was already set, we started to turn on the gas and light the Bunsen burner. But the Bunsen burner was only on the low flame. We thought that the problem was the gas, so we tried to change the gas tank, but the flame was still the same. We concluded that the problem was the Bunsen burner. We started the distillation after everything was set. The first drop of the distillate was at the temperature of 76◦C. We decided to record the temperature every 2 minutes. In the first 2 minutes after the first drop, the temperature was at the 78◦C. We wondered why at the temperature of 78◦C the alcoholic drink was still not boiling when supposedly its boiling point was at 78◦C. Our laboratory instructor concluded that it was because of the low flame. We continued the distillation despite having a problem with the Bunsen burner. While waiting for it to boil, our instructor taught us on how to calibrate refractometer, a device used to measure the alcohol content. We tried calibrating first the distilled water in the refractometer. We noticed that there was a light in the refractometer, and after the light, it showed the result. And then we wipe it with a special tissue that will not damage the refractometer. After we tried the refractometer, we went back to our distillation. After how many minutes of distilling the Tanduay, the temperature was only at 79◦C. So, we just end the experiment because we are already running out of time. We collected just the right amount of distillate for the flammable test. The fire takes a long time to burn out, it takes almost 2 minutes before it was totally burned out. After that, the excess of the distillate was tested in the refractometer to measure its alcohol content. In conclusion, even though our experiment was not successful it brought us a lot of knowledge, especially in setting up the distillation apparatus. We face many problems in some of the materials, but we manage to find ways for it to be resolved. We didn’t even see how distillation really works but the important was the knowledge and experience we got in this experiment. Reference: Libretexts. (2022, April 7). 5: distillation. Chemistry LibreTexts. chniques_(Nichols)/05%3A_Distillation