RESEARCH QUESTIONNAIRE Dear respondent, I am a student at MOI University pursuing a Master's Degree in Executive Masters in Business Administration (Aviation option), in collaboration with the East African School of Aviation (EASA). As part of my academic requirement, I am carrying out research on the topic “The Influence Of Organizational Culture On The Implementation And Effectiveness Of Quality Management Systems In Uganda's Aviation Industry “A Case Study Of Approved Training Organizations (ATO) You have been purposively selected as a valuable source of information, as your responses will provide crucial insights for this study. The aim of this research is purely academic, and all the information you provide will be treated confidentially and anonymously. Please take your time to carefully answer the questions provided below. Your honest responses are vital for the success of this study. Thank you for your cooperation. SECTION A: BACKGROUND INFORMATION In this section, please provide brief background information about yourself and your position in the organization. 1. Sex: Male Female 2. Level of academic qualification Certificate Degree Diploma Masters and above Others, please specify: _______________ 3. Years worked in the organization: 0-5 years 6-10 years 10 years and above SECTION B: LEADERSHIP STYLES AND QMS IMPLEMENTATION Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements regarding leadership styles and their influence on QMS implementation at your institution. Use the following scale: 1 = Strongly Disagree (S.D) 2 = Disagree (D) 3 = Neutral (N) 4 = Agree (A) 5 = Strongly Agree (S.A) Statement 1 2 3 4 Leadership promotes a culture of continuous improvement Leaders actively involve employees in decision-making Leadership ensures clear communication of QMS goals Leaders set an example by adhering to QMS standards Leadership supports QMS training and development programs How do leadership styles contribute to the implementation of QMS at your institution? SECTION C: EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT AND QMS SUCCESS 5 Please respond to the following statements regarding employee engagement and its role in QMS success using the same scale. Statement 1 2 3 4 5 Employees are motivated to actively participate in QMS activities Employee feedback is actively sought and considered in QMS decisionmaking The engagement of employees leads to improved QMS performance Employees understand the benefits of QMS adoption Employees are provided with training to effectively contribute to QMS There is a strong sense of ownership among employees towards the success of QMS How does employee engagement impact the success of QMS at your institution? SECTION D: SHARED ORGANIZATIONAL VALUES AND QMS PERFORMANCE Indicate your level of agreement with the following statements regarding shared organizational values and their influence on QMS performance. Statement 1 2 3 4 5 We have a clear set of shared organizational values that guide our actions Our shared values encourage collaboration and teamwork The organization’s values are reflected in the quality of service provided Employees are committed to the organization’s values, especially in quality processes How do shared organizational values contribute to the performance of QMS at your institution? SECTION E: INNOVATION, COLLABORATION, AND QMS EFFECTIVENESS In this section, please respond to the following statements regarding the role of innovation and collaboration in the effectiveness of QMS. Statement 1 2 3 4 5 There is a strong focus on innovation in our organization Our institution encourages collaboration among staff Employees feel empowered to propose innovative solutions for quality improvements There are regular team meetings to enhance collaboration and problemsolving Innovation is an essential part of our training programs How does innovation and collaboration influence the effectiveness of QMS at your institution? SECTION F: GENERAL ASSESSMENT OF QMS IMPLEMENTATION AND EFFECTIVENESS This section evaluates the overall implementation and effectiveness of QMS in your institution. Please rate your agreement with the following statements. Statement Leadership effectively supports QMS implementation Employees are actively engaged in QMS processes QMS documentation is well-organized and accessible 1 2 3 4 5 Adequate training on QMS is provided to staff There is regular monitoring and evaluation of QMS How would you rate the overall effectiveness of QMS in improving training quality, safety standards, and operational efficiency at your institution? Thank you for your valuable time and input. Your responses are instrumental in providing insights into the role of organizational culture in the successful implementation and effectiveness of QMS in aviation training institutions.