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Quran and Science: Verses & Scientific Facts

Quran and Science
Nadeem Satti
February 2024
Quranic verses with scientific facts
The Quran describes the development of the human embryo in remarkable detail,
including references to the creation of humans from a ”drop of fluid,” the stages
of embryonic development, and the development of bones and muscles (Quran
23:13-14, 75:37-39).
Mountains as Pegs
The Quran describes mountains as being firmly anchored in the Earth, which
is consistent with modern geological understanding that mountains have deep
roots beneath the surface (Quran 78:6-7).
Expansion of the Universe
The Quran mentions the expanding nature of the universe, which is a concept
that aligns with modern cosmological theories such as the Big Bang theory
(Quran 51:47).
Water Cycle
The Quran describes the water cycle, including the process of evaporation, cloud
formation, and rainfall, in a way that is consistent with modern hydrological
science (Quran 30:48, 35:9).
Orbit of the Sun and Moon
The Quran mentions the orbits of the Sun and Moon, indicating that they each
have their own distinct paths (Quran 21:33, 36:40).
Creation from Dust
The Quran describes humans as being created from dust (Quran 30:20), which
is consistent with the fact that the chemical elements in the human body are
found in the Earth’s crust.
Iron’s Origin
The Quran mentions that iron was sent down to Earth from outer space, which
aligns with the scientific understanding that heavy elements like iron are formed
in the cores of stars through nuclear fusion and are scattered into space when
stars explode (Quran 57:25).
The Quran describes the uniqueness of fingerprints, stating that they are a sign
of Allah’s creation, which is consistent with modern forensic science’s understanding of fingerprints as unique identifiers (Quran 75:3-4).
The Quran mentions the existence of barriers between bodies of water that
prevent them from mixing, which is consistent with modern oceanography’s
understanding of stratification and salinity barriers in oceans and seas (Quran
Bee Behavior
The Quran describes the behavior of bees and their production of honey, highlighting the miraculous nature of this process, which aligns with modern scientific understanding of bee behavior and honey production (Quran 16:68-69).
Creation in Pairs
The Quran mentions that all living things are created in pairs, which can be understood in the context of genetics and sexual reproduction, where most species
reproduce through the combination of genetic material from two individuals
(Quran 51:49).
Heavenly Orbits
The Quran mentions the orbits of celestial bodies, such as the Sun and Moon, in
a way that suggests their controlled and precise movements, which is consistent
with modern astronomical understanding of celestial mechanics (Quran 21:33).
Cloud Formation and Rain
The Quran describes the process of cloud formation and the role of clouds in
bringing rain to the Earth, which aligns with modern meteorological understanding of the water cycle (Quran 24:43).
Creation from Water
The Quran mentions that all living things are created from water, which is
consistent with modern biological understanding of the importance of water for
life (Quran 21:30).
Expansion of the Universe
The Quran describes the universe as being in a state of expansion, which is consistent with modern cosmological theories such as the Big Bang theory (Quran
Darkness in the Depths of the Oceans
The Quran mentions the darkness in the depths of the oceans, which is consistent
with the fact that light penetration decreases with depth in the oceans (Quran
Heavenly Bodies and Orbits
The Quran mentions the orbits of celestial bodies and their movements in a
precise and controlled manner, which is consistent with modern astronomical
understanding of celestial mechanics (Quran 36:40).
The Sun’s Path
The Quran mentions the Sun’s path and its movement in a fixed orbit, which
is consistent with the fact that the Earth orbits the Sun, giving the appearance
of the Sun moving along a path in the sky (Quran 36:38).
Creation of the Universe
The Quran describes the creation of the universe in six ”days” or stages, which
can be understood as representing different epochs or periods in the development
of the universe, consistent with the Big Bang theory and the concept of cosmic
evolution (Quran 7:54).
The Earth’s Spherical Shape
The Quran describes the Earth’s shape as being round or spherical, which is
consistent with modern scientific understanding of the Earth’s shape (Quran
The Barrier Between Saltwater and Freshwater
The Quran mentions the existence of a barrier between saltwater and freshwater bodies, which is consistent with modern hydrological understanding of the
interface between different bodies of water (Quran 25:53).
The Role of Mountains in Earth’s Stability
The Quran describes mountains as pegs or stabilizers for the Earth, which is
consistent with modern geological understanding of the role of mountains in
stabilizing the Earth’s crust (Quran 78:6-7).
The Human Body’s Creation
The Quran describes the creation of humans from a ”drop of fluid,” which is consistent with modern biological understanding of human embryonic development
(Quran 16:4).
The Role of Iron
The Quran mentions the use of iron in various contexts and describes it as having beneficial properties for humans, which is consistent with modern scientific
understanding of the importance of iron in human physiology (Quran 57:25).
The Formation of Stars and Planets
The Quran mentions the formation of stars and planets from swirling dust
clouds, which is consistent with modern astronomical understanding of star
and planet formation (Quran 21:33).
The Honeybee’s Communication
The Quran describes the honeybee’s ability to communicate with other bees
about the location of food sources, which is consistent with modern scientific
understanding of the honeybee’s waggle dance (Quran 16:68-69).
The Role of Winds in Pollination
The Quran mentions the role of winds in pollinating plants, which is consistent
with modern scientific understanding of wind pollination in certain plant species
(Quran 15:22).
The Benefits of Plants
The Benefits of Plants: The Quran describes the benefits of plants for humans
and animals, including their use as food and medicine, which is consistent with
modern scientific understanding of the medicinal properties of plants (Quran
The Water’s Role in Plant Growth
The Quran mentions the role of water in the growth of plants and vegetation,
which is consistent with modern agricultural understanding of the importance
of water for plant growth (Quran 50:9-11).
The Human Brain and Heart
The Quran mentions the human brain and heart as being sources of understanding and wisdom, which is consistent with modern scientific understanding of the
functions of the brain and heart in cognition and emotion (Quran 2:197).
The Source of Iron
The Quran mentions that iron is ”sent down” or brought to Earth from outer
space, which is consistent with the scientific understanding that elements like
iron are formed in the cores of stars and are released into space when these stars
explode (Quran 57:25).
The Creation of Living Beings from Water
The Quran mentions that all living beings are created from water, which is
consistent with modern biological understanding of the importance of water for
life (Quran 21:30).
The Concept of Time
The Quran mentions the relativity of time, stating that a day in the sight of
Allah is like a thousand years of human reckoning, which is consistent with the
theory of relativity in physics (Quran 22:47).
The Earth’s Rotation
The Quran mentions that the Earth rotates around its axis, causing the alternation of day and night, which is consistent with modern astronomical understanding of the Earth’s rotation (Quran 39:5).
The Formation of Clouds
The Quran describes the formation of clouds and the process of rain falling
from them, which is consistent with modern meteorological understanding of
the water cycle (Quran 24:43).
Expansion of the Universe
The Quran describes the universe as expanding, which is consistent with modern
cosmological theories such as the Big Bang theory (Quran 51:47).
The Function of the Brain
The Quran mentions the brain as the center of understanding and decisionmaking, which is consistent with modern scientific understanding of the brain’s
role in cognition and behavior (Quran 2:197).
The Importance of Sleep
The Quran describes sleep as a means of rest and rejuvenation for humans,
which is consistent with modern scientific understanding of the physiological
and psychological benefits of sleep (Quran 78:9-10).
The Preservation of the Earth’s Atmosphere
The Quran mentions the role of the sky in protecting the Earth’s atmosphere,
which is consistent with modern scientific understanding of the Earth’s atmosphere as a protective layer that shields the planet from harmful radiation
(Quran 21:32).
The Creation of Everything in Pairs
The Quran mentions that all things are created in pairs, which can be understood in the context of modern biology, where many species reproduce sexually,
requiring male and female individuals (Quran 51:49).
The Existence of Microbes
While not explicitly mentioned in the Quran, some scholars interpret verses that
mention the unseen and hidden aspects of creation as alluding to the existence
of microbes and other microscopic organisms, which were unknown at the time
of the Quran’s revelation.