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10 Must-Read Marketing Books for Fast Fortune

That’ll Make
You A
Kelvin Dorsey
Marketing Books That’ll Make You A Fast-Fat-Fortune!
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© Kelvin Dorsey Marketing 2015 | All rights reserved
"I don't fear the man that knows
1000 kicks. I fear the man who has
practiced one kick 1,000 times".
Bruce Lee
I doth do relish a good quote.
And this one's an all-time favourite.
What does that quote say to you?
Here's what it tells me:
To have real impact, you must specialise instead of
It speaks to me about "mastery".
You see, Bruce Lee was saying a dude that comes to
attack him that knows 1,000 kicks will make little
to no impact.
No need to be alarmed.
He's no threat.
Just a nuisance.
But a guy who's practiced one kick 1,000 times, now
that's a dangerous man.
Because he posses mastery.
Marketing Books That’ll Make You A Fast-Fat-Fortune!
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© Kelvin Dorsey Marketing 2015 | All rights reserved
Mastery brings with it impact.
Mastery is power.
In every sense of the word.
But very few posses it.
Verily, verily I say unto you....
....If you truly want to make the big bucks with your
business, you must master sales and marketing.
And if you're an internet marketer, here's what you
should master:
Direct Marketing.
Study the great copywriters in the direct marketing
The likes of Gary Benceivenga, John Carlton, Joe
Sugarman, John Caples, Gary Halbert.
These guys were masterful salesmen.
And as marketers, they were savvy as hell.
If you truly wanna increase sales in your business,
don't be a "1000 kicks guy".
No -Suh!
Be the guy that's mastered just one.
Here's what I'm sloppily tryin' to say here:
When it comes to mastering sales and marketing, don't
do what everybody else does. Which is to go to Amazon
Marketing Books That’ll Make You A Fast-Fat-Fortune!
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© Kelvin Dorsey Marketing 2015 | All rights reserved
and buy every book they can find on sales and marketing
that has more than a 3 star rating.
That, my friend is a "1,000 kick approach" if ever I've
seen it.
Heed the words of Earl Nightingale who crooned:
"If you want to be successful in life,
just look at what everybody else is
doing, then do the exact opposite"
Earl Nightingale
Look, I'm not saying don't buy sales and marketing
books on Amazon.
I'm saying....
.....It's not about how many books on sales and
marketing you've read, it's how many times have you
read the very, very few classics.
Let me put this in plain, blunt verse for you:
Don't read 100 books on sales and marketing.
Read the "10 classics" over and over and over again.
But oh-so hard to do.
Cuz we all like "new", right?
New books are exciting.
Marketing Books That’ll Make You A Fast-Fat-Fortune!
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© Kelvin Dorsey Marketing 2015 | All rights reserved
I get it, the struggle is real.
I get a "dopamine rush" every time a buy a new book on
It's almost like "digital crack".
But I digress.
The "1,000 kick" type person is constantly searching
for the latest and greatest 'new thang' like Sherlock
Holmes with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
But this is what I know Bubba:
I have learnt 80% of everything I know from just a
handful of books...... that I keep going back to time
and time and time again.
I study them.
Absorb them.
Ponder them.
Write out by hand
I wanna get the information from these few valuable
books to seep deep into my "marketing bones".
It's called mastering your craft.
When it gets deep enough, you'll subconsciously apply
the information in all your sales and marketing
Here's a quote right outta "The Good Book" that backs
up what I'm layin' down here:
Marketing Books That’ll Make You A Fast-Fat-Fortune!
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© Kelvin Dorsey Marketing 2015 | All rights reserved
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a
workman that needeth not be ashamed"
2 Timothy 2:15
Yup.... ol' Timmy boy knew this:
If you don't want any shame to ya game, then STUDY YO!
You know, of all the great people I study, they all
posses a common trait.
And that is this:
They love the "fundamentals" in their field of
And they master them.
But the average person loves something else.
The average person loves the "flash" and the "pizzazz".
They want the lights, camera and action without doing
the work.
They think the "fundamentals" are for beginners.
Harken Unto Me.....
....you've gotta love the basic fundamentals more than
sharks love the smell of blood.
Marketing Books That’ll Make You A Fast-Fat-Fortune!
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© Kelvin Dorsey Marketing 2015 | All rights reserved
I could finish this here, but this concept is sooo
important, I wanna drive this concept home right into
your living room chair.
Maybe you'll listen to a guy who used to be a "not too
shabby" basketball player.
I speaketh of the great Michael Jordan.
Here's what MJ said about mastering the fundamentals:
"The minute you get away from the
fundamentals, the bottom can fall out of your
game or whatever you're doing. Stick to the
fundamentals and don't get lost in the details.
If you think you're beyond doing the basics,
then you will not be rewarded".
Michael Jordan
Ok, I'm gonna wrap this puppy up.
What was that you just said?
You wanna know what the handful of books are that you
should study (read over and over and over) to become a
master marketer and salesperson?
Marketing Books That’ll Make You A Fast-Fat-Fortune!
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© Kelvin Dorsey Marketing 2015 | All rights reserved
....here's the 10 books that if you study....will
make you the "Obi Wan Kenobi" of your industry.
Marketing Books That’ll Make You A Fast-Fat-Fortune!
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© Kelvin Dorsey Marketing 2015 | All rights reserved
Here Dem bookz I promised:
(1) The Boron Letters | Gary Halbert
(2) Scientific Advertising | Claude Hopkins
(3) Letter Book | Robert Collier
(4) Breakthrough Advertising | Eugene Schwartz
(5) Tested Advertising Methods | John Caples
(6) How To Write a Good Advertisement | Victor
O Schwab
(7) The Ultimate Sales Letter | Dan Kennedy
(8) Hypnotic Writing | Joe Vitale
(9) Kick Ass Copywriting Secrets Of
A Marketing Rebel | John Carlton
(10) Triggers | Joe Sugarman
Marketing Books That’ll Make You A Fast-Fat-Fortune!
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© Kelvin Dorsey Marketing 2015 | All rights reserved
In a world full of ADHD riddled people, mastery is
being achieved by fewer and fewer people than ever
Don't be one of them.
Hunt down this books and read 'em over and over again.
If you do....
...it won't be long before you start sticking out like
a turd in a punchbowl.
Cuz in a world full of mediocrity, mastery stands out.
Word out.
Kelvin Dorsey
Kelvin Dorsey
Marketing Books That’ll Make You A Fast-Fat-Fortune!
10 10
© Kelvin Dorsey Marketing 2015 | All rights reserved