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School Deportment & Discipline Policies

Pursuant to the 1987 Constitution, the State shall defend the right of children to assistance,
including proper care and nutrition and special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse,
cruelty, exploitation, and other conditions prejudicial to their development.
Every school shall maintain discipline inside the campus as well as outside the school
premises when students are engaged in activities authorized by the school as stated in D.O.
No. 92, s. 1992, Section 1. Authority to maintain school discipline.
And in response to this mandate, this school hereby implements the following rules and
A. Attendance and Punctuality
Regulating pf attendance and punctuality are required in all classes. A student who has
been absent or has cut classes is required to present a letter of explanation from his/her
parents or guardian or to bring them to school for a short conference with the section adviser
or guidance counselor as the case may be.
Attendance of students in special holidays, activities relative to their religion, e.g.
Ramadan, shall be allowed provided permission of the school head is sought.
1. Absences. Any student who incurs absences of more than 20% of the prescribed
number of classes or laboratory periods during the school year should be given a failing
grade. Furthermore, the school head may, at his/her discretion, and in the individual case,
exempt a student who exceeds twenty percent limit for reasons considered valid and
acceptable to the school. Such discretion shall not excuse the student concerned from
responsibility in keeping up the lesson assignments and taking examinations where
2. Habitual Tardiness
Habitual tardiness especially during the first period in the morning and in the
afternoon shall not be allowed. Students must attend the flag ceremony at 7:00 am, classes in
the afternoon starts at 1:00 pm. Three (3) times record of tardiness is considered a minor
offense and calls for a disciplinary action.
Teachers concerned shall call for the parents of the student concerned or visit him at home.
B. Proper School Attire
Proper school attire is encouraged among all students for purposes of decency and
equality. Suggested attire for the boys is white polo, black pants and black shoes with socks
while the girls are suggested to wear white blouse with necktie, golden checkered skirt and
black shoes with socks. Grades 7, 8, 11 & 12 (who had already given free id’s) are required
to wear the official school ID.
C. Hair, Haircut and Grooming
The acceptable haircut for the boys shall be at least one (1) inch above the ear and three (3)
inches above the collar line and bangs not fall than the eyebrow. Headbands and earrings are
not allowed for the boys. Hair color, lipstick, colored nail polished, make-up and tattoos are
not allowed for both boys and girls.
D. School Entrance and Campus Security
Only bonafide students of the school shall be allowed inside the campus. No
visitors shall be allowed inside the campus during school hours except for valid reasons.
They shall be required to sign the logbook of the security service. Teachers shall confer with
parents/guardians or entertain visitors during their off period.
No students are permitted to be in school premises after school hours/days unless
a responsible teacher is present.
E. Use of Electronic Device
Students are prohibited from bringing and using electronic devices such as cellular
phones, music players, tablets, laptops and the like during class hour. In case of the need to
use in school activities, the concerned teacher must seek the approval of the school head and
submit a letter of request. The electronic device will then be collected by the teacher after the
school activity and will be returned to the students after school hours.
Any confiscated electronic gadget will be kept in school safety locker and will be
returned on the second week of April after the current School Year.
F. Others:
1. Flag Ceremony
Prompt in responding on the signal of the bell. The bell rings at 7:00 A.M for
the flag ceremony everyday. The students must proceed to the assembly area orderly and
quietly. They must participate in the prayer, sing the National Anthem-Lupang Hinirang,
Awit ng Rehiyon III, Marcha Zambaleña and Cabangan March properly and with dignity.
Recite the pledge- Panunumpa sa Watawat ng Pilipinas correctly as befitting true Filipino
Students who come late should have a separate attendance and stop if/when
flag ceremony is going on. Listen to the announcement attentively. After the flag ceremony,
go to the classroom quietly and orderly.
2. In the Classroom
Respect every teacher and fellow students and everything in the classroom that
belongs to your school, to your teacher and to your fellow students. Ask permission if you
wish to use anybody’s belonging.
Observe silence, obedience and punctuality and attend regularly in every
subject. The students must help their advisers in maintaining cleanliness and orderliness in
the classroom.
3. During the Examination
Take the examination with honestly. Observe silence, avoid walking around
or disturbing others in any way.
4. Inside the Campus
*Respect, obey and recognize all persons in authority.
*Respect, courtesy, justice and charity should be observed in dealing with
fellow students, classmates and other people regardless of position or social status.
Bringing and reading of pornographic materials in any form are prohibited.
Smoking and gambling are strictly prohibited
In every activity involvement of the students requires a permission or
approval of the Principal
Textmate relationship between teachers and students are not allowed.
Official contact number of the Office is limited to business transaction of
the school.
In the canteen, students are encouraged to be courteous to the canteen
personnel and to observe good eating habits. Recess time is only from
09:20-09:40 am.
Use properly the comfort rooms and lavatories, keep them clean for the
next user and conserve water.
Students are not allowed to enter the faculty room unless authorized by
any member of the school staff.
No students are allowed to stay in the guard house.
5. In the library
Observe silence and orderliness.
Eating, sleeping, and littering inside the library are strictly prohibited.
If need an assistance, ask the librarian politely.
6. In assemblies, programs, or activities
Be on time and participate actively in every school assemblies and
7. Parent’s involvement
Parents are encouraged to participate in all school activities in order for them to
know the progress of their children.
*Bullying is not allowed and therefore not tolerated in this institution.
*Use school buildings and grounds with care, during PE and MAPEH
subjects and other school activities.
*Avoid littering, vandalism in any form or destroying any school property with malice
including plants and gardens.
Parents-Teacher Association is established to support student learning and help the
school in the different projects that are very useful in the attainment of a more conducive
learning area for the students and teachers’ success.
As indicated in Presidential Decree No. 603, Art. 46, No. 3,6 & 8, Parents shall give
affection, love and understanding to their children; supervise their activities, including
recreation, advise him properly on any matter affecting his development and well-being.
D. Code of Discipline
( D.O. No. 92, s. 1992 – Authority to maintain school discipline)
Minor Offenses:
General Rules
Schools’ Child Protection Committee, school officials and teachers shall
have the right to impose disciplinary measures in cases of minor offenses.
However, no physical harmful punishment shall be imposed on any
The school shall maintain discipline in and off campus when students are
involved in activities authorized by the school. Disciplinary actions arising
from alleged violations of school rules shall be given due to course in
accordance with the provisions of the section.
The school maintains a designated Guidance Counselor/Youth Formation
Coordinator to handle students involved in misdemeanor, not as body to
impose punishment to offenders but to provide guidance among the
involved students.
1. irregularities; frequent tardiness; absenteeism; loitering/cutting classes
2. Loud conversation and boisterous laughter in area designated for silence
3. Quarrels among classmates like shouting, taunting/extreme teasing
4. Tampering or using other students’ ID
5. Improper haircut and hair dying
6. Wearing of earrings, ring with spires and belt with big buckles
7. Wearing of multi-earrings, make-up, lipstick and hair dye
8. Roaming around the school and not participating during school
9. Cheating in any form during examination
B. Initial Interview
The Schools’ Child Protection Committee shall inform the students of the
nature of misconduct or offense committed and the policies and regulation
of the school which have been violated.
Explain to the students the procedure to be followed in the investigation of
the case.
C. Disposition for Ordinary Disciplinary Cases
10. Strictly no cellphone inside the campus. When confiscated, cellphone will be
claimed by parent/guardian on the 2nd week of April within the current school year.
Major Offenses:
1. Bullying, abusive behavior or discourtesy towards the teacher, any school
authority, his representative, student, and any member of the staff
2. Vandalism and gambling in any form
If and when the case can be treated as an ordinary matter, the Class
Adviser shall impose the following:
A. Parent conference of the involved students
B. Warning the students that continuous violation of similar offense shall
merit further disciplinary action.
C. Reimbursement/Replacement of school property in case of damages,
3. Smoking and drinking any form of intoxicating liquor and/or coming to school
4. Possessing, using, taking, selling prohibited drugs.
5. Possession of pornographic materials and any kind of deadly weapons
6. Stealing. Theft or damage to other’s property.
7. Destroying school property including gardens
8. Joining fraternity and sorority
9. Forgery or any form of fraudulent acts
10. Boycotting Classes.
11. Extortion or asking money from others
12. Fighting, inflicting, or causing injury to others.
13. Instigating, leading, or participating in concerted activities leading to stoppage
of classes.
14. Preventing or threatening students or faculty members or school authorities
from discharging their duties or from attending classes or entering school premises.
15. Frequent disobedience to school rules and regulations.
(D.O. No. 40, s. 2012)
Department of Education in collaboration with its partners and stakeholders, shall ensure that
all schools are conducive to the education of children. Thus, it is mandated that all
appropriate measures be undertaken to ensure that school discipline is administered in a
manner consistent with the child’s human dignity and with conformity with the Convention
on the Rights of a Child (CRC) in protecting children from all forms of physical or mental
violence, injury and abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment, and exploitation,
including sexual abuse.
Duties and Responsibilities of Pupils, Students and Learners
Pupils, students and learners shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
C. Respect another person’s right regardless of opinion, status, gender, ethnicity, religion as
well as everyone’s moral physical integrity; and
D. Observe the Code of Conduct for pupils, students and learners.
Other serious acts of violence or abuse committed by a pupil, students or learner
upon another pupil, student or learner of the same school, shall, and whenever appropriate,
be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act 9344 and its implementing
Rules and Regulations.
A. Comply with the school’s rules and regulations, as long as they are in harmony with their
best interests. Pupils, students and learners shall refrain from:
1. Engaging in discrimination or leading a group of pupils or students to discriminate
another with reference to one’s physical appearance, weakness and status of any sort.
2. Doing any act that is inappropriate or sexually provocative.
The following acts, as defined in Section 3 of this Order, are hereby prohibited and
shall be penalized in administrative proceedings as Grave or Simple Misconduct depending
on the gravity of the act and its consequences, under existing laws, rules and regulations:
3. Participating in behavior of other students that are illegal, unsafe or abusive.
4. Marking or damaging school property including books, in any way.
1. Child Abuse
5. Engaging in fights or any aggressive behavior.
2. Discrimination against children
6. Introducing into the school promises or otherwise possessing prohibited articles such as
deadly weapons, drugs, alcohol, toxic and noxious substances, cigarettes and pornographic
material; and
3. Child exploitation.
7. Performing other similar acts that cause damage or injury to other.
4. Violence against children in school.
5. Corporal punishment.
6. Any analogous or similar acts.
All allegations that any of these acts has been committed shall not be used to curtail the
child’s basic rights or interpreted to defeat the objectives of this Order.
B. Conduct themselves in accordance with their levels of development, maturity, and
demonstrated capabilities, with a proper regard for the rights and welfare of the other
Bullying or Peer Abuse refers is a willful aggressive behavior that is directed, towards a particular
victim who may out-numbered, younger, weak, with disability, less confident, or otherwise
vulnerable (D.O No. 42, s. 2012).
Bullying includes actions such as making threat, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or
verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. The following are forms of bullying:
Inappropriate sexual comments
Threatening to cause harm
Social bullying, sometimes referred to as relational bullying, involves hurting someone’s
reputation or relationships. Social bullying includes:
Leaving someone out on purpose
Telling other children not to be friends with someone
Spreading rumors about someone
Embarrassing someone in public
“Cyber bullying”- which is done through the use of technology or any electronic means
Physical bullying involves hurting a person’s body or possessions. Physical bullying
Taking or breaking someone’s things
Making mean or rude hand gestures
Anti-bullying Act of 2013 (Republic Act no. 10627 s. 2013)
Adoption of Anti-Bullying Policies (Rule III, Section IV)
All public and private kindergarten, elementary and secondary schools shall adopt policies to
address the existence of bullying in their respective institutions. Such policies be regularly
updated and, at a minimum, shall include provisions on.
Prohibited acts, prevention and intervention programs, mechanisms, and procedures.
PROHIBITED ACTS (Rule IV, Section 5)
Consistent with Section 3 of the Act, the anti-bullying policy shall prohibit:
1. Bullying at the following:
A. School grounds;
B. Property immediately adjacent to school grounds;
C. School-sponsored or school related activities, functions or programs
whether on or off school grounds;
D. School bus stops;
E. School buses or other vehicles owned, leased or used by a school;
F. School buses or school services privately-owned but accredited by the
2. Bullying through the use of technology (“cyberbullying”) or an electronic device
or other forms of media owned, leased or used by a school.
3. Bullying at a location, activity, function or program that is not school related and
through the use of technology or an electronic device or other forms of media that is
not owned, leased or used by school; and.
4. Retaliation against a person who reports bullying, who provides information
during an investigation of bullying, or who is a witness to or has a reliable
information about bullying.
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Students (Rule VI, Section 8.6)
Students shall:
1. Participate and cooperate in all prevention, intervention and other measures related to
bullying implemented by the school.
2. Avoid or refrain from any act of bullying.
3. Intervene to protect the victim, unless it will jeopardize his safety and security; and
4. Report to school authorities any incident of bullying.
In all cases where the imposable penalty on the offending child is suspension,
exclusion or expulsion, the following minimum requirements of due process shall be
complied with (Section 12, DO No. 40 s, 2012)
1. The child and the parents or guardians must be informed of the complaint in
2. The child shall be given the opportunity to answer the complaint in writing, with
the assistance of the parents or the guardian.
3. The decision of the school head must be in writing, stating the facts and the
reasons for the decisions.
4. The decision of the school head maybe appealed, as provided in existing rules of
the Department.
If bullying incidents results in serious physical injuries or death, whenever
appropriate the case shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of
Republic Act 9344 or the “Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act” and its implementing
Rules and Regulations.
Name: ________________________________________________
Date of Birth: _____________ Age: _________ Gender: ________
Grade/Section: _________________ Adviser: ________________
B. Parents:
Mother: _______________________________ Age: ___________
Occupation: ____________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________
Father: ________________________________ Age: ___________
Occupation: _____________________________ Age: ___________
Address: & Contact Number: _______________________________
Name: _______________________________________________
Relationship to Victim: _________________________________
Address: & Contact Number: _____________________________
C-1. If respondent is a School Personnel
Name: _______________________________________________
Date of Birth: ________________ Age: ___________ Gender: ____
Address: & Contact Number: _______________________________
C-2 If respondent a student
Name: _______________________________________________
Date of Birth: ________________ Age: _________ Gender: _____
Grade/Section: ________________ Adviser: __________________
Mother: ___________________________________ Age: ________
Occupation: _____________________________________________
Address: & Contact Number: ________________________________________
Father: _____________________________________ Age: _______________
Occupation: _____________________________________________________
Address: & Contact Number: _______________________________________
Name: _________________________________________________________
(Middle Name)
Grade/Year and Section: ______________________ LRN: ________________
Date of Birth: _____________________ Place of birth: ___________________
Gender: M ___ F ____ Birth Order Among Siblings: _____________________
Permanent Address: ________________________________________________
Present Address: ___________________________________________________
Religion: _____________________
Name of father: ___________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
Contact Number: ___________________________
Name of Mother: _________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
Contact Number: ____________________________
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
Guardian (if not living with parent) ___________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
Contact Number: _____________________________
Person to contact in case of emergency: ________________________________
Contact Number: _____________________________
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
Father: (1) _______________________
(2) _______________________
Prepared by:
Name Over Printed Name
Mother: (1) _______________________
(2) ______________________
Guardian (1) _____________________
(2) _____________________