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SAP GRC Process Control 2.5 Workflow Configuration & Troubleshooting

How-To Guide
How to Configure and Trouble Shoot
Workflow for Process Control 2.5
SAP GRC Regional Implementation Group
Applicable Releases:
SAP GRC Process Control 2.5
IT Practice / Topic Area:
GRC / Process Control
IT Scenario / Capability:
GRC / Process Control
September 2008
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Table of Contents
Business Scenario and Background Information ..........................................................1
Step-by-Step Procedure ..................................................................................................2
Perform Automatic Workflow Customizing .................................................................2
Perform Task-Specific Customizing...........................................................................2
Manage Event Queue ...............................................................................................2
Change Event Type Linkage for Object Type GRPC* ................................................2
Register Workflow System in qRFC Monitor ..............................................................4
Transfer Work Items to Replacement ........................................................................4
Set Up Reminders and Escalations .........................................................................12
Specify Fallback Receiver for Work Items ...............................................................12
Configure POWL for GRC Inbox .............................................................................13
3.10 Email Notifications ..................................................................................................13
Trouble Shoot ................................................................................................................14
Transaction SWI1: Work Item list ............................................................................14
Transaction SWIA: Process Work Item as Administrator..........................................20
Transaction SWI1_RULE: Execute Agent Rules for Work Item ................................22
Transaction SWI2_ADM1: Work Items Without Agents ............................................24
Transaction SWPR: Workflow Restart After Error ....................................................25
Transaction SWPC: Continue Workflows After System Crash..................................27
Comments and Feedback .............................................................................................29
Business Scenario and Background
When preconfigured for SAP GRC Process Control, SAP Workflow ensures that the right users get the
right tasks in the right order at the right time. For purposes of compliance, workflow can help ensure
that required evaluations are performed and issues are remediated on a timely basis. You can use the
IMG to control how workflow is routed without requiring time-consuming workflow customization.
Key functions of the application that control the workflow include:
Application role assignment
This function determines who receives the workflow tasks.
The Planner and Monitoring Scheduler
These functions control selection of objects (for example, subprocesses, controls) and release
of the workflow tasks with related start and due dates.
When workflow tasks are completed, follow-on tasks are routed based upon role assignments or
specific user assignment until the cycle is complete. For example, in the case of a failed manual test of
effectiveness, the workflow continues until all remediation activities are complete, all issues are
closed, and a successful retest has been performed. Throughout this cycle, the status of the test,
issues and remediation plans are maintained automatically by the system.
This How-to Guide explains how to trouble shoot workflow issues for GRC Process Control 2.5. It
assumes that you have a functioning GRC PC environment installed and configured.
Step-by-Step Procedure
There are several factors that cause workflow items not being delivered correctly into users’ inbox.
The following steps guide you through the basic IMG configuration for workflow and provide you the
tips to trouble shoot the errors.
3.1 Perform Automatic Workflow Customizing
The SAP Business Workflow forms the basis for assessing and testing internal controls. In this
activity, you Perform Automatic Workflow Customizing. Only the top section, Maintain Runtime
Environment, needs to have every task marked with a green check within the section.
For detail, see “Process Controls 2.5_Workflow Customizing.doc”, section 3.1.
3.2 Perform Task-Specific Customizing
In the Perform Task-Specific Customizing activity you make all the settings required to adapt the
SAP tasks and SAP workflows supplied. This IMG activity gives you the opportunity to set up all
the tasks and workflows that you want to use in the implementation phase.
For detail, see “Process Controls 2.5_Workflow Customizing.doc”, section 3.2 and 3.3.
3.3 Manage Event Queue
In this IMG activity, you can make specific settings towards improving performance for workflow
For background information on event queue administration, see the SAP Library for the SAP
Business Workflow under Reference Documentation -> Workflow System Administration ->
Event Manager Administration.
Independently of these settings, we recommend generating a large amount of workflows
For detail, see “Process Controls 2.5_Workflow Customizing.doc”, section 3.4.
3.4 Change Event Type Linkage for Object Type
In the Change Event Type Linkage for Object Type GRPC activity, you change the event type
linkage for the delivered object type SCASE, if it appears in the selection. This will be necessary
if there is a conflict between the delivered event type linkage and the Process Control workflow.
If the object type SCASE does not appear, this task can be disregarded.
1. Execute Change Event Type Linkage for Object Type GRPC*
2. Select the line with the BOR object type SCASE* and choose Details.
3. You can deactivate the linkage by clearing the Activate Linkage checkbox.
3.5 Register Workflow System in qRFC Monitor
To improve the performance of workflow processing, you can register the logical RFC
destination used by the workflow (WORKFLOW_LOCAL_<client>) in the qRFC outbound queue
in the qRFC monitor.
For detail, see “Process Controls 2.5_Workflow Customizing.doc”, section 3.5.
3.6 Transfer Work Items to Replacement
In this IMG activity, you schedule the program Transfer Work Items to Replacement
(GRPC_REPLACEMENT_MASS_ACTIVATE). The program transfers work items from persons
that are no longer working in Process Control to the replacement persons entered in the system
for these persons. For more information, see the documentation on program Transfer Work
Items to Replacement.
1. Execute Transfer Work Items to Replacement.
Click on Continue.
Job class: C - Low priority
Click Continue
Choose ABAP Program Step.
Click Continue.
Click Continue.
Click Continue.
Click Continue.
Choose Date/Time.
Click Continue.
Enter the day on which the job should start and the time at which it should be run each day and
set the Period indicator.
Click Continue.
Choose Daily.
Click Continue.
Click complete.
3.7 Set Up Reminders and Escalations
Setting up reminders and escalations in Process Control is a valuable monitoring tool for
stakeholders and workflow owners (recipients) to ensure that their control objects are processed
Please refer to “Process Controls 2.5_How to Set Up Reminders and Escalations.doc” for detail
Note: Y ou ar e r equi red t o have a uthorizati onf or t he develo pment a nd workflow mai nten ance of P r ocess C ont rol in order t o p erfo rm thes teps below .
3.8 Specify Fallback Receiver for Work Items
In this IMG activity, you specify which user receives a work item when the system fails, for
whatever reason, to determine a receiver for this work item via the usual channels.
The fallback recipient should have power user authorization and should be able to determine
who the correct receiver should be.
1. Execute Specify Fallback Receiver for Work Items
2. You can specify more than 1 fall back receiver. When there is a work item triggered without
agent, all fall back receivers will receive this work item. Whoever picks up the work item, the
work item is reserved by him and will be disappeared from the other fall back receivers inbox.
3.9 Configure POWL for GRC Inbox
You could skip this configuration unless you want to extend the Process Control menu with your
own entries or create portal iViews, using the specific POWL applications. You can link the
Process Control application and Personal Object Work List (POWL) type to the PFCG role.
3.10Email Notifications
Please refer to “Process Controls 2.5_How to Configure and Trouble Shoot Email
Notification.doc” for detail information.
Trouble Shoot
There are so many factors caused the workflow items not delivered to the right user’s inbox.
When conducting trouble shooting, please check all possible reasons. For example:
- IMG workflow configuration not successfully completed
- Master Data setup not correct, such as control without control owner assigned
- Operation error, schedule a plan for non completed manual test plan
- Don’t understand the process flow, such as turn on or off for the review.
4.1 Transaction SWI1: Work Item list
If a workflow was been correctly triggered and started, at least one work item should be created.
You can view the work items here. By default all the work items of the last hour will be
1. Go to Transaction SWI1.
2. Put in the selection criteria. For example, enter the creation date information. Execute the
selection. You will find in this transaction the work item number, the status of the work item, and
the workflow task that has created the work item.
3. Furthermore, (in the technical workitem display) you can have a look at the container by
selecting a work item and using the menu Goto -> Display Container.
4. To display the work item details double click on the item. From the details you can see the
selected/ possible/excluded agents for this work item by using the menu Goto -> Agent ->
selected/ possible/excluded agents.
Double click or click on Display button.
5. When the status of the work item shows an error you should have a look at the workflow log
using the menu EDIT -> DISPLAY WORKFLOW LOG. Or select the work item and click on the
. Here you can see errors that have occurred.
Click on Details to see the details for steps.
You could also click
to list the technical details.
4.2 Transaction SWIA: Process Work Item as
You can use this report to execute work items for which you are not a possible agent.
1. Using this work item selection, you can select the necessary work items and then execute them,
complete them or make them available again to the recipients.
2. You could also use Execute Without Agent to fix a problem by selecting the work item and
clicking on Execute without Check.
4.3 Transaction SWI1_RULE: Execute Agent Rules for
Work Item
You can use this function to repeat the step of defining the recipients for a work item.
1. Transaction SWI1_RULE.
2. Execute.
3. Select the work item that needs to assign the agent. Click on
resolve the agent.
(Execute Agent Rule) to
4.4 Transaction SWI2_ADM1: Work Items Without
This report finds all work items that have no agent at all.
1. Execute Transaction SWI2_ADM1 and enter the selection criteria for Monitoring period. Then
4.5 Transaction SWPR: Workflow Restart After Error
This report can be used to display a list of workflows with errors for a particular selection period,
and then restart them. The benefit of this report is that it allows you to perform a mass restart of
1. Execute transaction SWPR
2. You could restart the workflow by clicking on the “Restart Workflow”
button. Note: Before restart the workflow items, please find the root cause for the problem and
correct it.
Click on refresh
4.6 Transaction SWPC: Continue Workflows After
System Crash
You can use this report to select and continue workflows that have had the status STARTED for
longer than a day. This means that workflow that has come to a halt after system errors can be
1. Go to the transaction.
2. Select the work item and click “Continue workflow”
3. Refresh
Comments and Feedback
Both comments and feedback are very welcome. Please send them to:
Jennifer Cha RIG Process Control
Raj Behera
RIG Manager