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Community Ecological Problem & Solutions Worksheet

Name:Simon Nathaniel A Manguiat Section: G7-05
Community ( Your
Barangay) (Describe the
community where you
are living in terms of
location, size, and
natural resources.)
Identify one (1)
Ecological Problem in
Solutions (Explain your
the Community (Provide proposed solution)
Short Description)
My community is located at Lipa city
1.My solution to fix my community is
I noticed that 1 ecological problem that my
Batangas it is a small barangay that
community has is a lot of people litter so it makes to tell people to not litter and do the
has many trees therefore it has plenty the place dirty.
of natural resources and it rains often.
2.My proposed solution to fix my
Based on my research my community
community is to inform the barangay
has 9.300 people living in it.
officials about the problem.