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Community Engagement Quiz: Solidarity & Citizenship

NAME: ____________________________________________________
A. Identify the correct answer which corresponds to the statements below.
____________________1. It refers to collective efforts done by people directed towards addressing social
____________________ 2. It refers to the process of developing partnerships and sustaining relationships with
and through groups of people affiliated by geographic proximity, special interest for the purpose of working for the
common good.
____________________3. It is a legal status defined by civil, political and social rights. This means that a person
is free to act according to the law and have the right to claim the law’s protection.
____________________4. It is a unity or agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a
common interest and mutual support within a group.
____________________5. It is a basic expression of human relationships.
B. Multiple Choice. Choose the correct answer. Write your answer in the space provided. Answer
must be in CAPITAL LETTER.
_____1. It refers to the basic expression of human relationship where people see the need to participate in their
societies and to feel that they matter to others.
a. Volunteerism
b. Unity
c. Citizenship
d. Community Action
_____2. Which of the following shows an interrelationship of self and the community?
a. An individual who does not have regard for community activities.
b. A pessimistic attitude because people are always too busy to get involved in the community.
c. People rely in the government and private institutions’ effort to help resolve community problem.
d. An individual who understands the situation of the community and has the urgency to participate.
_____3. Which of the following situations best describe how to involve people affected by the problem in the
a. Listen to them carefully so that you have a better understanding of the causes of the problem.
b. Disregard their opinion about the crisis encountered by the community since you have the expertise to
resolve their community problem.
c. Pushing to implement a project even without the consent of the majority.
d. Conducting meetings and events that occupy the community members work hours.
_____4. Why is there a need to involve ourselves with community action?
a. So that people would praise us with our program initiatives and accomplishments.
b. We are part of a community which directly experiencing the problem and we have civic obligation to be
c. The community requires us to participate and there is no room for us to disobey.
d. To build our credibility in organizing community actions.
_____5. Which of the following does NOT show possible roles of self-involvement in the community?
a. Attending barangay hearing on solid waste management.
b. Conducting feasibility study on the possible program intervention in impoverished community.
c. Being reactive to the initiative of outreach programs conducted by the different school’s organization.
d. Taking the lead in community partnership.
C. Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if the statement is false.
_______1. Involving oneself in the feeding program at the barangay level is an example of community
_______2. To secure yourself and your family’s needs in times of economic crisis proves the spirit of citizenship.
_______3. Developing a preventive measure plan by different organizations in flash flood prone communities
shows the goal of community action.
_______4. Solidarity is a feeling of unity between people, who have the same interests, goal, etcetera.
_______5. Community action is still possible as a means to build resilient communities even without community
_______6. Filipino values of pakikipag-kapwa and bayanihan pertain to the notion of solidarity in community
_______7. Citizenship is about developing partnerships and sustaining relationships among groups of people to
address social problems.
_______8. One of the goals of community engagement is to build trust.
_______9. Being aware of our civic obligations with our co-Filipinos is a part of citizenship.
_______10. To disagree about an on-going barangay health project in rural communities contributes to
community action.
D. Put a check (/) beside the number of the statement which shows self-involvement in community
activities and put an (x) for the statements which do not show self-involvement in community
_______ 1. A group of students conduct tutorial session as educational intervention to non-reader students of
Barangay San Roque.
_______ 2. Ana is hesitant to attend a two-day exposure in one of the indigenous communities in Sorsogon due to
her parent’s belief that this community is unsafe.
_______3. In spite of hectic school activities, Mario volunteers to assist in the barangay clean and green project
during weekends.
_______ 4. A senior high school student believes that poverty is an endless cycle. Thus, it is hard to break this
social issue by just depending on the projects of non-government organizations and private sectors.
_______5. Vanna explores to create network of funding partners in her initiative to assist homeless families in her