Uploaded by Dunmomi Osunkunle

Adorna 1st scene

1st Scene
Azara (Adorna): (close-up shot into Adorna’s eyes) *wakes up from dream in shock*
Runor (Astrid): *comes into the room and goes over to sit with Adorna* Is it that dream again?
Azara (Adorna): Yes, it is. I have been having the same dream everyday for the last 3 weeks and the
more I have it, the more confused I get.
Runor (Astrid): Do you feel like it’s a nightmare?
Azara (Adorna): Funny enough, I don’t think it is. Well…... it does not feel like a nightmare. It just
feels *thinking* different. Yes, it feels different. I have no idea what it means, but it gives me a sort
of relief and fear. I can’t explain it.
Runor (Astrid): Well, you know you have to find a way to stop having this dream before the dream
check on Wednesday. Or else Queen Ariel will….
Azara ( Adorna): *cuts off Astrid* I know, I know, I know *sighs in sadness* I’m trying my best Astrid
I really am.
Runor (Astrid): I really don’t want you to get banished to the other side, you’re my best friend and I
really don’t want to lose you. *tears up a bit*
Azara (Astrid): I don’t want it to happen too Astrid.
*Adorna and Astrid both hug each other* scene ends with hug.
2nd scene
Sanctum member: The queen is coming. Please bow down for Queen Ariel’s arrival.
Chauntelle (Ariel): Everyone gather round for our monthly dream check. If your dreams are the same
as everyone, you’re free to stay here with us. But if it is anything different from what I expect then
*slight pause and evil smirk* you’re gone.
*All members form a line for the dream check and Queen Ariel check their dreams one by one*
Azara (Adorna): *nervously walks towards Queen Ariel*
Runor (Astrid): *looking nervously at Adorna*
Chauntelle (Ariel): *Checks Adorna’s dream* You’re different. I’m sorry but you know what that
means. Take her away.
Runor (Astrid)