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Energy Storage Quiz: Exothermic, Batteries, Hydrogen

Quiz 4 – Practice Questions (Energy Storage)
Q1. Draw an energy diagram to illustrate the exothermic and endothermic processes. How can you
relate these processes with energy production and energy storage? (hint: the exothermic process
involves energy production and endothermic involves energy storage)
Q2. Energy can be stored in different ways (chemical, mechanical, thermal, etc.). Highlight a few main
ways of storing energy. Explain your answer with the help of two particular examples.
Q3. Highlight a few of the mechanical ways that the energy can be stored and explain it with the help of
one specific example.
Q4. What is the battery? How does it help to store chemical energy? Name any three types of batteries
that are being used in the market.
Q5. How does hydrogen store the energy? What advantages hydrogen storage has over the other ways
of storing energy?
Q6. What is the energy density? How would you compare the energy density of hydrogen with that of
fossil fuels?