DMP Assessment Brief 2020/21 ASSESSMENT BRIEF Academic year and term: 2021/22 – Semester S Module title: Data and Analytics for Marketers (RBP020L081S) For further module description, see Module Brief. 1. Group presentation (30%) 2. Individual report (70%) Type of assessment: Assessment deadline: Formative: Outline of individual report 1. Upload on Moodle before 2pm, 30/05/22 Summative: Group presentation: Prepare a presentation providing 5 customer insights from the Google Analytics Demo Dataset. To be submitted via Moodle Turnitin before 2pm, (30%). DATE Slides uploaded by latest: 29/06/22. Presentations in Week 10 and 11. Individual report (3000), involving data analysis of a given dataset and academic examination of data analytics. (70%). To be submitted via Moodle Turnitin before 2pm. DATE 11/07/22, 2pm Instructions for assessment Formative Assessment In order to allow some feedback on your work before you write the report there is a formative task to make sure you are well-informed in your preparation for the summative assessment. The formative task involves producing an outline of your report This should be written on an A4 page and uploaded onto Moodle. You should give an idea of the structure of your report. The purpose is to check you understand the assessment requirements and are making progress. See moodle for a template you could use. You will receive feedback to use in completing the summative submission. Summative Assessment The summative assessment consists of two components: (i) A group presentation – You are required to present in the seminars in week 10 and 11. Presentations need to be around 10-15 min with Q&A. Your group will have to be allocated according to your seminar. Please note it is your responsibility to ensure you are in a group. You can self-select your group and if you are not in a group you University of Roehampton Business School 1/11 DMP Assessment Brief 2020/21 will need to let your seminar tutor by week 4 (or as soon as possible) who will then be able to allocate you. PLEASE DO NOT LET YOUR SEMINAR TUTOR KNOW AT THE LAST MINUTE. If you cannot present, this will be regarded as a non-submission. (ii) An individual 3000 word report looking at a data analysis and an academic examination of data analytics (70%). The increasingly important role of data and focus on data-driven marketing strategies has presented a number of opportunities to gain better customer insight to digital marketers. The assessments focus on understanding data, analytics, how data can be used to gather valuable insights and actionable insights and data analysis techniques. You should use relevant theory, tools, models, etc. from academic and professional sources to support your arguments where applicable as well as demonstrate practical skills in data analysis and data visualisation. 1. Group presentation. You are required to access the Google Analytics Demo site which shows e-commerce data from the Google Merchandising online store. Prepare a presentation to show 5 meaningful insights and further recommendations that would drive growth. You can decide how you want to do this e.g Powerpoint etc. Maximum of 5 in a group. 1. Critically examine the role of Google Analytics in your presentation (what are the key advantages and disadvantages etc). See the marking scheme for the presentation. You are all expected to contribute to the group presentation, if you do not marks may not be allocated. Format Requirements Additional Information You can decide you want to present (eg Powerpoint, Prezzi etc.) But you need to upload the key points from your presentation on Moodle. The slides should be professionally presented. Consistent formatting throughout. Not too much information or excessively wordy. Any figures charts should be correctly labelled and all information correctly referenced and sourced. . Data Google Analytics Demo Site You should access the Google Analytics Demo Site. You will need a gmail account to access the University of Roehampton Business School 2/11 DMP Assessment Brief 2020/21 You can use the data on the dashboard and/or download to an Excel Spreadsheet and conduct any further analysis you see as appropriate. demo data account. The data in the Google Analytics demo account is from the Google Merchandise Store, an ecommerce site that sells Google-branded merchandise. The data in the account is typical of what you would see for an ecommerce site, and includes the following kinds of information: You can access the demo account with the link: Traffic source data Information about where website users originate. This includes information about organic traffic, paid search traffic, and display traffic. Content data Information about the behaviour of users on the site. This includes the URLs of pages that users look at, and how they interact with page content. Transaction data Information about the transactions that occur on the Google Merchandise Store website. You should look at the data and identify 5 key insights that 1. Show 5 Insights would contribute to growth of the business. You should and recommendations. additionally make recommendations in light of these insights This should be in the date range – 01/01/21 – 01/01/22. 2. Critically Examine the role of Google Analytics You should be able to explain what Google Analytics is, any advantages/disadvantages, what type of analytics/metrics does it show etc. Delivery and Collaboration You should be clear and well-paced in your delivery. Analysis You should explain how you derived each insight. Practice and time yourselves. You will be asked to stop if you exceed 15 min. For example - Did you use data straight from the dashboard, did you make a comparison, use filters, did you University of Roehampton Business School This is the main focus of the assignment. Explanations should be given and expanded on. So explain what do the numbers show. Only a couple of slides are needed for this section and aimed at someone who has not heard of Google Analytics. Be prepared, organised and professional. Practice. Use charts/visual diagrams 3/11 DMP Assessment Brief 2020/21 download into an Excel spreadsheet and conduct any further analysis etc. where appropriate 2. Individual report (70%) – 3000 words. Data Analysis Report You are required to prepare an individual report. Part A: Data Analysis (1500 words). Download the “Shopping.xls” dataset. You are required to provide 5 key insights from the data. You can analyse the data using any techniques you consider to be appropriate. You should discuss the type of analysis conducted, approaches/methods adopted and visually display the results. Part B: Critically examine the impact of data analytics on digital marketing strategies. Part of your discussion should include elements related to actionable insights and big data. (1500 words) See the marking scheme for individual report in the appendix. Requirements Additional Information Format The format of the assignment should be in a report format and should include a cover page, contents page, an introduction, main body (part a and part b), conclusion, bibliography and appendix. The report should be professionally presented. You could include a ToC, List if figures. Part A: Data Analysis You are required to provide 5 key insights from the dataset and visually display your results. You can analyse the data using any techniques or software you consider appropriate (e.g excel/SPSS, excel chart, tableau etc). You should discuss the methods and techniques you use. You can use any software (e.g excel, SPSS, Tableau). This section of the report should contain an essay type response to the question. This is to show the reader the scope and application of data analytics in a digital marketing context. You should include elements examining actionable insight and big data. You are free to include any additional aspects you feel are important in answering the question. This is a broad question and you should structure your response in the most appropriate manner. (approx. 1500 words) Part B: Data Analytics and Marketing relationship. (approx. 1500 words) Label any diagrams/charts properly. “Critically examine the impact of data analytics on digital marketing strategies” Academic Focus The report should have a strong academic focus (especially for Part B, use credible sources) and should incorporate models and theory to support discussions throughout. University of Roehampton Business School Aim to use higher ranking journal articles (3*-4*) and/or reputable sources 4/11 DMP Assessment Brief 2020/21 Structure and presentation Your report should be presented using a well-structured academic style. Your writing needs to be articulate and concise and should not exceed 3,000 words including tables and figures, but excluding references. In-text citations and references should conform to the Harvard referencing system. All written work should be proof-read for spelling and grammatical errors, and a contents page should be included. Do not use various font sizes and colours. Black ink, Arial, size 11, and 1.5 paragraph spacing is recommended. Use DIN A4 format and page margins of 2.5 cm or 1 inch. Full reading list Bibliography Essential Reading Field, A. (2017) Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics. 5th edn. London: Sage Grigsby, M. (2018) Marketing Analytics: A Practical Guide to Improving Consumer Insights Using Data Techniques. 2nd edn. London: New York: Kogan Page Gupta, M. and George, J.F. (2016) Toward the development of a big data analytics capability. Information & Management 53 (8), pp. 1049-1064. Hemann, C. and Burbary, K. (2018) Digital Marketing Analytics: Making Sense of Consumer Data in a Digital World. 2nd edn. New York: Pearson Education Winston, W.L. (2014). Marketing Analytics: Data-driven techniques with Microsoft Excel. John Wiley & Sons Further Reading Mikalef, P., Boura, M., Lekakos, G. and Krogstie, J. (2019) Big data analytics capabilities and innovation: The mediating role of dynamic capabilities and moderating effect of the environment. British Journal of Management 30, pp. 272-298. Stephenson, D. (2018) Big Data Demystified: How to use big data, data science and AI to make better business decisions and gain competitive advantage. Harlow: Pearson Education Svilar, M., Chakraborty, A. and Kanioura, A. (2013) Big data analytics in marketing. OR/MS Today 40 (5), pp.22-25. Spiller, L. (2020) Direct, Digital & Data-Driven Marketing. 5th edn. London: Sage Verhoef, P.C., Kooge, E. and Walk, N. (2016) Creating value with big data analytics: Making smarter marketing decisions. Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge. Verhoef, P.C., Spring, P.N., Hoekstra, J.C. and Leeflang, P.S. (2003) The commercial use of segmentation and predictive modeling techniques for database marketing in the Netherlands. Decision Support Systems, 34(4), pp.471-481. Wedel, M. and Kannan, P.K. (2016) Marketing analytics for data-rich environments. Journal of Marketing, 80(6), pp.97-121. Relevant Journals and Databases British Journal of Management Journal of Business Research Journal of Information and Management Journal of Marketing University of Roehampton Business School 5/11 DMP Assessment Brief 2020/21 Journal of Marketing Analytics Journal of Marketing Science Harvard Business Review Useful Sites (Occams Razor) How will your work be assessed? Your work will be assessed by a subject expert who will use either the marking criteria provided in the section “Instructions for assessment” or the Marking rubric enclosed in the Appendix, as appropriate for this module. When you access your marked work it is important that you reflect on the feedback so that you can use it to improve future assignments. Referencing and submission You must use the Harvard System. The Business School requires a digital version of all assignment submissions. These must be submitted via Turnitin on the module’s Moodle site. They must be submitted as a Word file (not as a pdf) and must not include scanned in text or text boxes. They must be submitted by 2pm on the given date. For further general details on coursework preparation refer to the online information at StudentZone, Mitigating circumstances/what to do if you cannot submit a piece of work or attend your presentation The University Mitigating Circumstances Policy can be found on the University website: Mitigating Circumstances Policy Marking and feedback process Between you handing in your work and then receiving your feedback and marks within 20 days, there are a number of quality assurance processes that we go through to ensure that students receive marks which reflects their work. A brief summary is provided below. Step One – The module and marking team meet to agree standards, expectations and how feedback will be provided. Step Two – A subject expert will mark your work using the criteria provided in the assessment brief. Step Three – A moderation meeting takes place where all members of the teaching and marking team will review the marking of others to confirm whether they agree with the mark and feedback Step Four – Work at Levels 5 and 6 then goes to an external examiner who will review a sample of work to confirm that the marking between different staff is consistent and fair Step Five – Your mark and feedback is processed by the Office and made available to you. University of Roehampton Business School 6/11 DMP Assessment Brief 2020/21 Additional instructions for Re-sit The same assignment task as for the main assignment (individual report 1 and individual report 2) period applies to the re-sit, with an additional reflective section, see further instructions below. Re-sit deadlines will be published via Moodle. Visit the module’s Moodle site and check your Roehampton email account on a regular basis. The school is not obliged to check whether you have noticed re-sit deadlines. You are required to improve and resubmit your original work as well as adding a further reflective commentary in form of a 500 words Essay. You must resubmit your work using the specific re-sit Turnitin link on Moodle. This additional word count can be added on top of the original word count of this assignment, if you used the full word count. The original marking criteria will still apply (see marking grid in Appendix) except that the 10% weighting for Presentation will be awarded instead to your additional Reflective Essay section. That is, a statement demonstrating how you learnt from the feedback and what you did differently the second time. If you did not submit work at the first opportunity, you cannot reflect on your feedback. However, in such case, your Reflection Essay section should reflect upon how the module’s concepts are applied in a real world context. If you were deferred at the first assessment opportunity you do not need to include the reflective piece as this is a first submission at a later date, not a re-sit. The Reflective Essay is marked based on the criteria of Criticality and Evidence-based Logic of arguments. It is an independent writing task and no supervision will be provided for conducting the essay. University of Roehampton Business School 7/11 DMP Assessment Brief 2020/21 Appendix: Marking rubric 1. Group Presentation (30%), Presentation Visuals (25%) Insights and Recommendations (25%) Quality of Analysis (25%) Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory (50- Adequate Marginal Fail Fail Not done 100 (80-89) (70-79) (60-69) 59) (40-49) (30-39) (20-29) 0 Material is imaginatively presented resulting in clarity of message and information to an exceptional standard. Insights given are outstanding and flow seamlessly from the data and analysis. Outstanding discussion on Google Analytics showing exceptional levels of insight and understanding Outstanding level of data analysis and understanding of data shown. A wide range of advanced techniques to interpret the Material is imaginatively presented resulting in clarity of message and information to an excellent standard. Material is imaginatively presented resulting in clarity of message and information to a very good standard Material is imaginatively presented resulting in clarity of message and information to a good standard. Material is presented in a satisfactory manner with some structure and visual elements. Material included is relevant to the topic and has been structured. Visual aspect of presentation is limited Material presented is mostly irrelevant and lacks structure or visual impact Material is nearly entirely irrelevant and/or is presented in a highly disorganised manner Missing. Wholly incorrect or not attempted. Insights given are excellent and flow exceptionally well from the data and analysis. Excellent discussion on Google Analytics showing and excellent level of insight and understanding Insights given are very good and flow well from the data and analysis. Very good discussion on Google Analytics showing a very good level of insight and understanding Insights given are good and flow easily from the data and analysis. Good discussion on Google Analytics showing a good level of insight and understanding Insights given are satisfactory and flow from the data and analysis. Satisfactory discussion on Google Analytics showing understanding. Insights given are adequate and show some relation to the data and analysis. Some elements may be missing. Adequate discussion on Google Analytics showing basic understanding Insights given are weak and show a weak relationship to the data and analysis. Some elements are missing. Weak discussion and understanding shown on Google Analytics. Insights given are poor and show little or no relationship to the data and analysis. A number of elements are missing. Limited or no understanding of Google Analytics shown. Missing. Wholly incorrect or not attempted. Excellent level of data analysis and understanding of data shown. An excellent range of techniques to interpret the A very good level of data analysis and understanding of data shown. A very good range of techniques to interpret the data evident. A good level of data analysis and understanding of data shown. A good range of techniques to interpret the data evident. A satisfactory level of data analysis and understanding of data shown. A satisfactory level of techniques to interpret the data evident. An adequate level of data analysis and understanding of data shown. Basic or limited techniques used to interpret the data which may A weak level of data analysis and understanding of data shown. Techniques to interpret the data a weak and not entirely successful. A poor level of data analysis and understanding of data shown. Techniques to interpret the data are not evident or applied Missing. Wholly incorrect or not attempted. University of Roehampton Business School 8/11 Delivery of Presentation and collaboration (25%) data evident. data evident. Cannot be improved on. The team collaborated in their presentation in an excellent manner. Excellent delivery overall. DMP Assessment Brief 2020/21 unsuccessfully. not always be successful. The team collaborated in their presentation in a very good manner. Very good delivery overall. The team collaborated in their presentation in a good manner. Good delivery overall. The team collaborated in their presentation in a satisfactory manner. Satisfactory delivery overall. The team collaborated in their presentation in an adequate manner. Adequate delivery overall. University of Roehampton Business School The team collaborated in a manner below the basic level required. Inconsistent delivery. The team collaborated in their presentation in a manner substantively below the basic level needed. Missing or wrong.Doesn’t meet the basic assessment criteria. 9/11 DMP Assessment Brief 2020/21 Appendix: Marking rubric 2. Individual report (3000 words) Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory (50- Adequate Marginal Fail Fail Not done 100 (80-89) (70-79) (60-69) 59) (40-49) (30-39) (20-29) 0 Part A Data Analysis (30%) The level of data analysis is outstanding and provides superior insight. The level of data analysis is excellent and provides excellent insight. The level of data analysis is very good and provides very good insight. The level of data analysis is good and provides good insight. The level of data analysis is satisfactory and provides a reasonable level of insight. The level of data analysis is adequate and provides limited insight. The level of data analysis is poor and provides limited to basic insight. Limited or no data analysis provided. Missing. Wholly incorrect or not attempted. Part A Visual Representation (20%) Data is visually represented in an outstanding manner and provides clear and creative information. Data is visually represented in an excellent manner and provides clear and creative information. Data is visually represented in a very good manner and provides clear and creative information. Data is visually represented in a good manner and provides clear and creative information. Data is visually represented in a satisfactory manner and provides a reasonable amount of clear data. Data is visually represented in an adequate manner and provides the basic levels of information with limited creativity. Data is visually represented in a weak manner and provides limited information. Limited or no data represented visually. Missing. Wholly incorrect or not attempted. Part B Insight and Understanding An outstanding discussion reflecting the highest level of insight and understanding. An excellent discussion reflecting an excellent level of insight and understanding. A very good discussion reflecting a very good level of insight and understanding. A good discussion reflecting a good level of insight and understanding. A satisfactory discussion reflecting a satisfactory level of insight and understanding. An adequate discussion reflecting an adequate level of insight and understanding. A weak discussion reflecting a weak level of insight and understanding. Limited or no discussion. Very poor understanding of the question. Missing. Wholly incorrect or not attempted. The quality of sources used is from highly relevant professional and/ or academic sources. Integration of the secondary research into the discussion is outstanding. The secondary research is conducted from relevant professional and/ or academic sources. Integration of the secondary research into the discussion is excellent. Secondary research is conducted across a range of relevant sources. Integration of the secondary research into the discussion is generally good. Secondary research is conducted across a reasonable range of relevant sources. Integration of the secondary research into the discussion is reasonable. Some limited evidence of an attempt to conduct secondary research. Integration of the secondary research into the discussion is fairly weak. Poor attempt to conduct secondary research. Sources are not adequate or that relevant to the assignment. Weak integration is evident in the discussion. The attempt on this part of the assessment does not address the main assignment requirements. The research is either sparse or non-existent. Missing. Wholly incorrect or not attempted. Clear, articulate and concise structure, Excellently edited and presented piece of work in an Very good secondary research that is based on relevant professional and/ or academic sources. Integration of the secondary research into the discussion is very good. A very good and well-written piece of work that uses A well-presented and structured piece of work. Adequate structure and presentation. The Poor structure and presentation. Requires proof- Very poor structure and presentation. Lacks a clear structure and presentation. Missing. Wholly incorrect or (30%) Part B Quality of sources (10%) Quality of presentation (10%) University of Roehampton Business School 10/11 DMP Assessment Brief 2020/21 presented and written in a professional format. There are no spelling or grammatical mistakes. A perfect use of Harvard notation. appropriate academic style. There are no spelling or grammatical mistakes. Clearly referenced using Harvard notation. a coherent academic style. Very well structured. There are hardly any spelling or grammatical mistakes. Most of the work is clearly referenced using Harvard notation. The writing style is articulate but there are a few spelling or grammatical mistakes. Most of the work is clearly referenced and conforms to Harvard format but there are a few references or citations do not conform to Harvard’s notation. writing style is adequate and requires proofreading. Look again at the exemplars and try to read more journal articles to develop a more coherent and integrated academic style. Adequate attempt at referencing according to Harvard conventions but there are some errors. University of Roehampton Business School reading. Look again at the exemplars and try to read more journal articles to develop a more coherent and integrated academic style. Referencing is poor and does not conform to Harvard standards. Requires substantial proofreading. Look again at the exemplars and try to read more journal articles to develop a more coherent and integrated academic style. Your referencing is very poor and hardly conforms to the Harvard conventions. Requires a major revision to become a reasonable piece of work. Look again at the exemplars and try to read more journal articles to develop a more coherent and integrated academic style. Referencing is sparse or nonexistent. not attempted. 11/11