Uploaded by Trixia Madrigal

Beowulf Lesson: VUCA & Unchanging Values - Grade 9 English

Date and
Trixia O. Madrigal
Week 5-8 Day 1 (January 2024)
12:30 pm-5:00 pm
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
A. comprehend the story of Beowulf ;
B. share prior knowledge about the topic.
B. Performance
C. Most Essential
The learner demonstrates knowledge and understanding about VUCA (volatile,
uncertain, complex, and ambiguous).
The learner transfers learning by integrating the VUCA concept of VUCA to literature
in connection to social issues and weighing social issues expressed in literature.
Analyze literature as a means of understanding unchanging values in the VUCA world.
The Epic of BEOWULF
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide
b. Learner’s
Material Pages
c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional
Materials from
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and
English 9 PIVOT IV-A Quarter 2 Material Record Quarter page
Laptop, speaker, aid, videos, chalkboard
English Grade 9 VUCA world (Bewoful)
A. Introduction
A.1 The teacher will start the class with preliminary activities.
A. Prayer
B. Greetings
C. Checking of attendance
D. Checking of classroom condition
E. Word of the day
F. Recap in the past lesson
What is our last topic?
What is VUCA?
Motivational Activity
Show a picture related to the topic
1. Harry Potter
1. "Have you seen this movie?"
2. "Who are the main characters in this movie?"
3. "Who is your favorite character among the three? And why?
Activating Knowledge
 What do you think is out topic for today?
B. Development
Lesson Proper
Beowulf is an Old English epic story consisting of 3,182 alliterative lines. It may be the
oldest surviving long story in Old English and is commonly cited as one of the most
important works of Old English literature. The author was an anonymous Anglo-Saxon
poet, referred to by scholars as the "Beowulf author".
"I let you watch the movie clip of Battle of Beowulf to Grendel and slaying the dragon
and then later let's read the summary of this narrative poem Beowulf."
(After watching the movie)
Literature provides us with a range of exposure and experiences that may open doors to
understanding these unchanging values amid the fast-paced VUCA world. Beowulf is a
piece of literature that reflects these values which still thrive despite the modern changes
in the society.
The protagonist Beowulf, a hero of the Geats, comes to the aid of Hrothgar, king of the
Danes, whose great hall, Heorot, is plagued by the monster Grendel. Beowulf kills
Grendel with his bare hands and Grendel's mother with a giant's sword that he found in
her lair.
Later in his life, Beowulf becomes king of the Geats, and finds his realm terrorized by a
dragon, some of whose treasure had been stolen from his hoard in a burial mound. He
attacks the dragon with the help of his thegns or servants, but they fail. Beowulf decides
to follow the dragon to its lair at Earnanæs, but only his young Swedish relative Wiglaf,
whose name means "remnant of valour", dares to join him. Beowulf finally slays the
dragon but is mortally wounded in the struggle. He is cremated and a burial mound by the
sea is erected in his honour.
Beowulf is considered an epic poem in that the main character is a hero who travels great
distances to prove his strength at impossible odds against supernatural demons and beasts.
The poem also begins in medias res or simply, "in the middle of things," which is a
characteristic of the epics of antiquity. Although the poem begins with Beowulf's arrival,
Grendel's attacks have been an ongoing event. An elaborate history of characters and their
lineages is spoken of, as well as their interactions with each other, debts owed and repaid,
and deeds of valour. The warriors form a kind of brotherhood linked by loyalty to their
lord. What is unique about "Beowulf" is that the poem begins and ends with a funeral. At
the beginning of the poem, the king, hero, Shield Shiefson dies and there is a huge funeral
for him. At the end of the poem when Beowulf dies, there is also a massive funeral for
Let's find out how well you understood the passage.
1. What happened to the story?
2. Where in the story did this happen?
3. Who was involved in the story?
4. When did the action take place?
5. Why did the author tell this story?
6. How was the story told?
Learning Task 1: Having read the epic Beowulf, answer the following questions in 1
whole sheet of paper.
1. Why did Beowulf decide to free the Danes from Grendel?
2. Why did Beowulf fight Grendel with his bare hands? What does this reveal about his
3. Why was it harder for Beowulf to kill Grendel’s mother than Grendel himself?
4. What were the qualities deeply esteemed by the people of those times? Would those
qualities be equally esteemed in our times?
5. Complete the story below.
King Hrothgar of Denmark enjoyed a prosperous and successful reign. He built a great
mead-hall called (1) __________ where his warriors could gather to drink, receive gifts
from their lord, and listen to stories sung by the bards.
However, the jubilant noise from Heorot angered (2) _________, a horrible demon who
lived in the swamplands of Hrothgar’s kingdom. Grendel terrorized the Danes every night,
killed them and defeated their efforts to fight back.
Eventually, a young warrior named (3) __________ heard of Hrothgar’s plight. Inspired
by the challenge, Beowulf sailed to Denmark with a small company of men, determined
to defeat Grendel. King Hrothgar, who had once done a great favor for Beowulf’s father,
(4) __________, accepted Beowulf’s offer to fight Grendel and held a feast in the hero’s
honour. During the feast, an envious Dane named (5) __________ taunted Beowulf and
accused him of being unworthy of his reputation. Beowulf responded with a boastful
description of some of his past accomplishments. His confidence cheered the Danish
warriors, and the feast lasted merrily into the night.
At last, however, Grendel arrived. Beowulf fought him unarmed, proving himself stronger
than the demon. As Grendel struggled to escape, Beowulf tore the monster’s (6)
__________ off which caused his death.
However, another threat was approaching. Grendel’s mother came to Heorot seeking
revenge for her son’s death. She murdered Beowulf’s men. To avenge them, Beowulf
travelled to the murky swamp, where Beowulf dived into the water and fought Grendel’s
mother in her underwater lair. He killed her with a (7) __________ forged by a giant.
Beowulf also found Grendel’s corpse inside the underwater lair, decapitated it and brought
the head to the kingdom as a prize to King Hrothgar. The Danes were again overjoyed,
and Beowulf’s fame spread across the kingdom.
Beowulf departed after a sorrowful goodbye to King Hrothgar. He returned to (8)
__________ and ascended to the throne of the Geats. Beowulf ruled wisely for fifty years.
When Beowulf was an old man, however, a (9) __________ stole a golden cup from a
cave where a great dragon lived. Enraged, the dragon emerged from the cave and begun
unleashing fiery destruction upon the Geats. Sensing his own death approaching, Beowulf
went to fight the dragon. With the aid of (10) __________, he succeeded in killing the
beast, but at a heavy cost. The dragon bit Beowulf and its fiery venom killed him after
their encounter.
The Geats burned Beowulf’s body on a huge funeral pyre and then buried him with a
massive treasure in a barrow overlooking the sea.
Answers key:
1. Heorot
2. Grendel
3. Beowulf
4. Ecgtheow
5. Unferth
6. arm
7. sword
8. Geatland
9. thief
10. Wiglaf
Learning Task 1: To know if you already have knowledge about the literary
masterpiece, Beowulf, read each statement carefully and determine whether each given
statement is true or false.
1. King Hrothgar built a mead-hall called Heorot.
2. Jubilant noise and celebration angered Grendel.
3. Beowulf was a warrior from Geatland.
4. Unferth was the political advisor of King Hrothgar.
5. Grendel died because of a leg injury.
6. Grendel’s mother sought revenge against Beowulf.
7. Grendel’s mother killed Beowulf.
8. Beowulf became king after King Hygelac was killed in a battle.
9. The dragon killed Beowulf.
10. Wiglaf was Beowulf’s most trusted companion.
Answers key:
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. False
6. True
7. False
8. False
9. True
10. True
What I Learned:
Directions: Express your learnings in our lesson by completing the sentences
below. Be guided by the given opinion-marking signals. Write your answers in our
reflection notebook.
I understand that __________
I realized that ______________
Prepared by:
Pre-Service Teacher
To be checked by:
Cooperating Teacher