Kirk Gwyneth Kay C. Loraña BSA 1-A UNDERSTANDING THE SELF Assessment Task PHILOSOPHER PHILOSOPHICAL VIEW/S ON THE SELF SIMILARITIES DIFFERENCES ARISTOTLE Man is a RATIONAL ANIMAL Self achievement is connected to human rational thinking. The BODY is MATTER to the soul and the SOUL is the FORM to the body. RENE DESCARTES Self is a THINKING THING The true self is found through the use of one's senses. The self can be correctly considered as either a mind or a human being, and that the self's properties vary accordingly. DAVID HUME Self is a bundle of perception The experiences of a person contributes to who they become. The self is simply combination of all experiences with a particular person. GILBERT RYLE Self is known through the actions revealed by MODES OF BEHAVIOR Actions and behavior plays a role on how to achieve the self The self is just a bundle of behaviors caused by the physical workings of the body.