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It is the result of imagination.
A. Ideas
B. Beliefs
C. Culture
D. Creativity
He is the father of modern western philosophy
A. David Hume
B. Rene Descartes
C.Gilbert Ryle
He believe that there is no self.
A. David Hume
B. Rene Descartes
C.Gilbert Ryle
He is a philosopher and a teacher of Aristotle.Plato
Who was the teacher of Socrates? Thales of Miletus
He was the student of Aristotle.
-Alexander the great
It is the study of God. theology
What is an example of cogito according to rene descates? - mind
Other term of rational soul.
-Intellectual soul
He believed that human is dualistic- Socrates
According to him self is just an imagination.
A. David Hume
B. Rene Descartes
He is a French philosopher of modern self.
A. David Hume
B. Rene Descartes
D.Emmanuel Kant
D.Emmanuel Kant
C.Gilbert Ryle
D.Emmanuel Kant
C.Gilbert Ryle
D.Emmanuel Kant
The self is embodied subjectivity. -Mourice marloue ponty.
Pythagoras- coined the term philosophy
He was a student of plato- aristotle
Tabula rasa comes from- latin language.
It pertains to your perception into reality.Impression
According to him self is compose of mind and soul-Plato
He is a Christian theologist and philosopher. St Augustine
A. David Hume
B. Rene Descartes
C.Gilbert Ryle
D.Emmanuel Kant
I act there for I am. - - gilbert ryle
According to him knowing God is equal to knowing yourself.
- St Agustin
According to him Body and soul is inseparable -- ARISTOTLE
He is an English philosopher and physician
- John locke
It pertains to love of wisdom. - philosophy
It is a person expert on theology. -Theologist
This means clean slate/blank slate. -tabula rasa
The truth that st. Augustine spoke about is the truth of -God
There is no self.
A. David Hume
B. Rene Descartes
C.Gilbert Ryle
D.Emmanuel Kant
Our mind construct reality -.Emmanuel kant
The body and soul are not separate elements-aristotle
philo means love
Things that keep us from attaining wisdom -Food, sex, wealth,pleasure ,drink,material
3 parts of soul-Rational soul, Appetitive soul, Spirited soul
3 kinds of soul.- Vegetative, Sensient, Rational
the two dichotomous realms according to Socrates- Ideal realm /Physical realm
Ideal realm - immortal,permanent,perfect(Soul)
Physical realm- impermanent,Not perfect(Body)
Write at least 3 philosophy of philosophers about self.
ANCIENT PHILOSOPHERS- Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
MODERN PHILOSOPHERS- David Hume, John locke, Gilberth Ryle,St. Agustine,Emmanuel kant,
Rene descrates, Mourice marloue ponty.
Western thoughts-Individualistic: Prioritizes the value and independence of the individual
over the group as a whole.
Western thoughts-"The self" is a unique, personal identity separate from that of others.
Western thoughts-"No inherent connection with the universe.
Eastern Ideas of Self-Collectivistic: Prioritize the group as a whole rather than a single
Eastern Ideas of Self-"The self" is an illusion.
Eastern Ideas of Self-Interconnection with the universe.
Brahman is the divine spiritual truth, or the soul of god,
Atman, the eternal human soul
East – Asia
West – Europe and Northern America
Confucianism more considered as the social and ethical philosophy rather than religion.
The founder of Confucianism is Confucius.
The core of Confucian thought is the Golden Rule or the principle of reciprocity: “Do not do
others what you would not want others to do to you”.
Taoism is living in the way of the Tao or the universe/cosmos
Lau tzu-the founder of Taoism
Taoism originates in china
YIN/YANG -the division of the 2 portion between the good and bad.
Yang-masculine, light,movement ,life
Siddharta Gautama known as Buddha is the founder of Buddhism.Born:Nepal Died:India
The root word of Buddhism is budh meaning awake.
According to the teachings of Buddhism, every person has the seed of enlightenment.
The self is seen as an illusion according to Buddhism.
Taoism- the balance and the harmony of everything in the nature.
Hinduism-law of karma,Reincarnation
Christianity-First religion with the majority of followers
Islam-Second religion with the majority of followers.
Hinduism-the oldest religion/Aryans.
The Biological Blueprint
The physical self is shaped by biological and environmental factors
Heredity is defined as the transmission of traits from parents to offspring. The traits are made
up of specific information embedded within one’s gene.
Genotype refers to the specific information embedded within one’s genes; not all genotypes
translate to an observed physical characteristic.
Phenotype is the physical expression of a particular trait.
Each individual carries 23 pairs of chromosomes, which are threadlike bodies in the nucleus
of the cell and the storage unit of genes. The 23rd pair, also known as sex chromosomes,
determines the sex of an individual.
Within each chromosome is the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which is a nucleic acid that
contains the genetic instructions specifying the biological development of every individual.
Maturation is known as the completion of growth of a genetic character within an organism
or the unfolding of an individual’s inherent traits or potential.
Achieving Physical Well-being
Healthy eating.- Following a healthy diet results in healthy skin, ideal weight, and better
Embracing a healthy lifestyle.-Physical activities such as walking, running, going to the gym,
and engaging in sports also contribute to a healthier body.
Maintaining proper hygiene.- Taking care of your body by consistently following a hygiene
regimen can also help you feel good about yourself.
Being confident.- Be secure in yourself, embrace a positive outlook toward various situations
and problems, and love and accept who you are.