Ecological Pyramids Name: Period: Date: Background: Ecological pyramids are diagrams that show the relative amount of energy or matter within each trophic level in a food chain or web. There are three types of ecological pyramids: an energy pyramid, a biomass pyramid, and a pyramid of numbers. Energy Pyramids 1% Secondary Consumers 10% Primary Consumers 100% Producers Energy pyramids show the relative amount of energy that is available to each trophic level. Only about 10% of the energy available in one trophic level is transferred to organisms in the next trophic level. The other 90% is lost through heat and other body processes. 1. List 2 body processes in which you think energy is lost. a. ______________________________________ b. ______________________________________ Biomass Pyramids Biomass is the total amount of living tissue available within a trophic level. It represents the amount of potential food available within a trophic level. 2. What does the prefix “bio” mean? What does “mass” mean? ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Pyramid of Numbers A pyramid of numbers shows the relative number of individual organisms within each trophic level. Unlike an energy or biomass pyramid, a pyramid of numbers is not always shaped like a typical pyramid. For example a single tree can support a large number of insects and birds. 3. Explain why the top of the pyramid generally has the fewest organisms. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ © Science Lessons That Rock Energy Pyramid 4. Which organism is the producer? ______________________________________ 5. Which organism is a secondary consumer? ______________________________________ 6. Which organism is an herbivore? ______________________________________ 7. How much energy per year do the grasshoppers obtain from eating 1 square meter of grass? _______________________ 8. What percentage of the energy that was originally absorbed by the grass is 4,000 kcal passed on to the grasshoppers? ______________________________________ 9. What percentage of the energy that 24,000 kcal was originally absorbed by the grasshoppers is passed on to the bluebirds? ______________________________________ 10. Explain why an energy pyramid in an ecosystem is limited to only 4 or 5 levels. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 35 kcal 420 kcal Hawk Bluebird Grasshopper Grass Energy values are per square meter per year. BIOMASS Pyramid 11. Which organism(s) is an carnivore? ______________________________________ 12. Where does the algae initially receive energy from? ________________________ 13. If you were to examine the organisms living in the river ecosystem, which organism would you see the least often? ______________________________________ 14. What type of organism is missing from this pyramid? (Hint: Who returns nutrients to the soil?) _____________________________ 800 15. Explain why a vegetarian diet is g/m2 considered a more energy efficient diet for humans than one based on meat. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 1.5 g/m2 12 g/m2 57 g/m2 Bass Tadpole Daphnia (water flea) Algae © Science Lessons That Rock Pyramid of Numbers DRAWING: 16. In the blank space to the right, sketch a pyramid of numbers for the following food chain: Owl 1 Skunk 20 Mouse 800 Seeds 11,000 17. Is this pyramid of numbers shaped like a typical pyramid? Explain. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 18. If you were to draw an energy pyramid for this same food chain, would it be shaped like a typical pyramid? Explain. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 19. In the blank space to the right, sketch a pyramid of numbers for the following food chain: Snake 2 Toad 15 Caterpillar 1000 Oak Tree 1 DRAWING: 20. Is this pyramid of numbers shaped like a typical pyramid? Explain. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 21. If you were to draw a biomass pyramid for this same food chain, would it be shaped like a typical pyramid? Explain. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ © Science Lessons That Rock