Final exam Exam hour 1 True or False 1. The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) may mean same things in different industries. 2. One of the most important directions of CSR, in general, is building relations with local communities. 3. reject 4. in Compliantstance allegations of wrongdoing and refuse to take responsibility, arguing that fixing the problem or addressing the issue isn’t their job. 5. Major consideration of corporate social responsibility is pragmatic. 6. In defining or redefining the company mission, strategic managers must recognize the legitimate rights of the firm’s claimants. 7. The last step in incorporating corporate social responsibility stakeholder is Identification of stakeholders 8. Factors Complicating a Cost-Benefit Analysis of CSR Some CSR activities incur no dollar costs at all. In fact, the benefits from philanthropy can be huge. 9. CSR is firmly and irreversibly part of the corporate fabric. 10. Corporate social responsibility (CSR), is the idea that business has a duty to serve society in general as well as the financial interests of stockholders. Choose the best answer 1. Factors Complicating a Cost-Benefit Analysis of CSR a. Socially responsible behavior does not come at a prohibitive cost. b. Socially responsible practices may create savings, and, as a result, increase profits. c. Proponents argues that CSR costs are more than offset in the long run by an improved company image and increased community goodwill. d. ALL 2. Steps to Incorporate Stakeholders. A. IDENTIFICATION COORDINATION ,UNDERSTANDING B. UNDERSTANDING COORDINATION C. IDENTIFICATION COORDINATION D. ,RECONCILIATION ,RECONCILIATION,IDENTIFICATION ,RECONCILIATION ,UNDERSTANDING AND AND AND ALL 3. A good overarching framework for understanding corporate social performance addresses both organizational priorities alongside social impact goals (with key sub-metrics): A. Revenue B. Reputation C. Recruitment D.All 4. ---------------- refers to the principles, practices, and outcomes of businesses’ relationships with people, A. Corporate social responsibility B. CORPORATE SOCIAL PERFORMANCE C. Social audit . D. All 5. Focus of social responsibility is A. Ends (Outcome) B. Means (Process C. Obligation D None 6. Decision Framework of social responsiveness is A. Responses B. Long term C. Medium / Short term D. All 7. At which stage companies adopt policies that acknowledge the wishes of the public. As a rule, however, they do only what they have to do to satisfy their critics, and little more. A. Defenecive B.compliance C. Managerial C. civil 8. CSR in Finance and Banking include A. Economic responsibility B. Legal responsibility. C. Ethical responsibility 9. CSR in Retailing J. Anselmasson and U. Johansson (2007) distinguish three main attitude-based dimensions. A. 6R principle b. reduce, reuse and recycle, C. human responsibility ,product responsibility and environmental responsibility. D. all 10. At what point, they may start to reap the benefits of acting responsibly. They often find that responding to public needs gives them a competitive edge and enhances long-term success A. strategy B. Civil C. managerial D. Compliance 11. The Five Faces of Corporate Responsibility A. defective ,compliance ,managerial ,strategic and civil B. reduce, reuse, recycle, recover and redesign c. human responsibility ,product responsibility and environmental responsibility d.none 12. The Future of CSR A. CSR is firmly and irreversibly part of the corporate fabric b. Corporations will face growing demands for social responsibility contributions far beyond simple cash or in-kind donations c. The public’s perception of ethics in corporate America is near its all-time low d. All 13. Dynamics of Social Responsibility A. Inside vs. Outside Stakeholders B. Duty to serve society plus duty to serve stockholders C. Flexibility is key D. All 14. emphasis of social responsiveness A. Obligation B. Responses C. Ethical D. Pragmatic 15. -----------The corporation accepts responsibility and does what is demanded of it by relevant groups. A. Defense B. Proaction C. Accommodation D. All fu Business research methodology final exam exam hour 1 true or false 1. Literatuer review is only contain thories and concepts. 2. The current context of the research is not nessessery to be good litratuer reviw. 3. Questionnaires may be qualitative or quantitative and can be conducted online, by phone, on paper or face-to-face. 4. Practicbility is the disadvantage of questionnires. 5. APA (American Psycology Assosation) is one of commen style for source citing . 6. Writing a literature review is not usually a linear process—authors often go back and check the literature while reformulating their ideas or making adjustments to their study. 7. Choose a topic to write about—focus on and explore this topic ,This step is the first step in writing literatuer review. 8. Fundamental Aresearch aims at finding a solution for an immediate problem facing a society or an industrial/business organisation. 9. Quantitative research is based on the measurement of quantity or amount. 10. Descriptive research includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries of different kinds. Chooes the best answer 1. ---------is an objective, concise, critical summary of published research literature relevant to a topic being researched in an article. A. Questionnaire B. litratuer riview C. Methodology D. All 2. Which of the following is advantage of Using Questionnaires in Research? A. Cost-efficiency B. Speed C. Comparability D. All 3. To cite a direct quote in APA you must include A. Auther only B. Auther , year and page No. C. Page No.only D.None 4. ------------- is a research tool featuring a series of questions used to collect useful information from respondents. A. Questionnaire B. LITRATUER RIVIEW C. Methodology D. All 5. research is that related to some abstract idea(s) or theory. It is generally used by philosophers and thinkers to develop new concepts or to reinterpret existing ones. A. Discribtive research B. Applied research C. Conceptual D. Empirical 6. --------is applicable to phenomena that can be expressed in terms of quantity. A. Quantitative B. Qualitative C.applieed D. Emprical 7. What Makes a Good Literature Review? A.historical Background B. Definitions terminology c. discussion of theories D.All 8. relies on experience or observation alone, often without due regard for system and theory A. Conceptual B. Empirical c. Descriptive D. Analytical SHORT ANSWER 1. Write steps of Literature Review