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Research Project Report Format

SC356: Research Skills Development
Research Project Report Format
Use New Times Roman font 11 for this report writing.
Title of the research project.
Group name, members’ names and supervisor’s name.
1. Abstract (200 words)
 The aim and scope of the study.
 The key problem addressed and the theory.
 The method used.
 Key findings of the study.
 Implications of the study.
2. Introduction (~25lines)
 Introduction on the research project.
 Significance of the research.
 Aim and objectives of the study.
3. Methodology (1 page)
 General research methodology should be discussed.
 Relevant details should be given so that anyone can replicate the study.
 If you have adapted the method from any other study, you need to state that.
4. Results (Maximum of 2 pages)
 Results is the analyzed research data (do not put raw data). Use visuals to display results.
 Figures (70 mm by 80 mm each) should be accompanied with legends for graphs, tittles
for tables and captions for photos that are self-explanatory. It should include all the
information on what the graph is showing.
 All figures should be explained together with the caption but not discussed here.
5. Discussion (Maximum of 1 and ½ pages)
 Justify why you got the results you got.
 What is the possible reasons for such findings? Support with literature.
 Compare and contrast with other similar researches.
6. Conclusion (1/2 page)
 Answers your objectives and research question.
7. Reference
 Reference of all the articles used in writing the report.
 In text citation should be given on the sections where the source was used.
8. Acknowledgement
9. Supervisor’s Signature………………………….
 Supervisors need to approve the report before submission. Give supervisors ample time
for this. Consult on each section as your progress.