Document Reference Al Naboodah Contracting Group LLC Method Statement for Shoring Works-Sheet Piling for 1000Ø Sewer Gravity Line to Sewage Pump Station & SPS-1 Manhole Risk Ass no: RA/ACC/MS/0047 Date: 13-1-2018 Person Exposed Employees Public / Visitors 4 3 2 1 NO 1 HAZARDS IDENTIFIED Site Surveying and services scanning Movement of plant and equipment within the area, Rev. Date 1 13-01-18 EMS 558246 OHS 558247 Page 1 of 1 Young People 3 2 1 L Workers and surveyor within the vicinity S CONTROL MEASURES R 4 3 Qualitative Description Extreme Potential to cause more than 1 death or serious injury or illness to personnel, or cause major damage Serious Potential to cause a fatality, or serious injury/illness to personnel, or cause serious damage to eqpt. or plant Moderate Potential to cause injury, illness or minor damage. Minimal Potential to cause injury, illness or damage. Insignificant Potential to cause injury, illness or damage Assessors: Andrian Sosa Risk Rating PEOPLE INVOLVED Hitting and collision with the plants and vehicles 4 Location: Dubai Creek Harbour CONSEQUENCES Severity 5 Qualitative Description Likely to occur during operation (frequently recorded) Could occur during operation (recorded infrequently) Unlikely to occur (isolated recorded occurrence) Very unlikely (seldom recorded occurrence) Not likely (no recorded occurrence) Dubai Creek Harbour Development Consolidated Utilities Package 1 ACTIVITY Rev. No. Consultant Project: Dubai Creek Harbour Development Consolidated Utilities Package 1 Frequency 5 Project: 20PEM701 Client ANCG-HSE-FRM-013 H All traffic movements to be adequately identified and managed by banks man. No reversing very close to work, reverse alarm fitted with Residual Risk L S R 1 2 L movement within the area. Accumulated dust while surveying the area. Sand Storm Exposure to sun. Wrong identification of area where to excavate or trial trench Low visibility vision problem due to dust Respiratory disease Problem Workers and surveyor within the vicinity Low visibility and vision problem due to dust/Sand Storm. Heat stress due to long exposure from the sun while surveying Damaged Services Workers and surveyor within the vicinity 4 3 H Workers and surveyor within the vicinity 4 3 H 4 3 H Workers and Supervisor within the vicinity 4 3 H Flying objects due to strong wind Injury to operatives due to flying objects Workers and surveyor within the vicinity 4 3 H heavy plants and construction vehicles. All Plant and equipment will be having revolving lights Dust suppression/watering the area to ensure dust will not accumulate within the area being surveyed. Housekeeping 1 2 L No work will be commence if sand storm occurs which results to low visibility 1 2 L Cool drinking water supply. Shaded area/rest area to be provided. 1 2 L Ensure all area are identified correctly as per approved drawings Cat Scanning will be made to check if there will be existing services that will be affected during excavation No work will proceed if services are detected and it will be recorded. Cat scanner device or any device to be use for detecting live services or existing services buried underground will be calibrated and ensure working properly. Certificate of calibration will be on site for record. 1 2 L All materials and potential object that can be blown by strong wind will be stored properly No work will be commence if 1 2 L strong wind occurs Strong Wind Encroaching of areas other than the approved location for Shoring Works Sheet Piling. 2 Site Preparation and traffic management Unstable lifting and operation of planta and equipment on ground Flying object may occur Obstructions to other usual movements by the unit’s operating in the area. Obstructions to the services. Vehicle collision that may result to damage of property and serious injury to the people within the vicinity Workers and other people working within the vicinity 4 3 H Workers and other people working within the vicinity 4 3 H Movements of heavy equipment Obstructions to other usual movements by the unit’s operating in the area. Workers and other people working within the vicinity 4 3 H All unwanted materials will be removed to avoid flying objects during strong wind No work will be allowed during high wind exceeds to 20 km/hr The area which is allotted by the authority to be covered with screens and protected from other services. Suitable control measures to be sought and approved by the Engineer All services to be identified and protected by approved methods. Agencies working in the vicinity to be informed by adequate means. All areas to be demarked and signage to be placed for the identification of others moving around. All traffic movements to be adequately identified and managed by banks man. All the operations to be supervised thoroughly to avoid the usual services in the area. Workers to be briefed about the method of the work and means of risk mitigating measures. All traffic movements to be adequately identified and managed by banks man. All the operations to be supervised thoroughly to avoid the usual services in the area. 2 2 2 2 L 2 2 L L Coming in to the area and contact with containers, service vehicles and people within the vicinity Dust and waste generated by the shoring activities. Obstructions to the services. Vehicle collision that may result to damage of property and serious injury to the people within the vicinity Hitting and collision with the plants and vehicles movement within the area. Hitting the operatives within the area Obstructions to other usual movements by the unit’s operating in the area. Obstructions to the services. Vehicle collision that may result to damage of property and serious injury to the people within the vicinity Poor visibility due to dust and difficulty on lifting. Workers and other people working within the vicinity 4 3 H Workers and other people working within the vicinity 4 3 H Workers to be briefed about the method of the work and means of risk mitigating measures. No reversing very close to work, reverse alarm fitted with heavy plants and construction vehicles. All Plant and equipment will be having revolving lights Daily TBT and task briefing will be given to all operatives involve All traffic movements to be adequately identified and managed by banks man. All the operations to be supervised thoroughly to avoid the usual services in the area. Workers to be briefed about the method of the work and means of risk mitigating measures. No reversing very close to work, reverse alarm fitted with heavy plants and construction vehicles. All Plant and equipment will be having revolving lights Waste collection and disposal to be effectively carried out and disposed off as per the standard which is being followed by ANCG 2 2 L 2 2 L 3 Loading and unloading of Sheet piling Materials and other materials on site Unsafe loading and unloading or storage of materials and other materials or objects that can fall on workers No proper access and egress due to generated waste Injury Fatality Property damaged 4 Uncontrolled lift Lifting Operations 3 H Unstable ground 4 Workers, operators and others working within the vicinity Collapse of the ground Plant and equipment tipping that may result to tip over Hitting and collision with the plants and vehicles that may result to property damaged serious injury fatality Breaking of lifting tackles Injury to the people while lifting and moving the load being lifted. Collision of plant and equipment that may result to property damage Workers and all the people involved in the activity 4 3 H Workers, supervisor and all the people within the vicinity 4 2 H All sheet piling materials and other materials are to be load and unload properly in designated area Signage and warning signs will be in place during loading and unloading materials No over loading of materials Secure all materials to be unload using safe and certified lifting accessories Ensure ground is levelled and compacted Task Briefing to all operators will be given to inform about the hazards within the backfilling area 2 1 L Will be using tag lines to ensure the load being lifted is controlled properly No lifting activity if the wind speed exceeds 20 km/hr Wil be using a calibrated anemometer to measure accurate wind speed A competent rigger/banks man to control the lift of the work. Communication to be established Information will be delivered to all site operatives about the lifting operation every day Inform the completion of each days lifting work with crane. Pre lift will be initially performed in the height of 15-20 cm to ensure 1 2 L and serious injury or even fatality Damaged and uncertified lifting gears serious injury fatality Breaking of lifting tackles Injury to the people while lifting and moving the load being lifted. Workers, supervisor and all the people within the vicinity 4 2 H Other moving plants, entrapment Collision of plant and equipment that may result to property damage and serious injury or even fatality of an individual involves on the activity Workers, supervisor and all the people within the vicinity 4 2 H Inadequate supervision. Delay of work and uncontrolled activity due to inadequate supervision. Workers, supervisor and all the people within the vicinity 4 2 H all the lifting accessories are placed safely The load to be lifted must be balance properly before fully unloading. Will ensure the crane is operating within the radius as per the drawing and load chart All lifting tackles/accessories such as spreader beam, shackles, slings etc. to be checked and certified by third party No local made tools to be used for lifting heavy objects. All lifting equipment, accessories and gears are inspected and certified by a 3rd party accredited by DM. Regular Inspection of all lifting accessories and gears Damaged lifting accessories will not be allowed to use on site. 1 2 L All traffic movements to be adequately identified and managed by banks man. All the operations to be supervised thoroughly to avoid the usual services in the area. Workers to be briefed about the method of the work and means of risk mitigating measures. Daily TBT and task briefing will be given to all operatives involve 1 2 L Communication to be established Information will be delivered to all site operatives about the lifting operation every day Inform the completion of each 1 2 L Strong wind Sand Storm Flying object Loose materials Falling materials Unstable lifting and operation of planta and equipment on ground Flying object may occur Low visibility and vision problem due to dust/Sand Storm Serious injury to the people within the vicinity Serious injury to the people within the vicinity Serious injury or fatality to the people within the vicinity Workers, supervisor and all the people within the vicinity 4 2 H Workers, supervisor and all the people within the vicinity 4 2 H Workers, supervisor and all the people within the vicinity 4 2 H Workers, supervisor and all the people within the vicinity 4 2 H Workers, supervisor and all the people within the vicinity 4 2 H days lifting work with crane. TBT and task Briefing will be given by the supervisor before works starts All unwanted materials will be removed to avoid flying objects during strong wind No work will be allowed during high wind exceeds to 20 km/hr 1 2 L 1 2 L 1 2 L Inspect the materials being lifted and remove all loose materials Fix all loose materials before lifting Pre lift will be initially performed in the height of 15-20 cm to ensure all the lifting accessories are placed safely 1 2 L Inspect the materials being lifted and remove all loose materials to prevent from falling Fix all loose materials before lifting Pre lift will be initially performed in the height of 15-20 cm to ensure all the lifting accessories are placed safely and ensure all are properly fixed 1 2 L No work will be commence if strong wind and sand storm occurs All unwanted materials will be removed and stored properly Manual Handling Back aches and muscular problem Workers and supervisors Exclude the area of lifting activity Warning signs and signage will be in place to notify the people with the area about the activity Use appropriate lifting equipment for a specific material or load. Remove obstructions from the route. Keep the load close to the waist. The load should be kept close to the body while lifting. Adopt a stable position and make sure your feet are apart, with one leg slightly forward to maintain balance For a long lift, plan to rest the load midway on a table or bench to change grip 1 2 L No lifting of sharp edged wires single handed Protruding edges to be removed or covered as per the requirement in order to avoid injuries. 1 2 L All areas to be clear of obstruction All materials are stored properly and should not be blocking access and egress Regular Housekeeping will done on site 1 2 L All areas to be clear of obstruction All materials are stored properly and should not be blocking access and egress Regular Housekeeping will done on site 2 1 L 5 Manual Handling 4 2 H Protruding sharp edges tripping, slip Hit by long steel bars Injury to operatives and other people within the vicinity Workers and supervisors Injuries due to fall by slip, trips Workers and supervisors 4 2 H 4 2 H Poor Access and Egress Injuries due to fall by slip, trips Workers and supervisors 4 2 H Encroaching of areas other than the approved site office locations. 6 Mobilization of plant and Equipment Obstructions to other usual movements by the unit’s operating in the area. Obstructions to the services. Vehicle collision that may result to damage of property and serious injury to the people within the vicinity Workers and other people working in the area 4 3 H Movements of trailers and heavy equipment to area Obstructions to other usual movements by the unit’s operating in the area. Obstructions to the services. Vehicle collision that may result to damage of property and serious injury to the people within the vicinity Workers and other people working in the area 4 3 H The area which is allotted by the authority to be covered with screens and protected from other services. Suitable control measures to be sought and approved by the Engineer All services to be identified and protected by approved methods. Agencies working in the vicinity to be informed by adequate means. All areas to be demarked and signage to be placed for the identification of others moving around. All traffic movements to be adequately identified and managed by banks man. All the operations to be supervised thoroughly to avoid the usual services in the area. Workers to be briefed about the method of the work and means of risk mitigating measures. All traffic movements to be adequately identified and managed by banks man. All the operations to be supervised thoroughly to avoid the usual services in the area. Workers to be briefed about the method of the work and means of risk mitigating measures. Daily TBT and task briefing will be given to all operatives involve 2 2 L 2 2 L Coming in to the area and contact with containers, service vehicles and people within the vicinity 7 Use of plant and equipment Untrained drivers and operators Movement of plant and equipment Hitting and collision with the plants and vehicles movement within the area. Hitting the operatives within the area Obstructions to other usual movements by the unit’s operating in the area. Obstructions to the services. Vehicle collision that may result to damage of property and serious injury to the people within the vicinity Workers and other people working in the area 4 Injury and serious accident Plant and equipment damaged Property damaged Operators and other people working within the area Collision of plant and equipment that may result to property damage and serious injury or even fatality of an individual involves on the activity Workers, supervisor and all the people within the vicinity 3 H 4 3 H 4 2 H All traffic movements to be adequately identified and managed by banks man. All the operations to be supervised thoroughly to avoid the usual services in the area. Workers to be briefed about the method of the work and means of risk mitigating measures. 2 2 L All drivers and operators are licensed, trained and certified. Only licensed, trained and certified drivers and operators can operate the plant and equipment 2 1 L All traffic movements to be adequately identified and managed by banks man. All the operations to be supervised thoroughly to avoid the usual services in the area. Workers to be briefed about the method of the work and means of risk mitigating measures. 1 2 L Damaged plant and equipment Damaged equipment 8 Use of Mobile Crane Unstable ground Break Down of the equipment Collapse of the equipment that may result to property damaged and serious injury or even fatality to those involved in the activity Contact with underground utilities Break Down of the equipment Collapse of the equipment that may result to property damaged and serious injury or even fatality to those involved in the activity Contact with underground utilities Collapse of the equipment and property damaged Collapse of the equipment that may result to property damaged and serious injury or even fatality to those involved in the activity Workers and other people working in the area Daily TBT and task briefing will be given to all operatives involve Equipment will be checked before using on site. Equipment should be inspected and certified by a 3rd party Maintenance team will be on site to ensure the damage is rectified immediately 4 3 H Workers and other people working in the area 4 3 H Workers and other people working in the area 4 3 H Equipment will be checked before using on site. Equipment should be inspected and certified by a 3rd party Maintenance team will be on site to ensure the damage is rectified immediately Daily plant and equipment checklist will be made by the operator to ensure the equipment is safe to use Firm level ground, for the crane with packing placed under the outriggers. Inspect the ground condition before setting up the crane 2 2 L 2 2 L 2 2 L Movement of other equipment within the area Untrained operatives Strong wind 9 Use of Crawler Excavator with Vibro Hammer Attachment Untrained operatives Assembly of vibro hammer Hitting and collision with the plants and vehicles movement within the area. Hitting the operatives within the area Workers and other people working in the area Accident and injury due to lack of training and knowledge Delays of work Workers and other people working in the area Unstable lifting and operation of planta and equipment on ground Flying object may occur Accident and injury due to lack of training and knowledge Workers and other people working in the area Accident and injury due to lack of training and knowledge for assembly of the vibro hammer Equipment damage and malfunction Operator and Workers and other people working in the area 4 3 H Operator and Workers and other people working in the area 4 3 H 4 3 H 4 3 H 4 3 H All traffic movements to be adequately identified and managed by banks man. Traffic signage and cones will be provided to control the movement of the plant and equipment TBT and task briefing to all operatives will be given about the risk of the activity 2 2 L Only competent operators will be allowed to operate the plant and equipment TBT and daily task briefing will be given to all operatives involve in the activity 2 2 L 2 2 L Only competent operators will be allowed to operate the plant and equipment TBT and daily task briefing will be given to all operatives involve in the activity 2 2 L Only competent person will do the assembly of the equipment Barricade and adequate signage will be in the area while the assembly of the equipment is on progress. Will use adequate tools, inspect all tools and equipment for the assembly. 2 1 L All unwanted materials will be removed to avoid flying objects during strong wind No work will be allowed during high wind exceeds to 20 km/hr Damaged equipment Uncertified Attachments Movement of other equipment within the area 10 Use of Hand Tools Damaged tools Homemade Tools Break Down of the equipment Collapse of the equipment that may result to property damaged and serious injury or even fatality to those involved in the activity Operator and Workers and other people working in the area Breakdown of the equipment that may result to property damaged Operator and Workers and other people working in the area Hitting and collision with the plants and vehicles movement within the area. Hitting the operatives within the area Workers and other people working in the area Injury to operatives Workers Injury to operatives Poor performance of the tool Can easily be damage or malfunction Workers Provide safe access and egress and working platform if necessary for the assembly of the equipment Equipment will be checked before using on site. Daily plant and equipment checklist will be made by the operator to ensure the equipment is safe to use Equipment should be inspected and certified by a 3rd party Maintenance team will be on site to ensure the damage is rectified immediately 2 2 L All attachments to any equipment will be having a valid inspection certificate from 3rd party 2 1 L All traffic movements to be adequately identified and managed by banks man. Traffic signage and cones will be provided to control the movement of the plant and equipment TBT and task briefing to all operatives will be given about the risk of the activity 2 2 L All tools will be inspected before use and record of inspection will be on site 2 1 L Homemade tools will not be accepted to use on site Immediately confiscate the tool Anyone who brings homemade tools will be given necessary safety violation 2 1 L 4 3 H 4 3 H 4 3 H 4 3 H 4 3 H 11 Hot Works Using of tools while working at heights without lanyard Incompetent person such as welder etc. Damaged tools and equipment Injury to operatives working below Workers and other people within the vicinity Serious injury to the operative and other working within the area Workers and other people within the vicinity Serious injury to the operative and other working within the area Workers and other people within the vicinity 4 3 H 4 3 H 4 3 H All hand tools will be having lanyard to avoid fall from the ground while working at heights 2 1 L All welders are trained and certified by a 3rd party Task briefing and training will be given to all before works starts 2 1 L All equipment such as welding machines, grinders and other power tools use for hot works will be inspected and checked before use. Valid Certificates of inspection of all equipment will be checked and kept on site for record All damaged tools and equipment will not be use on site Regular inspection of all tools and equipment Oxy Acetylene cylinders and compressed gas cylinders utilised for cutting/flame torch will have Flash back arrestors. Fire extinguishers must be readily available must be kept in a convenient place without obstruction. Trained fire marshal should be available. Fire blankets and fire retardant clothings should be utilised. Always wear the right gear – mandatory P.P.E’s in accordance with work must be worn. 2 1 L Poor housekeeping and presence of combustible materials during hot works Storage of LPG, Gas Acetylene, compressed cylinders Fire Injury and serious accident Property Damaged Workers and other people working within the area Fire Injury and serious accident Property Damaged Workers and other people working within the area 4 3 H 12 Failure of Vibro hammer and hydraulic hose Major injury, Serious injury to the work force, property damage 2 1 L 2 1 L 1 2 L 4 3 H 4 3 H Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity Pitching and driving of sheet piles Housekeeping will be done before works starts All combustible materials will be remove before works starts PTW for Hot Works will be issued upon all necessary safety precautions and requirements are in place. A separate storage area for all gas cylinder will be provided on site All cylinders will be secured upright position All cylinders are labelled if full and empty Signage for hazardous gases will be in place Will be kept away from traffic areas Will kept away from sparks and flames Will be having cover caps when not in use Vibro hammer should have 3rd party certificate with certified operator. Daily and monthly inspection of gears and equipment. Workers should keep safe distance from the hammering machine. Hydraulic hose should be inspected for any leaks/damages on daily basis. Noise Striking underground services Permanent disability for the personals Fatality, personal injury Property damage, delay in production, serious injury. Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 4 3 H Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 4 3 H Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity Oil Spillage from plant Damage to existing pavement / Environment 4 3 H 13 Dewatering Dewatering near to electric service. Risk of electrocution. Workers, supervisors and other people 4 3 H Workers to wear hearing protection with attenuation Properties to reduce exposure levels below 80dba over on eight hour working period CAT scanning should be done in all areas prior to hammering the sheet piles to ensure the underground services. As built drawing should be verified. Permit to dig must be raised any services located in the line of the trench must be found and exposed by hand digging. Plant with oil leakage not allowed Plant must be checked before starting the work Existing pavement must be protected with suitable protection Regular maintenance of plants. Spill kits and drip tray needs to be available on site. TBT to be provided. 1 2 L 1 2 L 1 2 L 1 2 L Noise from the Pump Hose with high water pressure. Inadequate dewatering system Damage to the services, collision with workers, heavy fines from authority, personal injury working within the vicinity Fines being imposed from the respective authorities. Noise Exposure. Workers,supervisors and other people working within the vicinity It will hit the employees standing nearby. Entanglement of body parts. Site being flooded with water Workers,supervisors and other people working within the vicinity Property damage Environmental Pollution 4 H 4 Workers and supervisors 3 3 H 4 3 H Forman / supervisor to ensure & comply strictly. Service drawing shall be provided to the construction team, proper monitoring Plant check list will be completed for each plant. Colour coding should be done. Forman or supervisor to ensure. proper maintenance to the machines. All joints will be secured with whip checks Discharge hoses must be routed safely without obstructing the walkways and roads to avoid slips, strips, falls and traffic obstruction Ensure all dewatering system is as per the approved drawing and methods of system Site engineers will inspect all 1 2 L 1 2 L 2 1 L Fire Hazard Injury to operatives within the vicinity Property Damage Injury to operatives within the vicinity Workers and supervisors 4 3 H Cut in discharge lines Property Damage Environmental pollution Workers and supervisors 4 3 H Sediments accumulation at the sedimentation tanks Over flowing of water Property damage Workers and supervisors 4 3 H aspect for the system is working as per the plan Daily inspection will be conducted by safety to ensure all safety measures are being followed as per the approved MSRA by the Dewatering Contractor Daily inspection will be conducted by safety to ensure all safety measures are being followed as per the approved MSRA by the Dewatering Contractor Equipment for dewatering will be checked and maintained by the contractor to avoid any faulty 2 1 L Daily inspection will be conducted by safety to ensure all safety measures are being followed as per the approved MSRA by the Dewatering Contractor Dewatering lines will be checked and maintained by the contractor to avoid any faulty. Maintenance team from the dewatering contractor will be full time on site to ensure all are working properly and any damage will be rectified immediately 2 1 L Daily inspection will be conducted by safety to ensure all safety measures are being followed as per the approved MSRA by the Dewatering Contractor Dewatering sediments will be checked and maintained by the contractor to avoid any accumulation. Maintenance team from the 2 1 L dewatering contractor will be full time on site to ensure all are working properly and any damage will be rectified immediately Dewatering pump breakdown Property damage Delays of work Workers and supervisors 4 Damage of header pipe during excavation Diesel Spillage Property damage H Workers and supervisors 4 Environmental pollution 3 3 H Workers and supervisors 4 Electrical Hazards Injury to operative within the vicinity, fatality 14 Excavation Serious injury/fatality H Workers and supervisors 4 Hitting the personnel/Other vehicle with JCB, excavator bucket while slewing. 3 Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 3 H Maintenance team from the dewatering contractor will be full time on site to ensure all are working properly and any damage will be rectified immediately 2 1 L Maintenance team from the dewatering contractor will be full time on site to ensure all are working properly and any damage will be rectified immediately 2 1 L Equipment wil be having emergency spill kit Maintenance team from the dewatering contractor will be full time on site to ensure all are working properly and any damage will be rectified immediately 2 1 L TBT and training will be given to all about all hazards associated on the activity Maintenance team from the dewatering contractor will be full time on site to ensure all are working properly and any damage will be rectified immediately 2 1 L 1 2 L NOC’s & PTW to be obtained prior to start of work. 4 3 H Plant slewing area shall be barricaded to prevent un authorized entry. Helper/guide to the operator should stay in a safe distance. If need to go to the work area for anything, operator should be asked to stop the operation. Ensure operator understood that you or someone is entering the work area. Operator should start the operation only after ensuring the slewing area is clear. No personnel should be sitting/ resting near/under the tier of the excavator. Operator should be careful about his surroundings. Nearby traffic shall be diverted as necessary to a safe distance from boom radius of excavator. Hitting any underground services Explosion, burns, electrocution, flooding, property damage Workers,supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 4 3 H Drawings to be referred to identify any underground services. Team should be cautious as there can be services which are not shown/ identified in the drawing in land/air side. 1 2 L Collapse of excavated trench Causing serious injury/ workers being buried, Damage to services Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 4 3 H Fall in to excavation Serious injury Workers,supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 4 3 H Trial trench to be completed before doing the excavation. Cable detectors shall be used frequently during excavation to ensure no live electrical cable is buried under ground and this shall be recorded. Additional safety measures required as per the NOC shall be strictly followed. Extreme care to be taken while working close to the identified Proper trench support to be done for excavation depth exceeding 1.2m Excavated trenches to be inspected on daily basis and in case of unexpected rain. Daily excavation check list to be maintained at work place. Excavated materials to be kept a minimum of 1.00m away from the excavation Excavated area shall be adequately barricaded. Signage should be posted to alert and prevent unauthorized entry. Barrier should be placed at least one meter distance from the edge of excavation. 1 2 L 1 2 L Proper access to the excavation shall be provided Oil Spillage from plant Damage to existing pavement / Environment. Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 4 3 H Welding H beams Incorrect connection to welding machine. Machine unearthed Cutting of H -beams With flame torch 15 Poor welding operation. Burns, injury to employees. electrical shock. Ignition, fire and explosion Personal injury fire Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 4 3 H Plant with oil leakage not allowed Plant must be checked before starting the work Existing pavement must be protected with suitable protection Regular maintenance of plants. Spill kits and drip tray needs to be available on site Operator and supervisor must ensure only approved connections are used. Operator / Supervisor to ensure. Maintain routine and regular housekeeping. Signs of slips, trips and falls should be avoided. Fire retardant clothing Fire blankets must be provided and fire extinguisher must be easily available. Trained fire fighter must be available. Flames, sparks shatter must be controlled. 1 2 L 1 2 L Incompetent operator and machine Absence of fire extinguisher and fire watcher Work carried out without permits Extraction of sheet piles 16 Failure of Vibro hammer, hydraulic hose and other lifting gears, load failure Striking underground utilities. Plant hiting, striking operatives in the vicinity. Poor welding operation, Personal injury Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 4 3 H Fire, Explosion, Injury to people, Damage to property. Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity Delay of work, Fine from authorities, personal/serio us injuries Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity Major injury, Serious injury to the work force, property damage fatality loss of reputation delay in project. Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 4 3 H 4 3 H 4 3 H Operator must be certified as competent. foreman to have copy of operator certificate of competency . Daily inspection checklist Fire extinguisher and fire watcher must be on hot work area, Proper monitoring, permit to work system, daily inspection checklist Hot work permits to be obtained on each day. Supervisor/ Engineer/ safety officer to ensure that the permit to work system is followed. Vibro hammer should have 3rd party certificate with certified operator. Daily and monthly inspection of gears and equipment. Workers should keep safe distance from the hammering machine. Hydraulic hose should be inspected for any leaks/damages on daily basis. All lifting gears need to be certified by 3rd party. Daily and 1 2 L 1 2 L 1 2 L 1 2 L Noise/vibration Permanent disability for the personals Workers, 4 3 H monthly inspection of gears and equipment. Workers should keep safe distance from the sheet piles. Only serviceable and certified lifting gears of appropriate capacity will only be used for lifting loads. Foreman/ supervisor to ensure strict compliance. Third party certified rigger should be there to control the lifting activity. Trained banksman/flagman should be available. Follow plant 3 meter rule. 360 degree checks prior to start of operation by the plant operator. NOC’s from the concerned authorities. Refer drawings/general layouts of the area, scanning to obtain utilities route. Communicate with workforce regarding hazards all mitigation measures. Close monitoring and supervision. Workers to wear hearing protection with attenuation. 1 2 L Damage to the adjacent property, soil collapse supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 17 Drilling & anchoring operations Crane operator / crane / lifting gears not certified and competent. Drilling Lifted loads will fall, Crane can turn over. Damage to property serious of fatal injury to people. Under Ground pipeline and electrical cables. Existing structure /building Noise Physical Injury Property Damage, fire Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 4 3 3 Crane / operator/ lifting gears to be certified. Plant check list to be completed and signed by yard manager. Foreman/ supervisor to strictly comply. Obtain NOC and follow re The rigging/ slinging/lifting and shifting will be carried out under the strict of competent and certified banksman. H Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 4 Properties to reduce exposure levels below 80dba over on eight hour working period. The Peak Particle Velocity (ppv) should be limited to 15 mm/sec for continuous vibration and 30 mm/sec for intermittent vibration. Trenches should be backfilled and compacted immediately after completion of underground works such as laying of utilities or pipes H Foreman/ supervisor to strictly comply. TBT to be [provided to the operators. 1 2 L 1 2 L Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 4 Sealed and packed steel wire bundle placing in the anchor stand. Banks man not competent/ certified/ not available. Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 3 Permits to be provided at work area. Toolbox to be given before starting the job. Personnel to wear suitable gloves/footwear. Cable avoidance tools to be used prior to rock drilling in order to determine presence of live cables. Services drawing to be used to determine cable/pipeline routes. H Trail hand digging to be under taken in order to verify cable / pipelines routes. Temporary sharing or supporting of existing foundations/building will be carried out prior to commencement of rock drilling. Personnel carrying out drilling work will wear safety helmets, gloves, safety footwear, eye and hearing protection While lifting and moving wire bundle taglines will be used to control the involuntary movement of the lifted steel bundle. 4 3 H 1 2 L 1 2 L Sealed and packed steel wire bundle placing in the anchor stand. Cutting of iron strip binding for removing the packing Operative’s fingers / forearm can be caught inbetween the stand and the wire bundle. Serious injury to forearm/ fingers. Permanent disability. The steel strip binding under tension When cut, can recoil and hit the operatives. Serious full body injury The taglines will be used as guiding the steel bundle in to the stand. Foreman/ supervisor to strictly comply. TBT to be provided to the operators. While lifting and moving wire bundle taglines will be used to control the involuntary movement of the lifted steel bundle. Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 4 3 H Foreman/ supervisor to strictly comply. TBT to be provided to the operators. All operatives will stay away at a safe distance from the stand and the operative using the cutter will not stand allied to the strip binding however he will stand in front of the diameter of the bundle and cut the strip. Foreman/ supervisor to strictly comply. Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 4 3 H Manual handling of steel strands. i.e Poor housekeeping. Workers, 4 3 H The taglines will be used as guiding the steel bundle in to the stand. TBT to be provided to the operators. Good housekeeping will always be maintained. The 1 2 L 1 2 L 1 2 L pulling, lifting and shifting. Operatives not aware of the area to be pulled lift and shift. Operatives can fall leading to serious injury supervisors and other people working within the vicinity The whipping rope can hit the operative holding the steel rope and the operatives standing nearby. Serious injury to people. Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity operatives will be briefed the area through which the rope to pulled, lifted and shifted. Foreman/ supervisor to strictly comply. TBT to be [provided to the operators. Whipping of steel rope while cutting. No hot work permit system followed. Using inappropriate cutting disk (using concrete cutting disk for steel cutting) Fire and explosion leading to serious injury and damage to property. The cutting disk running under high RPM will break and injure the operatives. 4 3 No operatives other than the employee holding the steel rope will stand near the point of cutting the steel rope. Foreman/ supervisor to strictly comply. TBT to be provided to the operators. H Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 4 3 H Hot work permit will be obtained before commencement of cutting activities. Foreman/ supervisor to strictly comply. TBT to be [provided to the operators Only steel cutting disk will be used for cutting the steel rope. Operatives will wear full face shield to protect themselves from the projectiles emitted. Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 4 3 H Foreman/ supervisor to strictly comply. TBT to be [provided to the operators 1 2 L 1 2 L 1 2 L Faulty tools. No safety guards, Faulty cables, Grinder handle faulty. In competent operator. Can injure operatives, risk of electrocution. Serious injury to people. Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 4 3 H Poor housekeeping in the area where Cutting of PVC Pipe is carried out. Not using hand protection while Inserting of anchor strand in PVC pipe, handling of steel rope etc. Not using eye protection. Folding the fabricated anchor strand. 18 De-stressing Backfilling and cutting of sheet piles. whaler beam/bracket Tipping and falling, Injury to fore arm and fingers. Injury to eyes, full body etc. The recoiling effect of the bent stand can hit the operatives and peoples standing nearby. Serious injury to people. Active and passive pressure on sheet pile due Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 4 3 H Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 4 Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity 4 .3 .3 H H Serviceable tools will only be used; Electric cables will be of good condition. Safety guards will in place. Only trained and competent operatives will be deployed to use the electrical tools. 1 2 L 1 2 L 1 2 L 1 2 L Foreman/ supervisor to strictly comply. TBT to be provided to the operators All PPE i.e. cover all, hard hat, eye protection, hand protection, safety shoes will always be worn during the activity and face shield will be worn while using electrical/ hand operated cutting tools. Five people will be deployed to lift the steel strand from one end and bend it from the middle then join with the other end and tie with steel wire. Steel fixer trained and competent will be deployed to perform the activity. Area will be barricaded to restrict unauthorized entry. Sufficient signage will be displayed for awareness. Backfilling must be completed up to each anchoring level prior to whaler beam cutting. to soil in front and behind sheet pile Structural Collapse resulting in Fatalities, Serious injuries. High deformations Sparks, flames, metal slag. Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity Lifting Operations (Fixing & handling) finger cut serious injury cuts from sharp edges Load Drop 4 3 H Structural design of should be carried out by professional engineer. Design should fulfil the specifications requirement; the structure should carry the load for which it is designed for. Extreme care must be taken during cutting / hot work operations – Hot Work Permit must be acquired. competent labours Safe system of work. PPE TBT. Proper supervision No lifting if the wind speed exceeds 42km/hr. Crane to be stationed on firm ground Care to be taken to prevent load hitting personal during lifting/slewing/placing of loads. Certified lifting equipment and gears Competent operator & riggers Mobile/ crawler crane should be positioned in a firm and level ground. Positioned at least 1 meter away from the edge of excavation. Position at least 5m away from dyke edges Swing area to be barricaded for mobile/crawler crane. 1 2 L Workers, supervisors and other people working within the vicinity working in lower levels. Fatality And serious injury if work methodology not followed. Working direct to the sun/open area Heat Stress and dehydration Unconsciousness Workers and supervisor 18 Weather Condition Humid/Hot Weather 4 3 H Softeners to be used when lifting sharp objects. No one should stand under the load. competent labours Safe system of work. PPE TBT. Proper supervision Proper, safe and stabilized platform. Destressing must only be started after lowering/backfilling with proper compaction to anchoring level. Access and egress to be safe and clean Access ladder to low level platforms if required. Man lift baskets for emergency. (Only certified bucket can be used as per approved Standards). Shaded area to be provided in the working area Sufficient water supply/cool drinking water to be given Hydralyte or water hydrating solution to be given to all operatives during summer or hot weather condition Adequate ventilation on the rest area for all operatives will be provided Rotation of work will be arranged if necessary to avoid excessive work or continuous work under the 2 1 L Sound/Noise 19 Environment Poor communication due to high sound Workers cannot focus on the task due to high sound within the area of work Workers and supervisor 4 2 M Dust/Sand Storm Strong wind Poor visibility Dust generation Ill health/respiratory trouble to workers Workers and supervisor Uncontrolled lifting Flying Objects and materials Collapse of Structure Workers and supervisor Environmental Damage and contamination Workers and supervisor General Waste and other type of waste 4 2 M 4 2 M 4 2 M humid or hot weather TBT and training will be given to all operative for awareness with regards to heat stress and other related case due to weather condition Adequate supervision at all times to ensure all the workers are in good condition whilst working direct to the sun or humid weather condition Use of appropriate PPE will be given to all operatives such as ear plugs Monitor the sound within the area of work if exceeds to the required decibels will stop the activity Use of adequate equipment and tools which has low volume of sound All plant and equipment are to be maintained regularly and record will be in place 2 1 L No work will be commence if sand storm occurs Use of Dust mask will be provided to all operatives 2 1 L All unwanted materials will be removed to avoid flying objects during strong wind No work will be allowed during high wind exceeds to 20 km/hr 2 1 L All waste will be properly segregated as per classification and will be dispose accordingly as per DM approved waste collection 2 1 L company Inadequate emergency response and arrangements Poor communication Death / extensive loss Workers and other people within the vicinity 20 4 Emergency 3 H Approved By : Project Manager Reviewed By : HSE Dept Reviewed By : Engineering Manager Prepared By : Project HSE Lead First-aid box and trained first abider onsite. Emergency response should be in accordance with the project emergency response plan. Emergency contact number will be posted at site. Emergency contact numbers are available with the HSE Plan. Medical facilities (clinic, nurse, ambulance) Communication by mobile Project emergency contact help number Proper exclusion ones should be maintained at all times of work to avoid pedestrian, public, kids hindrance. Next Review Date : 28-6-2018 2 1 L